Browse Items (532 total)

Scenario#: 19380     Date: 11/26/1942     Location: Chouigui Village, Tunisia

The first tank battle between German and American forces took place near Chouigui Pass on November 25, 1942. A German column was headed south from Mateur to reinforce Axis troops that were retreating from Medjez-el-Bab and ran into Lt. Col. …

Memoir '44Battle Maps Series 2 - Through Jungle and Desert

Scenario#: 67     Date: 25-Nov-42     Location: Lamia, Greece

The south end of the Gorgopotamos Bridge near Lamia, Greece, with ELAS partisans seeking to suppress the Italian Garrison while British Demolition commandos prepare to blow the bridge during Operation Harling.

Combat CommanderCC: Resistance

Scenario#: OA03     Date: 11/21/1942     Location: Djebel Lessouda, Tunisia

During Rommel’s enveloping thrust, three dominant hills were bypassed. One such position was held by elements of the British 168th Infantry Brigade. As the Second Battalion holed up to await the U.S. relief effort, every passing German column had the…

Advanced Squad LeaderOut of the Attic

Scenario#: OA25     Date: 11/19/1942     Location: Medjez-El-Bab, Tunisia

The Allied landings on the coast of North Africa caught the Germans by surprise. The ensuing days found Feldmarschall Kesselring scrambling to put men in Tunisia. Lead elements of the 5th Fallschirmjager Regiment landed in Tunisia and were ordered to…

Advanced Squad LeaderOut of the Attic #2

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, 1943-01-01, Northwest Africa - Tunisia - Race for Tunisia 17 November 1942 to 1 January 1943.jpg

Scenario#: OB06     Date: 11/17/1942     Location: Djebel Abiod, Tunisia

The German XC Corps, comprised of various units which had been rushed to hod Tunisia, was attempting to expand the bridgehead perimeter by pushing combat groups towards Medjez el bab, Bedja and Djebel Aboid. The Allied command had the British 78th…

Advanced Squad LeaderOut of the Bunker

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, 1942-11-23, First Actions in Tunisia - 16-23 November 1943.jpg

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, 1943-02-04, North Africa - Pursuit to Tunisia - November 1942 to February 1943.jpg

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, 1942-11-17, Northwest Africa - Algeria-Tunisia - Race for Tunis 11-17 November 1942.jpg

Scenario#: 250     Date: 11/10/1942     Location: Port-Lyautey, Morocco

The first phase of Operation Torch include amphibious landings along the Atlantic coast of Morocco. Many of the primary objectives included the securing of French airdromes in the area. One such field was nestled on three sides by the Sebou River. A…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 10 - Croix de Guerre ( 2nd Edition)

Scenario#: 16     Date: Nov 1942     Location: Tebessa, Algeria

After the success of Operation Torch in November of 1942, Allied forces energetically pursued the Axis forces that had begun retreating into Tunisia. Although progress was extremely slow, the Allies slowly gained vital ground in their advance towards…

Tide of IronDays of the Fox

Scenario#: 35     Date: 10-Nov-42     Location: Port-Lyautey, Morocco

The first phase of Operation Torch included amphibious landings along the Atlantic coast. Many of the primary objectives included the securing of French airdromes in these areas for use in the second phase: the advance into Tunisia. One such field …

Squad LeaderGI: Anvil of Victory

Scenario#: 13177     Date: 11/09/1942     Location: Oran, Algeria

On the morning of November 8th,1942, Allied troops landed in French North Africa, with the hope that the French wouldn’t fight. But in the Oran area, French troops fought against the US Center Task Force of General Fredendall...

Memoir '44Remembrance Scenarios

Scenario#: Comp11     Date: 1942-11-09     Location: Sw Of Port Lyautey, Morroco

The objective of Operation Goa/post, part of the Western Task Force of Operation Torch, was to capture the coastal town of Mehdia, secure the Sebou River and, most importantly, take control of the airfield at Port Lyautey. The …

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 1

Scenario#: HoNA21     Date: 1942-11-09     Location: Sw Of Port Lyautey, Morroco

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of North Africa

Scenario#: LOF10     Date: 11/09/1942     Location: Sw Of Port Lyautey, Morroco

The objective of Operation Goa/post, part of the Western Task Force of Operation Torch, was to capture the coastal town of Mehdia, secure the Sebou River and, most importantly, take control of the airfield at Port Lyautey. The …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesLine of Fire #07

