Browse Items (942 total)

Scenario#: D6     Date: 6-Mar-45     Location: Austria

After passing through Bulgaria and Yugoslavia, the Red Army smashed into Austria. A mixed group of Yugoslavs, Bulgarians and Russians met elements of the German force occupying Austria in a night melee.

Squad LeaderThe Dragon Vol. V, No. 7

Scenario#: OA02     Date: 11/30/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

The day began with a pre-dawn shower of Russian artillery shells all along the German positions south of Stalingrad. As the barrage lifted, Sgt. Albert Pfluger and his men peered out of their foxholes in time to see three T-34s advancing slowly…

Advanced Squad LeaderOut of the Attic

Scenario#: 166     Date: 2/26/1940     Location: Kuhmo, Finland

During the first three weeks of the war the Russian 14th Army drove Detachment Pennanen before it all the way to Hoyhenjarvi where the advance halted and the contenders dug in. The front would be quiet until February 24, when a Russian ski detachment…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 14 - Hakkaa Päälle!

Scenario#: E04     Date: June 28, 1941     Location: Bialystok, Poland

The lightning speed of the German Blitzkrieg opened many gaps in the supply line. South of Bialystok, tanks of the 3rd Panzer Division have run out of petrol and sit waiting for the supply trucks to arrive. Sensing opportunity, Lieutenant …

Old School TacticalVolume 1 Eastern Front

Scenario#: J063     Date: 3/19/1945     Location: Oppeln, Upper Silesia

Marshall Koniev’s 1st Ukrainian Front attacked to seize the Upper Silesia all the way to the Czechoslovakian frontier. Elements of the Hermann Göring Parachute-Panzer Division were hurriedly transported by rail to the area. They were immediately…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #3

Scenario#: A011     Date: 12/9/1939     Location: Aittojoki, Finland

As Soviet troops pressed into the wilderness area north of Lake Ladoga, the Finns instituted a full-scale scorched earth policy. Even those Russians lucky enough to find Finnish dwellings still intact met with disaster. With the onset of the severe…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 89

Scenario#: 23     Date: 9-Dec-39     Location: Aittojoki, Finland

As Soviet troops pressed into the wilderness areas north of Lake Ladoga, the Finns instituted a full scale scorched earth policy. Even those Russians lucky enough to find Finnish dwellings still intact often met with disaster. With the onset of …

Squad LeaderCrescendo of Doom

Scenario#: TBP07     Date: Nov 1939     Location: Karelian 1sthmus, Finland

Some of the bitterest fighting in the Winter War was along the Mannerheim Line on the Karelian lsthmus. Finnish units stubbornly defended their isolate bunkers and fixed positions as Soviet units probed the line looking for any weakness to exploit.

Combat CommanderTournament Battle Pack

Scenario#: FB05     Date: 1/29/1945     Location: Budapest, Hungary

By 26 January, the Soviet 297th Tank Rifle Division had finally pushed the Hungarian Vannay Battalion out of the Városmajor. One building that still remained firmly in Hungarian hands was the Siesta Sanatorium located on Városmajor utca just to the…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 8 - Festung Budapest

Scenario#: S02     Date: September 23, 1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

The 13th Guards Division was reaching its breaking point. In the early morning hours, elements of the 284th Rifle Division were ferried across the Volga to join the fight. The rugged Siberians of the ‘Tomsk’ Division were feared by the …

Old School TacticalStalingrad

Scenario#: VOTG12     Date: 9/23/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

General Chuikov desperately wanted to gain complete control of the main ferry landings, which had fallen into German hands, and were prefect locations for the Germans to interdict reinforcements crossing the Volga. Help was on the way in the form of…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 7 - Valor of the Guards

Scenario#: J054     Date: 7/12/1943     Location: Prokhorovka, Russia

The breaking dawn on the 12th saw both sides slamming artillery barrages into the grainfields around Prokhorovka. Like two tides of steel and flesh rushing towards each other, the 5th Guards Tank Army and II SS Panzer Corps collided just south of the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #3

