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Scenario#: U13     Date: 3/15/1945     Location: Pfaffenheck, Germany

German General Hoehme had to buy time. Every day the way was clear allowed additional isolated units to filter back towards the Rhine. At a time of frightful manpower shortages, he decided to commit two of his remaining combat effective units to…

Advanced Squad LeaderG.I.s Dozen

Scenario#: KGP01     Date: 12/20/1944     Location: Stoumont, Belgium

The initial objective of Task Force Harrison was the recapture of the St. Edouard Sanatorium, a large brick building dominating the heights on the northwestern outskirts of Stoumont. At twilight, partially concealed by a dense mist, the GIs attacked…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 2 - Kampfgruppe Peiper I

Scenario#: KGP02     Date: 12/21/1944     Location: Stoumont, Belgium

The American plan of attack against Stoumont for the morning of December 21st was ambitious. The depleted 1/119th Infantry was to push east and seize the sanatorium. Upon its capture, the even weaker 3/119th was to attack southward in conjunction…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 2 - Kampfgruppe Peiper I

Scenario#: KGP03     Date: 12/21/1944     Location: Stoumont, Belgium

Early on the morning of 20 December, Task Force Jordan of Combat Command B, 3rd Armored Division, had set out from Theux. Its destination was the German defenses at Stoumont, some ten miles to the south. As its point vehicles, proceeding down the…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 2 - Kampfgruppe Peiper I

Scenario#: KGP04     Date: 12/21/1944     Location: Stoumont, Belgium

As the third prong of the concentric American attack planned for 21 December against Peiper's Stoumont defenses, major Hal McCown's 2/119th Infantry was to move south through the Bois de Bassenge and cut the N.33 between La Gleize and Stoumont, then…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 2 - Kampfgruppe Peiper I

Scenario#: KGP05     Date: 12/20/1944     Location: La Gleize, Belgium

A small German group comprised of only a King Tiger, a Pz IV, a Puma armored car, one halftrack and fifteen men with a Panzerschreck, drew back to an old mill known as the Moulin Marechal to cover the southern approach to La Gleize. In the late…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 3 - Kampfgruppe Peiper II

Scenario#: KGP07     Date: 12/21/1944     Location: Cheneux, Belgium

By the afternoon of the 21st, Col. Tucker had ordered the 3rd Battalion of the 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment to assist the 1st Battalion in its attempt to capture Cheneux and the bridge over the Ambleve. Company G entered the western end of the…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 3 - Kampfgruppe Peiper II

Scenario#: KGP08     Date: 12/24/1944     Location: La Gleize, Belgium

Peiper and most of his remaining men had silently evacuated the La Gleize pocket on foot during the night of 23-24 December. At 0745 on the following, bitterly cold, morning, two American infantry companies pushed southeast through the Bois de…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 3 - Kampfgruppe Peiper II

Scenario#: KGP09     Date: 12/20/1944     Location: La Gleize, Belgium

The American paratroopers of Companies B and C of the 504th PIR, having neither artillery nor armor support available, had failed during the daylight to make any headway against the Germans defending Cheneux. Nevertheless, they were ordered by the…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 3 - Kampfgruppe Peiper II

Scenario#: KGP10     Date: 12/22/1944     Location: La Gleize, Belgium

In a desperate bid to break out of the ever-tightening American stranglehold, Peiper decided to mount an attack toward Borgoumont, using the remainder of his precious fuel to give renewed mobility to several of his panzers. Before dawn, SS…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 3 - Kampfgruppe Peiper II

Scenario#: KGP11     Date: 12/23/1944     Location: La Gleize, Belgium

Mangled guns and the burned-out wreckage of vehicles littered the area in and around the ruined village of La Gleize. From their defensive strongpoints the remnants of Peiper's command scanned the approaches for signs of a renewed attack. The…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 3 - Kampfgruppe Peiper II

Scenario#: BRT01     Date: 11/21/1943     Location: Betio Island, Tarawa

Lt. Dean Hawkins and his Scout Sniper platoon had the distinction of being the first American force on Betio. Hawkins led a detachment of engineers and Scout Snipers along the pier on D-Day, taking out bunkers and buildings likely to be in the way of…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 5 - Blood Reef: Tarawa

