Browse Items (532 total)

Scenario#: O15     Date: 7/13/1943     Location: Francofonte, Sicily

The village of Francoforte overlooked the road to Scordia which the British intended to use during their northerly advance into Catania and up the east coast of Sicily. The village itself was almost invisible, with only the rooftops poking above the…

Advanced Squad LeaderSpecial Ops 8

Scenario#: E8     Date: 14 Sept 1943     Location: Altavilla, Italy

Hill 424, overlooking the Salerno beachhead, was taken by the 36th but they were then forced to retreat by German counterattacks. The Allied forces made their stand along the La Cosa Creek between the Calore River and Altavilla. In the …

Band of BrothersExtras

Scenario#: 17433     Date: 4-6-1941     Location: Fort Roupel, Greece

After another failed Italian offensive in Albania against Greece in March 1941 (Operation Primavera), The Greco-Italian War reached a stalemate. Germany had little choice but to come and assist its ally. On April 6th, German troops crossed the…

Memoir '44Remembrance Scenarios

Scenario#: 12     Date: 14 June 1941     Location: Halfaya Pass, Egypt

As part of Operation Battleaxe, the British attempted to relieve the siege of Tobruk by advancing the 4th Royal Tank Regimental and 2nd Cameron Highlanders on what was thought to be an undefended Halfaya Pass. On June 14, 1941, after …

Tide of IronDays of the Fox

Scenario#: 4245     Date: 6/15/1941     Location: Halfaya Pass, Egypt

2 miles inland, on the Egyptian-Libyan border, Halfaya Pass carves a natural route through the 600 foot high escarpment that extends southeast toward Sollum. In World War II, whoever controlled the pass held the main westward access into Libya and …

Memoir '44Mediterranean Theater

Scenario#: J174     Date: 12/7/1944     Location: Athens, Greece

By 1944, the two major resistance movements in occupied Greece, EDES and EAM-ELAS, each saw the other to be their great enemy. They both saw the Germans were going to be defeated and were a temporary threat. For the communists, the British…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #11

Scenario#: DASL21     Date: 5/20/1941     Location: Modhion, Crete

The village of Modhion lay about a mile south of the coast road, midway between Maleme and Platanias. It was the home of a divisional field punishment unit,as well as an engineer unit which was dug-in on the hills around the village. The morning had…

Advanced Squad LeaderDeluxe Advanced Squad Leader

Scenario#: J167     Date: 11/28/1942     Location: Djedeida, Tunisia

A German-held airfield just east of Djedeida – a mere dozen miles from Tunis – had suffered the ignominious distinction of being overrun by a reconnoitering company of American light tanks. The Americans, however, lacking orders and infantry to hold…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #11

Scenario#: AP073     Date: 11/26/1942     Location: Chouigui Pass, Tunisia

Lt. Col. John Waters was tasked with creating a "tank-infested area" in the Tine Valley southeast of Mateur and reconnoitering the bridges across the Medjerda River at El Bathan and Djedeida. Waters' route of march led over the hills between the Tine…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #8 Roads Through Rome

Scenario#: 20957     Date: 6/15/1941     Location: Halfaya Pass, Egypt

Rommel has dug in at the Halfaya pass and Italian forces are defending Hill 206 and Fort Capuzzo. In reserve there was the German 15nd Panzer division and the Italian Ariete Armour Division. The Allied forces come up with 3 …

Memoir '44Dutch Open 2019

Scenario#: 21     Date: November 19, 1941     Location: Bir El Gubi, Libya

On the second day of Operation Crusader, the southwest flank of the Axis front was occupied by the Italian Ariete Armored Division. Alerted that a British attack was imminent, they had prepared defenses behind areas of low-lying ground turned boggy …

Panzer (YAQ)88: A Tactical Game of Armored Combat on the North African Front, 1940-1942

Scenario#: 56     Date: 11/19/1941     Location: Bir el Gubi, Libya

The Italian 132nd “Ariete” Armored Division, positioned 37 miles south of Tobruk, received intelligence that an assault was imminent and prepared its defenses behind areas of low-lying ground turned boggy by heavy rains. Skillfully camouflaged, its…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 7 - Hollow Legions (2nd Edition)