Scenario#: AP094     Date: 3/12/1943     Location: Graiworon, Russia

Following the disastrous loss of Stalingrad, German High Command faced another threat in northern Russia. After Russian breakthroughs at several points on the Don River, the Germans were in danger of losing three Heeresgruppes – in total, more men…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #10

Scenario#: AP062     Date: 2/8/1945     Location: Klein-Silber, Germany

In early February, following the Red Army’s breakthrough and rapid advance in Poland, the northern flank of Zhukov’s 1st Belorussian Front in Pomerania was fluid. His worn-out and thinly spread troops pushed northward in an attempt to keep the enemy…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #6 A Decade of War

Scenario#: 39     Date: 23 August 1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

The 16th Panzer Division approached the Volga River with little opposition. However, AA guns of the 1077th AA Regiment, manned primarily by young women barely out of high school, depressed their gun barrels in order to fire on the oncoming …

Tide of IronStalingrad

Scenario#: O11     Date: 3/24/1939     Location: Závadka, Slovakia

At dawn on 23 March, the Hungarians attacked Slovakia without any declaration of war – catching the Slovakian army unaware – in an effort to grab land prior to the Slovakians signing a protection agreement with Hungary’s ally, Germany. They drove…

Advanced Squad LeaderSpecial Ops 6

Scenario#: 30     Date: 1 Feb 1942     Location: Toropets, Russia

In the winter of I942, Soviet forces mounted the Toropets-Kholm offensive south of Lake Ilmen. Soviet forces, although ill-equipped, were able to surprise two forward German regiments, as the regiments were spread to such a degree that they couldn ’t…

Tide of IronFury of the Bear

Scenario#: T04     Date: 7/11/1941     Location: Shklov, Russia

In the town of Shklov, the German advance was frustrated by the determined defense of a handful of young Soviets. Skillfully using every advantage, the young officer cadets, known as “Stalin Scholars”, were able to beat back the advance of the…

Advanced Squad LeaderClassic ASL

Scenario#: AP013     Date: 12/3/1941     Location: Khimki, Russia

The men of the 35th Infantry Division were exhausted after their long trek across Russia. First mud, the severe winter weather, then stiffening defenses had blunted the spearhead of Operation Typhoon’s drive to Moscow. Now, with the spires of the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #2

Scenario#: S024     Date: 6/28/1944     Location: Krupki, Belarus

Operation Bagration, launched by the Soviets on June 23, was turning out to be highly successful. German reports noted that the Russians no longer attacked as in the early days with masses of infantry across a broad front but instead employed…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit #3

Scenario#: OA15     Date: 4/16/1945     Location: Seelow, Germany

The German Ninth Army had dug in atop the Seelow Heights, blocking the main Kustrin-Berlin road, and from there, inflicted terrible punishment on the attacking Russians. The Russians attempted a series of savage flank attacks in hopes of shattering…

Advanced Squad LeaderOut of the Attic

Scenario#: E12     Date: 6/26/1941     Location: Brody, Russia

In the opening phase of Operation Barbarossa, some of the most intense fighting happened near the town of Brody. Army Group South’s 1st Panzer Group clashed with five Soviet mechanized corps. German Stukas buzzed over the battlefield like angry bees.…

Old School TacticalVolume 1 Eastern Front

Scenario#: PoH07     Date: September 14th, 1939     Location: Lowicz, Poland

The Battle of Bzura (Sept 9-19, 1939) was one of the biggest battles of the Polish campaign. In the first phase of the battle (Sept 9-12), two Polish armies, “Pomorze” and the “Poznań”, attacked the left flank of the German …

Conflict of HeroesPrice of Honour

Scenario#: J053     Date: 7/11/1943     Location: Okytaberskii State Farm, USSR

Scenario 2/3 of Broadway to Prokhorovka campaign (page 60 of Journal 3). Both sides chooses their OBs from available groups. The unit list below lists everything available, but the players only get to use about half of them.

