Browse Items (521 total)

Scenario#: 5683     Date: 1/29/1944     Location: Malleval-en-Vercors, France

The maquis of Malleval, a rural guerrilla band of the French Resistance, was composed of 50 men under the command of Lieutenant Eysseric (code name "Durand"). The group's base of operations was the isolated village of Malleval-en-Vercors, on the…

Memoir '44Vercors Campaign

Scenario#: 5735     Date: 7/21/1944     Location: Agat, Guam

On July 21, 1944, the Marines set foot on Guam, as part of Operation Forager. The 3rd Marine Division lands on Asan Beach, north of the Orote peninsula, while the 1st Marine Division lands south, opposite the town of Agat. …

Memoir '44Open de France 2010

Scenario#: 5754     Date: 6/13/1944     Location: Saint Nizier, France

With its cliffs, steep slopes and limited access points, the Vercors plateau is a natural and easily defended fortress. Familiar with the terrain, the heads of the French Resistance immediately saw its value as a defensive bastion deep within…

Memoir '44Vercors Campaign

Scenario#: 5783     Date: 7/23/1942     Location: Kalatch, Russia

On July 23, 1942, General Paulus launches his plan to surround the loop of the Don river in a bid to ensnare the 62nd Soviet Army. The XIV Panzer Corps in the north, will form the left wing of these …

Memoir '44Open de France 2010

Scenario#: 5797     Date: 1/26/1945     Location: Holtzwihr, France

During the Battle for the Colmar Pocket, the 3rd U.S. Infantry Division, attached to the 1st French Army for the occasion, bravely inched through the snow-covered plains of Alsace despite the bitter cold. The 15th U.S. Infantry Regiment had just …

Memoir '44Open de France 2010

Scenario#: 5841     Date: 8/20/1944     Location: Decize, France

With the landing of the Allied forces in Provence (Operation Dragoon), German occupation troops have been issued a general retreat order; As early as August 17, 1944, garrisons in the South-West of France evacuate en masse; their occupants, a long …

Memoir '44Breakthrough

Scenario#: 5866     Date: 7/1/1942     Location: Rouweizat Ridge, Egypt

After the battle of Mersa Matrouh, Rommel led his troops back to Alexandria. They arrived at El Alamein June 29, exhausted. Without waiting for all its units to regroup, Rommel launches his Afrika Korps into an attack on the center …

Memoir '44Open de France 2010

Scenario#: 5871     Date: 9/10/1944     Location: Le Havre, France

Major General "Bubbles" Barker's Polar Bears have assembled the biggest collection of Hobart's Funnies ever seen in one place in preparation for an assault on the German-held Channel port of Le Havre. These 'Funnies' were specialist armored vehicles…

Memoir '44Equipment Pack

Scenario#: 5872     Date: 2/15/1943     Location: Sidi Bou Zid, Tunisia

After very bloody fighting during December 1942, most of Tunisia was in German control. One exception: the area around Sidi Bou Zid. Both sides spent January reorganizing, but on February 14th, the Panzers went on the offensive, attacking Sidi Bou …

Memoir '44Battle Maps Series 1 - Disaster at Dieppe

Scenario#: 5876     Date: 8/7/1944     Location: Le-Mesnil-Adelée, France

On August 6th, Bradley and Hodges received a report from Allied aircraft indicating a build-up of German forces in the Mortain area. The US 30th Division therefore only had a day's warning to assume a defensive posture. In the other …

Memoir '44Battle Maps Series 1 - Disaster at Dieppe

Scenario#: 5913     Date: 7/12/1943     Location: Prokhorovka, Russia

The morning of July 12, 1943, somewhere in the vicinity of Prokhorovka - Having successfully broken through the third line of Soviet defenses the previous evening, the tank crews of Feldmarschall Manstein's II.SS-Pz.Korps, are finishing breakfast and…

Memoir '44Breakthrough

Scenario#: 5933     Date: 7/21/1944     Location: Vassieux-en-Vercors, France

On July 20, 1944, following several weeks of troops build-up, the Germans launched their attack on the newly proclaimed "Free Republic of Vercors". The next morning, the German 157.Reserve-Division, bolstered with Ukrainian troops from Eastern…

