Browse Items (6195 total)

Scenario#: 28     Date: 3/29/1942     Location: Thrace, Greece

After the swift and total Axis victory over Greece, Bulgaria laid claim to Thrace and Macedonia. Throughout the winter of 1941-42, small bandit groups began to emerge as the nucleus of a fledgling resistance movement. On March 29th, two such bands…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 4 - Partisan!

Scenario#: LOF17     Date: 11/04/1966     Location: Northwest Of Saigon, South Vietnam

By noon of November 4th, 1966, the First Battalion of the 27th lnfantry had met and engaged the enemy. Orders were issued for a rifle company to be inserted north of the First Battalion and to sweep towards the fire …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesLine of Fire #12

Civil War, American Civil War - General SItuation 1 June 1863.jpg

Civil War, 1865-04-09, American Civil War - Principal Campaigns of the War.jpg

Civil War, 1865-04-09, American Civil War - The War at Sea.jpg

Scenario#: S071     Date: 1/17/1945     Location: Potpot, Luzon

The Japanese 2nd Armored Division was ordered to help defend the Philippines, a daunting task due to its large area, multiple islands, and lack of adequate intelligence on American intent. General MacArthur chose to land on Luzon very near the spot…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit #4

Scenario#: J064     Date: 4/11/1945     Location: Kakazu Ridge, Okinawa

Starting at 0700, the 1st Battalion, 381st Regiment attacked across the saddle between Kakazu West and Kakazu Ridge. Although dubbed the “powerhouse attack”, the offensive immediately stalled as the men came under heavy fire from Japanese positions…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #3

Scenario#: ABTF07     Date: 9/20/1944     Location: Arnhem, Holland

Colonel Frost realized that disaster was now only a heartbeat away for his 2nd Para Battalion. Frost’s beloved battalion was being buried in the ruins of the buildings around him and his positions were being overrun. Yet Frost knew he was surrounded…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 6 - A Bridge Too Far

Scenario#: J165     Date: 5/26/1941     Location: Galatas, Crete

The German invasion of Crete began on 20 May 1941, and was the first large-scale airborne operation in history. Fallshirmjager jumped into battle or landed by gliders near their targets. However, the Allied defenders of Crete made the German…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #11

Scenario#: 30     Date: 7 August 1944     Location: Mortain, France

After the success of Operation Cobra. Patton's Third Army blew a hole through the German lines from Vire to Avranches. In predictable fashion, Hitler ordered a massive counterattack to cut off the lead American divisions along a 20 mile front. …

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #3 Operations For The Drive To The Rhine - The Second Front

Scenario#: 21     Date: 10/17/1944     Location: Aachen, Germany

Aachen was isolated, but prying the first German city away from the Reich would prove no easy task. Hoping to avoid the nightmare of house-to-house fighting, two battalions were ordered to drive through the heart of Aachen towards the three hills…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 3 - Yanks

Scenario#: 612     Date: 422-BC     Location: Amphipolis, Greece

In 424 BC, the Spartan general Brasidas led an army toward Thrace to threaten the only accessible part of the Athenian Empire. He reached Thrace and offered generous terms to the people of Amphipolis, who surrendered without a fight. In …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #6: The Spartans

Scenario#: AP03     Date: 09/19/1944     Location: Wolfheze, Holland

As they held onto one of the drop zones outside of the village of Wolfheze, British paras of the 7th King's Own Borderers had been fighting off constant German attacks. After the 4th Parachute Brigade made a successful landing, the …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesBattle Pack Alpha

Scenario#: Comp11     Date: 1944-09-19     Location: Wolfheze, Holland

As they held onto one of the drop zones outside of the village of Wolfheze, British paras of the 7th King's Own Borderers had been fighting off constant German attacks. After the 4th Parachute Brigade made a successful landing, the Borderers were…

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 3

Scenario#: 41     Date: 12 Dec 1944     Location: Selestat, France

As the 36th advanced into the Alsace Plain they were struck by a massive German counterattack by the German 198th Infantry Division. In the northeastern outskirts of Selestat the 1st Battalion of the 142nd Regiment faced attacks from the 736th …

Band of BrothersTexas Arrows

Scenario#: 83     Date: 9/5/1939     Location: Piotrkow, Poland

Despite the spirited opposition of Poland’s Army Lodz and the still-mobilizing Army Prusy, the German 1st and 4th Panzer Divisions drove deep into the heart of Poland. As the panzer divisions continued their assault, bending straight for the town of…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 11 - Doomed Battalions