Scenario#: G23     Date: 5/5/1941     Location: Habbaniya, Iraq

After a German-backed coup d'état against the pro-British Emir, the Allies had worries. An Iraqi alliance with the Axis would threaten Middle-East oilfields, the tenuous Soviet supply line across restless Persia and British shipping to Egypt -- as…

Advanced Squad LeaderThe General #29.5

Scenario#: OA21     Date: 9/9/1943     Location: Montecorvino, Italy

After two engagements, the Queen's men with the support of Shermans from the 'C' Squadron Royal Scot's Greys, dislodged the Germans from the 2nd Battalion, 10th Panzer Grenadier Regiments. The German Panzer Grenadiers counterattacked from the north…

Advanced Squad LeaderOut of the Attic #2

Scenario#: AD08     Date: 7/10/1943     Location: Gela, Sicily

By dawn of D-Day, Force X consisting of the 1st and 4th Ranger Battalions along with attached combat engineers, were were fighting for possession of Gela. By 0830 hours they had taken the burning town, along with some 200 Italian prisoners, and were…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 91

Scenario#: 34     Date: 13 Sept 1943     Location: Altavilla, Italy

Hill 424, overlooking the Salerno beachhead was a key objective. On September 13th, after an initial artillery barrage, Companies I and K of the 142nd assaulted the southern part of the hill mass, encountering heavy fire from German machinegun…

Band of BrothersTexas Arrows

Scenario#: S031     Date: 7/10/1943     Location: Station San Oliva, Sicily

The Americans on the left flank of the Sicily landings, codenamed Joss, were scheduled to land early in the morning near Licata. The Italian units manning the defenses, generally static Coastal Divisions, fully dominated the beach exits with machine…

Advanced Squad LeaderOperations Special Issue #1

Scenario#: A112     Date: 2/20/1943     Location: Kasserine Pass, Tunisia

Rommel's army had crushed the defenses in Kasserine Pass. "Gore Force", a British company of infantry, ten tanks, some six-pounder AT guns, and a battery of artillery, had been sent forward as a reserve unit but as they arrived all the traffic was…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 97

Scenario#: 36     Date: July 11, 1943     Location: Gela, Sicily

Units of the U.S. 82nd Airborne drop to prevent enemy armor of the 15th Panzer from reaching the coast.

Panzer (AH/MMP)Panzer Leader Para-Leader

Scenario#: 18494     Date: 7/10/1943     Location: Gela, Sicily

The landing at Gela was the opening engagement of the US portion of the Allied Invasion of Sicily. US troops landed along the eastern end of the south coast of Sicily. They withstood attacks by Luftwaffe and Regia Aeronautica aircraft …

Memoir '44Dutch Open 2017

Scenario#: 59     Date: 11 July 1943     Location: Gela, Sicily

Elements of the American 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment of the 82nd Airborne Division are holding a perimeter for the beachhead on Sicily near Gela created by parts of the U.S. Army’s 16th Regiment (1st Infantry Division) and 180th Regiment …

Tide of IronDesigner Series

Scenario#: D03     Date: 1942-05-27     Location: Gambut, Libya

On 27 May 1942 Rommel was beginning his outflanking of the Gazala line. After seattering the 3rd and 7th Indian Motor Brigades from the southern flank of the line, the tanks of the Afrika Korps and the Italian XX Motorized …

Tank LeaderDesert Steel

Scenario#: 5522     Date: 1/23/1942     Location: Saùnnu, Libya

During the second battle for Cyrenaica, Rommel's AfrikaKorps attacks and soon manages to cut off the 1st British Armoured Division from its rear with the help from Kampfgruppe Marcks' advance toward Saunnu. But on January 23, Kampfgruppe Marcks…

Memoir '44Open de France 2009

Scenario#: 20366     Date: 6/17/1942     Location: Gambut, Libya

Before the attack of Tobruk, Rommel decided to capture the airfields around Gambut in order to annihilate the RAF and to protect the "Stukas" which were necessary for the air support of the attack. At the same time, on the …

