Browse Items (532 total)

Scenario#: 10795     Date: 1/21/1941     Location: Agordat, Abyssinia

Young Italian cavalry officer, Amedeo Guillet was involved in the Abyssinia campaign in 1935. Seriously wounded, he received his first medals for Gallatry in the battle. Then in 1937, he participated in the Spanish civil war in the tanks unit …

Memoir '44Open de France 2013

Scenario#: 10919     Date: 12/14/1943     Location: Casa Berardi, Italy

The small coastal city of Ortona, on the Adriatic Sea, was the place of a violent battle between the British 8th Army and the German 10.Armee. Canadians of the 1st Canadian Division had to capture a strategic crossroad codenamed "Cider", …

Memoir '44Open de France 2013

Scenario#: 13627     Date: 12/12/1940     Location: Himara, Albania

Italy declared war on Greece October 28th, 1940 but by December, Mussolini’s troops had stalled. Then the unthinkable happened: in November, the Greek Army launched a counter-offensive and drove the Italians out of Greece and back into Albania. On…

Memoir '44Remembrance Scenarios

Scenario#: 15170     Date: 6/16/1941     Location: Kuneitra, Syria

Operation Exporter, the campaign of Syria lasted for a week and Allied troops had advanced deeply in the country. French Vichy General de Verdilhac, ordered a counter-attack in three directions : Merdjayoun, Deraa and Kuneitra. The battle-group of…

Memoir '44Open de France 2015

Scenario#: 15302     Date: 2/26/1943     Location: Zef Zilia, Tunisia

On the 26th of February 1943, German General Von Arnim ordered Operation Ochsenkopf (Ox head) versus the 5th British Corps. In the same time, Operation Ausladung was the advance of Manteuffel Division along the Mediterranean coast facing the French…

Memoir '44Open de France 2015

Scenario#: 15541     Date: 4/21/1943     Location: Djebel Djaffa, Tunisia

On April 19, 1943, German troops launched the operation, "Unternehmen Fliederblüte" (Lilac Blossom) in Tunisia to capture Djebel Djaffa. During the night 20th to 21st of April, III/Fallschirmjäger Regiment 5, supported by some tanks including two…

Memoir '44New Flight Plan Bonus

Scenario#: 17120     Date: 4/20/1945     Location: Poggio Rusco, Italy

In April 1945, the last Allied offensive was to break through the German Gothic Line in order to reach the north of Italy and the borders with Austria and Yugoslavia. To support this offensive the Allied Command decided a small …

Memoir '44Open de France 2016

Scenario#: 17150     Date: 11/27/1941     Location: Gondar, Abyssinia

In November 1941, during the last stage of the East Africa campaign, the British army attacked the mountainous area of Amhara defended by troops of Italian General Nasi. After the surrender of Uolchefit and Culquaber Pass garrisons, the Commonwealth…

Memoir '44Open de France 2016

Scenario#: 17171     Date: 7/10/1942     Location: El Alamein, Egypt

On the 30th of June 1942, the victorious but exhausted Axis units arrived in front of El Alamein, the last British line before Alexandria. In order to weaken Rommel troops, General Auchinleck ordered to attack the Italian Infantry divisions. In …

Memoir '44Open de France 2016

Scenario#: 17194     Date: 11/2/1940     Location: Kalpaki, Greece

The Italian-Greek war began on the 28th of October 1940 in the morning by an Italian general offensive in Epire area. The execrable weather and the hard ground slowed quickly the advance of Italian troops. Moreover the Greek defenders, although …

Memoir '44Open de France 2016

Scenario#: 17275     Date: 4/28/1941     Location: Kalamata waterfront, Greece

In late April 1941, the battle of Greece was lost for the Allies. Like the previous year in Dunkirk, the British troops were evacuated by the Royal Navy. In the Peloponnese, some elements of the 16th Australian Brigade and service …

Memoir '44New Flight Plan

Scenario#: 17433     Date: 4-6-1941     Location: Fort Roupel, Greece

After another failed Italian offensive in Albania against Greece in March 1941 (Operation Primavera), The Greco-Italian War reached a stalemate. Germany had little choice but to come and assist its ally. On April 6th, German troops crossed the…