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, 1942-11-11, Northwest Africa - Landing at Fedala and the Capture of Casablanca 8-11 November 1942.jpg

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, 1942-11-10, Northwest Africa - Taking Port-Lyautey 8-10 November 1942.jpg

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, 1942-11-10, Northwest Africa - Seizure of Oran 8-10 November 1942.jpg

Scenario#: Comp10     Date: 1942-11-08     Location: Mehdia, Morroco

During Operation Goalpost, to get to Port Lyautey by road or vía the Sebou River, the Americans had to get past a Vichy French controlled 16th-century citadel in Mehdia, known to the Americans as the Kasbah. The Kashah was heavily …

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 1

Scenario#: Comp09     Date: 1942-11-08     Location: Algiers, Algeria

Operation Torch would be the first test of the American Army in the European Theater. Unfortunately, the initial test would come against the American's soon to be allies, the French. …

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 1

Scenario#: HoNA20     Date: 1942-11-08     Location: Mehdia, Morroco

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of North Africa

Scenario#: HoNA19     Date: 1942-11-08     Location: W Of Oran, Algeria

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of North Africa

Scenario#: HoNA18     Date: 1942-11-08     Location: Algiers, Algeria

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of North Africa

Scenario#: LOF11     Date: 11/08/1942     Location: Algiers, Algeria

Torch would be the first test of the American Army in the European Theater. Unfortunately, the initial test would come against the American's soon to be allies, the French. The …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesLine of Fire #08

Scenario#: LOF09     Date: 11/08/1942     Location: Mehdia, Morroco

During Operation Goalpost, to get to Port Lyautey by road or vía the Sebou River, the Americans had to get past a Vichy French controlled 16th-century citadel in Mehdia, known to the Americans as the Kasbah. The Kashah was heavily …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesLine of Fire #07

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, Landings in Algiers - 8 Noember 1942.jpg

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, Northwest Africa - Safi Landing Area French Defenses and Landing Plan 8 November 1942.jpg

Scenario#: OA31     Date: 11/8/1942     Location: Fedala, Morocco

Among those landed in the initial stages of Operation Torch, the 7th RLT was assigned to capture the Batterie de Fedala. After a shaky landing at beach Red 2, the 1st Battalion moved easily through Fedala. A member of Patton’s staff, Colonel Wilbur,…

Advanced Squad LeaderOut of the Attic #2

Scenario#: OA24     Date: 11/8/1942     Location: Port-Lyautey, Morocco

As part of the Operation Torch landings in French North Africa, the 60th Regimental Combat Team landed on the beaches in the Mehdia area. Detachments from Company A, 1st Battalion were sent several miles southward to forestall any French…

Advanced Squad LeaderOut of the Attic #2

Scenario#: 80     Date: 11/8/1942     Location: Mehdia, Morocco

On D-Day of Operation Torch, the 2nd Battalion Landing Team (BLT) had in part the critical mission of capturing the coastal defenses of Mehdia before daylight. The Vichy French resisted the landings. In the fight the GIs were unable to halt their own…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 10 - Croix de Guerre

Scenario#: 13     Date: 8 Nov 1942     Location: Oran, Algeria

On. November 8, I942, 556 American paratroopers landed in Oran, Algeria. Most landed off course and were subsequently captured. Deep behind enemy lines, a British force attempts a daring rescue.

Tide of IronDays of the Fox

Scenario#: D04     Date: 1942-11-02     Location: El Alamein, Egypt

The Second Battle of el Alamein was a two part thrust by the Allies to destroy the Afrika Korps. This time, they had superiority in every way: in airpower, tank strength, ínfantry training and equipment, supplies, replacements, and intelligence. The…

Tank LeaderDesert Steel

Scenario#: 17     Date: 30 Oct 1942     Location: El Alamein, Egypt

The second battle of El Alamein in October and November of 1942 was a slugfest that slowly ground down Panzer Army A frika ( which included the original Afiika Korps). But the price paid for victory by the attacking British …

Tide of IronDays of the Fox

Scenario#: HoNA17     Date: 1942-10-27     Location: El Alamein, Egypt

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of North Africa

Scenario#: D13     Date: 1942-10-27     Location: El Alamein, Egypt

The Second Battle of el Alamein began with an artillery barrage heavier than any since World War I. Montgomery assigned 834 25pdr. field guns and 48 medium guns to blast a front of 12,000 yards wide. The creepíng barrage swept …

