Browse Items (334 total)

Scenario#: 8     Date: September 16, 1944     Location: Marieulles, France

Elements of the U.S. 7th Armored Division engage a mixed force of German officer trainees at Marieulles.

Panzer (AH/MMP)Panzer Leader

Scenario#: 7     Date: September 14, 1944     Location: Nancy, France

Elements of the American 4th Armored Division attack the German 553rd Volksgrenadier Division and attached units during the encirclement of Nancy.

Panzer (AH/MMP)Panzer Leader

Scenario#: 6     Date: September 7, 1944     Location: Reichswald, Germany

Elements of the 2nd Canadian Infantry attack the German 84th Infantry Division near the Reichswald.

Panzer (AH/MMP)Panzer Leader

Scenario#: 5     Date: July 18, 1944     Location: Bretteville-sur-laize, France

Elements of the British 11th and Guards Armoured Divisions encounter remnants of the German 1st SS and 21st Panzer Divisions during Operation Goodwood.

Panzer (AH/MMP)Panzer Leader

Scenario#: 4     Date: June 29, 1944     Location: St. Lo, France

Elements of the U.S. 116th Infantry Regiment, supported by elements of the 737th Tank Battalion, attack towards St. Lo against units of the German 3rd Fallschirmjaeger (Parachute) Division and the 12th Sturmgeschutz (Assault Gun) Brigade.

Panzer (AH/MMP)Panzer Leader

Scenario#: 3     Date: June 6, 1944     Location: Gold Beach, France

Elements of British 79th Armoured Division attack elements of the German 716th Division on Gold Beach.

Panzer (AH/MMP)Panzer Leader

Scenario#: 2     Date: June 6, 1944     Location: Omaha Beach, France

Reínforced elements of the U.S. 1st and 29th Infantry Divisions attack elements of the German 352nd Division on Omaha Beach.

Panzer (AH/MMP)Panzer Leader

Scenario#: 1     Date: June 6, 1944     Location: Utah Beach, France

U.S. 101st Airborne Division attacks elements of the German 709th Division behind the Utah Beach.

Panzer (AH/MMP)Panzer Leader

Scenario#: 18     Date: 10/20/1973     Location: Ismailia, Egypt

After the crossing of the Canal and the battle for Chinese Farm, General Sharon's division was given the mission to widen the corridor between the Egyptian 16th Infantry Division and the Israeli Canal crossing point near Deversoir to prevent future …

Panzer (YAQ)IDF (The Boardgamer V7#3)

Scenario#: 17     Date: 10/17/1973     Location: Great Bitter Lake, Sinai

At the height of the battle for Chinese Farm the Egyptians rushed reinforcements from both the north and the south into the fray. From the south came the 25th Armored Brigade, one of the premier units of the Egyptian armed …

Panzer (YAQ)IDF (The Boardgamer V7#3)

Scenario#: 16     Date: 10/6/1973     Location: Giddi Pass, Sinai

During the afternoon of the 6th of October 1973 one of the assaulting Egyptian brigades, the 130th Marine Brigade, crossed the Canal and pushed straight on towards the passes in the Khatmia Mountains with the mission of securing the western …

Panzer (YAQ)IDF (The Boardgamer V7#3)

Scenario#: 15     Date: 10/6/1973     Location: Sudr Pass, Sinai

In the opening minutes of the 73 War, over thirty Egyptian Commando platoons were dispatched by helicopter to various locations in the Sinai region. Most of the platoons were assigned to ambush Israeli tank columns on their way to the …

Panzer (YAQ)IDF (The Boardgamer V7#3)

Scenario#: 14     Date: 6/8/1967     Location: Bir Gifgafa, Sinai

During the battle for the central Sinai, the Egyptian High Command at first rushed reinforcements to the area then later issued withdrawal orders to bring them back to the Canal. In the confusion several units did not receive the withdraw …

Panzer (YAQ)IDF (The Boardgamer V7#3)

Scenario#: 13     Date: 6/5/1967     Location: Sheikh Zuweid, Sinai

On the first day of the 67 War, units of the Israeli 7th Armored Brigade were ordered to attack the forward elements of the Egyptian 7th Infantry Division located around the town of Rafah on the southern end of the …

Panzer (YAQ)IDF (The Boardgamer V7#3)

