Browse Items (942 total)

Scenario#: 9     Date: 12 March 1943     Location: Ivany-Berdyny, near Bogodukhov, Ukraine

During early March, 1943, Army Group Kempf had the mission to advance in the general direction of Belgorod as part of the new offensive to retake Kharkov. The Grossdeutschland Infantry Division formed the left wing of the Army Group with …

Fighting FormationsGrossdeutschland Motorized Infantry Division

Scenario#: 8     Date: 1 December 1942     Location: Gorowatka, Luchessa Valley, Russia

As the vast size and scope of the Russian attack through the Luchessa Valley became apparent, it was realized that the battered GD Infantry Division lay at the focal point of the offensive. The Grenadier Regiment GD (less II Battalion) …

Fighting FormationsGrossdeutschland Motorized Infantry Division

Scenario#: 7     Date: 30 September 1942     Location: West of Boltino, Russia

Follows the action on the left flank of the larger Operation Herbstwind: Kampfgruppe Grosser scenario—that is, the battle to consolidate new defensive positions in the lowlands between the town of …

Fighting FormationsGrossdeutschland Motorized Infantry Division

Scenario#: 6     Date: 30 September 1942     Location: Kostanossowo, Russia

As always, Oberst Garski led from the front. In order to ensure secure radio communication, he commandeered a Panzer II tank that was fitted with a dummy cannon. When the attack began, Garski accompanied 13th Company/I.R. 2 which was being …

Fighting FormationsGrossdeutschland Motorized Infantry Division

Scenario#: 5     Date: 30 September 1942     Location: Gostischka River Valley, Russia

The main objective of Operation Herbstwind (“Autumn Wind”) was simple: achieve a better defensive line while stripping the enemy’s current defensive line of its strategic strongpoints. In some cases the attacking units only had to cover 400-600…

Fighting FormationsGrossdeutschland Motorized Infantry Division

Scenario#: 4     Date: 22 September 1942     Location: East of Tschermassowo, Gostischka Valley, Russia

Following painstaking preparations and supported by the infantry and artillery, Sturmpionier Battalion GD was to launch a daring operation against the enemy bunkers of the so-called “cemetery hill” due east of the town of Tschermassowo. This…

Fighting FormationsGrossdeutschland Motorized Infantry Division

Scenario#: 3     Date: 6 July 1942     Location: Podkletnoje, Don River area near Voronezh, Russia

In the race to capture Voronezh in early July, elements of 7th Company/Infantry Regiment GD 1 captured a road bridge over the Don River nearly intact—just a 15 meter gap at the east bank had been burned out during the …

Fighting FormationsGrossdeutschland Motorized Infantry Division

Scenario#: 2     Date: 2 July 1942     Location: Gorschetschnoje, Russia

During operations in the Olym River area on 29-30 June, the 24th Panzer Division – occupying Grossdeutschland’s right flank – came under stiff resistance at the town of Gorschetschnoje. 24th Panzer bypassed the village and resumed its advance to the…

Fighting FormationsGrossdeutschland Motorized Infantry Division

Scenario#: 1     Date: 1 July 1942     Location: Staryj Oskol–Kastornje–Jelez Railway, Olym River area, Russia

On the 30th of June, 1942, Grossdeutschland Infantry Division informed XXXXVIII Panzer Corps that it had established a bridgehead across the Olym river. The forward forces included elements of I (Grenadier) Infantry Reg’t, the Reconnaissance Bn and…

Fighting FormationsGrossdeutschland Motorized Infantry Division

Scenario#: TMFF02     Date: August 29th, 1943     Location: Chernobyl, Ukraine

After the battle of Kursk and the lose of Kharkov, German forces withdrew towards the mighty Dnieper river. They believed that the river, though unfortified, would be enough to allow them to stabilize their lines. The Soviets however concentrated on…

Conflict of HeroesThe Marsh

Scenario#: TMFF01     Date: July 3rd, 1941     Location: Bryansk, Russia

Early in the campaign, the Germans relied on speed, surprise, and superior tactics to overwhelm or bypass Soviet defenders. Occasionally though, the Germans were forced to fight the Soviets at their own game: positional defense. In this case, the…

Conflict of HeroesThe Marsh

Scenario#: SoSNF01     Date: July 5, 1943     Location: Kursk, Russia

Kursk is a central rail hub connected to Moscow via Orel. The Kursk-Orel Rail Line runs through Ponyri, which is directly in the center of the German Operation Zitadelle's northern …

