Browse Items (413 total)

Scenario#: AP087     Date: 1/31/1942     Location: Moulmein, Burma

Moulmein – the third largest city in Burma with nearly 100,000 residents and long loyal to the Crown – clings to the eastern bank of the mouth of the Salween River. Its all-weather airfield, and position astride an important transportation route as…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #9 To the Bridge!

Scenario#: 40     Date: 1942-09-12     Location: Henderson Field, Guadalcanal

The Japanese of the 35th Infantry Brigade are bearing down on the American perimeter, which controls the ridge dominating Henderson Airfield, the spot the 2nd Marine Division HQ least expected. Controlling the ridge would enable the Japanese to take…

Last Hundred YardsThe Solomon Islands

Scenario#: P06     Date: September 13, 1942     Location: Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands

The Lunga Ridge was a grassy knoll that rose from the jungle, South of Henderson Field. It was a gateway to the airbase. Major General Kiyotake Kawaguchi marched his troops mercilessly through the jungle for days to reach this point. …

Old School TacticalVolume 3 Pacific

Scenario#: Guad04     Date: September 8th, 1942     Location: Guadalcanal

Col. Merritt Edson has received reports from Melanesian scouts that 200 to 300 poorly armed Japanese occupy the village of Tasimboko near Taivu Point. With this information, Edson has planned a hit and run raid on Tasimboko with the 1st …

Conflict of HeroesGuadalcanal

Scenario#: P14     Date: June 3, 1944     Location: Biak, New Guinea

The island of Biak in Western New Guinea was very hot but very dry. It had few sources of fresh water, so any source would be worth fighting for. This small surface stream was one such source. The Japanese needed …

Old School TacticalVolume 3 Pacific

Scenario#: S077     Date: 3/2/1942     Location: Soebang, Java

following successful landings, the Shoji Detachment quickly captured the Kalidjati airfield despite tenacious British resistance, while its headquarters unit, including Colonel Shoji, took the nearby town of Soebang at 0500 on 2 March. While the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit Expansion Pack #2

Scenario#: 17874     Date: 8/8/1939     Location: Khalkh River, Mongolia

After the failed attack in the end of July. the Japanese were facing a serious supply problem. Zuhkov, always looking to add to the enemy's confusion, ordered another Soviet infiltration aimed at the supply dumps south of the Holsten River. …

Memoir '44Battle Maps Series 2 - Battles of Khalkhin-Gol

Scenario#: AP084     Date: 12/28/1941     Location: Bokpyin, Burma

Within days of gaining passage through Thailand, Japanese forces were probing southern Burma. On 12 December, 2nd Battalion, 143rd Infantry Regiment, 55th Division crossed the Kra Isthmus. The Regimental Commander, Colonel Uno, and one rifle company…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #9 To the Bridge!

Scenario#: H     Date: 27-Feb-45     Location: Hill 382, Iwo Jima, Japan

Eight days after the initial landing on the island and four days after the American flag had been raised on Mount Suribachi, the 3rd Marine Division found itself dug in on the barren stone plateau north of the airfields. The …

Combat CommanderCC: Pacific

Scenario#: J135     Date: 1/3/1944     Location: Cape Gloucester, New Britian

As Marine pioneers attempted to build a ford across Suicide creek, the entire line was tasked with providing suppressive fore and diversionary attacks to keep the Japanese busy. Lt. Col. Williams, CO of the 3/7 Marines, ordered yet another crossing…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #9

Scenario#: BRT07     Date: 11/22/1943     Location: Betio Island, Tarawa

Major Jim Crowe had been tasked with continuing the attack along the northeast portion of Betio Island. Before the attack could really begin, however, a major obstacle had to be removed -- a large bombproof emplacement stood directly in front of the…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 5 - Blood Reef: Tarawa

Scenario#: WO24     Date: 8/23/1938     Location: Xingzi, China

As the Imperial Japanese Army drove towards Wahan along the southern bank of the Yangtze River, it had to cross through well-defended Wanjialing. After capturing Jinjiang, the 106th Division continued along the railway in an attempt to break through…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2018

