Browse Items (521 total)

Scenario#: 3468     Date: 1/11/1942     Location: Mabatang, Phillipines

The first major battle of the "Fighting Retreat" occurred south of Calaguiman River. Supported by artillery, the 57th Infantry, set up a line of defense extending from Manila Bay through Mabatang across open ground. The Japanese 65th Brigade and 9th…

Memoir '44Online - No Air Rules

Scenario#: 4081     Date: 7/1/1941     Location: Ivanovskoye, Russia

After crossing the Velikaya river, the forests and marshes ahead of Army Group North became ever more dense. Kampfgruppe Raus pushed ahead of the 6th Panzer Division to capture a bridge over the Luga river at the town of Ivanovskoye. …

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 1

Scenario#: 20080     Date: 7/16/1944     Location: Obrocz, Poland

Operation Tempest - Lublin district - July, 1944, Operation Tempest in the area of Lublin took place in the final two weeks of July 1944. The Armia Krajowa created mainly infantry divisions with support of Polish dragoon units. Altogether, Polish …

Memoir '44Dutch Open 2018

Scenario#: 1310     Date: 12/19/1944     Location: Longvilly, Belgium

Six days before Christmas: German armor has come to within a few miles of the city of Bastogne. Unwilling to give up this important traffic center, the Americans organize a defense perimeter around the town. In the late afternoon, Combat …

Memoir '44Online Only

Scenario#: 3733     Date: 7/22/1941     Location: Lipovec, Ukraine

Operating in central Ukraine as part of the 17th German Army, a Slovakian motorized brigade, named after its commander, Brigadier General Rudolf Pilfousek, was ordered on July 22nd to capture the town of Lipovec. Made up of mechanized armor, infantry…

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 1312     Date: 7/22/1941     Location: Lipovec, Ukraine

Operating in central Ukraine as part of the 17th German Army, a Slovakian motorized brigade, named after its commander, Brig. General Rudolf Pilfousek, was ordered on July 22nd to capture the town of Lipovec. Made up of mechanized armor, infantry …

Memoir '44Online - No Air Rules

Scenario#: 3699     Date: 8/24/1944     Location: Paris, France

Conscious of the highly symbolic and political importance of Paris, Allied forces initially planned to surround the city and wait for its capitulation rather than risk taking it, with the inherent costs of street-by-street fighting and obvious risks…

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 22     Date: 8/24/1944     Location: Paris, France

Conscious of the highly symbolic and political importance of Paris, Allied forces initially planned to surround the city and wait for its capitulation rather than risk taking it, with the inherent costs of street-by-street fighting and obvious risks…

Memoir '44Memoir 44

Scenario#: 5876     Date: 8/7/1944     Location: Le-Mesnil-Adelée, France

On August 6th, Bradley and Hodges received a report from Allied aircraft indicating a build-up of German forces in the Mortain area. The US 30th Division therefore only had a day's warning to assume a defensive posture. In the other …

Memoir '44Battle Maps Series 1 - Disaster at Dieppe

Scenario#: 5871     Date: 9/10/1944     Location: Le Havre, France

Major General "Bubbles" Barker's Polar Bears have assembled the biggest collection of Hobart's Funnies ever seen in one place in preparation for an assault on the German-held Channel port of Le Havre. These 'Funnies' were specialist armored vehicles…

Memoir '44Equipment Pack

Scenario#: 20663     Date: 7/11/1944     Location: Le Dézert, France

During the German counter-attack towards Saint-Jean-de-Daye, the 1st battalion of the Panzer-Grenadier Lehr Regiment 901 attacked the village of Le Dézert held by infantrymen of the 9th US Infantry Division. Despite their Resistance, the Allied…

Memoir '44New Flight Plan Bonus

Scenario#: 20641     Date: 7/8/1944     Location: Le Dézert, France

On its advance along road number 8, the 120th Infantry Regiment (30th US Infantry Division) reached the village of Le Dézert. The American soldiers captured the village despite the fierce Resistance of the 2.SS Panzer Division "Das Reich". On July …