Memoir '44Vercors Campaign

Scenario#: 5973     Date: 7/22/1944     Location: Valchevrière, France

On July 22, 1944, the Germans launched a new assault on Valchevrière, a village under the protection of Captain Goderville and his group of French Resistance fighters. The maquisards' mission was to deny the Germans access to the west and …

Memoir '44Vercors Campaign

Scenario#: 5978     Date: 9/14/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

By the end of August 1942, Army Group South (B) reached the Volga, north of Stalingrad. In a matter of days, 4th Panzer Army, with the 29th Motorized Division in the lead, headed for the river south of the city, …

Memoir '44Battle Maps Series 1 - Sword of Stalingrad

Scenario#: 5979     Date: 9/24/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

The fighting for control of downtown Stalingrad raged on for days. Battle lines vanished. The armor-supported mobility that the German soldiers had been accustomed to during their rapid progression across the Russian steppe soon degenerated into the…

Memoir '44Battle Maps Series 1 - Sword of Stalingrad

Scenario#: 5980     Date: 9/14/1942     Location: Mamayev Kurgan, Russia

Designated as Height 103.0 on military maps, the hill of Mamayev Kurgan offers control over the city of Stalingrad to whoever holds it. As such, it was soon to be the subject of a tug-of-war between the attackers of the …

Memoir '44Battle Maps Series 1 - Sword of Stalingrad

Scenario#: 5981     Date: 10/14/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

By October 1942, Stalingrad had become a matter of personal prestige for both Stalin and Hitler, and the sole focal point of the Campaign in the East, above and beyond any strategic military consideration. In mid-October, the Luftwaffe intensified…

Memoir '44Battle Maps Series 1 - Sword of Stalingrad

Scenario#: 6042     Date: 12/8/1941     Location: Kota Bharu, Malaysia

The Battle of Malaya began on the morning of December 8th with an amphibious assault on the strategically important RAF base at Kota Bharu. The air field was protected by the multiple arms of the Kelantan River, and defended by …

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: 6043     Date: 12/10/1941     Location: Jitra, Malaysia

Lieutenant-General Arthur Percival, British General Officer Commanding Malaya, tried to slow down the Japanese advance by ordering bridges to be blown up along the Trunk Road. The Japanese devised a method to overcome this British strategy. Infantry…

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: 6046     Date: 12/30/1941     Location: Kampar, Malaysia

The battered and desperately understrength remnants of the 11th Indian Infantry Division withdrew from Gurun to take up positions in the Kampar area under their new commander, General Archibald Paris. They dug-in between the jungle around the Sungai…

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: 6049     Date: 1/14/1942     Location: Gemas, Malaysia

The 8th Australian Division's commander, Major-General Gordon Bennett, was given command of all forces in the west of Malaya (Westforce). Bennett brought 8th Australian Division with him to relieve the broken 11th Indian Division, and believed that…

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: 6051     Date: 1/7/1941     Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Successive outflanking maneuvers down the west coast of Malaya by the Japanese, forced General Percival to create a new defense line to the south in Johore state. Percival urged Lieutenant-General Lewis "Piggy" Heath, commander of III Indian Corps,…

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: 6053     Date: 12/8/1941     Location: Ban Sadao, Malaysia

Malaya's supposed first line of defense, the formidable British battleships Prince of Wales and Repulse, were languishing at Singapore. Untroubled by them, the Japanese 5th Division landed at Singora and Patani in Thailand, and simultaneously…

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: 6068     Date: 12/14/1941     Location: Gurun, Malaysia

The severely depleted and desperately tired men of the 11th Indian Division of III Indian Corps under Major-General David Murray-Lyon were retreating in disorder from Jitra. They stopped in the gap between the heavily forested Kedah Peak and the…

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: 6084     Date: 1/16/1942     Location: Parit Jawa, Malaysia

While the Japanese 5th Division was engaged in a fierce battle around Gemas to the east, the Konoe Imperial Guards Division under Lieutenant-General Nishimura attacked down the west coast of Malaya. Facing them were elements of the 8th Australian…