Scenario#: BRT02     Date: 11/20/1943     Location: Betio Island, Tarawa

The M4A2 Sherman was seen by Marine crews for the first time aboard the transport Ashland while en route from "Helen". Company C of the 2nd Tank Battalion was given the new monsters. The 1st Platoon under Lt. Edward Bale would take six Shermans to…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 5 - Blood Reef: Tarawa

Scenario#: BRT03     Date: 11/22/1943     Location: Betio Island, Tarawa

D-Day for the 3rd Battalion, 2nd Marines called for K and I Companies to land in the initial assault wave, followed by L Company under Major Michael Ryan. K and I Companies were pinned down by enfilading fire from the re-entrant beach. Like everyone…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 5 - Blood Reef: Tarawa

Scenario#: BRT04     Date: 11/23/1943     Location: Betio Island, Tarawa

One objective the Marines should have captured by D+2 was the junction between Red Beach One and Red Beach Two. But Commander Sugai, second in command on Betio and commander of the Sasebo 7th Rikusentai, had made the area - dubbed the "Pocket" by the…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 5 - Blood Reef: Tarawa

Scenario#: BRT05     Date: 11/22/1943     Location: Betio Island, Tarawa

By 1930 hours on D+2, General "Howlin' Mad" Smith was on shore to personally take command of his Second Division. Plans were made for the 6th Marines to clear up the remaining one thousand or so Japanese rikusentai. Incredibly, by the third night an…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 5 - Blood Reef: Tarawa

Scenario#: BRT06     Date: 11/20/1943     Location: Betio Island, Tarawa

In the pre-dawn light, the first amphibious invasion of a fortified beach began. Marines of 2/2 were slated to hit Red Beach Two, while those of 3/2 were assigned Red Beach One. Colonel Shoup, commander of the Regimental Landing Team, had planned for…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 5 - Blood Reef: Tarawa

Scenario#: BRT07     Date: 11/22/1943     Location: Betio Island, Tarawa

Major Jim Crowe had been tasked with continuing the attack along the northeast portion of Betio Island. Before the attack could really begin, however, a major obstacle had to be removed -- a large bombproof emplacement stood directly in front of the…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 5 - Blood Reef: Tarawa

Scenario#: HF1     Date: 1/9/1945     Location: Hatten, France

In early January 1945, the Battle of the Bulge had run its course, and numerous Allied units were drawn northward to stem the German tide. Taking advantage of this situation, OKW launched a second, less well-known western front offensive codenamed…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 9 - Hatten in Flames

Scenario#: HF2     Date: 1/9/1945     Location: Hatten, France

Operation NORDWIND, the German offensive in France’s Alsace province, enjoyed only limited success in its first week. German fortunes changed, however, with the penetration by Panzer-Korps XXXIX of the American Maginot Line positions during a…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 9 - Hatten in Flames

Scenario#: HF3     Date: 1/9/1945     Location: Hatten, France

A breakthrough in the village of Hatten became the key focus of the German offensive codenamed Operation NORDWIND. By early afternoon of 9 January, units from Panzergrenadier-Division 25 had captured most of Hatten. The Americans responded…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 9 - Hatten in Flames

Scenario#: HF4     Date: 1/10/1945     Location: Hatten, France

Dawn of 10 January held up hope for OKW that their stalled NORDWIND offensive was being reinvigorated. Hatten was largely theirs, and the neighboring village of Rittershoffen appeared lightly defended. Beyond those villages, the terrain was more…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 9 - Hatten in Flames

Scenario#: HF5     Date: 1/10/1945     Location: Hatten, France

For the remainder of 10 January, the Germans focused their efforts on securing defensive positions while aligning themselves for an assault on Rittershoffen via a sunken road originating from the northwest of Hatten. The American counterattack…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 9 - Hatten in Flames

Scenario#: HF6     Date: 1/11/1945     Location: Hatten, France

Lieutenant Colonel Holton had three experienced companies available to him from the 2nd Battalion, 315th Infantry Regiment, for the defense of Hatten. They were supported by a platoon of M18 Hellcats, ably led by Lieutenant Robert Jones. The Germans,…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 9 - Hatten in Flames

Scenario#: HF7     Date: 1/13/1945     Location: Hatten, France

Four days into the battle, the 14th Armored Division, supported by infantry from two battalions of the 315th Infantry Regiment, had managed to temporarily halt the momentum of Panzer-Korps XXXIX. Switching to the offensive, American tankers sought to…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 9 - Hatten in Flames