Memoir '44New Flight Plan Bonus

Scenario#: 1512     Date: 9/15/1944     Location: Peleliu, Palau

By the summer of 1944, victories in the Southwest and Central Pacific put American bombers within striking distance of the Japanese mainland. General MacArthur turned his attention to recapturing the Philippines. But first he had to capture the Palau…

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: 23318     Date: December 23, 1941     Location: Wake Island, Pacific

On December 11th, 1941, the Japanese attempted to capture Wake Island but failed and two of their destroyers were sunk. They launched another attack during the night of December 23rd when troops of Special Naval Landing Force landed in the …

Memoir '44Remembrance Scenarios

Scenario#: 9176     Date: 9/11/1940     Location: Gabon, French Equatorial Africa

During the three days called "Les Trois Glorieuses“ in France (26"', 27th and 28th of August 1940), the main part of the French Equatorial Africa (AFF) joined Free France. Only Gabon stayed on Vichy's side but because of its strategic …

Memoir '44Remembrance Scenarios

Scenario#: 20273     Date: 8/16/1945     Location: Port-Toro, Sakhalin island

After the war declaration to the Japan Empire on the 8th of August 1945, Soviet troops attacked in Manchuria and in South Sakhalin. The 16th of August, 365th Marine Battalion and the 2nd Battalion of 113rd Infantry Brigade landed on …

Memoir '44Online Only

Scenario#: 23692     Date: February 19-20 1942     Location: Timor Island

During the nights of 19th and 20th of February 1942, units of the 228th Japanese regiment landed at Dili, on Timor island. Allied troops (Sparrow Force), were composed of both Australian units entrenched at Dili airfield and scattered on the …

Memoir '44Remembrance Scenarios

Scenario#: 13564     Date: 8/4/1944     Location: la Marvindière, France

On the 4th of August 1944, during Operation Bluecoat, the Guards Armored Division was fighting in the Normand bocage south of Montchamp. A battle group, formed with tanks of 2nd Irish Guards and infantrymen of 5th Coldstream Guards, was surrounded …

Memoir '44Open de France 2014

Scenario#: 19277     Date: 6/6/1944     Location: Hermanville, France

Sword Beach, 07h30,10 LCAs landed two assault companies of the 2nd East Yorkshire Regiment on Queen Red, just in front of the German strongpoint Wn18, called "Cod" by the Allies and defended by the German 10/736 company. In spite of …

Memoir '44Open de France 2018

Scenario#: 3590     Date: 2/2/1944     Location: Kwajalein island, Marshall Islands

The landing beaches were on the southwestern end of Kwajalein island. All Japanese strong points had been shelled and obliterated before landing, so by the end of day, on February 1, the Marines were well inland. On February 2nd and …

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: 23904     Date: July 12, 1943     Location: Bolkhov, Russia

After the successful counterattack near Prokhorovka, to the south of Kursk, the Soviet troops also attacked north of Kursk. The aim of this operation was to encircle and destroy the troops around Orel. The Soviets attacked in three spearheads: the …

Memoir '44Dutch Open 2021

Scenario#: 6042     Date: 12/8/1941     Location: Kota Bharu, Malaysia

The Battle of Malaya began on the morning of December 8th with an amphibious assault on the strategically important RAF base at Kota Bharu. The air field was protected by the multiple arms of the Kelantan River, and defended by …

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: 20149     Date: 12/7/1939     Location: Rumilus, Finland

North of the Karelian 1sthmus which received the main initial assault of the Winter War, the Soviet 8th Army, a force of 7 divisions reinforced by armor units, assaulted the 2 divisions of the Finnish 4th Army Corps. After pushing …

Memoir '44Dutch Open 2016

Scenario#: 1298     Date: 9/24/1944     Location: Koevering, Holland

On September 24, 1944, German Fallschirmjaegers, led by Major Hans Jungwirth who knew the ground well, approached the small hamlet of Koevering almost undetected. At about 1900 hours the destruction began as the German units poured heavy fire into…

Memoir '44New Flight Plan

Scenario#: 3711     Date: 6/12/1942     Location: Knightsbridge, Libya

The Battle of Gazala was a series of clashes between Rommel and the British in the late spring of 1942 near the Libyan coast. The brilliant, but risky maneuvers by the "Desert Fox" in late May and early June were …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 1346     Date: 6/12/1942     Location: Knightsbridge, Libya

