Browse Items (521 total)

Scenario#: 4149     Date: 7/16/1941     Location: Pripet Marsh, Russia

Operation Barbarossa in July was well under way. Such was the success and speed of the German advance that the supply lines were severely overstretched. Many of the previously bypassed Soviet units began to coordinate limited counter-attacks on Axis…

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 1

Scenario#: 7618     Date: 5/20/1941     Location: Galatos, Crete

The first wave of gliders from Gruppe Mitte's (Center Group) 3rd Fallschirmjäger Regiment had a number of bold objectives: Hauptmann Altmann's men were tasked with silencing a dangerous anti-aircraft battery in the Akrotiri peninsula, while the men…

Memoir '44The Invasion of Crete

Scenario#: 1367     Date: 7/12/1943     Location: Prokhorovka, Russia

The tank battle of Prokhorovka was a clash between two immense armored forces. As the SS Panzer Corps started its advance, the Soviet artillery erupted and soon after the 5th Guards Tank Army under Gen. Pavel Rotmistrov accelerated toward the …

Memoir '44Eastern Front

Scenario#: 4155     Date: 6/30/1941     Location: Pruzana, Russia

On June 30, 1941, German Panzer forces broke through all along the front and in this sector advanced toward the town of Pruzana. However, air reconnaissance reported a Russian infantry detachment from General Oborin's XIV Mechanized Corps had…

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 1

Scenario#: 4088     Date: 7/18/1944     Location: Colombelles, France

Caen proved a tougher challenge than the Allies had expected and German forces tenaciously defended every piece of it. After withdrawing across the Orne River to the south, the Germans set up a hasty defense in the part of Caen …

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 1

Scenario#: 20537     Date: 6/23/1941     Location: Lutsk, Ukraine

On June 22, 1941, Panzer Group 1 stormed into the northwestern corner of Ukraine. Although not the best country for tanks, it was in this countryside that Operation Barbarossa was launched. The German operational plans called for a rapid advance …

Memoir '44New Flight Plan

Scenario#: 6336     Date: 9/13/1942     Location: Barce, Libya

To interrupt Rommel's lines of communication and hamper his anticipated offensive against El Alamein, a number of raids were ordered on key locations to the Axis' rear. The New Zealanders and Guards patrols were sent onto Barce. After traveling 100 …

Memoir '44Battle Maps Series 1 - Disaster at Dieppe

Scenario#: 20913     Date: 5/1/1941     Location: Tobruk, Libya

Germans passed Tobruk during their advance and the Australian 9th division was left behind to defend the city and it's defensive perimeter. As Rommel is in desperate need to shorten it's supply lines he needs the seaport of Tobruk. Both …

Memoir '44Dutch Open 2019

Scenario#: 4073     Date: 6/23/1941     Location: Raseiniai, Russia

The Northwest Soviet Front under Colonel-General Kuznetsov fell back on Barbarossatag (the first day of Unternehmen Barbarossa) before the onslaught of Army Group North under von Leeb. The Germans interpreted this as a general retreat, but Kutznesov…

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 1

Scenario#: 5981     Date: 10/14/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

By October 1942, Stalingrad had become a matter of personal prestige for both Stalin and Hitler, and the sole focal point of the Campaign in the East, above and beyond any strategic military consideration. In mid-October, the Luftwaffe intensified…

Memoir '44Battle Maps Series 1 - Sword of Stalingrad

Scenario#: 3718     Date: 10/22/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

By mid October the fighting amidst the rubble of the Red Barricades factory complex in the northern section of Stalingrad had drawn in more and more of the German 6th Army's forces. On the 22nd the 79th Infantry division, supported …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 1407     Date: 10/22/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

By mid October the fighting amidst the rubble of the Red Barricades Factory Complex in the northern section of Stalingrad had drawn in more and more of the German 6th Army's forces. On the 22nd the 79th Infantry division, supported …

Memoir '44Eastern Front

Scenario#: 24380     Date: February 09, 1945     Location: Kleve, Germany

The Reichswald is the 5-mile gap between the Maas and Rhine and the natural advance route from the German-Dutch border to the Ruhr. After amassing troops to get a numerical advantage near Groesbeek, the allies advanced towards Kleve. The German …