Memoir '44New Flight Plan

Scenario#: T14     Date: 5/21/1941     Location: Maleme, Crete

The New Zealanders had spent most of the daylight hours of 20th May pinned down by German fighter aircraft. Communications were a shambles, casualties were heavy, and their local counterattacks had failed. Colonel Andrew of the 5th New Zealand…

Advanced Squad LeaderThe General #28.6

Scenario#: Q     Date: 21-May-41     Location: Maleme, Crete

The New Zealanders had spent most of 20th May pinned down by endless sweeps of German fighter aircraft. Communications were a shambles, casualties were heavy, and local counterattacks simply failed. Colonel Andrew of the 5th New Zealand Brigade opted…

Squad LeaderThe General #21.3

Scenario#: 3704     Date: 11/6/1940     Location: Metemma, Ethiopia

Gallabat-Metemma was Britain's first land offensive of the East Africa campaign. On November 6th, 1940, Brigadier J.W. Slim led the British assault. Under his command were the 10th Indian Infantry Brigade, 12 tanks from the 4th Royal Tank Regiment…

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 1289     Date: 11/6/1940     Location: Metemma, Ethiopia

Gallabat-Metemma was Britain's first land offensive of the East Africa campaign. On November 6th, 1940 Brigadier J.W. Slim led the British assault. Under his command were; the 10th Indian Brigade, 12 tanks from the 4th Royal Tank Regiment and some …

Memoir '44Online - No Air Rules

Scenario#: 7620     Date: 5/25/1941     Location: Galatos, Crete

By May 24th the Germans had formed a cohesive front; they began advancing east toward Chania. On the 25th, they ran into the bulk of the Allied forces and launched a general attack. Surprised to discover the Germans had artillery, …

Memoir '44The Invasion of Crete

Scenario#: AP075     Date: 9/12/1943     Location: Altavilla, Italy

The barely tested “T-Patchers” of the US 36th (Texan) Infantry Division were tasked with taking the hilltop village of Altavilla and the hill to the northeast beyond the village, labeled Hill 424 on their maps. The Texans met little resistance…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #8 Roads Through Rome

Scenario#: 81     Date: 6/20/1941     Location: Damascus, Syria

The Allied invasion of Syria and Lebanon was conducted primarily by the 7th Australian Division, the 5th Indian Infantry Brigade and the brigade-strength Free French Division. A week later they were about ten miles south of Damascus but facing strong…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 10 - Croix de Guerre

Scenario#: 40     Date: 2/26/1943     Location: Medjez el Bab, Tunisia

Preliminary to the main German attack on Medjez, a position known as Fort McGregor had to be seized from British defenders. The forward outpost consisted of an infantry company with its platoons dug in around a bare, rocky knoll, with the entire…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 5 - West of Alamein

Scenario#: 20601     Date: 6/16/1941     Location: Capuzzo, Libya

After heavy fighting on June 15 by the British 4th Armor and 22nd Guard Brigade, they succeeded in capturing Fort Capuzzo and also quickly established a defensive position. A strong counter-attack by the 8th Panzer division, attempted in the early …

Memoir '44New Flight Plan

Scenario#: HoNA16     Date: 1942-10-24     Location: S Of El Alamein, Egypt

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of North Africa

Scenario#: AP026     Date: 9/8/1943     Location: Mezzocamino, Italy

Much to the dismay of the Italians, on the afternoon of September 8, 1943, General Eisenhower made public the armistice between the Allies and the Italian government. The Italians had been playing a dangerous balancing act between the Germans and…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #3 Few Returned

Scenario#: 4230     Date: 5/27/1942     Location: Bir Hakeim, Libya

Following on the success of Operation Crusader, the British Eighth Army had driven Rommel's forces out of Cyrenaica before over-stretching its own supply lines again. Eighth Army had then settled along the "Gazala line" in the desert, west of Tobruk,…

Memoir '44Mediterranean Theater

Scenario#: 20     Date: 1 Dec 1942     Location: Tebourba, Tunisia

German Heavy Tank Battalion 501 was made up of the new Tiger tanks and Panzer III Ausf. N tanks. On December 1st, 1942, the lead elements of Heavy Tank Battalion 501 attacked elements of the US 1st Armored Division and …