The Battle of Gazala was a series of clashes between Rommel and the British in the late spring of 1942 near the Libyan coast. The brilliant, but risky maneuvers by the 'Desert Fox' in late May and early June were …

Memoir '44Terrain Pack

Scenario#: 4102     Date: 9/1/1941     Location: Kiev, Russia

The Panzers of Army Group South captured thousands of prisoners and large amounts of artillery and tanks in the great "Kessel" (pocket) battle of Uman. The Soviet armies in Kiev, and to the east, found themselves facing the same fate …

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 1

Scenario#: 6999     Date: 9/10/1939     Location: Gdynia, Poland

The Polish army occupied the Oksywie Heights outside the city of Gdynia in northern Poland and when the German forces managed to cut off the nearby Hel Peninsula, the region was besieged. The Polish commanders wanted to avoid destroying …

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: 15302     Date: 2/26/1943     Location: Zef Zilia, Tunisia

On the 26th of February 1943, German General Von Arnim ordered Operation Ochsenkopf (Ox head) versus the 5th British Corps. In the same time, Operation Ausladung was the advance of Manteuffel Division along the Mediterranean coast facing the French…

Memoir '44Open de France 2015

Scenario#: 17868     Date: 7/1/1939     Location: Khalkh River, Mongolia

After a wet June with little action by either side, Japan unleashed a major two-pronged offensive on July 1. The southern force was to take the Kawatama bridge, while the northern attack would cut off the resulting Soviet retreat. lt. …

Memoir '44Battle Maps Series 2 - Battles of Khalkhin-Gol

Scenario#: 3739     Date: 2/22/1943     Location: Kasserine Pass, Tunisia

After the Anglo-American landings in North Africa on November 8, 1942, the Americans remained optimistic about their ability to fight an opponent like Rommel and the Afrika Korps. Although in headlong retreat after the Battle of El Alamein, Rommel…

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 1584     Date: 2/15/1943     Location: Kasserine Pass, Tunisia

After the Anglo-American landings in North Africa on November 8, 1942, the Americans remained optimistic about their ability to fight an opponent like Rommel and the Afrika Korps. Although in headlong retreat after the Battle of El Alamein, Rommel…

Memoir '44Online - No Air Rules

Scenario#: 6046     Date: 12/30/1941     Location: Kampar, Malaysia

The battered and desperately understrength remnants of the 11th Indian Infantry Division withdrew from Gurun to take up positions in the Kampar area under their new commander, General Archibald Paris. They dug-in between the jungle around the Sungai…

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: 4156     Date: 10/6/1941     Location: Kamenewo, Russia

As part of Operation Typhoon, Kampfgruppe Eberbach of the 4th Panzer Division advanced on the Russian capital. By the evening of October 5th however, Colonel Katukov's newly formed 4th Tank Brigade had deployed near the woodland east of Kamenewo.…

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 1

Scenario#: 3681     Date: 6/6/1944     Location: Juno Beach, France

The Canadian troops were assigned to land at Juno beach on D-Day and push inland. Juno had been divided into two beaches, 'Mike' and 'Nan'. The 7th Canadian Brigade under Brigadier H.W. Foster would land on Mike and the 8th …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 38     Date: 6/6/1944     Location: Juno Beach, France

The Canadian troops were assigned to land at Juno beach on D-Day and push inland. Juno had been divided into two beaches, 'Mike' and 'Nan'. The 7th Canadian Brigade Group under Brigadier HW Foster would land on Mike and the …

Memoir '44Online - No Air Rules

Scenario#: 21687     Date: December 14, 1944     Location: Limon, Phillipines

The Allies start their advance on December 5 from the vicinity of Limon. They encountered very determined resistance from the Japanese south of the Leyte River bridge. The enemy defences around Limon and Hill 1525 consisted of numerous foxholes and …

Memoir '44Dutch Open 2020

Scenario#: 1488     Date: 7/25/1944     Location: Asan, Guam

Lt. General Takeshi's counterattack plan called for a night attack on July 25/26. The goal was to split the 3rd Marines and target ammunition and supply dumps. The frontline of the 3rd Marines was stretched thin in the area and …