Scenario#: 12     Date: 11/2/1956     Location: Bir Gafgafa, Sinai

For the past three days the Israeli 7th Armored Brigade has been steadily advancing across the central Suez pursuing withdrawing Egyptian units. At Bir Gigafa the Egyptian 1st Armored Brigade deployed to delay the Israelis and allow the other…

Panzer (YAQ)IDF (The Boardgamer V7#3)

Scenario#: 11     Date: 10/16/1973     Location: Tel Maschara, Golan Heights

The Jordanians were late to enter the war, not making their initial appearance until October 13, when they committed their crack 40th Armored Brigade, By October 16, the Jordanian 40th Armored Brigade was protecting the flank of the Syrian 5th …

Panzer (YAQ)IDF (Israeli Defense Force)

Scenario#: 10     Date: 10/18/1973     Location: Tal Shaar, Golan Geights

After suffering irreplaceable losses in their initial assault on October 13, the Iraqis, along with their Arab allies, assumed a defensive posture. From October 17 through 22, they engaged in a series of holding actions and spoiling attacks.…

Panzer (YAQ)IDF (Israeli Defense Force)

Scenario#: 9     Date: 10/14/1973     Location: El-Qanttara, Egypt

After the initial Egyptian successes fell into holding actions and the Israeli counterattack essentially failed, the front fell into a period of probing and spoiling attacks. The Israeli intelligence indicated that the respite would only be…

Panzer (YAQ)IDF (Israeli Defense Force)

Scenario#: 8     Date: 10/6/1973     Location: Mount Herman, Lebanon

In keeping with the philosophy of static defensive positions, the Israeli high command established a line of defensive fortifications on the Northern Front. This line stretched in the north from under the shadow of Mount Herman to the Jordanian…

Panzer (YAQ)IDF (Israeli Defense Force)

Scenario#: 7     Date: 10/7/1973     Location: Sinai Peninsula, Egypt

Constant Egyptian pressure during the War of Attrition (1967-1970) prompted the Israeli high command to establish permanent defensive positions along the eastern edge of the Suez Canal. This defensive system became known as the Bar-Lev Line after…

Panzer (YAQ)IDF (Israeli Defense Force)

Scenario#: 6     Date: 10/17/1973     Location: Deversoir, Egypt

Prior to the outbreak of the Yom Kippur War, the Israelis developed a plan for a forced crossing of the Suez Canal. This plan, designated Operation Stout-Hearted (Mivtza Abirey Lev), was the brain child of Major General Ariel Sharon when …

Panzer (YAQ)IDF (Israeli Defense Force)

Scenario#: 5     Date: 10/9/1973     Location: Valley of Tears, Golan Heights

On the Golan Heights, the second day of the war found the Israeli forces holding on by an extremely thin thread. The first day's actions had virtually decimated the few tank units the Israelis had available. The Syrian tank and …

Panzer (YAQ)IDF (Israeli Defense Force)

Scenario#: 4     Date: 6/9/1967     Location: Tel Dan Kibbutz, Isreal

The Syrians have long been held as the real responsible party behind the Six Day War. Yet, when the war started, the Syrians were content to leave the fighting to their Egyptian and Jordanian allies. Their only contribution was an …

Panzer (YAQ)IDF (Israeli Defense Force)

Scenario#: 3     Date: 6/6/1967     Location: French Hill, Israel

Considering the quantitative límitations of the Israeli forces, the prospect of war with Jordan was viewed with a high degree of concern. Plans had been laid to deal with Syria, but any protracted engagement with Jordan's seven brigades would place …

Panzer (YAQ)IDF (Israeli Defense Force)

Scenario#: 2     Date: 6/6/1967     Location: Um Katif, Egypt

Ariel Sharon's Ugdat was tasked to clear the “central route” of the enemy. In the middle of this objective was the Abu Ageila road junction. On the night of June 5th, preliminary clashes had already taken place at the village …

Panzer (YAQ)IDF (Israeli Defense Force)

Scenario#: 1     Date: 6/8/1967     Location: Bir Gafgafa, Sinai

Israel Tal”s 7th and 60th Armored Brigades, having swung southwest after overrunning the Egyptian forces at Rafa and Bit Lahfan, turned west along the so-called “central route” in a race for the key mountain passes and, ultimately, the Suez Canal …

