Browse Items (942 total)

Scenario#: G01     Date: 7/12/1941     Location: Gomel, Russia

German armored spearheads were advancing on Smolensk. In a desperate bid to save the city, Timoshenko gathered together a mixed force of twenty divisions and launched a flanking attack. The thin screen of infantry-men of the Germans 10th Motorized…

Advanced Squad LeaderThe General #23.3

Scenario#: N     Date: 10/10/1944     Location: Radzymin, Poland

The men of the SS Totenkopf Division had stalled the advance of the Fifth Guards Tank Army in late September. Then, silence. No fighting had occurred for the past three weeks. It was too good, too unreal. A feeling of unease pervaded the encampment.…

Advanced Squad LeaderThe General #25.6

Scenario#: G10     Date: 1/3/1942     Location: Gribovo, Russia

In late December, while the battles for Moscow were still boiling cauldrons, STAVKA ordered four Soviet armies to attack and destroy the German 4th Army. To assist in the action, a tactical airdrop by Soviet Paratroopers was planned to disrupt German…

Advanced Squad LeaderThe General #26.2

Scenario#: G12     Date: 2/6/1943     Location: Nalchik, Russia

For almost three months the German 1st Mountain and the Russian 318th Mountain Rifle divisions were locked together in combat on the slopes of Mount Elbrus. February 6th was a typical day, as simultaneous attacks on two ridges separated by a shallow…

Advanced Squad LeaderThe General #27.1

Scenario#: G14     Date: 2/11/1943     Location: Chernichevo, Russia

The Soviets had taken Krasny Bor. The 4th SS-Polizei Division, to the right of the hapless Spanish 250th Azul Division, managed to withstand the attack and blocked the highway for the time being. Nevertheless, a large number of Russian tanks bypassed…

Advanced Squad LeaderThe General #28.3

Scenario#: R     Date: 12/2/1941     Location: Burzevo, Russia

Along the Minsk-Moscow highway, von Kluge’s Fourth Army made a last, desperate effort to dislodge the defending Russians b y an encircling attack from the south. The only real progress was made by the 258th Infantry Division which managed to capture…

Advanced Squad LeaderThe General #28.3

Scenario#: G17     Date: 1/12/1940     Location: Vetko, Finland

With their victories in the north, Finnish reinforcements were dispatched to the Kuhmo sector to seal the fate of the Soviet’s 54th Rifle Division, whose own advance had stalled in the frozen marshland. To counter, Russia’s only trained ski troops,…

Advanced Squad LeaderThe General #29.2

Scenario#: G34     Date: 4/2/1945     Location: Wiener Neustadt, Austria

Following the collapse of Hitler's Awakening of Spring, on March 16th, Marshall Tolbuhkin's 3rd Ukrainian Front went over to the attack. The 6th Guards Tank Army was placed at his disposal to deal with the stiff resistance. On April 2nd, having…

Advanced Squad LeaderThe General #31.1

Scenario#: G40     Date: 9/7/1939     Location: Pabiance, Poland

As the 23rd Panzer Regiment failed to take Pabiance, the Leibstandarte Adolph Hitler entered into the firestorm and made great gains. Other units, however, couldn’t keep up with the Leibstandarte, with the result being a salient. The Waffen SS attack…

Advanced Squad LeaderThe General #31.5

Scenario#: U14     Date: 9/1/1939     Location: Novy Targ, Poland

Despite the known German troop concentrations at the border, the Polish Army was taken by complete tactical surprise. Many Polish units were in the process of moving to their defensive positions or areas of concentration when the attack commenced.…

Advanced Squad LeaderTurning the Tide

Scenario#: U15     Date: 9/6/1939     Location: Central, Poland

For two days the Poles desperately tried to hold a line in the vicinity of the Warta and Widawka Rivers but were gradually pushed back. However, the stubborn resistance of the crack Polish 10th Infantry Division was threatening to throw the German…

Advanced Squad LeaderTurning the Tide

Scenario#: U16     Date: 9/12/1939     Location: Gdynia, Poland

As the German attack in the northern Corridor made steady progress to capture the Polish ports, resistance finally began to stiffen as Polish naval units were committed to a ground combat role. One by one the surrounding ports of Gdynia began to draw…