Scenario#: HF8     Date: 1/14/1945     Location: Hatten, France

After five days of fighting, both Hatten and Rittershoffen had largely been split in two, with the Germans holding slightly more of the most prominent positions. Many buildings had been rubbled, burned to the ground or suffered significant structural…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 9 - Hatten in Flames

Scenario#: HS02     Date: 8/21/1942     Location: Tenaru River, Guadalcanal

Colonel Ichiki's men were practically wiped out the night before in wave after wave of banzai attacks across the Tenaru into the well-prepared Marine defenses. Canister, machine-gun fire, and courage had broken Ichiki's back. As dawn rose above the…

Advanced Squad LeaderHSASL 1 - Operation Watchtower

Scenario#: HS04     Date: 9/13/1942     Location: Lunga Ridge, Guadalcanal

The Japanese under Colonel Kawaguchi were pressing hard to take the Lunga Ridge from Edson's Raiders. The Marines bent, but had not yet broken, and were making a last stand on the final defensive obstacle between the Japanese and Henderson Field.…

Advanced Squad LeaderHSASL 1 - Operation Watchtower

Scenario#: HS05     Date: 9/13/1942     Location: Lunga Ridge, Guadalcanal

On the night of September 12th, leading elements of Major General Kiyotaki Kawaguchi's 35th Infantry Brigade attacked the positions of the Raiders to the west of Lunga Ridge, overrunning C Company's positions. By the morning the Raiders were forced…

Advanced Squad LeaderHSASL 1 - Operation Watchtower

Scenario#: HS06     Date: 9/14/1942     Location: Lunga Ridge, Guadalcanal

The defense on Lunga Ridge had been severely stretched, but it had not broken and had extracted a heavy toll on the attacking Japanese troops. General Vandergrift committed the Marine reserves and ordered a counterattack to disrupt Japanese efforts…

Advanced Squad LeaderHSASL 1 - Operation Watchtower

Scenario#: HS07     Date: 9/14/1942     Location: Lunga Point, Guadalcanal

On the night of September 13th, elements of Major Mizumo's Kuma Battalion attacked the positions held by Marines of the 3rd Battalion on the eastern flank of the American perimeter. At dawn, the Marines sent a platoon of light tanks on patrol to see…

Advanced Squad LeaderHSASL 1 - Operation Watchtower

Scenario#: HS10     Date: 10/12/1942     Location: Matanikau River, Guadalcanal

Marine offensive operation in the area near the Matanikau River were scaled back due to reports of a massive Japanese attack on the main Henderson Field defensive perimeter. A large supply of mortar shells had been transferred to the front for use…

Advanced Squad LeaderHSASL 1 - Operation Watchtower

Scenario#: HS12     Date: 10/24/1942     Location: Lunga Ridge, Guadalcanal

The Marines, anxious to take the fight to the Japanese, mounted an ambitious plan to surround and destroy the majority of the Japanese forces at the mouth of the Matanikau River. A three-pronged attack, each prong depending on the others succeeding,…

Advanced Squad LeaderHSASL 1 - Operation Watchtower

Scenario#: HS13     Date: 11/24/1942     Location: Hill 81, Guadalcanal

The Japanese began to fortify their positions, particularly in the hills west of the Matanikau. The westward U.S. advance threatened supply routes leading to inland positions. Using reverse slope positions that could not be hit by artillery, the…

Advanced Squad LeaderHSASL 1 - Operation Watchtower

Scenario#: HS14     Date: 12/25/1942     Location: Gifu, Guadalcanal

Army troops, having taken over for most of the Marine formations, were eager to prove their mettle on the assault. Their first task on the long list of objectives required to clear the island was a strongpoint called the Gifu. This particularly nasty…

Advanced Squad LeaderHSASL 1 - Operation Watchtower

Scenario#: HS15     Date: 1/2/1943     Location: Hill 27, Guadalcanal

Hill 27 was a separate rocky elevation, 920 feet high, just east of the Gifu. The leading assault troops of the 2nd Battalion gained the summit of the hill at 0907 without firing a shot. By 1130 hours the entire assault force had reached the summit,…

Advanced Squad LeaderHSASL 1 - Operation Watchtower

Scenario#: HS16     Date: 1/13/1943     Location: Galloping Horse, Guadalcanal

The 27th Infantry Regiment had been attacking the 900-foot-high hill called Galloping Horse for three days. Only Hill 523, the head of the horse-shaped mass, was left. F Company would advance through the jungle on the right flank. E Company would…