Panzer (YAQ)IDF (Israeli Defense Force)

Scenario#: 309     Date: 23-Feb-45     Location: Koerrenzig, Germany

The Gls had been poised before the Roer for days. German engineers had skillfully blown the upriver dam floodgates so that the Roer had run fierce and wide. Now, with the river still in flood but navigable, the concentrated might …

Squad LeaderGI: Anvil of Victory (Addon)

Scenario#: 308     Date: 11-Nov-44     Location: Han-sur-Neid, France

It will never be known who ordered the charge. Perhaps it was Colonel Burnette, who was mortally wounded as his men neared the 100 foot bridge. Perhaps it was simply the sight of Lt. Edwards' tanks edging across the unblown …

Squad LeaderGI: Anvil of Victory (Addon)

Scenario#: 307     Date: 9-Oct-44     Location: Bardenberg, Germany

As the majority of the I 19th Infantry Regiment advanced into North Wuerselen, they left behind a reduced company, commanded by Captain R. Simmons, to protect their line of communication. Captain Simmons deployed the bulk of his troops around a …

Squad LeaderGI: Anvil of Victory (Addon)

Scenario#: 306     Date: 12-Apr-45     Location: Barby on the Elbe, Germany

Gls of the 83rd Infantry Division took particular pride in their use of captured German vehicles. So extensive was their "used car lot" appearance that the news correspondents nicknamed this unit the "Rag Tag Circus". The Americans had a chance …

Squad LeaderGI: Anvil of Victory (Addon)

Scenario#: 305     Date: 15-Mar-45     Location: Pfaffenheck, Germany

German General Hoehne, LXXXIX Corps commander, had to buy time. Every day the way was clear allowed additional isolated units to filter back towards the Rhine. At a time of frightful manpower shortages, he decided to commit two of his …

Squad LeaderGI: Anvil of Victory (Addon)

Scenario#: 304     Date: 15-Mar-45     Location: Pfaffenheck, Germany

At the same time that the SS mountain troopers were striking one flank of the US 357th Regiment, the Wehrmacht's 159th Division struck the other. Every effort was to be made to prevent the Americans from establishing an artillery OP …

Squad LeaderGI: Anvil of Victory (Addon)

Scenario#: 303     Date: 15-Mar-45     Location: Pfaffenheck, Germany

Between the Moselle and Rhine rivers, the US Army ground forward on a broad front. The Germans struggled desperately to hold open escape routes to the Rhine. After unsuccessful attempts to slow the American advance, General Hoehne launched two…

Squad LeaderGI: Anvil of Victory (Addon)

Scenario#: 302     Date: 10-Dec-44     Location: Obergeich, Germany

As the Americans advanced across the plains of Germany, the badly outnumbered Germans could not hope to hold a continuous line. Rather than expose themselves, the Wehrmacht troops turned each town or clump of buildings into a small strongpoint. Early…

Squad LeaderGI: Anvil of Victory (Addon)

Scenario#: 301     Date: 10-Oct-44     Location: Huertgen Forest, Germany

Day after day of seemingly endless forest. Constant shelling had turned most of the trees to shattered hulks. Advances were truly measured in yards as each step forward increased the threat of yet another sniper or hidden Spandau. Then, near …

Squad LeaderGI: Anvil of Victory (Addon)

Scenario#: 300     Date: 27-Feb-45     Location: Elsdrof, Germany

In an attempt to give American armor a fighting chance against heavy German tanks, the Army Ordnance Department developed the T26 Medium tank, better known as the Pershing. Carrying a 90mm gun and heavy frontal armor, the Pershing was rushed …

Squad LeaderGI: Anvil of Victory (Addon)

Scenario#: 47     Date: 30-Mar-45     Location: Ruhr, Germany

As the 12th Army wheeled its way north under overcast skies to join the 9th Army in encircling the Ruhr, they drew upon the 3rd Armored Division to lead the way. A task force built around a medium tank battalion …

Squad LeaderGI: Anvil of Victory

Scenario#: 46     Date: 24-Mar-45     Location: Hamminkeln, Germany

The airborne phase of the Allies' Northern Rhine crossing was to be the last airborne assault of the war. Artillery units and fighter-bombers pounded the German gun positions in the vicinity of the drop zones so severely that the first …