Memoir '44Remembrance Scenarios

Scenario#: 18389     Date: 6/16/1941     Location: Fort Capuzzo, Libya

The Operation Battleaxe was launched on the 15th of June 1941 in order to capture the Axis defenses on the Libyan border (such as Sollum, Halfaya Pass, Fort Capuzzo), to destroy Rommel' army and if possible to relieve the besieged …

Memoir '44Open de France 2017

Scenario#: 18494     Date: 7/10/1943     Location: Gela, Sicily

The landing at Gela was the opening engagement of the US portion of the Allied Invasion of Sicily. US troops landed along the eastern end of the south coast of Sicily. They withstood attacks by Luftwaffe and Regia Aeronautica aircraft …

Memoir '44Dutch Open 2017

Scenario#: 19080     Date: 12/20/1943     Location: Ortona, Italy

In December 1943, after taking heavy casualties when crossing the Moro River, Allied Canadian forces led by Major General Chris Vokes have formed a small beachhead into the city of Ortona. The Canadians, stuck in their advance, were met with …

Memoir '44Dutch Open 2017

Scenario#: 19081     Date: 9/13/1943     Location: Albanella, Italy

Tobacco Factory13 sept 1943: Around the Salerno beachhead, many desperate battles were fought. The fighting over the tobacco factory symbolizes the intensity of this fighting. Consisting of five large, red, fortress-like stone buildings, the tobacco…

Memoir '44Dutch Open 2017

Scenario#: 19099     Date: 5/29/1942     Location: The Cauldron, Libya

While German panzers were trapped in the "Cauldron", Rommel asked General Crüewell to attack along the coast with the Italian infantry divisions in order to harass the British army or to break the Gazala line. The Italian division Sabratha attacked …

Memoir '44New Flight Plan

Scenario#: 19363     Date: 10/23/1942     Location: El Alamein, Egypt

In early September, after Rommel's flanking move at Alam Haifa failed, both sides spent the next few weeks reinforcing their positions. Montgomery, satisfied with the outcome, prepared a plan to attack the Germans, and on October 24th, Monty launched…

Memoir '44Battle Maps Series 2 - Through Jungle and Desert

Scenario#: 19380     Date: 11/26/1942     Location: Chouigui Village, Tunisia

The first tank battle between German and American forces took place near Chouigui Pass on November 25, 1942. A German column was headed south from Mateur to reinforce Axis troops that were retreating from Medjez-el-Bab and ran into Lt. Col. …

Memoir '44Battle Maps Series 2 - Through Jungle and Desert

Scenario#: 19382     Date: 2/17/1943     Location: Sbeitla, Tunisia

The American forces in the Sbeitla valley, were falling back as the Axis continued Operation Fruhlingswind. The Germans, assuming the Americans were in full retreat, were totally surprised when they made contact with the 1St U.S. Armored Division.…

Memoir '44Battle Maps Series 2 - Through Jungle and Desert

Scenario#: 19383     Date: 1/3/1941     Location: Bardia, Libya

After the fight and defeat at Sidi Barrani, the Italian divisions, under the command of General Bergonzoli, had fallen back to Bardia. After being fortified for years, the area around Bardia was well protected. The British General Mackay surrounded…

Memoir '44Battle Maps Series 2 - Through Jungle and Desert

Scenario#: 19679     Date: 5/22/1944     Location: Pico, Italy

After the battle of the Garigliano and the French advance in the Aurunci Mountains, the Gustav line was broken and German units had to withdraw. The time had come for the French armored cavalry units which supported the advance of …

Memoir '44New Flight Plan

Scenario#: 20072     Date: 7/31/1943     Location: Troina, Sicily

While British forces were unable to break through in the east of Sicily, American forces swarmed across the west of the island. The pursuit of German forces halted at the Etna line. Here, German forces had dug in to cover …

Memoir '44Dutch Open 2017

Scenario#: 20073     Date: 12/10/1943     Location: San Pietro, Italy

The Allied objective in Italy was the capture of Rome. They needed to follow Highway 6, passing Monte Cassino through the Winter line to get there. To reach the Winter line Allied Forces needed to capture San Pietro Infine. This …

Memoir '44Dutch Open 2017

Scenario#: 20077     Date: 7/9/1943     Location: Syracuse, Sicily

Operation Ladbroke, July 9 1943At 18.00h, a total of 144 gliders with 2075 men of the British 1st Airlanding Brigade, South Staffordshire Regiment depart Tunisia. Their mission is to capture the Ponte Grande Bridge and knock out a coastal battery. …