Memoir '44Dutch Open 2022

Scenario#: 16304     Date: 2/8/1945     Location: Nutterden, Germany

Operation Veritable was intended to eliminate all German forces west of the Rhine river and set the stage for Allied forces to eventually cross that great barrier. However, General Schlemm, the German commander of the First Parachute Army defending…

Memoir '44VE-Day

Scenario#: 1299     Date: 9/19/1944     Location: Ooosterbeek, Holland

On September 19th, with Major Urquhart missing, Brigadier Hicks assumed command and was determined to adhere to his mission of reinforcing the 2nd Paratroopers holding Arnhem Bridge. Hicks' force of the 1st, 3rd,11th Paratroopers and South…

Memoir '44New Flight Plan

Scenario#: 1242     Date: 12/21/1944     Location: Trois Ponts, Belgium

Ordered to move to the relief of Kampfgruppe 'Peiper', Max Hansen on December 21st started probing with his battlegroup between Trois Ponts and Grand Halleux. The 505th Parachute Regiment had established a defensive front to defend or blow the…

Memoir '44Fire & Movement Magazine #137

Scenario#: 3684     Date: 12/22/1944     Location: Trois Ponts, Belgium

Ordered to move to the relief of Kampfgruppe 'Peiper', Max Hansen on December 21st started probing with his battlegroup between Trois-Ponts and Grand-Halleux. The 505th Parachute Regiment had established a defensive front to defend or blow the…

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 23748     Date: November 23, 1941     Location: Tobruk, Libya

As part of the drive to relieve the besieged city of Tobruk, the 6th New Zealand Brigade and 8th Royal Tank Regiment assaulted a German position simply known as Point 175. Overconfident by recent success against Italian forces, they were …

Memoir '44Remembrance Scenarios

Scenario#: 6776     Date: 12/23/1944     Location: Marvie, Belgium

On December 23, the Germans started to shell Marvie, a suburb of Bastogne. At about the same time, German tanks and infantry slowly began to progress toward Hill 500. A few US soldiers were able to withdraw, but most stayed …

Memoir '44Winter Wars

Scenario#: 3418     Date: 5/15/1940     Location: Ernage, Belgium

While the "Prioux" cavalry corps fought the Panzer Divisions of the German XVI Motorized Corps in the battle of Hannut, infantry divisions of General Blanchard's 1st Army reached the "LPR" (Ligne Principale de Défense), which was the main line of …

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 1

Scenario#: 3509     Date: 5/15/1940     Location: Bouvellemont, France

In an effort to slow down Guderian's Panzers after the French defeat at Sedan, many French units chose to hold their positions instead of retreating. Among those who chose to stay were the 3rd brigade of Spahis in La Horgne, …

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 1

Scenario#: 7621     Date: 5/27/1941     Location: Sfakia, Crete

Less than a month after launching Operation Marita, mainland Greece was under Axis control. Hitler then shifted his focus to Crete where the Allies had retreated. On May 20th, the largest airborne assault in history was launched on the northern …

Memoir '44Remembrance Scenarios

Scenario#: 18393     Date: 7/29/1944     Location: Villebaudon, France

On the 29th of July 1944, US troops of General Bradley were advancing towards Avranches after the breakthrough of the Operation Cobra. The German command tried to close the gap by all means. A kampfgruppe (occasional battle group) of the …

Memoir '44Open de France 2017

Scenario#: 3585     Date: 2/1/1944     Location: Roi-Namur, Marshall Islands

The assault on Roi-Namur started with the USS Tennessee shelling the blockhouse on eastern side of the islands, near the sand spit connecting Roi to Namur. Tanks of the 1st Armored Amphibian Tractor Battalion landed first on Roi near Wendy …

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: 3589     Date: 2/1/1944     Location: Roi-Namur, Marshall Islands

Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands - Eager to set up forward air bases capable of supporting operations across the mid-Pacific and into Japan, the U.S. desperately needed to take the Marianas Islands. But this archipelago of volcanic mountains was so…

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: 4240     Date: 5/27/1942     Location: Gazala, Libya