Conflict of HeroesStorm of Steeel

Scenario#: SoS16     Date: July 9, 1943     Location: Greznoye, Russia

The 2nd SS Panzer Corps fights its way north to the Psel River to face the last defensive Soviet ring before Kursk. Elements of the 3rd SS PzGren Div ‘Totenkopf’ wheeled west towards Greznoye to encounter concentrated defense from the …

Conflict of HeroesStorm of Steeel

Scenario#: SoS15     Date: July 5, 1943     Location: Cherkasskoye, Russia

The Germans need to gain control of the heights east of Cherkasskoye to position their mobile artillery to fire on the tank battles raging on their eastern flank. But opposing …

Conflict of HeroesStorm of Steeel

Scenario#: SoS14     Date: July 5, 1943     Location: Cherkasskoye, Russia

The German Panzer advance has stalled in the heavily mined and defended western flank of the battle for `. Infantry and Engineering Platoons have been sent forward in an effort …

Conflict of HeroesStorm of Steeel

Scenario#: SoS13     Date: July 6, 1943     Location: Luchki, Russia

As the Panzer Grenadiers of the German 2nd SS PzGren Div. ‘Das Reich’ were trying to seize the village of Luchki, SS-Obergruppenführer Hausser tried to flank the village with his Panzers in order to create a larger breakthrough point in …

Conflict of HeroesStorm of Steeel

Scenario#: SoS12     Date: July 6, 1943     Location: Luchki, Russia

Ferocious battles were being fought as the Germans smashed into the Soviet’s second line of defense. Along the critical Belgorod-Kursk highway, ‘Der Führer’ Regiment of the 2nd SS PzGren Div., ‘Das Reich’, is trying to seize the village of Luchki. …

Conflict of HeroesStorm of Steeel

Scenario#: SoS11     Date: July 8, 1943     Location: Oboyan, Russia

Between July 8th and 9th, the German 48th Panzer Corps was forcing its way towards the approaches of Oboyan. East of Verkhopen’ye, elements of the Gross-Deutschland and 11th Panzer Divisions ran headlong into arriving Soviet reinforcements of the 1st…

Conflict of HeroesStorm of Steeel

Scenario#: SoS10     Date: July 6, 1943     Location: Mikailovka, Russia

After establishing a bridgehead across the northern Donets River near Mikailovka (southeast of Belgorod), advanced elements of the German 6th Panzer Division’s 'armored fist' (or breakthrough Kampfgruppe) must now expand the bridgehead by quickly…

Conflict of HeroesStorm of Steeel

Scenario#: SoS09     Date: July 10, 1943     Location: Prokhorovka, Russia

After five days of almost constant combat, the tired Germans were hoping for a break. Instead, advanced elements of the armored group for the 1st SS Panzer Division “Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler” were ordered to assemble along the road to Prokhorovka.…

Conflict of HeroesStorm of Steeel

Scenario#: SoS08     Date: July 7, 1943     Location: Pokrovka, Russia

The II SS Armored Command is making steady, but hard fought progress towards the Psel River. East of Pokrovka, the SS Leibstandard AH Panzer Division has left behind a graveyard of Soviet tanks and is in desperate need of fuel. …

Conflict of HeroesStorm of Steeel

Scenario#: SoS07     Date: July 6, 1943     Location: Kursk, Russia

On day 3 of the German offensive, III Panzer Corps blasted a narrow corridor a few kilometers wide through the Soviet defensive lines. The battlefield at Kursk was littered with tanks, abandoned due to mechanical problems rather than combat, which …

Conflict of HeroesStorm of Steeel

Scenario#: SoS06     Date: July 5, 1943     Location: Brelgorod, Russia

For the III Panzer Corps to protect the right flank of the German armored spearheads, it needed to establish a bridgehead across the northern Donets River, southeast of Belgorod. Elements of the 6th Panzer Division, Panzer Grenadier Regiment 114,…

Conflict of HeroesStorm of Steeel

Scenario#: SoS05     Date: July 6, 1943     Location: Shopino, Russia

Shopino, North-East of Sovkhoz (State Farm) 158 – The German operation to clear Sovkhoz 158 earlier in the day was successful. A Soviet counter-attack is being prepared by forces that have worked their way forward through a tangle of balkas …

Conflict of HeroesStorm of Steeel

Scenario#: SoS04     Date: July 6, 1943     Location: Shopino, Russia

Despite initial success, the German 106 Corp's efforts to clear Soviet threats to their southern flank proceed slowly. A platoon of Panzer Grenadiers has been detailed to secure the main supply road leading through Sovkhoz 158, where a supply convoy…