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #3

Scenario#: 16295     Date: 4/16/1945     Location: Seelow Heights, Germany

On 16 April, the battle of Berlin started with a massive Soviet artillery barrage against General Theodor Busse’s 9th German Army, which numbered around 200,000 men and equipment. Zhukov’s Red Army, on the other hand, was a juggernaut of over …

Memoir '44VE-Day

Scenario#: DJ04     Date: 1943-07-11     Location: Prokhorovka, Russia

Fierce fighting had been raging all morning, and by 1:00 p.m. the Soviet forces had taken up well-defended positions at the Oktiabrskii State Farm. The LAH needed to capture the farm to secure the left flank of its advance towards Prokhorovka. The…

Lock 'n Load TacticalDark July 43

Scenario#: DJ04     Date: 07/11/1943     Location: Prokhorovka, Russia

Fierce fighting had been raging all morning, and by 1:00 p.m. the Soviet forces had taken up well-defended positions at the Oktiabrskii State Farm. The LAH needed to capture the farm to secure the left flank of its advance towards …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesDark July 43

Scenario#: RO2     Date: 10/23/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

By 0930 the Germans’ first objective, the north-south railroad embankment west of the factory, had been reached. The attack plan then called for a brief interlude to allow fresh troops of the second wave to come up and for continued bombardment of…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL10a - Red Factories

Scenario#: AP117     Date: 10/11/1944     Location: Debrecen, Hungary

The Soviet attack had reached the edge of Debrecen and was closing in on the city itself. In typical fashion, the Cavalry-Mechanized Group would hit a weak point – usually the Hungarian lines – and try to force a rout. With the outskirts of Hungary's…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #12 Oktoberfest XXX

Scenario#: Solo01     Date: July 12th, 1941     Location: Minsk, Russia

Soviet Partisans have been harassing German supply wagons. In an attempt to root out local combatants, a platoon of German trackers are searching a nearby abandoned Soviet village for the Partisans and weapons stockpiles. With the first knock on a …

Conflict of HeroesSolo

Scenario#: WO20     Date: 2/15/1945     Location: Chojnice, Poland

As the Soviet offensive to secure the right flank of the drive on Berlin, a 50 kilometer gap still existed between two of the German divisions defending Pomerania. The Soviet 70th Army, which included the 1st Guards Tank Corps and the 96th Rifle…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2016

Scenario#: 3734     Date: 10/7/1941     Location: Melitopol, Russia

On September 26, 1941, Soviet units from the 9th and 18th Army attack the northern flank of the German 11th Army. The 1st Mountain Division and the "Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler" Motorized Division are rushed into position to bolster the …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 1491     Date: 9/26/1941     Location: Melitopol, Russia

On September 26, 1941, Soviet units from the 9th and 18th Army attack the northern flank of the German 11th Army. The 1st Mountain Division and the "LSSAH" Motorized Division are rushed into position to bolster the German lines. Although …

Memoir '44Online - No Air Rules

Scenario#: 36     Date: 18-Sep-42     Location: Minina Suburb, Stalingrad, Russia

During the night of September 17, Lt. Andrey Khozyaynov of the 92nd Marine lnfantry Brigade was ordered to reinforce elements of the 35 Guards lnfantry Division defending the Grain Elevator. This key position anchored the Soviet defenses south of the…

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #2: Stalingrad

Scenario#: 17     Date: February 16, 1944     Location: Lissjanka, Ukraine

The battles on the Dnieper had been bitter and costly. The salient at Cherkassy was the last crossing still held by the Germans. In January, Russian armored pincers had torn past the salient, boldly netting a pocket containing 7 German …

Panzer (YAQ)Panzer: A Tactical Game of Armored Combat on the Eastern Front, 1941-1945

Scenario#: KCG2     Date: 13 July, 1943     Location: Prokhorovka, Russia

With the Germans now more thoroughly in control of a foothold across the Psel River, they now sought to strengthen their hold while driving north toward Oboyan and Kursk itself. Having secured Hill 226.6, the Germans pushed northeast, while tunneling…


Scenario#: A012     Date: 8/23/1942     Location: Ischbuchenskiy, Russia

As the Italian 8th Army took up positions along the west bank of the River Don, a Russian counterattack opened a gap between it and the German 6th Army advancing on Stalingrad. As part of the effort to seal this breach, the Savoy Cavalry and Novara…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 89