Memoir '44Dutch Open 2017

Scenario#: 20366     Date: 6/17/1942     Location: Gambut, Libya

Before the attack of Tobruk, Rommel decided to capture the airfields around Gambut in order to annihilate the RAF and to protect the "Stukas" which were necessary for the air support of the attack. At the same time, on the …

Memoir '44New Flight Plan

Scenario#: 20388     Date: 6/20/1942     Location: Tobruk, Libya

On June 20, Rommel launched the final attack against Tobruk, using the same plan as the year before. After heavy bombing and an artillery barrage, the assault was launched at 0630. In the attack sector of the 21.Panzer Division, the …

Memoir '44New Flight Plan Bonus

Scenario#: 20601     Date: 6/16/1941     Location: Capuzzo, Libya

After heavy fighting on June 15 by the British 4th Armor and 22nd Guard Brigade, they succeeded in capturing Fort Capuzzo and also quickly established a defensive position. A strong counter-attack by the 8th Panzer division, attempted in the early …

Memoir '44New Flight Plan

Scenario#: 20913     Date: 5/1/1941     Location: Tobruk, Libya

Germans passed Tobruk during their advance and the Australian 9th division was left behind to defend the city and it's defensive perimeter. As Rommel is in desperate need to shorten it's supply lines he needs the seaport of Tobruk. Both …

Memoir '44Dutch Open 2019

Scenario#: 20915     Date: 10/23/1942     Location: El Alamein, Egypt

2nd Battle of El Alamein. The stabilized frontline gave both parties the opportunity to prepare. Rommel, short on troops and supplies, prepared his defence and created "devils garden" an area with 500.000 mines and barbwire. Montgomery build up…

Memoir '44Dutch Open 2019

Scenario#: 20955     Date: 11/24/1941     Location: Salloum, Libya

After the battle of Sidi Rezegh near Tobruk, British forces were greatly reduced and they retreated to regroup. Rommel used this by making an flanking attack to hit the British in their rear. "The wire", an old Italian barrier …

Memoir '44Dutch Open 2019

Scenario#: 20956     Date: 7/14/1942     Location: El Alamein, Egypt

Operation Crusader, July 14th 1942: As the Axis forces dug in, Auchinleck planned to attack the Italian Pavia and Brescia Divisions in the centre of the front at the Ruweisat ridge. His policy "to hit the Italians wherever possible in …

Memoir '44Dutch Open 2019

Scenario#: 20957     Date: 6/15/1941     Location: Halfaya Pass, Egypt

Rommel has dug in at the Halfaya pass and Italian forces are defending Hill 206 and Fort Capuzzo. In reserve there was the German 15nd Panzer division and the Italian Ariete Armour Division. The Allied forces come up with 3 …

Memoir '44Dutch Open 2019

Scenario#: 20958     Date: 6/6/1941     Location: Mechili, Libya

In February 1941 the new formed Axis Afrika Korps under Command of General Rommel begun there offensive . Rommel ordered his 15nd Armour Division in 3 waves to engage the Allies around the old Spanish Fort of Mechili. The Fort …

Memoir '44Dutch Open 2019

Scenario#: 22831     Date: 1/25/1941     Location: Kerhes, Albania

Italy has been bogged down in a war against Greece since October 1940. Although it's a war Mussolini himself started, it hasn't been the decisive campaign he was hoping for. It is now a matter of honor for the Italian …

Memoir '44Remembrance Scenarios

Scenario#: 22884     Date: 2/5/1941     Location: Keren, Ethiopia

At the start of the East African Campaign, British troops liberated the Sudanese border from the Italians and pushed them back into Eritrea. In February the Allies launched their offensive against the key town of Keren but met determined Resistance …

Memoir '44Remembrance Scenarios

Scenario#: 23071     Date: 3/24/1941     Location: Keren, Ethiopia

After intense fighting, the British Commonwealth forces finally captured Fort Dologorodoc. On March 24th, the battle of Keren entered its final stage with a massive artillery bombardment and armor support as British Engineers worked to secure the…