Tank LeaderDesert Steel

Scenario#: A050     Date: 10/27/1942     Location: El Alamein, Egypt

In an ill-organized night attack during Operation Lightfoot, a battalion of the British 7th Motor Brigade had thrust forward to seize a German-held position. However, unaware that their maps were faulty, the men and carriers advanced along an…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 92

Scenario#: 22561     Date: 10/24/1942     Location: Deir el Munassib, Egypt

In the evening of October 23rd,1942, General Montgomery launched Operation Lightfoot in the north of El Alamein. To the south, a diversion operation planned to engage the Axis mobile units deployed in this sector (21.Panzer Division and Division…

Memoir '44Remembrance Scenarios

Scenario#: HoNA16     Date: 1942-10-24     Location: S Of El Alamein, Egypt

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of North Africa

Scenario#: 20915     Date: 10/23/1942     Location: El Alamein, Egypt

2nd Battle of El Alamein. The stabilized frontline gave both parties the opportunity to prepare. Rommel, short on troops and supplies, prepared his defence and created "devils garden" an area with 500.000 mines and barbwire. Montgomery build up…

Memoir '44Dutch Open 2019

Scenario#: 19363     Date: 10/23/1942     Location: El Alamein, Egypt

In early September, after Rommel's flanking move at Alam Haifa failed, both sides spent the next few weeks reinforcing their positions. Montgomery, satisfied with the outcome, prepared a plan to attack the Germans, and on October 24th, Monty launched…

Memoir '44Battle Maps Series 2 - Through Jungle and Desert

Scenario#: HoNA15     Date: 1942-09-30     Location: Deir-el-munassib, Egypt

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of North Africa

Scenario#: 47     Date: 30 Sept 1942     Location: Barce, Libya

A standard British LRDG patrol, a rapid moving strike force, contained about 40 men armed with heavy weapons (mostly Lewis machine guns) traveling in ex-civilian Fords, Chevrolets and Jeeps. The squads were also armed with anti-tank rifles, and the …

Tide of IronDesigner Series

Scenario#: A095     Date: 9/16/1942     Location: Anjiajia, Madagascar

The Nyasalanders of the King’s African Rifles, with a detachment of South African armored cars, had worked their way from the port of Majunga halfway to the Madagascan capital, Tananarive. The Vichy defenders were handicapped both by the limited…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 96

Scenario#: L     Date: 16-Sep-42     Location: Andriba, Madagascar

The King's African Rifles with detachments of A Squadron, 1st Armoured Car had worked their way from the port of Majunga halfway to the capital city Tananarive, The Vichy defenders were handicapped both by the limited means at their disposal …

Squad LeaderThe General #18.4

Scenario#: 204     Date: September 15, 1942     Location: Northeast, Libya

Operation Nicety was part of Operation Agreement, which included four simultaneous raids on important Axis lines of communication. The operations were against Tobruk, Benghazi, Jalo, and Barce. The objective of …

UndauntedUndaunted: Reinforcements

Scenario#: NA11     Date: 1942/09/14     Location: Barce, Libya

During the attack on Barce, the LRDG patrols attacked Barce Airfield for about an hour. They then withdrew and eventually met up at rally point. According to official Italian figures, the raid resulted in sixteen aircraft destroyed and …

UndauntedUndaunted: North Africa

Scenario#: NA10     Date: 1942/09/14     Location: Barce, Libya

Operation Caravan was part of Operation Agreement, which included four simultaneous raids on important Axis lines of communication. The operations were against Tobruk, Benghazi, Jalo, and Barce. The attack on Barce, code—named Operation Caravan, was…

UndauntedUndaunted: North Africa

Scenario#: HoNA14     Date: 1942-09-13     Location: Barce, Libya

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of North Africa

Scenario#: 6336     Date: 9/13/1942     Location: Barce, Libya

To interrupt Rommel's lines of communication and hamper his anticipated offensive against El Alamein, a number of raids were ordered on key locations to the Axis' rear. The New Zealanders and Guards patrols were sent onto Barce. After traveling 100 …

Memoir '44Battle Maps Series 1 - Disaster at Dieppe