Browse Items (532 total)

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, 1943-10-14, Italy - Fifth Army Crosses the Volturno - 12-14 October 1943.jpg

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, 1943-11-15, Italy - Summary of Fifth Army Operations - 12 October to 15 November 1943.jpg

Scenario#: 6558     Date: 10/13/1943     Location: Monte Majulo, Italy

After coming out of the bridgehead they've established at Salerno, elements of the 5th US Army reach the southern bank of the Volturno river on the 5th of October 1943. During the night of October 12-13, British and US troops …

Memoir '44Audie Murphy's Campaign

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, 1943-10-14, Italy - 3rd Infantry Division Crosses the Volturno - 13-14 October 1943.jpg

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, 1943-10-14, Italy - 34th Infantry Division Crosses the Volturno - 13-14 October 1943.jpg

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, 1943-10-14, Italy - Fifth Army Bridgehead across the Volturno - 13-14 October 1943.jpg

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, 1943-10-15, Italy - 45th Infantry Division on the Right Flank - 13-15 October 1943.jpg

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, 1943-10-25, Italy - Fifth Army Advances - 14-25 October 1943.jpg

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, 1943-11-04, Italy - X Corps Drive to the Garigliano 26 October to 4 November 1943.jpg

Scenario#: 6557     Date: 11/5/1943     Location: Mignano, Italy

After crossing the Volturno river, the 3rd US Infantry Division managed to advance to Cassino before finding itself blocked by the "Barbara" line at Mignano. Well entrenched on Monte Lungo and Monte Rotondo, the Germans soldiers of the…

Memoir '44Audie Murphy's Campaign

Scenario#: 11     Date: 5 November 1943     Location: Mignano, Italy

German delaying actions across the whole of Italy stubbornly slowed the 5th and 8th Army advances during late October and early November of 1943. Rain drenched the soldiers of the U.S. 36th Infantry Division as they moved through the night …

Tide of IronNext Wave

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, 1943-11-15, Italy - Fifth Army at the Winter Line 5-15 November 1943.jpg

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, 1943-11-15, Italy - Mignano Gap - 5-15 November 1943.jpg

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, 1943-11-10, Italy - Mount Camino - 6-10 November 1943.jpg

Scenario#: 36     Date: 11/12/1943     Location: Leros, Greece

German paratroopers landed on the Aegean island of Leros which had been manned by British defenders. Their objective was to take Rachi Ridge which lay astride a narrow isthmus in the middle of the island. If they could take hold that position, the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 5 - West of Alamein

Scenario#: ROMA3     Date: 12/2/1943     Location: Salarola, Italy

A gap opened between Infanterie-Division 65 and the neighboring Panzer-Division 26. On the morning of 2 December, the 4th New Zealand Brigade tried to exploit this gap by heading towards Melone, optimistically convinced that they could reach Chieti…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Roma 2020

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, Italy Attack on M. Maggiore - 3 December 1943.jpg

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, Italy - The Capture of Hill 769 - 6 December 1943.jpg

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, Italy - Opening the Corridor Attack Plans II Corps - 8 December 1943.jpg

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, 1943-12-11, Italy - San Pietro - First Battle in the Sammucro-Lungo Area - 8-11 December 1943.jpg

Scenario#: 20073     Date: 12/10/1943     Location: San Pietro, Italy

The Allied objective in Italy was the capture of Rome. They needed to follow Highway 6, passing Monte Cassino through the Winter line to get there. To reach the Winter line Allied Forces needed to capture San Pietro Infine. This …

Memoir '44Dutch Open 2017

Scenario#: 10919     Date: 12/14/1943     Location: Casa Berardi, Italy

The small coastal city of Ortona, on the Adriatic Sea, was the place of a violent battle between the British 8th Army and the German 10.Armee. Canadians of the 1st Canadian Division had to capture a strategic crossroad codenamed "Cider", …

Memoir '44Open de France 2013

World War II - Mediterranean Theater 1943-12-16, Italy - San Pietro - Attack on the Right Flank - 14-16 December 1943.jpg

Scenario#: 36     Date: 15 Dec 1943     Location: San Pietro, Italy

The Reinhard Line ran through the town of San Pietro In fine, which occupied the Mignano Gap, blocking Route 6 and Allied access to Cassino and Rome. The Germans turned the town into a strongpoint, defended by the second Battalion …

Band of BrothersTexas Arrows

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, Italy - San Pietro - Opening the Corridor Attack Plans - 15 December 1943.jpg

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, 1943-12-17, Italy - Second Attack on San Petro 15-17 December 1943.jpg