During the battle of Gazala, Rommel sent his 90th Light Division toward El Adem, far to the British rear. If successful, the move would put the British onto the defensive and help protect Rommel's exposed right flank. The Light division …

Memoir '44Battle Maps Series 1 - Disaster at Dieppe

Scenario#: 1490     Date: 7/21/1941     Location: Monastyryshche, Russia

By late July the Russian 6th and 12th Armies are in full retreat, trying desperately to avoid encirclement by the German Seventeenth Army. General Tyulenev, the southern front commander, orders Musychenenko (6th Army) and Ponedelin (12th Army) to…

Memoir '44Online - No Air Rules

Scenario#: 3732     Date: 7/31/1941     Location: Monastyryshche, Russia

By late July the Russian 6th and 12th Armies are in full retreat, trying desperately to avoid encirclement by the German Seventeenth Army. General Tyulenev, the southern front commander, orders Musychenenko (6th Army) and Ponedelin (12th Army) to…

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 20956     Date: 7/14/1942     Location: El Alamein, Egypt

Operation Crusader, July 14th 1942: As the Axis forces dug in, Auchinleck planned to attack the Italian Pavia and Brescia Divisions in the centre of the front at the Ruweisat ridge. His policy "to hit the Italians wherever possible in …

Memoir '44Dutch Open 2019

Scenario#: 4670     Date: 1/26/1942     Location: Rzhev, Russia

The Soviet counter-offensive in December 1941 sent the German Wehrmacht reeling back from the outskirts of Moscow. In a pincer move on the Northern front near Rzhev, the Soviets bludgeoned their way through the Ninth Army, leaving the Germans in …

Memoir '44Online Only

Scenario#: 4669     Date: 1/26/1942     Location: Rzhev, Russia

The Soviet counter-offensive in December 1941 sent the German Wehrmacht reeling back from the outskirts of Moscow. In a pincer move on the Northern front, near Rzhev, the Soviets bludgeoned their way through Ninth Army, leaving the Germans in…

Memoir '44Online Only

Scenario#: 24364     Date: December 04, 1944     Location: Saarlautern, Germany

After the capture of the main Saarlautern bridge the previous day, the 95th division managed to form a bridgehead on the other side of the river. The main effort of these troops went into pushing forward towards Fraulautern and to …

Memoir '44Dutch Open 2022

Scenario#: 4460     Date: 5/20/1940     Location: Saint Roche, France

Foiiowlng some disastrous fights during the Battle of France. the British Expeditionary Force found itself cut-off from the rest of the French army and surrounded in the port-city of Dunkirk. Remains of the British army engaged in some desperate…

Memoir '44Equipment Pack Bonus

Scenario#: 4588     Date: 8/8/1944     Location: Saint-Aignan de Cramesnil, France

On the morning of August 8, 1944, German Tank ace Michael Wittmann found himself leading a handful of Tiger tanks, supported by a few Panzer IV and Stug IV, into a counter-attack near the town of St. Aignan-de-Cramesnil. With nearby …

Memoir '44Battle Maps Series 1 - Tigers in the Snow

Scenario#: 4272     Date: 7/31/1944     Location: Saint-Martin, France

Operation Bluecoat was supposed to begin with a massive aerial bombardment, but poor weather made the Allies miss entirely. Nonetheless, the British forces pushed forward, where they came under artillery and mortar bombardment amidst highly uneven…

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 1

Scenario#: 3678     Date: 12/22/1944     Location: Saint-Vith, Belgium

As early as August 1944, Adolf Hitler began formulating plans for what would become the Ardennes offensive. While too ambitious for the available resources and terrain, the plan was deemed by the German High Command as having more chances of …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 3     Date: 6/6/1944     Location: Sainte-Mère-Eglise, France

Establishment of a defensive base at Ste. Mère-Église was one of the key objectives of the US 82nd Airborne Division. In contrast with other regiments, the 505th Parachute Infantry, landing northwest of Ste. Mère-Église, had one of the most accurate…

