Browse Items (1167 total)

Scenario#: A020     Date: 2/15/1943     Location: Sidi Bou Zid, Tunisia

Kampfgruppe Schütte and Kampfgruppe Stenckhoff of the 21st Panzer Division had secured the Maizila Pass to the south and Kampfgruppe Schütte headed north to engage two battalions of the 168th RCT on Djebel Ksaira while Kampfgruppe Stenckhoff headed…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 90

Scenario#: 41     Date: 15 May 1940     Location: Stonne, France

Soon after the French withdrawal, elements of Infanten'e-Regiment Grossdeutschland. cautiously infiltrated the village, taking positions in the previously held French buildings by placing numerous guns and support weapons. Not deterred, the French…

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #4 The German Invasion Of France, 1940

Scenario#: HotP07     Date: 1944-06-17     Location: Saipan Island, Marianna Islands

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of the Pacific

Scenario#: X05     Date: 28 July, 1944     Location: Coutances, France,

Operation Cobra: July 28, 1944: The 4th Armored Division was tasked to take Coutances, the first major town on the road to Avranches, the first step to cutting off the Germans in the Cotentin Peninsula. Despite being delayed for three …

Tide of Iron1A Kickstarter

Scenario#: BttR07     Date: 1944-11-19     Location: Filstroff, France

Lock 'n Load TacticalBattles to the Rhine

Scenario#: 64     Date: 19 Feb 1943     Location: Kasserine, Tunisia

On February 19, 1943, German reconnaissance and the elite assault infantry troops of Erwin Rommel's Afrika Korps attacked Kasserine Pass, attempting to rush through the pass to the main Allied supply dump at Tebessa. To stay on schedule, the German …

Tide of IronDesigner Series

Scenario#: N10     Date: 1944/08/07     Location: Romagny, France

By the early hours of 7 August, the German forces had overrun the key roadblock southeast of Mortain and had advanced as far as the town of Romagny In desperate need of current tactical intelligence, the US forces sent an …

UndauntedUndaunted: Normandy

Scenario#: 37     Date: 21 Jan 1944     Location: Sant'Angelo, Italy

In one of the most controversial actions of the war, the 36th were repeatedly ordered by General Mark Clark to attack across the fast-flowing Gari River in featureless terrain overlooked by hills between the 20th and 22nd of January. The …

Band of BrothersTexas Arrows

Scenario#: AP078     Date: 9/22/1943     Location: Acerno, Italy

Acerno was a mountain village astride a tortuous and winding stretch of road leading north from Battipaglia. The road was one of two that connected the beachhead with Highway 7—the main highway to Rome. On 22 September, elements of the US 3rd “Rock…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #8 Roads Through Rome

Scenario#: 6831     Date: 6/12/1944     Location: Saint-Clair-sur-Elle, France

After the crossing of the swampy area of Aure river, the soldiers of 29th US Infantry Division who advanced towards Saint-Lô, entered in the normand bocage (hedgerow). On the Elle river, the German defense was stronger. Units of the German …

Memoir '44Open de France 2011

Scenario#: P16     Date: July 14, 1944     Location: Driniumor River, New Guinea

After capturing Aitape in April, large Japanese forces were cut off as they were withdrawing to the West. These forces, under the command of Lieutenant- General Hatazo Adachi, crossed the Driniumor River in July. The covering force East of the …

Old School TacticalVolume 3 Pacific

Scenario#: N05     Date: 1944/07/07     Location: Vire-et-Taute, France

Three weeks after the 50th Infantry Division drove the Germans back behind the protection of the Vire-et-Taute Canal and the River Vire, the division launched its first full-scale offensive, an assault crossing of a defended river line. The days…

UndauntedUndaunted: Normandy

Scenario#: 6558     Date: 10/13/1943     Location: Monte Majulo, Italy

After coming out of the bridgehead they've established at Salerno, elements of the 5th US Army reach the southern bank of the Volturno river on the 5th of October 1943. During the night of October 12-13, British and US troops …

Memoir '44Audie Murphy's Campaign

Scenario#: 7     Date: 14 Sept 1944     Location: Brandscheid, Germany

The American 4th Infantry Division’s 8th and 22nd Regiments, plus supporting armor and engineers, attempt to take the village of Brandscheid, Germany. Opposing them is the 2nd SS Panzer, which has few tanks but a good supply of infantry.