Scenario#: SFCG5     Date: 1945-02-15     Location: Manila, Philippines

Having raced to get to Manila in early Februruy, the 37th Infantry Division and 1st Cavalry Division spent the next four weeks trying to take it. Despite General MacArthur's pronouncement on 6 February that "Manila had fallen'' it soon became very…

Advanced Squad LeaderSword and Fire: Manila

Scenario#: SF06     Date: 1945-02-16     Location: Manila, Philippines

The task set before the 3rd Battalion was daunting. After two days of desperate struggle, the Japanese were still firmly in control of all major buildings within the University-Hospital complex. Barricaded within the stone and brick buildings and…

Advanced Squad LeaderSword and Fire: Manila

Scenario#: 1639     Date: 3/14/1945     Location: Meiktila, Burma

By early March of 1945, the 17th Indian Division in Burma, under the command of British Major-General David Tennent "Punch" Cowan captured the city of Meiktila, taking just 4 days to defeat the nearly 4000 Japanese who held it. The …

Memoir '44Game Trade Magazine #96

Scenario#: A030     Date: 3/2/1942     Location: Soebang, Java

The fate of the Dutch East Indies – a prize rich in natural resources and one of the prime objectives of the Japanese expansion – had been decided by the naval clashes off the coast of Java. After a pre-dawn landing on 1 March, elements of the Shoji…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 91

Scenario#: SF24     Date: 1945-02-26     Location: Manila, Philippines

Private First Class Cleto Rodriguez's actions fighting at the Paco Railroad Station just fifteen days earlier would earn him a nomination for the Medal of Honor. Now, once again, he would be called upon to display valor far beyond what was expected.…

Advanced Squad LeaderSword and Fire: Manila

Scenario#: P16     Date: July 14, 1944     Location: Driniumor River, New Guinea

After capturing Aitape in April, large Japanese forces were cut off as they were withdrawing to the West. These forces, under the command of Lieutenant- General Hatazo Adachi, crossed the Driniumor River in July. The covering force East of the …

Old School TacticalVolume 3 Pacific

Scenario#: HotP07     Date: 1944-06-17     Location: Saipan Island, Marianna Islands

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of the Pacific

Scenario#: 1521     Date: 5/4/1945     Location: Tanabaru, Okinawa

The Japanese began their counter-offensive on the night of May 3rd, 1945. The 24th Division, supported by the Japanese 27th Tank Regiment, decided to push forward in six separate thrusts. Their main objective was to break through the US Army …

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: Guad07     Date: September 24th, 1942     Location: Guadalcanal

With their defeat at Lunga Ridge, Kawaguchi’s remaining force has retreated to the western bank of the Matanikau River and the village of Kokumbona where they have prepared defenses. Kawaguchi has assigned the 124th Infantry Regiment, commanded by…

Conflict of HeroesGuadalcanal

Scenario#: A042     Date: 9/22/1942     Location: Ramelau Mountains, Timor

Since the February invasion, the Japanese occupation forces had been subjected to a constant series of raids, ambushes and small firefights by the Australian 2/4th Independent Company. Japanese Area Command called in their own specialists – the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 92

Scenario#: AP010     Date: 1/15/1943     Location: Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands

With the Army’s 25th Division at its side, the 2nd Marine Division began the drive to clear Guadalcanal of its last defenders. An armor-supported drive along the coast failed to break through, while the 8th Marines encountered heavy resistance along…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #2

Scenario#: M8     Date: 18-Dec-42     Location: Buna, New Guinea

The Japanese defenses at Buna were extensive and compartmentalized, requiring coordinated Allied operations at various points. Elements of the well-supported 2/9th assaulted the defenders in the area identified by the Japanese as ”Outer Camp". The…

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #4: New Guinea

Scenario#: HFO01     Date: 1943-05-19     Location: Attu Island, Usa

Lock 'n Load TacticalHell Frozen Over

Scenario#: SFCG1     Date: 1945-02-03     Location: Manila, Philippines

The 37th Infantry Division's advance through Manila north of the Pasig River was greatly delayed. In their fighting withdrawal toward the river, the Japanese were systematically blowing up every large building in their path and setting hundreds more…