Squad LeaderGI: Anvil of Victory

Scenario#: 45     Date: 7-Jun-44     Location: St Come-du-Mont, France

After their initial drop into the bocage behind the invasion beaches, the 2nd Battalion of the 501st Parachute Regiment discovered that their regimental objective of St Come-du-Mont would not fall as easily as expected. The village was defended by a…

Squad LeaderGI: Anvil of Victory

Scenario#: 44     Date: 7-Jul-44     Location: Vire et Taute Canal, France

The Germans had frustrated the Allied attempt to breakout of the Normandy peninsula, and Eisenhower now tried shifting pressure from the British sector in the east to the Americans on the west. One location where a breakthrough was to be …

Squad LeaderGI: Anvil of Victory

Scenario#: 43     Date: 4-Nov-44     Location: Kommerscheidt, Germany

By October, 1944 the American Army had ripped two large holes in the Siegfried Line at Aachen and Roetgen . The next step called for a limited flanking operation in the Huertgen Forest. The 28th Division was ordered to carry …

Squad LeaderGI: Anvil of Victory

Scenario#: 42     Date: 24-Mar-45     Location: Speldrop, Germany

During the night of March 23rd, the Allied 21st Army Group began the long awaited Rhine crossing. The first division to cross was the British 51 st Highland Division mounted in Buffaloes of the 4th Royal Tanks and Northamptonshire Yeomanry …

Squad LeaderGI: Anvil of Victory

Scenario#: 41     Date: 11-Jul-43     Location: Biazzo Ridge, Sicily

In the early morning hours of July 10th, Colonel James Gavin and the SOS the Parachute Regiment were scattered over much of southern Sicily. Gavin landed 20 miles east of the selected drop zone, while most of his regiment came …

Squad LeaderGI: Anvil of Victory

Scenario#: 40     Date: 10-Sep-44     Location: Dornot, Germany

With its series of forts and prepared positions, the area around the historic Lorraine city of Metz was to become known as "Fortress Metz" to the U.S. forces fighting in Europe. The first test in the long campaign which was …

Squad LeaderGI: Anvil of Victory

Scenario#: 39     Date: 10-Dec-42     Location: Bordj Toum Station, Tunisia

As the Allies paused to gather their breath and resources for their attack on Tunis, the Germans struck first. The Fifth Panzer Army in an effort to expand its position around Tunis, sent the 86th Panzer Grenadier Regiment supported by …

Squad LeaderGI: Anvil of Victory

Scenario#: 38     Date: 11-Feb-44     Location: Aprilia Settlement, Italy

As the initial expansion of the Allied beachhead at Anzio drew to a halt, the inevitable German counterattacks began. The main attacks concentrated on the Albano-Anzio highway around the village of Carroceto and the Aprilia farm settlement known to…

Squad LeaderGI: Anvil of Victory

Scenario#: 37     Date: 21-Sep-44     Location: Nijmegen, Netherlands

Following a costly assault boat crossing of the Waal River, the 504th Parachute Regiment had finally captured the Nijmegen bridge intact. Over this span would push the British Guards Armored Division toward the planned link with the embattled British…

Squad LeaderGI: Anvil of Victory

Scenario#: 36     Date: 16-Dec-44     Location: Schnee Eifel, Germany

As the German Ardennes offensive got underway, the 62nd Yolks Grenadier Division opened its attack by hurling two regiments against the 424th Infantry in an attempt to breakthrough at Winterspelt. The most serious threat developed at the Weissenhof…

Squad LeaderGI: Anvil of Victory

Scenario#: 35     Date: 10-Nov-42     Location: Port-Lyautey, Morocco

The first phase of Operation Torch included amphibious landings along the Atlantic coast. Many of the primary objectives included the securing of French airdromes in these areas for use in the second phase: the advance into Tunisia. One such field …

Squad LeaderGI: Anvil of Victory

Scenario#: 34     Date: 20-Sep-44     Location: Nijmegen, Netherlands

Operation Market Garden was to be characterized by intense fighting for the control of a number of vital bridges. Each was a vital link in the chain leading to Arnhem. The road bridge across the Waal River in Nijmegen was …

Squad LeaderGI: Anvil of Victory