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: 6088     Date: 7/21/1944     Location: Massif of Grand Veymont, France

As July 1944 drew to its end, the troops of German 157.Reserve-Division had the Vercors Plateau virtually surrounded. The only ground still out of their reach were the mountain passes (or "Pas") protecting the access to the East of the …

Memoir '44Vercors Campaign

Scenario#: 6089     Date: 2/9/1942     Location: Singapore, Singapore

With his troops' morale crumbling, and believing he faced 5 Japanese divisions and 300 tanks, Lieutenant-General Arthur Percival made the decision to withdraw to Singapore. General Bennett paid a final visit to his friend the Sultan of Johore and…

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: 6336     Date: 9/13/1942     Location: Barce, Libya

To interrupt Rommel's lines of communication and hamper his anticipated offensive against El Alamein, a number of raids were ordered on key locations to the Axis' rear. The New Zealanders and Guards patrols were sent onto Barce. After traveling 100 …

Memoir '44Battle Maps Series 1 - Disaster at Dieppe

Scenario#: 6365     Date: 12/24/1943     Location: Solotvyn, Russia

On December 24, 1943, Soviet General Vatutine opens the first Ukrainian Front towards Zhitomir and Berdichev. The 48th German Panzer rushes to the front to stem the Soviet advance. On December 30, the SS Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler (1st SS …

Memoir '44Open de France 2010

Scenario#: 6367     Date: 6/6/1944     Location: Sword Beach, France

The early hours, morning of June 6, 1944 - Men of the British 6th Airborne Division airdrop inland to capture the bridges over the Orne River and canal and prevent the German armored formations in the area between Normandy and …

Memoir '44Breakthrough

Scenario#: 6369     Date: 4/8/1945     Location: Groningen, Holland

The Third Reich is in its final throes. But Netherlands is still under the iron grip of the German forces, following the disaster of Operation Market-Garden. Heading North toward the heart of the Reich, the Canadian tanks and Polish artillery …

Memoir '44Breakthrough

Scenario#: 6370     Date: 8/30/1942     Location: Alam el Halfa, Egypt

The battle of Alam el Halfa might be Rommel's last shot at defeating the British Eighth Army and taking Egypt; his Afrika Corps numerical superiority was slowing dwindling away and would soon be outnumbered by the Allies. With waiting no …

Memoir '44Breakthrough

Scenario#: 6380     Date: 12/20/1944     Location: Noville, Belgium

Battle of the Bulge, morning of December 20, 1944 - Noville is already under attack, but the enemy seems to be groping, rather than making a concentrated attack. Fog and snow have hampered the action and the beleaguered Americans can …

Memoir '44Breakthrough

Scenario#: 6433     Date: 8/7/1944     Location: Saint Barthélémy, France

While Patton's tanks roll through Brittany, threatening France's center, Hitler orders Field Marshal Von Kluge to launch an armored counter-attack to cut the Avranches corridor. The Germans struggle to regroup 150 tanks from the remnants of four…

Memoir '44Breakthrough

Scenario#: 6541     Date: 6/6/1944     Location: Luc-sur-Mer, France

Sword Beach - 07:20, June 6, 1944 - The DD tanks of 13/18 Hussars and Flails of 22 Dragoons land, followed by the men of 2nd East Yorkshire Rgt on Queen Red and those of 1st South Lancashire Rgt on …

Memoir '44Breakthrough

Scenario#: 6555     Date: 8/4/1943     Location: Nicetta, Sicily

After capturing Palermo, Patton and his 7th Army advanced along the north coast of Sicily with the unavowed objective of entering Messina before the British 8th Army of General Montgomery. But Axis forces delay Patton's advance, systematically…

Memoir '44Audie Murphy's Campaign

Scenario#: 6557     Date: 11/5/1943     Location: Mignano, Italy

After crossing the Volturno river, the 3rd US Infantry Division managed to advance to Cassino before finding itself blocked by the "Barbara" line at Mignano. Well entrenched on Monte Lungo and Monte Rotondo, the Germans soldiers of the…