Scenario#: ROH01     Date: 05/22/1982     Location: San Carlos Water, Falkland Islands

The Argentine leaders first thought the British landing at San Carlos on May 21st might he a diversion, hut they were wrong; this was the landing. Their nearest ground forces, in Darwin and Groose Green, were too far away to …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesA Ring of Hills

Scenario#: HotF01     Date: 1982-05-22     Location: San Carlos Water, Falkland Islands

The Argentine leaders first thought the British landing at San Carlos on May 21st might he a diversion, hut they were wrong; this was the landing. Their nearest ground forces, in Darwin and Groose Green, were too far away to …

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of the Falklands

Scenario#: 177     Date: 10/29/1944     Location: Särkiniemi, Finland

The Germans were not only fighting the Soviet offensive in the north of Finland, but their units in the south now had to fight their way past Finnish units attempting to cut off their routes to the north. The last German unit to make its way north…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 14 - Hakkaa Päälle!

Scenario#: 614     Date: 415-BC     Location: Syracuse, Sicily

In 415 BC Athens and Sparta were still under the Peace of Nicias, when the Sicilian city of Segesta requested help from Athens in their war against Selinus. Some Athenians saw this as an opportunity to take over all of …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #6: The Spartans

Scenario#: RB14     Date: 12/31/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

Since the 19th of November the tide in Stalingrad had begun its fateful turn. For on that day to the north and south of the city, the Soviet Army launched a massive two-pronged counterattack, on a 200-kilometer front, with 10 infantry divisions,…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL10a - Red Factories

Scenario#: 119     Date: 10/11/1944     Location: Aphadia, Transylvania

For centuries Transylvania had been fought over by Hungarians and Romanians. The “Vienna Award” of 1940 had placed a large portion of the region under Hungarian rule at the expense of the Romanians. Having switched sides to join the Allies, the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 12 - Armies of Oblivion

Scenario#: NA03     Date: 1941/01/11     Location: Murzuq Airfield, Libya

The goal of the LRDG’s attack on the fort at Murzuq was to prevent the Italian garrison from reinforcing the airfield. Although the LRDG sustained casualties, its harassment attacks were successful: after a sustained fight, the Italian garrison…

UndauntedUndaunted: North Africa

Scenario#: SF18     Date: 1945-02-23     Location: Intramuros, Manila, Philippines

Their virtually unopposed river crossing came as a welcome relief to the men of 3rd Battalion, 129th Regiment. Taking full advantage of the limited Japanese response, the Americans advanced deeper into the ruins of the ancient walled city, placing…

Advanced Squad LeaderSword and Fire: Manila

Scenario#: 22     Date: 30 July 1570     Location: Ane River near Lake Biwa, Nagahama, Ōmi Province, Japan

In 1568 Oda Nobunaga's army had control of Kyoto, but when the Asai joined Asakura, together they effectively cut off Oda's army from its home base. With some sly maneuvering, however, Oda managed to return home and after reinforcing his …

Samurai Battles

Scenario#: 24     Date: 30 July 1570     Location: Ane River near Lake Biwa, Nagahama, Ōmi Province, Japan

As both sides deployed for battle with Oda facing Asai and Tokugawa against Asakura, the one engagement actually became two separate battles. On the Oda right flank, the Asai were having the better of Nobunaga's troops. One Asai samurai named …

Samurai Battles

Scenario#: 23     Date: 30 July 1570     Location: Ane River near Lake Biwa, Nagahama, Ōmi Province, Japan

As both sides deployed for battle with Oda facing Asai and Tokugawa against Asakura, the one engagement actually became two separate battles. Tokugawa Ieyasu personally led his troops against the Asakura and gained the initiative when he ordered…

Samurai Battles

Scenario#: 222     Date: 16-AD     Location: Porta Westfalica, Germany

Following the catastrophe at the Teutoburger Wald, Augustus dispatched a series of punitive expeditions into Germany. In 14 AD, Tiberius became emperor and assigned his adopted son Germanicus Julius Caesar to the German province. In AD 16, Arminius…

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #2: Rome and the Barbarians

Scenario#: BOF23     Date: 4/26/1945     Location: Berlin, Germany

The Red Army had finally reached Berlin. In the suburb of Neukölln, SS troopers and the Russians struggled for control of the courthouse. Not until both flanks had crumbled under Russian pressure and two streets were the only open withdrawal route…

