Browse Items (277 total)

Scenario#: LOF03     Date: 06/06/1944     Location: Normandy, France

After being dropped far from their designated DZ, Lt. Winters and a number of Easy men finally found their way to the battalion rally point at Le Grand Chemin, about three miles west of Utah Beach. There, Lt. Col. Strayer …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesLine of Fire #02

Scenario#: LOF01     Date: 12/16/1944     Location: Bastonge, Belgium

The beginning of the German 's Ardennes Offensíve. In the center of the German lines, the 26th Volksgrenadier and Panzer Lehr Divisions thrust toward the critical road function of Bastogne along the inadequate, rural road system of Belgium. The 26th…

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesLine of Fire #01

Scenario#: DD14     Date: 06/11/1940     Location: St. Pierre-le-viger, France

The British 51st Highland Division was being squeezed into a small pocket around the town of Dieppe by Erwin Rommel and his 7th Panzer Division. Rommel was doing his best to capture the division before it could escape across the …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesIn Defeat Defiance

Scenario#: DD13     Date: 06/04/1940     Location: S Of Abbeville, France

The German blitzkrieg cut across northern France to the Englidh Channel like a scythe, with the Somme River forming its lower edge. In an effort to retake the German-held bridgeheads along the Somme, a combined British-Prench attack northward along…

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesIn Defeat Defiance

Scenario#: DD12     Date: 05/28/1940     Location: Woesten, Belgium

As the British 3rd Infanty Division attempted to withdraw to prepared positions at dusk, the Germans attacked the remaining rear-guard elements. Hand-to-hand fighting broke out as the Irishmen of the Royal Ulster Rifies made a desperate stand to…

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesIn Defeat Defiance

Scenario#: DD11     Date: 05/28/1940     Location: Wormhout, France

The noose was tightening on the beleaguered allied forces. Curiously,Hitler had ordered a halt to the blitzkrieg. Sepp Deitrich, Commander SS Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler, on his own initiative, decided to push the attack. British troops were assigned…

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesIn Defeat Defiance

Scenario#: DD10     Date: 05/27/1940     Location: La Bassée, France

German infantry of the 7th Panzer division had infiltrated the La Bassee Canal defense line and had established a small bridgehead. As German engineers were building a pontoon bridge over the canal for reinforcements, a combined Allied infantry-armor…

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesIn Defeat Defiance

Scenario#: DD09     Date: 05/25/1940     Location: Calais, France

The Allies were determined to hold onto all of the major seaports as long as they could. Calais had traditionally been a crucial strongpoint in channel crossings. Most of the city was made into a makeshift fortress. The 1st Panzer …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesIn Defeat Defiance

Scenario#: DD08     Date: 05/25/1940     Location: Avalette, France

An allied defense line using the Brasse canal had been successful in stopping the relentless advance of the German Army. The British were so stubborn that General Rommel went to …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesIn Defeat Defiance

Scenario#: DD07     Date: 05/24/1940     Location: E Of Calais, France

The Allies had collapsed into a defensive pocket around the Channel ports. In order for 360,000 rations for the BEF to be brought from Calais to Dunkirk, the road between the two cities had to be reconnoitered and secured. An …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesIn Defeat Defiance

Scenario#: DD06     Date: 05/22/1940     Location: Outrea, France

The 2nd Panzer Division had the port of Boulogne as its final objective. Resistance had been stubborn on the southern approaches. Aerial reconnaissance revealed that the low road by the village of Outrea would be the most advantageous route into …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesIn Defeat Defiance

Scenario#: DD05     Date: 05/21/1940     Location: Near Warlus, France

The Allied counterattack near Arras had started splendidly. The German defenses were no match for the slow but heavily armored Matilda n tanks. Combined infantry and armored elements were assigned to take a series of villages west of Arras. They …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesIn Defeat Defiance

Scenario#: DD04     Date: 05/13/1940     Location: Rotterdam, Holland

The Willemsbrug Bridge over the Nieuwe Maas in central Rotterdam was fiercely contested since the Blitzkrieg began on the 10th. The Germans clung to a bridgehead on the north side, but were unable to extend it, with most of their …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesIn Defeat Defiance

Scenario#: DD03     Date: 05/11/1940     Location: W Of Wageningen, Holland

On the morning of May 11th German stormtroopers of the SS Standarte der Fuhrer attacked central Holland. The Grebheline was an outer Dutch defensive position extending from the Ijsselmeer, an artificial lake in the north, south to the rehbeberg, …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesIn Defeat Defiance

Scenario#: DD02     Date: 05/10/1940     Location: Dordrecht, Holland

As the Blitzkrieg in Holland began, the Germans had to capture the traffic bridge in Dordrecht intact in order to allow the flow of forces from the border to reach Rotterdam and The Hague. A platoon from the 3rd Company, …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesIn Defeat Defiance

Scenario#: DD01     Date: 05/10/1940     Location: Ypenburg, Holland

To open the Battle of the Netherlands, the Germans had planned a grand endeavor to capture not just The Hague, and the main Dutch military headquarters there, but the Dutch Royal Family and the Cabinet. Crucial to this effort was …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesIn Defeat Defiance