Memoir '44Remembrance Scenarios

Scenario#: 23748     Date: November 23, 1941     Location: Tobruk, Libya

As part of the drive to relieve the besieged city of Tobruk, the 6th New Zealand Brigade and 8th Royal Tank Regiment assaulted a German position simply known as Point 175. Overconfident by recent success against Italian forces, they were …

Memoir '44Remembrance Scenarios

Scenario#: 8303     Date: June 10. 1942     Location: Bir Hakeim, Libya

On the 10th of June 1942, knowing that holding Bir Hakeim was no longer essential for the continuation of the battle, French general Koenig decided to break through the encirclement and escape to the British lines with all the 1st …

Memoir '44Remembrance Scenarios

Scenario#: 22561     Date: 10/24/1942     Location: Deir el Munassib, Egypt

In the evening of October 23rd,1942, General Montgomery launched Operation Lightfoot in the north of El Alamein. To the south, a diversion operation planned to engage the Axis mobile units deployed in this sector (21.Panzer Division and Division…

Memoir '44Remembrance Scenarios

Scenario#: 13177     Date: 11/09/1942     Location: Oran, Algeria

On the morning of November 8th,1942, Allied troops landed in French North Africa, with the hope that the French wouldn’t fight. But in the Oran area, French troops fought against the US Center Task Force of General Fredendall...

Memoir '44Remembrance Scenarios

Scenario#: 34     Date: May 20, 1941     Location: Maleme, Crete

Elements of the German 11th Air Corps assaults New Zealand defenders of the key Maleme airport.

Panzer (AH/MMP)Panzer Leader Para-Leader

Scenario#: 35     Date: July 10, 1943     Location: Syracuse, Sicily

The British 1st Air Landing Brigade assaults the Italian city in advance of the invasion.

Panzer (AH/MMP)Panzer Leader Para-Leader

Scenario#: 36     Date: July 11, 1943     Location: Gela, Sicily

Units of the U.S. 82nd Airborne drop to prevent enemy armor of the 15th Panzer from reaching the coast.

Panzer (AH/MMP)Panzer Leader Para-Leader

Scenario#: 37     Date: September 14, 1943     Location: Salerno, Italy

U.S. 82nd Airborne units land to reinforce the hard-pressed 36th Infantry Division.

Panzer (AH/MMP)Panzer Leader Para-Leader

Scenario#: 19     Date: November 19, 1941     Location: Gabr Saleh, Libya

On the second day of Operation Crusader, Kampfgruppe Stephan had been formed from units of the 21st Panzer Division in response to reports of incursions of British tanks. Kampfgruppe Stephan encountered elements of the 4th Armoured Brigade alone in…

Panzer (YAQ)88: A Tactical Game of Armored Combat on the North African Front, 1940-1942

Scenario#: 20     Date: June 13, 1942     Location: Tobruk, Libya

The Gazala battles had been raging for days with Panzerarmee Afrika driving for the great prize of Tobruk. Several British strongpoints still lay in its path, one of which was the Knightsbridge box held by the 201st Guards Motor Brigade …

Panzer (YAQ)88: A Tactical Game of Armored Combat on the North African Front, 1940-1942

Scenario#: 21     Date: November 19, 1941     Location: Bir El Gubi, Libya

On the second day of Operation Crusader, the southwest flank of the Axis front was occupied by the Italian Ariete Armored Division. Alerted that a British attack was imminent, they had prepared defenses behind areas of low-lying ground turned boggy …

Panzer (YAQ)88: A Tactical Game of Armored Combat on the North African Front, 1940-1942

Scenario#: 22     Date: November 28, 1942     Location: Djedeida, Tunisia

On November 27 the Allied spearhead of the TORCH landings ran into heavy opposition near Tebourba. The 1st Surrey’s scout vehicles contacted 15 German tanks, some of which were from the 501st Schwere Tank Abteilung, some 13 Pz III and …

Panzer (YAQ)88: A Tactical Game of Armored Combat on the North African Front, 1940-1942

Scenario#: 23     Date: May 27, 1942     Location: Point 171, Libya

The first full-scale encounter between British and German armor in the Battle of Gazala began at approximately 7:15 am in the morning of the 27th of May, 1942 when the British 4th Armoured Brigade was assaulted by the entire armored …

Panzer (YAQ)88: A Tactical Game of Armored Combat on the North African Front, 1940-1942