Memoir '44Pacific Theater

Scenario#: 3729     Date: 7/25/1944     Location: Asan, Guam

Lieutenant General Takeshi's counter-attack plan called for a night attack on July 25/26. The goal was to split the 3rd Marines Division and target ammunition and supply dumps. The front-line of the 3rd Marines was stretched thin in the area …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 1484     Date: 2/19/1945     Location: Iwo Jima, Pacific

Its role as an early warning station radioing reports of incoming U.S. bombers back to mainland Japan, and its three airfields, made Iwo Jima a crucial component of the Japanese inner defense perimeter. Following their losses in the Marianas, they …

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: 4100     Date: 7/1/1941     Location: Ivanovskoye, Russia

The town of Muravina and its bridge over the Luga River were captured by Kampfgruppe Raus of the 6th Panzer Division on July 11th as they continued to push toward Leningrad. The Kampfgruppe then advanced another 5 km through the …

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 1

Scenario#: 4229     Date: 5/26/1942     Location: Gazala, Libya

In late 1941, the Eighth Army drove the Axis out of Cyrenaica but British lines got so stretched that, by January '42, Rommel was back on the offensive and pressing towards Tobruk. Concentrating their forces near Gazala, the British : …

Memoir '44Equipment Pack Bonus

Scenario#: 4590     Date: 6/8/1940     Location: Isneauville, France

The British army was putting up strong Resistance in France while the B.E.F. (British Expeditionary Force) was being evacuated at Dunkirk. Another such Resistance took place near Isneauville Junction, where once again an ad-hoc force of British rifle…

Memoir '44New Flight Plan

Scenario#: 4237     Date: 6/5/1942     Location: Sidi Muftah, Libya

Despite their success against the British 7th Armoured, the Panzer divisions had lost their momentum. Rommel's Afrikakorps was now trapped in a region known as "the Cauldron;" with Bir Hakeim to the south and Tobruk to the north still firmly …

Memoir '44Mediterranean Theater

Scenario#: 4083     Date: 7/13/1941     Location: Ostrov, Russia

Outrunning its air cover, Kampfgruppe Raus pressed north from the newly captured town of Ostrov into the woods and swamps between the lakes Peipus and Il'men. Remnants of the Red Army and partisans in the woods, by now short of …

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 1

Scenario#: 7048     Date: 8/25/1944     Location: Hôtel Meurice, France

In the evening of 24th of August 1944, a detachment under the command of captain Dronne, vanguard of the 2nd French Armored Division, reached the Hôtel de Ville of Paris. The next morning, the whole Division entered in Paris. With …

Memoir '44Open de France 2012

Scenario#: 5523     Date: 12/17/1944     Location: Clervaus, Belgium

Colonel Fuller, commander of the 110th Infantry Regiment, is waiting for the enemy in Clervaux : defenses have been laid everywhere, even in the old castle. The German Panzers are closing in so Colonel Fuller decides to send a Sherman …

Memoir '44Open de France 2009

Scenario#: 19392     Date: 3/6/1942     Location: Hlegu, Burma

After the fight at Payagyi, the British column received word that General Alexander planned to evacuate Rangoon and the column was ordered to leave at once and join the rest of the brigade at Hlegu. The town was on fire, …

Memoir '44Battle Maps Series 2 - Through Jungle and Desert

Scenario#: 16300     Date: 4/6/1945     Location: Hitdorf, Germany

On 6 April 1945, the first wave of the 82nd Airborne Division crossed the Rhine in boats and immediately made contact with the enemy. Under heavy fire and faced with a minefield, the troopers fought toward their assigned objectives and …

Memoir '44VE-Day

Scenario#: 16624     Date: March 24, 1942     Location: Volkhov, Russia

After the Soviet 2nd Shock Army failed to break the siege of Leningrad during the Volkhov battle, German forces encircled them on March 19th, 1942. In a desperate bid to escape, the Soviet troops turned to attack the Axis units …

Memoir '44Remembrance Scenarios