Scenario#: HotM17     Date: 1942-12-16     Location: Sw Of Stalingrad, Russia

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of the Motherland

Scenario#: HotM16     Date: 1942-12-15     Location: Verkhne-kumsky, Russia

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of the Motherland

Scenario#: HotM15     Date: 1942-12-14     Location: Sw Of Stalingrad, Russia

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of the Motherland

Scenario#: HotM14     Date: 1942-12-13     Location: Verkhne-kumsky, Russia

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of the Motherland

Scenario#: HotM13     Date: 1942-12-13     Location: Sw Of Stalingrad, Russia

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of the Motherland

Scenario#: HotM12     Date: 1945-02-22     Location: Budapest, Hungary

Hitler's Operation Spring Awakening, using six Waffen SS divisions to counterattack and relieve entrapped units in Budapest, was off to a slow start. Mud and dogged Russian defiance once again were the culprits, denying quick rnaneuver and advance.…

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of the Motherland

Scenario#: HotM11     Date: 1944-02-16     Location: Lysyanka, Russia

Once again, the Soviet armies had encircled German forces on the tenuous and dynamic Ost Front. The encircled this time were six German Divisions that had been holding defensive positions along the Dnepr River in the Korsun Pocket. German High…

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of the Motherland

Scenario#: HotM10     Date: 1943-07-12     Location: Prochorovka, Russia

Right after 5 a.m., on July 12th, hundreds of Soviet tanks and assault guns rolled out of Prochorovka and slammed into the German SS Leibstandarte Division, which had stalled just west of the town. Streams of T-34 and T-70 tanks, loaded with…

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of the Motherland

Scenario#: HotM09     Date: 1943-01-12     Location: S Of Livny, Russia

The Soviet winter offensive of 1943 threw the Germans back along the breadth of the Eastern Front, frequently creating ruptures in the Wehrmacht's line, both large and small. In this fictitious scenario, a small German reconnaissance group, probing…

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of the Motherland

Scenario#: HotM08     Date: 1942-12-31     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

Operation Uranus had been a success for Soviet command. They had effectively encircled the German 6th Army at Stalingrad. The Germans formed a defensive perimeter (nicknamed, The Cauldron) and dug in, still hoping they would soon be relieved. The…

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of the Motherland

Scenario#: HotM07     Date: 1942-12-08     Location: Nw Of Verchne Solonovski, Russia

German High Command launched a counter offensive to attempt to relieve the encircled 6th Army at Stalingrad, and made steady progress, approaching within 25 miles of the 6th Anny lines before the Soviets retaliated. After some initial success, the…

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of the Motherland

Scenario#: HotM06     Date: 1942-11-22     Location: Kalach, Russia

The Final objective for Russia's Operation Uranus was to seal off any escape for the embattled 6th Army by taking the bridge over the Don River at Kalach. Using a handful of captured tanks, Lieutenant-Colonel Filippov drove right through cheering…

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of the Motherland

Scenario#: HotM05     Date: 1942-10-01     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

On the 26th of September, 1942, Y.F. Pavlov and three other Soviet Soldiers of the 13th Guards Rifle Division, searched and secured a large apartment house on the edge of the 9 January Square known as the House of Soviets No.4. Pavlov and a mix-match…

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of the Motherland

Scenario#: HotM04     Date: 1942-10-01     Location: Bryansk Forest, Russia

Partisan forces became better organized as the war in the east entered its second year. There was exceptionally strong partisan activity in the Bryansk forest of modern day Belorus. From the forest, thousands of partisans and clandestine Russian…

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of the Motherland

Scenario#: HotM03     Date: 1942-10-30     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

The 14th Panzer Division had been given the task of clearing the southern area of the city known as the Bread Factory and getting to the Volga River. Suffering horrendous casualties, the Germans took the Bread Factory and were just 50 meters from the…

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of the Motherland

Scenario#: HotM02     Date: 1942-09-01     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

For months the Germans had pushed the Soviets across the steppes. The Soviet's victories of the previous winter were but a bad dream, long forgotten. German Panzers ruled the plains, Bf-109s ruled the sky, and all was right with the world. It was,…

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of the Motherland

Scenario#: HotM01     Date: 1942-09-21     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

After a few initial set hacks, German forces were making steady progress towards clearíng the city of Soviet troops. On September 20th, a German infantry assault was repulsed around the building known as the Nail Factory by stalwart elements of the…

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of the Motherland

Scenario#: HB16     Date: 05/18/1940     Location: Between Olizy And La Ferté, France

Following the Panzer Divisions through the Ardennes breach. the German infantry turned to the fortified sectors of the Maginot Line that flanked the breakihrough. Soon, the French casemates of the Montmedy sectors on Hill 311 were under attack, and…

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesHeroes of the Blitzkrieg

Scenario#: HB15     Date: 05/22/1940     Location: Mont St Eloi, France

As the German Panzers raced toward the sea. the capacity for the French to re-establish a continuous front appeared impossible. The remnants of the Allied forces were reduced to counterattacking the base of the German bulge. West of Arras, which …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesHeroes of the Blitzkrieg