Tide of IronNext Wave

Scenario#: 5675     Date: 10/8/1944     Location: Haaren, Germany

The US Army nears Aachen. Rather than heading straight for the town, General Hodges opts for an encircling maneuver. The 30th Infantry Division, north of Aachen, marches South, while the 1st Infantry Division skirts the suburbs via the South-East. …

Memoir '44Open de France 2010

Scenario#: O08     Date: 10/8/1944     Location: Haaren, Germany

In the 1st Infantry Division’s drive to capture Aachen, the 1st Battalion of Col. George Smith’s 18th Infantry Regiment was ordered to capture a fortified hill near Haaren known as Crucifix Hill. Employing special pillbox assault teams equipped with…

Advanced Squad LeaderSpecial Ops 4

Scenario#: 19     Date: 1944-06-06     Location: Ste. Marie-du-Mont, France

After a badly scattered night drop northwest of its objective, Lt. Winters led a remnant of Easy Company (506th PIR) towards the village of Ste. Marie-du-Mont. When finally there, they were tasked with taking out a German 105 battery at …

Last Hundred YardsAirborne over Europe

Scenario#: 6836     Date: 6/14/1944     Location: Cotentin, France

Unable to advance toward Saint-Sauveur-le-Vicomte, the 90th US Infantry Division was soon replaced by two other divisions: the 82nd US Airborne Division and the 9th US Infantry Division. From June 14 on, the American advance westward found itself…

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: A04     Date: June 6, 1944     Location: Saint-Mere-Eglise, France

The sun has risen on June 6 and the great invasion has begun. The paratroopers in Saint-Mere-Fglise hold on to what they have gained. Stragglers continue to link up with them. But more German units are entering the fight as …

Old School TacticalAirborne

Scenario#: X07     Date: 6 June 1944     Location: Chef Du Pont, France

On June 6th, 1944 the American 82nd Airborne Division landed in Normandy. Horribly scattered due to high winds, heavy flak, and inexperienced pilots, elements of the division move to capture the all important road bridges across the flooded Merderet…

Tide of Iron1A Kickstarter

Scenario#: 14350     Date: 6/6/1944     Location: Ste-Mère-Église, France

In the early hours of June 6th, 1944, the American Paratroopers of the 101st Airborne and the 82nd Airborne division flew over the Normandy coast. Bad weather and heavy flak resulted in sticks being scattered, but the paratroopers were well …

Memoir '44D-Day Landings

Scenario#: 14356     Date: 6/6/1944     Location: Omaha Beach, France

The 3-mile stretch of beach codenamed Omaha was the heaviest defended sector of the Normandy landing sites. The Germans had built Resistance nests into the cliffs, barricaded positions on top of the naturally defensive terrain and positioned powerful…

Memoir '44D-Day Landings

Scenario#: 14360     Date: 6/6/1944     Location: Utah Beach, France

Just before 6.00 on June 6, 1944, warships began a massive naval bombardment of the German defenses on Utah beach with devastating results. The strongpoints were badly hit and all communication lines were severed, preventing the Germans from…

Memoir '44D-Day Landings

Scenario#: 20889     Date: 6/6/1944     Location: Ouistreham, France

The German strongpoint Wn12 (named "Daimler" by the Allies) was an artillery battery with 155mm French guns. The Wn14 (named "Sole" by the Allies) was defended by a grenadier company. On June 6, 1944, after a landing on Queen Red …

Memoir '44New Flight Plan Bonus

Scenario#: AP016     Date: 7/21/1943     Location: Alimena, Sicily

While the Axis forces slowly fell back towards Messina, the Big Red One kept up the pressure through the difficult terrain of central Sicily. The opposing Italians were fighting on native soil now, but their leadership hadn’t improved. As Gruppo…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #2