Tide of IronDays of the Fox

Scenario#: 251     Date: 5/12/1944     Location: Castelforte, Italy

It was apparent that only a bold stroke would get the costly Allied offensive in Italy rolling again. General Alphonso Juin, commander of the French Expeditionary Corps, convinced Mark Clark to accept his plan for a new spring offensive, to be…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 10 - Croix de Guerre ( 2nd Edition)

Scenario#: OB06     Date: 11/17/1942     Location: Djebel Abiod, Tunisia

The German XC Corps, comprised of various units which had been rushed to hod Tunisia, was attempting to expand the bridgehead perimeter by pushing combat groups towards Medjez el bab, Bedja and Djebel Aboid. The Allied command had the British 78th…

Advanced Squad LeaderOut of the Bunker

Scenario#: D11     Date: 1942-07-14     Location: El Alamein, Egypt

After the German breakout of the Cauldron at Gazala, followed by the rout of the Allies, the fall of Tobruk, and the suprising victory at Morsa Matruh, Rommel pressed en towards Alexandria and the Suez. But his men had been …

Tank LeaderDesert Steel

Scenario#: 33     Date: 9 Sept 1943     Location: Salerno, Italy

After training in North Africa, the 36th took part in the Salerno landings, where they landed on the right flank at Paestum. After advancing inland they were struck by German counterattacks including one that almost penetrated to the Division CP. …

Band of BrothersTexas Arrows

Scenario#: Comp09     Date: 1942-11-08     Location: Algiers, Algeria

Operation Torch would be the first test of the American Army in the European Theater. Unfortunately, the initial test would come against the American's soon to be allies, the French. …

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 1

Scenario#: LOF11     Date: 11/08/1942     Location: Algiers, Algeria

Torch would be the first test of the American Army in the European Theater. Unfortunately, the initial test would come against the American's soon to be allies, the French. The …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesLine of Fire #08

Scenario#: WO34     Date: 12/21/1943     Location: Ortona, Italy

As Canadian forces pushed steadily through the olive groves and vineyards west of Ortona, Fallschirmjáger Division 1 was compelled to establish a new defensive line in the town itself. Ortona was already something of a rubble strewn maze from damage…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2020

Scenario#: N     Date: 16-May-44     Location: Sinagoga, Italy

The approach to Monte Cassino was agonizingly slow. The commanding heights gave the Germans superb observation and fire positions. In the valleys, small rearguard groups ensured that each hamlet had its bloodprice. For the Allies, the very narrowness…

Squad LeaderThe General #19.6

Scenario#: A093     Date: 5/16/1944     Location: Sinagoga, Italy

The Allied approach to Monte Cassino was agonizingly slow. The commanding heights gave the Germans superb observation and fire positions. In the valleys, small rearguard groups ensured that each hamlet had its price in blood. The Irish Brigade’s…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 96

Scenario#: 15     Date: June 1942     Location: Tobruk, Libya

After failing to capture Tobruk in 1941, the German Afrika Korps tried again in 1942.In May and June the reinforced German forces, now named Panzer Army Afrika, broke through the British Gazala line defenses and captured this key Libyan port. …

Tide of IronDays of the Fox

Scenario#: 17150     Date: 11/27/1941     Location: Gondar, Abyssinia

In November 1941, during the last stage of the East Africa campaign, the British army attacked the mountainous area of Amhara defended by troops of Italian General Nasi. After the surrender of Uolchefit and Culquaber Pass garrisons, the Commonwealth…

Memoir '44Open de France 2016

Scenario#: 4241     Date: 6/14/1942     Location: El Adem, Libya

Building up their forces through the now opened supply lines, Rommel's Afrikakorps eventually broke out of the cauldron, seizing Bir Hakeim but only capturing about 500 wounded Frenchmen . On June 13 "Black Sunday", 21st Panzer shreds the 22nd…

Memoir '44Mediterranean Theater

Scenario#: 25     Date: April 7, 1941     Location: Derna, Libya

As Rommel’s first offensive pushed across Cyrenaica, the British fighting withdrawal turned into a rout. Those forces falling back along the northern and southern edges of the Djebel Akhdar gravitated to the seaside town of Derna, where the coast…

Panzer (YAQ)88: A Tactical Game of Armored Combat on the North African Front, 1940-1942