Advanced Squad LeaderSword and Fire: Manila

Scenario#: HFO04     Date: 1943-05-20     Location: Attu Island, Usa

Lock 'n Load TacticalHell Frozen Over

Scenario#: 3738     Date: 1/13/1943     Location: Matanikau River, Guadalcanal

At the start of the new year, General Patch ordered the 2nd and 8th Marines to drive westward and clear the Japanese Resistance from the hills overlooking the coast near Point Cruz. On January 13th, Marines assaulted the Japanese positions …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 3466     Date: 1/13/1943     Location: Matanikau River, Guadalcanal

At the start of the new year General Patch ordered the 2nd and 8th Marines to drive westward and clear the Japanese Resistance from the hills overlooking the coast near Point Cruz. On January 13th, Marines assaulted the Japanese positions …

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: J017     Date: 4/24/1945     Location: Kakazu Ridge, Okinawa

During the night of April 23 and early morning of April 24, a heavy Japanese bombardment masked the withdrawal of most of the remaining defenders of the Kakazu pocket. Several small units were left behind to delay the American pursuit. At the same…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #2

Scenario#: P08a     Date: November 9, 1943     Location: Bougainville Island, New Guinea

The Marines didn’t budge and shut down the Japanese counterattack. But the threat remained to the beachhead. Switching over to attack, the Marines pushed on with orders to clear out any remaining enemy units.

Old School TacticalVolume 3 Pacific

Scenario#: H11     Date: January 24, 1945     Location: Luzon, Phillipines

After landing, one of MacArthur’s priorities was capturing this airfield to use in the campaign. Japanese units of the Kembu Group stiffened their defense as the Americans approached. With armor support, it was up to the ’Buckeyes' of the 37th …

Old School TacticalHell Bent Pacific

Scenario#: 67     Date: 11/22/1943     Location: Bougainville Island, New Guinea

As elements of the 3rd Marine Division pushed eastward to expand its beachhead on Bouganville, 1st Lt. Steve Cibik’s reinforced platoon was ordered to occupy a small knoll with a commanding view of Empress Augusta Bay. Shortly after arriving, the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 9 - Gung Ho!

Scenario#: BRT02     Date: 11/20/1943     Location: Betio Island, Tarawa

The M4A2 Sherman was seen by Marine crews for the first time aboard the transport Ashland while en route from "Helen". Company C of the 2nd Tank Battalion was given the new monsters. The 1st Platoon under Lt. Edward Bale would take six Shermans to…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 5 - Blood Reef: Tarawa

Scenario#: H03     Date: November 21, 1943     Location: Betio Island, Tarawa

On the second day of the invasion, D+1, Major Michael Ryan gathered what Marines and Engineers he could and prepared to sweep Green Beach of its defenders. Boosted by the timely arrival of the Shermans 'Cecille' and ‘China Gal', the …

Old School TacticalHell Bent Pacific

Scenario#: HS12     Date: 10/24/1942     Location: Lunga Ridge, Guadalcanal

The Marines, anxious to take the fight to the Japanese, mounted an ambitious plan to surround and destroy the majority of the Japanese forces at the mouth of the Matanikau River. A three-pronged attack, each prong depending on the others succeeding,…

Advanced Squad LeaderHSASL 1 - Operation Watchtower

Scenario#: SF12     Date: 1945-02-21     Location: Manila, Philippines

The five-story tall Manila Hotel stood watch over Dewey Boulevard, the South Port area, and the open park areas surrounding lntramuros. To gain entrance, the troopers of 12th Cavalry Regiment would have to dash across the open areas of Wallace Field,…

Advanced Squad LeaderSword and Fire: Manila

Scenario#: A045     Date: 7/13/1944     Location: Chakila, New Guinea

Major Iwataro Hoshino’s ad hoc Coastal Attack Force had crossed the Driniumor River during the night of 11-12 July, bringing 70mm and 75mm guns up to support the advance by the 237th Infantry. When contact with the 237th was lost, however, the major…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 92