Scenario#: G10     Date: December 19, 1944     Location: Stoumont, Belgium

Arriving in Belgium without their tanks, the men of the 740th Tank Battalion scraped together what armor they could at a depot enroute to the front. The men cobbled together some bastard tanks and rushed forward to meet Kampfgruppe Peiper. …

Old School TacticalGhost Front

Scenario#: LOF01     Date: 12/16/1944     Location: Bastonge, Belgium

The beginning of the German 's Ardennes Offensíve. In the center of the German lines, the 26th Volksgrenadier and Panzer Lehr Divisions thrust toward the critical road function of Bastogne along the inadequate, rural road system of Belgium. The 26th…

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesLine of Fire #01

Scenario#: Comp21     Date: 1944-12-16     Location: Ardennes, Belgium

The beginning of the German 's Ardennes Offensíve. In the center of the German lines, the 26th Volksgrenadier and Panzer Lehr Divisions thrust toward the critical road function of Bastogne along the inadequate, rural road system of Belgium. The 26th…

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 1

Scenario#: 12     Date: 1944-11-24     Location: Metz, France

Following the pocketing of Metz by Patton’s Third Army on November 19, 1944, the army’s other divisions begin a drive through eastern Lorraine to cross the Saar River and pierce the West Wall. On the 24th, Combat Command B of …

Last Hundred YardsLast Hundred Yards

Scenario#: SF24     Date: 1945-02-26     Location: Manila, Philippines

Private First Class Cleto Rodriguez's actions fighting at the Paco Railroad Station just fifteen days earlier would earn him a nomination for the Medal of Honor. Now, once again, he would be called upon to display valor far beyond what was expected.…

Advanced Squad LeaderSword and Fire: Manila

Scenario#: J153     Date: 8/7/1944     Location: Mortain, France

The first elements of the American 30th Infantry Division to enter Mortain were met by civilians going about their daily lives. Some of the departing members of the 1st Infantry Division congratulated the new arrivals of their soft assignment. Not…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #10

Scenario#: 1     Date: 6 June 1944     Location: Utah Beach, France

The cross channel invasion of France was the crucial “second front” that was needed to defeat Germany. The scope of the invasion was the largest in history and the first day of the Normandy invasion would be the most important. …

Band of BrothersBand of Brothers

Scenario#: BP01     Date: 12/10/1944     Location: Gey, Germany

Just before daybreak two companies from the American 83rd Infantry Division, supported by a platoon of tank destroyers, launched an assault on Gay, a key village on the northeastern edge of the Húñgen Forest. An artillery barrage prepped the village…

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesBattle Pack Bravo

Scenario#: Comp14     Date: 1944-12-10     Location: Gey, Germany

Just before daybreak two companies from the American 83rd Infantry Division, supported by a platoon of tank destroyers, launched an assault on Gay, a key village on the northeastern edge of the Húñgen Forest. An artillery barrage prepped the village…

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 3

Scenario#: 42     Date: 17 May 1940     Location: Montcornet, France

On 10 May, the 4e DCR was rapidly mobilized to stop the German advance into France. Although strong on paper, the Division lacked manpower, tanks, and training. Four days later, Colonel de Gaulle was given command and immediately moved forward …

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #4 The German Invasion Of France, 1940

Scenario#: J176     Date: 3/4/1945     Location: Rheinberg, Germany

The most appealing objectives in the Wesel bridgehead were two still-intact bridges, which offered the promise of a dry crossing of the Rhine by Allied forces. Because the Americans had encountered so little resistance in the days after Operation…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #11

Scenario#: WO28     Date: 7/22/1950     Location: Taejon, South Korea

On July 19, North Korean forces entered Taejon, the site of the 24th Infantry Division's headquarters. William Dean personally led the division in its stand at Taejon. The North Koreans quickly surrounded the city and moved in from the west, north…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2018

Scenario#: 184     Date: 6/11/1944     Location: Carentan, France

To reach Carentan, the Americans would have to cross a causeway carrying the highway from Saint-Comte-du-Mont through the low-lying swamps. As the 3rd Battalion of the "Screaming Eagles" pushed toward the town, Germans in a grouping of farmhouses…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 3a Yanks (2nd Edition)