Advanced Squad LeaderTurning the Tide

Scenario#: U24     Date: 6/23/1941     Location: Bialystok, Poland

The elite German 18th Panzer Regiment, fresh from amphibious training, was among the lead elements of Army Group Center as they pressed deep into Russia on the day after ‘Barbarossa’. The Soviets, still confused as to the extent of the attack,…

Advanced Squad LeaderTurning the Tide

Scenario#: U25     Date: 7/2/1941     Location: Borisov, Belarus

Borisov, East of the Berezina River, 2 July 1941: After Tenacious fighting the 52nd Panzer Grenadier Regt. drove the Rusians from Borisov and established a bridgehead across the river. The Russians, under direct orders from General Yeremenko, were to…

Advanced Squad LeaderTurning the Tide

Scenario#: U26     Date: 9/11/1941     Location: Leningrad, Russia SEIGE

With the 1st Panzer in the line, the attack moved forward again on the 11th. Eckinger’s I/113th Rifle Regiment, reinforced by a company of the 1st Panzer Regiment and a platoon of engineers, was in the lead. Von Richtofen’s Stukas arrived right on…

Advanced Squad LeaderTurning the Tide

Scenario#: U27     Date: 2/17/1942     Location: Ozerechnya, Russia

Following the Russian winter counteroffensive, the Germans were forced to fall back to isolated pockets in an attempt to survive both the Russians and the Weather. In the resulting gaps, the Russians found useful employment for their cavalry in…

Advanced Squad LeaderTurning the Tide

Scenario#: U28     Date: 12/8/1942     Location: Southern, Russia

Following the encirclement of 6th Army at Stalingrad, the Germans launched a relief effort from their bridgehead at Nizhna Chirskaya, 25 miles from the nearest troops of Sixth Army at Marinowka. The Chir River was to provide the left flank for the…

Advanced Squad LeaderTurning the Tide

Scenario#: U29     Date: 1/1/1943     Location: Noromaryevka, Russia

In an effort to threaten Rostov from the northwest, the Russian XXV Tanks Corps launched its '42-'43 winter offensive on Army Group Don in an attempt to strike at the rear of Army Detachment “Hollidt”. Misled by the slight resistance offered by the…

Advanced Squad LeaderTurning the Tide

Scenario#: U31     Date: 8/22/1943     Location: Kharkov, Russia

As Kharkov fell for the final time, front lines became unclear. Observation posts and defensive lines were held briefly, then abandoned as the Soviets advanced. The front began to stabilize around the Mosh River as units of the Soviet 57th Army…

Advanced Squad LeaderTurning the Tide

Scenario#: U32     Date: 9/24/1943     Location: Dnieper loop between Kaniv and Rzhishchev, Russia

STAVKA (the Soviet high command), detached the Central Front's 3rd Tank Army to the Voronezh Front to race the weakening Germans to the Dnieper, to save the wheat crop from the German scorched earth policy, and to achieve strategic or operational…

Advanced Squad LeaderTurning the Tide

Scenario#: U33     Date: 9/24/1943     Location: Kiev, Russia Second

In mid September 1943 Manstein’s Army Group South initiated a full scale retreat along the entire length of its 600 mile front. The plan was to fall back to the west bank of the Dnieper and redeploy for defense before the Russians could form any…

Advanced Squad LeaderTurning the Tide

Scenario#: WO06     Date: 1/17/1942     Location: Pogost'e, Russia

After five months of siege, the new year saw STAVKA order the Lubyan Offensive to break Army Group North's stranglehold on Leningrad. The focus of the attack was the seam of the German 1st and 28th Armies. Several small penetrations were achieved at…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2012

Scenario#: WO12     Date: 8/28/1942     Location: Siniavino, Russia

Leningrad had been under siege for a year, and several smaller attempts to break the siege had already failed when the Volkhov Front offensive started on the morning of 27 August. On the eastern side of the city, Overst Wengler's Grenadier-Regiment…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2014