Scenario#: A111     Date: 11/20/1942     Location: Soupta, New Guinea

After their rout at Oviv-Gorai, the Japanese continued their retreat along the Kokoda Trail. The Australians pursued them on two parallel axis of advance, hoping to reach the coast at Sananada before Japanese reinforcements could be landed. For days,…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 97

Scenario#: 4154     Date: 2/22/1944     Location: Parry Island, Ralik Group

Parry Island, the third largest island in the northwester Ralik Group, was the last major objective scheduled to be taken by Operation Catchpole. BrigGen Watson had initially planned the assault on Parry for February 21, but the capture of other …

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: 17598     Date: 3/1/1945     Location: Meiktila, Burma

The attack of Meiktila was conducted by the 17th Indian Infantry Division under the command of Major General Cowan. He ordered the 63th Brigade to attack the city from the west, while the 48th Brigade engaged from the north and …

Memoir '44New Flight Plan

Scenario#: 16631     Date: 11/1/1943     Location: Bougainville Island, New Guinea

The Landings at Cape Torokina on November 1, 1943 were the beginning of the Bougainville, campaign in the Solomon Islands. Most of the US Marines faced limited enemy fire and pushed inland slowly through dense jungle and a knee-deep swamp. …

Memoir '44Battle Maps Series 2 - Battles of Khalkhin-Gol

Scenario#: K     Date: 18-Dec-42     Location: Buna, New Guinea

Combined Australian and American forces surrounded the desperate Japanese defenses at Buna during December 1942. After an opening barrage starting at 0530, various companies of 2/9th Battalion (Australian 16th Brigade) crossed the start line promptly…

Combat CommanderCC: Pacific

Scenario#: 62     Date: 3/6/1942     Location: Payagyi, Burma

Following the disaster at the Sittang River in February, the troops defending Burma against the Japanese invasion fell back toward Rangoon. And from there the 7th Armoured Brigade was rushed to the rapidly collapsing front. The experienced "Desert…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 8 - Code of Bushido

Scenario#: M10     Date: 30-Jan-43     Location: Wau, New Guinea

A company of the ANZAC 2/5 battalion ordered to intercept elements of the Japanese 51st Division advancing on Wau finds itself bypassed and cut off. The unit attempts to sneak back to friendly lines through the advancing Japanese forces but …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #4: New Guinea

Scenario#: J189     Date: 1/13/1944     Location: Cape Gloucester, New Britian

The Marines had solidly established their presence on Cape Glouchester, secured their initial objectives, and continued to push south and east. A major campaign objective was Hill 660. Confident that Hill 660 would be taken a detachment from the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #12

Scenario#: 156     Date: 3/29/1944     Location: Maelu, Burma

After Brigadier J. M. Calvert’s 77th Indian Infantry Brigade had successfully blockaded the railway leading out of Mawlu, combat between the Chindit and Japanese forces intensified. In order to expand the Allied area of control, Calvert launched an…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 13 - Rising Sun

Scenario#: J116     Date: 9/8/1942     Location: Efogi, Papua

Following a valiant defence of Isurava Village in late August, the Australians withdrew south, relentlessly pursued by the Japanese. The Japanese Nankai Shitai (South Seas Force) under the command of Major General Horii, were eager to inflict a…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #8

Scenario#: M6     Date: 11-Nov-42     Location: Gorari, New Guinea

The Australians had taken Kokoda and were driving toward the north coast of New Guinea. The Japanese forward defense was centered on Gorari. The Australians managed to find a parallel around the Japanese defense and managed to break it into …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #4: New Guinea

Scenario#: 21692     Date: November 07, 1944     Location: Ormoc Valley, Phillipines

After reaching Carigara through the Leyte valley, Leyte is divided in two. The Japanese army was still able to provide reinforcements via Ormoc, so it was necessary to pierce the mountains as soon as possible to occupy Ormoc. Japanese troops …

Memoir '44Dutch Open 2020