Conflict of HeroesStorm of Steeel

Scenario#: SoS03     Date: July 5, 1943     Location: Cherkasskoye, Russia

The Panzer Grenadier Division ‘Gross-Deutschland’ has fought its way to the edge of the village of Cherkasskoye. German engineers move forward to clear a path through the Soviet minefield. At the edge of the village, elements of the Soviet 67th …

Conflict of HeroesStorm of Steeel

Scenario#: SoS02     Date: July 6, 1943     Location: Sokolovka, Russia

Soviet defenses east of the Donets River were so strong that Army Detachment Kempf was forced eastwards, splitting away from the 4th Armored Army. A gap formed between them, creating flanks to the north and south of Kempf's position. These …

Conflict of HeroesStorm of Steeel

Scenario#: SoS01     Date: July 4, 1943     Location: Kursk, Russia

Shortly before operation Citadel, a Soviet probe intercepts a courier carrying a satchel with German deployment orders. An elite platoon of Panzer Grenadiers is immediately dispatched to retrieve the satchel. The provincial Soviet commander orders…

Conflict of HeroesStorm of Steeel

Scenario#: Solo22     Date: October 6th, 1941     Location: Vyazma, Russia

Soviet Personal Field Journal: 'Our staff has been told that the first elements of the 10th Panzer Div and von Hauenschild's 86th Rifle Regiment are forcing their way into the town center. We currently have them surrounded, but our men …

Conflict of HeroesSolo

Scenario#: Solo21     Date: October 5th, 1941     Location: Vyazma, Russia

Soviet 'Reserve Front' Field Report: A German Panzer Division has broken through our lines and is moving on Vyazma directly from the south. The situation on our left flank is grave. We have no forces to secure the Moscow highway. …

Conflict of HeroesSolo

Scenario#: Solo14     Date: October 5th, 1941     Location: Yukhnov, Russia

German Field Journal: We linked up with the Fallschirmjäger three hours ago and they guided us to Yukhnov. Our scouts report a hastily prepared defensive perimeter southeast of the city. We have been ordered to neutralize the bunkers guarding the …

Conflict of HeroesSolo

Scenario#: Solo13     Date: October 5th, 1941     Location: Kurovskoy, Russia

German Field Report to Major General Fischer: The Division commander dispatched our Mechanized Unit to extract the returning Fallschirmjäger at an arranged meeting point west of Kurovskoy. It is 06:00, we are on location, set in a loose defensive…

Conflict of HeroesSolo

Scenario#: Solo12     Date: October 4th, 1941     Location: Yukhnov, Russia

German Field Journal: We have escaped from Yukhnov and are now working our way back on foot towards friendly forces. We are very tired, but the enemy is close behind us. We have spotted a village ahead that the Soviets …

Conflict of HeroesSolo

Scenario#: Solo11     Date: October 3rd, 1941     Location: Yukhnov, Russia

German High Command Report: After the heavy losses to the Fallschirmjäger (paratroopers) during the capture of Crete, large scale airdrops are no longer a strategic option. Instead, it has been decided to test the effectiveness of small surgical…

Conflict of HeroesSolo

Scenario#: Solo04     Date: October 17th, 1941     Location: Kiev, Russia

Remnants of cut-off Soviet infantry Units, scattered after the fall of Kiev, have begun partisan activities. A heavily armed group of partisans operating near Priluki have been tracked by a group of soldiers from the German 161st Inf. Div. sent …

Conflict of HeroesSolo

Scenario#: Solo03     Date: October 2nd, 1941     Location: Mtsensk, Russia

The German XXIV Panzer Corps has punched through the Soviet defenses south of Warsaw. Unfortunately, the Panzers are low on fuel and are now threatened by the hastily reformed remnants of the 26th Soviet Army. The Germans can barely stop …

Conflict of HeroesSolo

Scenario#: Solo02     Date: November 31st, 1941     Location: Tula, Russia

‘I was wounded last month, shot in the leg. The doctors deemed me fit to return to the front, damn them. They sent me to a ruin of a city, where I hear we are still fighting it out with …

Conflict of HeroesSolo

Scenario#: Solo01     Date: July 12th, 1941     Location: Minsk, Russia

Soviet Partisans have been harassing German supply wagons. In an attempt to root out local combatants, a platoon of German trackers are searching a nearby abandoned Soviet village for the Partisans and weapons stockpiles. With the first knock on a …