Scenario#: HB14     Date: 05/12/1940     Location: Thisne, Belgium

Hannut, Belgium, saw WWII's first tank battle. On the second day of the battle, the French began to retreat into positions flanking the 4th Panzer Division. Though the Germans wanted to press their advance, they didn't want to risk becoming …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesHeroes of the Blitzkrieg

Scenario#: HB13     Date: 06/18/1940     Location: Heming, France

On the day General DeGaulle issued his call from London, one day after Pétain called for ceasefire and Armistice, the French Army fought one last battle. The men who were charged with defending the Maginot Line now had to defend …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesHeroes of the Blitzkrieg

Scenario#: HB12     Date: 05/10/1940     Location: Bodange, Belgium

The 1st Panzer Division entered Belgium without difficulty. The Germans hoped to take Neufcháteau on the same day and then rush to the west. but most of the bridges over the Sure River had been destroyed and, at first, only …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesHeroes of the Blitzkrieg

Scenario#: HB11     Date: 05/17/1940     Location: Vervins, France

The Germans that crossed the Meuse at Monthermé continued their western push in an effort to take the bridges on the Oise River and Oise-Sambre Canal system. Though the French 9th Army was collapsing. the French HG threw forward several …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesHeroes of the Blitzkrieg

Scenario#: HB10     Date: 05/14/1940     Location: Monthermé, France

By the evening of May 14th the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Panzer Divisions had established a bridgehead at Sedan. The 5th and 7th Panzer Divisions had established a bridgehead in the area of Dinant and Houx but the spearhead of …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesHeroes of the Blitzkrieg

Scenario#: HB09     Date: 05/10/1940     Location: Martelange, Belgium

In the morning, the 1st Panzer Division crossed Luxembourg, and its advanced guards were ready to enter Belgium as soon as possible. On the border, in Martelange, the Chasseurs Ardennais were ready to fight, and hosted their defenses. Bridges had …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesHeroes of the Blitzkrieg

Scenario#: HB08     Date: 05/20/1940     Location: Landrecies, France

Around the Mormal Forest, remnants of several disorganized French divisions attempted to counterattack the 5th and 7th Panzer Divisions, the spearhead of the German Army. During five deadly days. an almost uninterrupted series of brutal and chaotic…

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesHeroes of the Blitzkrieg

Scenario#: HB07     Date: 06/10/1940     Location: Perthes, France

On June 9th, the Germans crossed the Aisne River near Bethel. But they needed to increase the bridgehead to allow all their tanks to cross the Aisne. While the 1st and 2nd Panzer Divisions strengthened the Aisne bridgehead, the 17th …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesHeroes of the Blitzkrieg

Scenario#: HB06     Date: 05/15/1940     Location: La Horgne, France

After successfully crossing the Mouse River. Guderian's Panzer Korps broke away from the Sedan bridgehead. ln front of them remained only scattered units. One of them, the 3rd Brigade of Spahis, North African Cavalry, was ordered to hold the road …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesHeroes of the Blitzkrieg

Scenario#: HB05     Date: 11/01/1939     Location: Schwarzenbach, Germany

In No-man's Land, French recon patrols identified a German presence near the road crossing at the Winsbach Forest. Elements of the 5th Colonial lnfantry Regiment were ordered to clear the area, in a coordinated assault with the 15th Chasseurs Alpins…

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesHeroes of the Blitzkrieg

Scenario#: HB04     Date: 05/28/1940     Location: Huppy, France

On May 21st the Germans created a bridgehead over the Somme at Abbeville. General De Gaulle and his brand new 4th OCR (Armored Division) was ordered to stop the enemy advance. The Germans had fortified an area adjacent to the …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesHeroes of the Blitzkrieg

Scenario#: HB03     Date: 06/05/1940     Location: Peronne, France

After the defeat in the Belgian plains and the reduction of the pocket of Dunkirk, the German Army launched Fall Rot. the second stage of the 1940 Western Campaign. On the 360 km long front of the Somme and Aisne …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesHeroes of the Blitzkrieg

Scenario#: HB02     Date: 06/07/1940     Location: Airaines, France

Dunkirk had fallen, the Belgian Army had surrendered, and the British had left. The best French divisions were trapped in the north and the east. The situation was desperate. Behind the Somme River. every village was hastily fortified in hopes …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesHeroes of the Blitzkrieg

Scenario#: HB01     Date: 01/01/1940     Location: Forbach, France

During the period preceding the German offensive both the French and the Germans kept their positions along the border. France had invaded the Saar "country but retreated after the Polish capitulation. War was then an affair of recon patrols, brutal…

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesHeroes of the Blitzkrieg

Scenario#: HoN30     Date: 1944-09-19     Location: Arnhem, Holland

Colonel John Frost's 2"^ Parachute Battalion had orders to take and hold the Arnhem Bridge until relieved. He had taken one end of the bridge and had established a small perimeter with the limited resources at his disposal. Now, with mounting German…

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of Normandy