Scenario#: 11     Date: 6/8/1944     Location: Pont l'Abbe, France

An ad hoc group of roughly two parachute companies under Lt. Colonel Shanley were stopped cold on their drive toward the bridge at Pont L’Abbe. They fell back to high ground overlooking the Chef-Du-Pont crossing. The key element of the position was a…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 2 - Paratrooper

Scenario#: 43     Date: 19 May 1940     Location: Montcornet, France

Having fallen back to its starting position, the 4e DCR received much needed reinforcements to launch another effort towards Montcomet. On 19 May, De Gaulle again committed his Division against the German defensive positions in and around Montcomet.…

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #4 The German Invasion Of France, 1940

Scenario#: 37     Date: 14 May 1940     Location: Ernage, Belgium

After the Battle of Hannut, the town of Gembloux represented the last French defensive position on the Belgian front. On 14 May, 3rd and 4th Panzer Divisions advanced from the Hannut area towards Gembloux. The French desperately needed time to …

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #4 The German Invasion Of France, 1940

Scenario#: W05     Date: 1944-08-22     Location: Paris, France

Following the breakthrough at St. Lo, German armies retreated headlong towards the West Wall. Ad hoc mobile groups formed the rearguard of the retreating formations keeping the Allies at bay until a new line could be established. Task Force North, …

Tank LeaderWestern Front

Scenario#: SF06     Date: 1945-02-16     Location: Manila, Philippines

The task set before the 3rd Battalion was daunting. After two days of desperate struggle, the Japanese were still firmly in control of all major buildings within the University-Hospital complex. Barricaded within the stone and brick buildings and…

Advanced Squad LeaderSword and Fire: Manila

Scenario#: AP061     Date: 12/19/1944     Location: Noville, Belgium

Early on the morning of 19 December, near Noville in a dense fog, advance units of the 2nd Panzer Division stumbled into elements of Combat Command B of the 10th Armored Division. After several probes, the Germans deployed to attack. As the moved out…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #6 A Decade of War

Scenario#: 11     Date: 1944-11-10     Location: Reichelskaul, Germany

The men of B and C Companies of the 1st Battalion, 60th Infantry Regiment supported by two platoons of Shermans were met by intense mortar fire when they launched their attack against the Reichelskaul road junction in the morning of …

Last Hundred YardsLast Hundred Yards

Scenario#: N06     Date: 1944/07/24     Location: Saint-Lo, France

Operation Cobra was the code name for an Allied offensive aimed at breaking out of the hedgerows of Normandy and punching through the German defenses. The Operation was set to begin on the morning of 24 July, when hundreds of …

UndauntedUndaunted: Normandy

Scenario#: SFCG5     Date: 1945-02-15     Location: Manila, Philippines

Having raced to get to Manila in early Februruy, the 37th Infantry Division and 1st Cavalry Division spent the next four weeks trying to take it. Despite General MacArthur's pronouncement on 6 February that "Manila had fallen'' it soon became very…

Advanced Squad LeaderSword and Fire: Manila

Scenario#: 13     Date: 1918-06-06     Location: Belleau Wood, France

With little coordination and notice to the attacking forces, the marines struck at Belleau Wood at 1700 hours. Major Ben Berry's 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines, crossed wheat fields and struck at the Woods waist. A creeping barrage was supposed to …

Great War CommanderGreat War Commander

Scenario#: G     Date: 19-Sep-44     Location: Kleve-Nijmegen, Holland

Although the airborne portion of the "Market-Garden" Operation centered around the seizing of vital bridges, heavy fighting occurred over control of the highway section leading to the bridges as well. While parts of the 82nd Airborne fought to gain…

Squad LeaderThe General #17.2

Scenario#: 189     Date: 9/19/1944     Location: Nijmegen, Holland

Although the airborne portion of the “Market-Garden” Operation centered around the seizure of vital bridges, heavy fighting also occurred over control of the highway leading to the bridges as well. While parts of the 82nd Airborne fought to gain…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 3a Yanks (2nd Edition)