Advanced Squad LeaderHSASL 1 - Operation Watchtower

Scenario#: S007     Date: 8/26/1944     Location: Plouzané, France

The Operation “Chastity” offensivewas planned to gain control of the large harbors of Brest and Lorient whosefacilities were needed to provide the logistical support the Allies would need todrive across France. General Ramcke and the 2nd…

Advanced Squad LeaderOperations #46

Scenario#: S008     Date: 6/6/1944     Location: Chef Du Pont, France

One of the responsibilities of the airborne troops landing behind Utah Beach was the seizure of several key bridges following the D-Day drop. Brigadier General James Gavin found himself as the senior officer near one of these bridges, the one at…

Advanced Squad LeaderOperations #47

Scenario#: S019     Date: 6/12/1944     Location: Carentan, France

Having secured the area behind Utah Beach, and with the 29th Infantry having captured Isigny, it was now up to the 101st Airborne to take Carentan to allow the linkup of the two American beachheads. The 327th Glider Infantry Regiment would clear the…

Advanced Squad LeaderOperations #50

Scenario#: S029     Date: 8/16/1944     Location: Le Muy, France

In the Allied invasion in southern France, the Dragoon plan called for early morning raids on each of the German flanks, followed by paratroop drops and glider landings around Le Muy, a transportation hub a dozen miles from the coast. Once organized…

Advanced Squad LeaderOperations #52

Scenario#: S030     Date: 11/16/1944     Location: Apweiler, Germany

Operation Queen was the codename for the assault into the Roer River plain. The American XIX Corps was to cross the Roer and drive towards the Rhine. Most of the terrain was flat and dotted with villages and cultivated fields. The tankers of the 2nd…

Advanced Squad LeaderOperations Special Issue #1

Scenario#: S031     Date: 7/10/1943     Location: Station San Oliva, Sicily

The Americans on the left flank of the Sicily landings, codenamed Joss, were scheduled to land early in the morning near Licata. The Italian units manning the defenses, generally static Coastal Divisions, fully dominated the beach exits with machine…

Advanced Squad LeaderOperations Special Issue #1

Scenario#: SG1     Date: 12/6/1944     Location: Singling, France

On December 5th, Task Force Abrams of the 37th Tank Battalion made an attack from Schmittviller with the goal of reaching Rimling, but the effort was stopped well short of its objective by both poor terrain and fire from the town of Singling. The…

Advanced Squad LeaderOperations Special Issue #1

Scenario#: SG2     Date: 12/6/1944     Location: Singling, France

When it became apparent to the men of Abrams' Team B that they faced a much more daunting task than anticipated, the only real option open to them was to consolidate their gains and await the arrival of Combat Command B. Having taken control of much…

Advanced Squad LeaderOperations Special Issue #1

Scenario#: S034     Date: 11/23/1944     Location: Baerendorf, France

The thrust towards the Rhine River by the U.S. XV Corps was threatening to split the German First and Nineteenth Armies, which could lead to the outflanking of the Saar Basin and the destruction of the German forces west of the Rhine. German Field…

Advanced Squad LeaderOperations Special Issue #2

Scenario#: HC3     Date: 10/8/1942     Location: Matanikau Village, Guadalcanal

As part of a larger offensive designed to drive Japanese forces away from the Matanikau valley, two battalions from the 5th Marines and elements of the 1st Raider Battalion attacked west from the Lunga perimeter on October 7, forcing an infantry…

Advanced Squad LeaderOperations Special Issue #3

Scenario#: HC4     Date: 10/9/1942     Location: Hill 75, Guadalcanal

After many abortive attempts to push the Japanese back from the west bank of the Matanikau, a large-scale effort was launched. Well south of the river's mouth, three groups would cross and push northwards toward Point Cruz, trapping the Japanese…

Advanced Squad LeaderOperations Special Issue #3

Scenario#: OA04     Date: 8/1/1944     Location: Chevry, France

Shermans vs Panthers amongst the DASL hedgerows.

Advanced Squad LeaderOut of the Attic

Scenario#: OA07     Date: 12/25/1944     Location: Celles, Belgium

During the Bulge offensive, the German 2nd Panzer Division was met and surrounded by the American 2nd Armor Division. A wild melee ensued as the Germans attempted to destroy the American armor and break out to complete their drive to the Meuse.…

Advanced Squad LeaderOut of the Attic