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, 1943-12-21, Italy - Advance by VI Corps - 15-21 December 1943.jpg

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, Italy - San Pietro - Mount Lungo and Death Valley - 16 December 1943.jpg

Scenario#: 180     Date: 12/18/1943     Location: San Pietro, Italy

Since the 7th of December, the American 36th (Texas) Division had been attempting to remove the German strongpoint of San Pietro. The “T-Patchers” and their supporting elements had made two previous attempts against San Pietro, but they had no…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 3a Yanks (2nd Edition)

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, 1943-12-29, Italy - Attack on San Vittore - 19-29 December 1943.jpg

Scenario#: 19080     Date: 12/20/1943     Location: Ortona, Italy

In December 1943, after taking heavy casualties when crossing the Moro River, Allied Canadian forces led by Major General Chris Vokes have formed a small beachhead into the city of Ortona. The Canadians, stuck in their advance, were met with …

Memoir '44Dutch Open 2017

Scenario#: WO34     Date: 12/21/1943     Location: Ortona, Italy

As Canadian forces pushed steadily through the olive groves and vineyards west of Ortona, Fallschirmjáger Division 1 was compelled to establish a new defensive line in the town itself. Ortona was already something of a rubble strewn maze from damage…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2020

Scenario#: 17     Date: 24-Dec-43     Location: Ortona, Italy

On December 21l, house to house fighting began in earnest in the Adriatic seaport of Ortona. It was during the next seven days that the Canadian 1st Infantry Division literally rewrote the book on close-quarters city fighting techniques. More than …

Combat CommanderCC: Mediterranean

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, 1944-01-08, Italy Battle for Mount Porchia - 4-8 January 1944.jpg

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, 1944-01-07, Italy Battle for La Chiaia - 5-7 January 1944.jpg

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, 1944-01-13, Italy Battle for Cervaro - 10-13 January 1944.jpg

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, Allied Strategy in Italy January 1944.jpg

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, Italian Front Allied Front Line 15 January 1944.jpg

Scenario#: J190     Date: 1/17/1944     Location: Ricco River, Italy

British planners desired to keep German units in the Ortona region “occupied” so they would be unavailable to reinforce the Cassino area. V Corps Maj. Gen. Allfrey decided to carry out this mission with green troops who would be provided with combat…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #12

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, 1944-02-08, Italy - Crossing the Girigliano and Rapido Rivers 17 January to 8 February 1944.jpg

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, 1944-02-19, Italy - Anzio-Cassino Area - Attempts to Cross Rapido and Garigliano Rivers 17-20 January - Anzio Landing 22 January and German Counterattack at Anzio 16-19 February 1944.jpg

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, 1944-05-1, Italy - Allied Advance to Volturno River - Reorganization and Attack on Gustav Line 17 January to 11 May 1944.jpg

Scenario#: 37     Date: 21 Jan 1944     Location: Sant'Angelo, Italy

In one of the most controversial actions of the war, the 36th were repeatedly ordered by General Mark Clark to attack across the fast-flowing Gari River in featureless terrain overlooked by hills between the 20th and 22nd of January. The …

Band of BrothersTexas Arrows

Scenario#: J032     Date: 1/21/1944     Location: Minturno, Italy

On 13 Nov 1943, 1st Company Hermann Góring Parachute-Panzer Regiment had been sent to support the 94th lnfantry Division, and worked with the 267th Grenadier Regiment guarding the coast. 7th Company HG Parachute-Panzer Regiment was supporting the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #2

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, Anzio Beachhead - The Landings 22 January 1944.jpg

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, 1944-01-31, Anzio Beachhead - Advances at Anzio 22-31 January 1944.jpg

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, 1944-01-28, Anzio Beachhead - Expanding The Beachhead 24-28 January 1944 Allied Units as of 24 January and Enemy Units and Dispositions as of 28 January 1944.jpg

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, Anzio Beachhead - Expanding The Beachhead 29 January 1944.jpg

Scenario#: OA16     Date: 1/30/1944     Location: Cisterna di Littoria, Italy

Spearheading the 3rd Division’s breakout from the Anzio beachhead were the 1st and 3rd Ranger Battalions. They were to stage a commando-like raid on the little town of Cisterna di Littoria by passing undetected through what was believed to be the…

Advanced Squad LeaderOut of the Attic

Scenario#: S040     Date: 1/30/1944     Location: Isola Bella, Italy

Two American Ranger Battalions were to infiltrate through enemy lines along the narrow Pantano ditch in an effort to reach Cisterna, where careful reconnaissance had determined that the enemy had not had time to consolidate their defenses. Behind…

Advanced Squad LeaderSpecial Ops 2