Memoir '44Memoir 44

Scenario#: 3672     Date: 6/6/1944     Location: Sainte-Mère-Église, France

Establishment of a defensive base at Sainte-Mère-Église was one of the key objectives of the US 82nd Airborne Division. In contrast with other regiments, the 505th Parachute Infantry, landing northwest of Sainte-Mère-Église, had one of the most…

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 20073     Date: 12/10/1943     Location: San Pietro, Italy

The Allied objective in Italy was the capture of Rome. They needed to follow Highway 6, passing Monte Cassino through the Winter line to get there. To reach the Winter line Allied Forces needed to capture San Pietro Infine. This …

Memoir '44Dutch Open 2017

Scenario#: 3679     Date: 11/23/1944     Location: Saverne, France

The Saverne Gap, cutting through the Vosges, was the key to Strasbourg, capital city of Alsace. On November 21st, the US Seventh Army 15th Corps, under the command of General Wade Hampton Halslip, arrived at the front lines in Phalsbourg. …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 29     Date: 11/19/1944     Location: Saverne, France

The Saverne Gap, cutting through the Vosges mountains, was the key to Strasbourg, capital city of Alsace. On November 21st, the US Seventh Army XV Corps, under the command of General Wade Hampton Halslip, arrived to the front lines at …

Memoir '44Memoir 44

Scenario#: 19382     Date: 2/17/1943     Location: Sbeitla, Tunisia

The American forces in the Sbeitla valley, were falling back as the Axis continued Operation Fruhlingswind. The Germans, assuming the Americans were in full retreat, were totally surprised when they made contact with the 1St U.S. Armored Division.…

Memoir '44Battle Maps Series 2 - Through Jungle and Desert

Scenario#: 1422     Date: 2/4/1945     Location: Schwammenauel Dam, Germany

Before Operation 'Veritable' and 'Grenade' could begin, there was a matter of the Roer dams to consider. These dams were located in an area of steep gorges, small mountains and narrow roads. Earlier attempts to capture the dams had failed …

Memoir '44Terrain Pack

Scenario#: 3713     Date: 2/9/1945     Location: Schwammenauel Dam, Germany

Before Operation 'Veritable' and 'Grenade' could begin, there was a matter of the Roer dams to consider. These dams were located in an area of steep gorges, small mountains and narrow roads. Earlier attempts to capture the dams had failed …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 22561     Date: 10/24/1942     Location: Deir el Munassib, Egypt

In the evening of October 23rd,1942, General Montgomery launched Operation Lightfoot in the north of El Alamein. To the south, a diversion operation planned to engage the Axis mobile units deployed in this sector (21.Panzer Division and Division…

Memoir '44Remembrance Scenarios

Scenario#: 1491     Date: 9/26/1941     Location: Melitopol, Russia

On September 26, 1941, Soviet units from the 9th and 18th Army attack the northern flank of the German 11th Army. The 1st Mountain Division and the "LSSAH" Motorized Division are rushed into position to bolster the German lines. Although …

Memoir '44Online - No Air Rules

Scenario#: 3734     Date: 10/7/1941     Location: Melitopol, Russia

On September 26, 1941, Soviet units from the 9th and 18th Army attack the northern flank of the German 11th Army. The 1st Mountain Division and the "Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler" Motorized Division are rushed into position to bolster the …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 4187     Date: 6/25/1944     Location: Fontenay le Pesnel, France

In preparation for Montgomery's Operation Epsom, the 49th Infantry Division, nicknamed the Polar Bears because of their arm patch, was ordered to take the town of Fontenay le Pesnel. Their second objective was to secure Raury and the heights that …

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 1

Scenario#: 16295     Date: 4/16/1945     Location: Seelow Heights, Germany

On 16 April, the battle of Berlin started with a massive Soviet artillery barrage against General Theodor Busse’s 9th German Army, which numbered around 200,000 men and equipment. Zhukov’s Red Army, on the other hand, was a juggernaut of over …

Memoir '44VE-Day

Scenario#: 21689     Date: November 23, 1944     Location: Damulaan, Phillipines

The arrival of the 11th Airborne Division on 22 November 1944 allowed Gen. Hodge to move the rest of the 7th Division to the west, in the direction of Ormoc. The Japanese had to stop this advance to secure the …

Memoir '44Dutch Open 2020