Scenario#: S036     Date: 6/25/1944     Location: Slobodka, Russia

On June 24, the 3rd Army of the 1st Byelorussian Front made a 10 kilometer penetration towards Minsk against the German 134th Infantry Division as part of Operation Bagration. General Jordan, commander of the German 9th Army, received permission from…

Advanced Squad LeaderOperations Special Issue #3

Scenario#: MTFF02     Date: August 1st, 1944     Location: Sandomierez, Poland

In early August 1944 the First Ukrainian Front crossed the Vistula River near the Polish city of Sandomierez. The Germans counter-attacked with armored forces including their new King Tiger tanks to eliminate the bridgehead. However, the Soviets had…

Conflict of HeroesMonster Tanks

Scenario#: RB13     Date: 11/11/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

The objective for Major Braun and his men was to capture the fuel tank complex and penetrate to the shoreline of the Volga itself. Though Major Braun and his men had briefly reached the fuel tanks on 2nd November, they had been ousted by a…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL10a - Red Factories

Scenario#: BOF16     Date: 9/4/1942     Location: Karmanovo, Russia

In August 1942 the Red Army attempted to retake Rzhev and eliminate the most dangerous threat to the Russian capital. After almost a month of relentless attacks and bitter fighting, the Red Army had made only very small gains. On 4 September the…

Advanced Squad LeaderBest of Friends 2

Scenario#: F-3     Date: 11/39     Location: Petsamo, Finland

Arctic confrontation (11/39) Finnish frontier troops attempt to prevent the encirclement of Petsamo.

Panzer (AH/MMP)The Grenadier Panssari Salama

Scenario#: U14     Date: 9/1/1939     Location: Novy Targ, Poland

Despite the known German troop concentrations at the border, the Polish Army was taken by complete tactical surprise. Many Polish units were in the process of moving to their defensive positions or areas of concentration when the attack commenced.…

Advanced Squad LeaderTurning the Tide

Scenario#: 201     Date: 1-Sep-39     Location: Novy Targ, Poland

Despite the known German troop concentrations at the border, the Polish Army was taken by complete tactical surprise. Many Polish units were in the process of moving to their defensive positions or areas of concentration when the attack commenced.…

Squad LeaderCrescendo of Doom (Addon)

Scenario#: 4669     Date: 1/26/1942     Location: Rzhev, Russia

The Soviet counter-offensive in December 1941 sent the German Wehrmacht reeling back from the outskirts of Moscow. In a pincer move on the Northern front, near Rzhev, the Soviets bludgeoned their way through Ninth Army, leaving the Germans in…

Memoir '44Online Only

Scenario#: 4670     Date: 1/26/1942     Location: Rzhev, Russia

The Soviet counter-offensive in December 1941 sent the German Wehrmacht reeling back from the outskirts of Moscow. In a pincer move on the Northern front near Rzhev, the Soviets bludgeoned their way through the Ninth Army, leaving the Germans in …

Memoir '44Online Only

Scenario#: 1     Date: '7/44     Location: White Russia, Belarus

WHITE RUSSIA (7/44). During the massive Russian offensives of 1944 the Russian ”cavalry/tank" groups did great damage among German rear area installations. This one covers an attack on a signal unit.

Panzer (AH/MMP)PanzerBlitz

Scenario#: 9     Date: '19/8/43     Location: Stalino, Russia

When Russian forces had penetrated the German front it was often necessary to use an infantry blocking force to prevent other infantry units from being trapped.

Panzer (AH/MMP)PanzerBlitz

Scenario#: 3732     Date: 7/31/1941     Location: Monastyryshche, Russia

By late July the Russian 6th and 12th Armies are in full retreat, trying desperately to avoid encirclement by the German Seventeenth Army. General Tyulenev, the southern front commander, orders Musychenenko (6th Army) and Ponedelin (12th Army) to…

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 1490     Date: 7/21/1941     Location: Monastyryshche, Russia

By late July the Russian 6th and 12th Armies are in full retreat, trying desperately to avoid encirclement by the German Seventeenth Army. General Tyulenev, the southern front commander, orders Musychenenko (6th Army) and Ponedelin (12th Army) to…

Memoir '44Online - No Air Rules