Scenario#: WO13     Date: 10/14/1944     Location: Wieleszew, Poland

Even with the battle of Warsaw ended, the 1st Byelorussian Front still attempted to force a crossing of the Vistula north of the city. Standing in its way were the three panzer divisions of the SS Panzer-Korps 4. Both sides had been worn down from…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2014

Scenario#: WO15     Date: 1/27/1944     Location: Oredezh, Russia

Near Leningrad, the German 18th Army had been stripped of many of its frontline units, which created more vulnerable spots for another Soviet breakout attempt. The weaker security (Sicherungs), infantry, and Luftwaffe units were hard-pressed to avoid…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2015

Scenario#: WO20     Date: 2/15/1945     Location: Chojnice, Poland

As the Soviet offensive to secure the right flank of the drive on Berlin, a 50 kilometer gap still existed between two of the German divisions defending Pomerania. The Soviet 70th Army, which included the 1st Guards Tank Corps and the 96th Rifle…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2016

Scenario#: WO21     Date: 6/23/1941     Location: Lvov, Ukraine

VIII Mechanized Corps had been ordered back and forth inside a triangle formed by the towns of Stiy-Peremyshl-Lvov as Soviet high command attempted to bring order from the chaos of the early border battles of Operation BARBAROSSA. Corps Commander Lt.…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2017

Scenario#: WO22     Date: 6/26/1941     Location: Dubno, Russia

XIX Mechanized Crops had done its best to contain the Germans of Army Group South and was now ordered to form part of the northern pincer of a counterattack around an 1,800 square mile triangle formed by the towns of Lutsk, Dubno, and Brody. Due to…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2017

Scenario#: WO25     Date: 9/1/1942     Location: Kotovskiy, Russia

The Soviets occupied a small bulge on the west side of the Don River centered on the small town of Kotovskiy. Daily, both sides launched small attacks to expand their position or to recover what had just been lost. Tired of the back and forth, and…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2018

Scenario#: RB10     Date: 9/11/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

The Sixth Army was being bled white amidst the ruins. The rifle strength of whole companies was often reduced to little more than a squad in an attempt to take a single house. The battle lines were now drawn through the hallways of individual…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL10a - Red Factories

Scenario#: VOTG18     Date: 1942-09-14     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

Defense of Stalingrad’s central district and the all important main ferry landing lay largely in the hands of hastily mobilized militia composed of factory workers and the NKVD garrison. These troops would have to hold the Wehrmacht at bay until the…

Advanced Squad LeaderOperations Special Issue #1

Scenario#: J082     Date: 1942-10-15     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

A bunch of fanatical Russians try to keep the Germans out of a three storey building as they rush from all sides. A bloody battle with lots of very tall …

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #5

Scenario#: HA     Date: 1942-10-31     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

The last ferry-landing across the Volga was under German machinegun fire and the Russians were barely holding their positions in the rubble around Krasny Oktyabr and the Barrikady. Rather than waiting passively for the final blow, the Soviet “Army…

Advanced Squad LeaderThe General #27.1

Scenario#: AH01     Date: 1942-10-27     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

For the Russians, this was rapidly becoming yet another critical day in the defense of their ruined city. Elements of the German 79th Infantry Division had pushed toward the Krasny Oktyabr steel mill, bringing the HQ of Guryev’s 39th Guards Division…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 91

Scenario#: 19     Date: 23 June 1941     Location: Radekhov, Russia

On the eve of Operation Barbarossa, the soldiers of the 11th Panzer were itching for a fight. They were superbly led, well trained, experienced, and had tasted only victory. As they trained near the Soviet border, few believed the official …

Band of BrothersGhost Panzer

Scenario#: 20     Date: 25 June 1941     Location: Dubno, Russia

Although unknown to them at the time, the 11th Panzer Division had become the point of the spear in the largest tank battle in history (to that point). In some ways, it was the "first Kursk". This week long battle, …

Band of BrothersGhost Panzer

Scenario#: 21     Date: 27 June 1941     Location: Dubno, Russia

While the bulk of the 11th Panzer Division was racing onward to Ostrog, Brigade Commissar N.K. Popel, commander of the 8th Mechanized Corp, was told, "If you take Dubno by evening, you'll get a medal. If you don't, you'll be …