Conflict of HeroesSolo

Scenario#: PoH16     Date: October 5th, 1939     Location: Kock, Poland

On Sept 9th, the Independent Operational Group “Polesie”, led by General Franciszek Kleeberg, was created to guard the Polesie area and the Brześć (Brest) fortress against German units (including Guderian’s XIX Corps) that had broken through the…

Conflict of HeroesPrice of Honour

Scenario#: PoH15     Date: October 1st, 1939     Location: Wytyczno, Poland

The Polish Border Defense Corps was the only regular Polish defense on the eastern border on the day of the Soviet invasion. After a series of border fights, the Polish forces were concentrated under the command of General Wilhelm Orlik-Rückemann …

Conflict of HeroesPrice of Honour

Scenario#: PoH14     Date: September 27th, 1939     Location: Wola Sudkowska, Poland

After breaking through the German lines at the battle of Krasnobród, General Władysław Anders’ Cavalry Group was moving south to carry out its last order - to evacuate soldiers via the Romanian or Hungarian borders. Afterwards, they were to leave …

Conflict of HeroesPrice of Honour

Scenario#: PoH13     Date: September 23rd, 1939     Location: Krasnobród, poland

A Polish cavalry group led by General Władysław Anders, composed of the “Kresowa”, “Nowogródzka” and “Wołyńska” cavalry brigades, was attempting to break through the German encirclement to the south during the Second Battle of Tomaszów Lubelski.…

Conflict of HeroesPrice of Honour

Scenario#: PoH12     Date: September 20th, 1939     Location: Grodno, Poland

The invading Soviet armies marched into Polish territory with ease, as most Polish units were facing the Germans. The Soviets, however, suffered both from a lack of supplies and tactical planning. The Soviet officer cadre was very young and…

Conflict of HeroesPrice of Honour

Scenario#: PoH11     Date: September 19th, 1939     Location: Lwow, Poland

For seven days, the city of Lwów repelled German attacks. However, on Sept 19th, a Soviet rapid attack column struck the city from the east. Thus began a race between the invading armies to conquer this great Polish city, a …

Conflict of HeroesPrice of Honour

Scenario#: PoH10     Date: September 19th, 1939     Location: Sieraków, Poland

During the third phase of the Battle of Bzura (Sept 16-19), Polish forces of the “Poznań” and “Pomorze” armies were trying to break through to Warsaw via the forested area of Kampinos Woods. Leading the Polish formation was the “Wielkopolska” …

Conflict of HeroesPrice of Honour

Scenario#: PoH09     Date: September 19th, 1939     Location: Polany, Poland

The stiffening resistance of Polish forces and the Bzura counteroffensive had slowed the German Blitzkrieg. Fearing an imminent attack from France, the Wehrmacht was under increasing pressure to conclude the Polish campaign. The Polish decision to…

Conflict of HeroesPrice of Honour

Scenario#: PoH08     Date: September 18th, 1939     Location: Tomaszów Lubelski, Poland

The Poles had originally planned to make a defensive stand along the Vistula river, but because this line was overrun, the Polish Commander in Chief, Edward Śmigły-Rydz, decided to withdraw his troops towards the so-called ‘Romanian Bridgehead’. This…

Conflict of HeroesPrice of Honour

Scenario#: PoH07     Date: September 14th, 1939     Location: Lowicz, Poland

The Battle of Bzura (Sept 9-19, 1939) was one of the biggest battles of the Polish campaign. In the first phase of the battle (Sept 9-12), two Polish armies, “Pomorze” and the “Poznań”, attacked the left flank of the German …

Conflict of HeroesPrice of Honour

Scenario#: PoH06     Date: September 9th, 1939     Location: Warsaw, Poland

Having broken through the border defenses of the Polish “Łódź” Army near Częstochowa on Sept. 3rd, the German 4th Panzer Division, commanded by Major-General Reinhardt, began its drive towards the river Vistula and Poland’s capital city of Warsaw.…

Conflict of HeroesPrice of Honour

Scenario#: PoH05     Date: September 5th, 1939     Location: Piotrkow, Poland

After breaking through the defensive positions of the Polish 7th Infantry Division, the German XVI Panzer Corps advanced towards Warsaw along the Piotrkowska road. On Sept. 4th, lead German units had reached the hastily prepared Polish positions…

Conflict of HeroesPrice of Honour