Advanced Squad LeaderBest of Friends 2

Scenario#: S05     Date: 14 October, 1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

The Fascists have destroyed most of our defenses in the Tractor Works, but we still hold key positions…


Scenario#: J096     Date: 7/15/1943     Location: Primosole Bridge, Sicily

Despite a spirited defense of the Simeto Bridgehead, the Germans had retaken the bridge and established a bridgehead of their own south of the Simeto River. After a night of preparation, a counterstroke was launched the morning of the 15tth by the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #6

Scenario#: 14     Date: 1944-09-18     Location: Voederheil, Holland

On the main road to Nijmegen, north of Veghel, near a small village the locals called Voederheil, Captain Speirs lowered his binoculars and swore to himself. The fleeting grey figures he had seen moving about in the buildings ahead could …

Last Hundred YardsAirborne over Europe

Scenario#: A108     Date: July 11, 1708     Location: Oudenaarde, Belgium

Battle of Oudenarde

Horse & MusketAnnual #1

Scenario#: TR02     Date: June 17, 1775     Location: Charleston, Massachusetts

Battle of Bunker Hill

Horse & MusketTides of Revolution (IV)

Scenario#: S022     Date: 7/10/1943     Location: Niscemi, Sicily

To form a defensive zone ahead of the vulnerable beachheads, parts of the 82nd Airborne Division wasdropped during the night before the main landings. But poor coordination, friendly AA fire and bad weather all made the operation a very difficult…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit #3

Scenario#: 406     Date: 36-BC     Location: Phraaspa, Armenia

Fresh from his dalliance with Cleopatra, Antony set out to conquer the Parthian empire, following a battle plan he discussed years before with Caesar. Avoiding Crassus’ mistake of striking directly through Mesopotamia, Antony took his massive army…

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #4: Imperial Rome

Scenario#: 51     Date: September 17, 1862     Location: Sharpsburg, Maryland

The Battle of Antietam pitted Union General George McClellan’s Army of the Potomac against General Robert E. Lee and his Army of Northern Virginia. During the first three hours, the two sides struggled over a cornfield. Each side attacked, fell …

Hold the LineThe American Civil War

Civil War, Antietam Campaign - Situation 13 September 1862 and Capture of Harpers Ferry 15 September 1862.jpg

Civil War, Antietam Campaign - Situation 7 September 1862.jpg

Scenario#: 7     Date: September 17, 1862     Location: Sharpsburg, Maryland

Having gained a victory at Second Bull Run, Lee struck north toward Maryland. This would enable him to keep the initiative, supply his army from the rich farmlands, and keep the campaign out of Confederate territory. McClellan had over 70,000 …

Battle Cry - Civil War

Scenario#: PD06     Date: April, 1945     Location: Ruhr, Germany

Germany collapsed as the US 1st and 9th Armies divided the already encircled Ruhr. Some towns greeted the Americans with white flags while others fought to the death. In many towns, the men of the 9th Armored Division encountered …

Old School TacticalPhantom Division

Scenario#: AP161     Date: 5/27/1941     Location: Chania, Crete

During the first part of 1941, Allied forces had been defeated in Greece and many had retreated to Crete. In their haste, the allies had been forced to leave much of their heavy equipment behind, leaving them lightly armed for the inevitable German…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #16 From The Land Down Under

Scenario#: KS07     Date: 23 May 1944     Location: Anzio, Italy

The U.S. 1st Armored Division started the process of the final breakout from the Anzio beachhead. Its assignment was to open the road leading to Rome and link up with the rest of the Allies advancing from the south. The …

Tide of Iron1A Kickstarter

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, 1944-01-31, Anzio Beachhead - Advances at Anzio 22-31 January 1944.jpg

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, 1944-02-12, Anzio Beachhead - Allied Counterattacks 11-12 February 1944.jpg

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, 1944-02-05, Anzio Beachhead - Campoleone Salient 3-5 February 1944.jpg

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, 1944-03-03, Anzio Beachhead - Emeny Offensive16 Febraury to 3 March 1944.jpg

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, Anzio Beachhead - Expanding The Beachhead 1 February 1944.jpg

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, 1944-01-28, Anzio Beachhead - Expanding The Beachhead 24-28 January 1944 Allied Units as of 24 January and Enemy Units and Dispositions as of 28 January 1944.jpg

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, Anzio Beachhead - Expanding The Beachhead 29 January 1944.jpg