Memoir '44Audie Murphy's Campaign

Scenario#: 6558     Date: 10/13/1943     Location: Monte Majulo, Italy

After coming out of the bridgehead they've established at Salerno, elements of the 5th US Army reach the southern bank of the Volturno river on the 5th of October 1943. During the night of October 12-13, British and US troops …

Memoir '44Audie Murphy's Campaign

Scenario#: 6564     Date: 5/23/1944     Location: cisterna di Littoria, Italy

By the middle of May 1944, General Clark has decide he's had enough. Determined to finish his opponent off, he launches the 6th US Army Corps on the little town of cisterna di Littoria, the centerpiece of the German defense …

Memoir '44Audie Murphy's Campaign

Scenario#: 6568     Date: 8/15/1944     Location: Pampelonne, France

August 15, 1944 marks D-Day for the Allied landing in Provence. In the morning, 3rd US Infantry Division (Alpha Force) lands at Cavalaire (Red Beach) and Pampelonne (Yellow Beach). Demoralized and reluctant to fight, the Germans offer little…

Memoir '44Audie Murphy's Campaign

Scenario#: 6590     Date: 10/1/1944     Location: Cleurie, France

At the beginning of October 1944, after freeing up the city of Besançon, the 3rd US Infantry Division is engaged in the Vosges Mountains. Near the village of Cleurie, they find themselves stopped by a German party entrenched on nearby …

Memoir '44Audie Murphy's Campaign

Scenario#: 6592     Date: 2/3/1945     Location: Biesheim, France

In Alsace, combats are drawing to an end; the Colmar pocket is being reduced by the 1st French Army, and the troops of the German XIX.Armee, decimated and demoralized. are withdrawing toward Chalampé bridge over the Rhine in a bid …

Memoir '44Audie Murphy's Campaign

Scenario#: 6678     Date: 6/6/1944     Location: Vacqueville, France

Omaha Beach at the end of the morning, US units which have survived to the hell of the beach began to reach the plateau. Companies of 116th Infantry Rgt, 115th Infantry Rgt, 2nd and 5th Rangers and tanks of 743rd …

Memoir '44Open de France 2011

Scenario#: 6687     Date: 6/6/1944     Location: Sainte-Mère-Eglise, France

During the night June 5-6 1944, paratroopers of the three parachute regiments of the 82nd "All American" US Airborne Division were dropped over the Cotentin peninsula. Their objective: to secure their drop zone, capture Sainte-Mère-Eglise and the…

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: 6696     Date: 6/6/1944     Location: Turqueville, France

During the night June 5-6 1944, the 101st US Airborne Division "Screaming Eagles" was one of two divisions dropped on the Cotentin peninsula. Its objectives were to secure the beach exits, capture the lock at la Barquette, destroy the bridges …

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: 6702     Date: 6/6/1944     Location: Merville, France

During the night June 5-6 1944, units of the 6th (British) Airborne Division were dropped east of Caen, between the Orne and Dives rivers. Their objective was: to capture the bridges on the Orne river and the canal (later made …

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: 6726     Date: 7/25/1944     Location: Canisy, France

After the capture of Saint-Lô, 1st US Army, under the command of General Bradley, found itself in position to launch a major offensive to breakthrough the German lines; they had suffered so much attrition they had reached their breaking point. …

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: 6760     Date: 12/16/1944     Location: Schnee Eifel, Germany

Further up in the center, this same morning of December 16, 1944, Fifth Panzer Army attacked the positions held by the U.S. 28th and 106th Infantry Divisions. Thinly spread and outmatched, numerically as well as materially, the 422nd and 423rd …

Memoir '44Winter Wars

Scenario#: 6763     Date: 12/16/1944     Location: Clervaux, Belgium

Planned with the utmost secrecy, German "Operation Watch on the Rhine", launched in the wee hours of December 16, 1944. Hitler's objective: To conduct a blitzkrieg on what the US First Army considered a "quiet" front and push through the …

Memoir '44Winter Wars

Scenario#: 6766     Date: 12/19/1944     Location: Wardin, Belgium

The morning of December 19 opened under a thick fog. The stragglers that had been poring back through the Allied lines had stopped coming, which could only mean the enemy was approaching. In the village of Wardin, Team S-2 and …

Memoir '44Winter Wars