Band of BrothersGhost Panzer

Scenario#: 22     Date: 21 July 1941     Location: Uman, Russia

After another month of hard fighting, the 11th Panzer Division was heading towards Uman in an attempt to help encircle a couple of Soviet armies. 5th Company of the 15th Panzer Regiment had, on the 20th, intercepted and destroyed a …

Band of BrothersGhost Panzer

Scenario#: 23     Date: 21 July 1941     Location: Uman, Russia

Although winning battle after battle, the war was beginning to take a toll on the 11th. As they took more casualties and spread out over more territory, they were being stretched thin. They were able to only push a small …

Band of BrothersGhost Panzer

Scenario#: 24     Date: 9 Oct 1941     Location: Vyazma, Russia

The 11th was transferred north to be part of Operation Typhoon, the planned drive on Moscow. The first part of the operation was yet another pincer move - this one would end west of the Russian capital. The division attacked …

Band of BrothersGhost Panzer

Scenario#: 25     Date: 29 Nov 1941     Location: Alabuschevo, Russia

By the middle of November, the ground had frozen enough to allow movement. The Germans once again decided on a pincer move. The goal was to link up at the city of Noginsk, east of the capital. Kampfgruppe Fricke, including …

Band of BrothersGhost Panzer

Scenario#: 26     Date: 1 July 1942     Location: Volovo, Russia

Case Blue was the code name for the German offensive in Russia for 1942. It was a two part plan. The first half of which was an attack eastward toward Voronezh, which would then enable the Germans to drive southward …

Band of BrothersGhost Panzer

Scenario#: 27     Date: 6 July 1942     Location: Krasnaya Polyana, Russia

As the Germans were advancing, the Russians quickly started shifting reinforcements from other areas of the front. Their counterstroke to the German offensive began on July 6th, with both the 67th and 87th Tank Brigades (about 120 tanks) hitting the…

Band of BrothersGhost Panzer

Scenario#: 28     Date: 8 Dec 1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

Although the second half of Case Blue had gone well and immense territorial gains had been made, the offensive came to a halt in the meat grinder of Stalingrad. The Russian counteroffensive cut off the city and the 11th Panzer, …

Band of BrothersGhost Panzer

Scenario#: 29     Date: 28 Feb 1943     Location: Barvenkovo, Russia

By February 1943, the Germans were in big trouble. The encirclement of the 6th Army at Stalingrad was followed by Soviet offenses in January that shattered the Hungarian 2nd Army and the German 2nd Army. The Germans were left over-extended …

Band of BrothersGhost Panzer

Scenario#: 30     Date: 5 July 1943     Location: Butowo, Russia

Manstein argued for an immediate attack once the mud period ended. He wanted to take advantage of the Russians who he felt were still smarting from the Backhand Blow. Hitler, however, preferred to wait for the arrival of the new …

Band of BrothersGhost Panzer

Scenario#: 31     Date: 12 July 1943     Location: Obian, Russia

The first days following the initial attack of the Kursk offensive would see good progress made by the 11th Panzer. However, gains would come slower and slower as the division began to wear down. Eventually, the Gross Deutschland was turned …

Band of BrothersGhost Panzer

Scenario#: 32     Date: 26 Jan 1944     Location: Korsun, Ukraine

In January 1944, disaster struck again for the German Army in Russia. Six divisions of Army Group South became surrounded after sudden attacks by the 1st and 2nd Ukrainian Fronts around the village of Korsun (near the larger town of …

Band of BrothersGhost Panzer

Scenario#: 45     Date: 1 July 1944     Location: Minsk, Belarus

With the 2nd phase of Operation Bagration underway, Army Group Centre faced annihilation as heavy attacks of Russian infantry and tanks carved into its formations, threatening imminent encirclement. German commanders desperately attempted to patch…

Band of BrothersBattle Pack 1

Scenario#: 46     Date: 6 July 1943     Location: Prokhorovka, Russia

As part of the Russian 2nd army’s defensive belt south of Prokhorovka, Lieutenant Colonel Sushkov’s 154th Guards Rifle Regiment, 51st Guards Rifle Division, was ordered to block part of the expected armoured thrust by II SS Panzers Corps north into …

Band of BrothersBattle Pack 1