Browse Items (942 total)

Scenario#: 1491     Date: 9/26/1941     Location: Melitopol, Russia

On September 26, 1941, Soviet units from the 9th and 18th Army attack the northern flank of the German 11th Army. The 1st Mountain Division and the "LSSAH" Motorized Division are rushed into position to bolster the German lines. Although …

Memoir '44Online - No Air Rules

Scenario#: 1490     Date: 7/21/1941     Location: Monastyryshche, Russia

By late July the Russian 6th and 12th Armies are in full retreat, trying desperately to avoid encirclement by the German Seventeenth Army. General Tyulenev, the southern front commander, orders Musychenenko (6th Army) and Ponedelin (12th Army) to…

Memoir '44Online - No Air Rules

Scenario#: 1312     Date: 7/22/1941     Location: Lipovec, Ukraine

Operating in central Ukraine as part of the 17th German Army, a Slovakian motorized brigade, named after its commander, Brig. General Rudolf Pilfousek, was ordered on July 22nd to capture the town of Lipovec. Made up of mechanized armor, infantry …

Memoir '44Online - No Air Rules

Scenario#: NOSB12     Date: 02/22/1945     Location: Budapest, Hungary

Hitler's Operation Spring Awakening, using six Waffen SS divisions to counterattack and relieve entrapped units in Budapest, was off to a slow start. Mud and dogged Russian defiance once again were the culprits, denying quick rnaneuver and advance.…

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesNot One Step Back

Scenario#: NOSB11     Date: 02/16/1944     Location: Lysyanka, Russia

Once again, the Soviet armies had encircled German forces on the tenuous and dynamic Ost Front. The encircled this time were six German Divisions that had been holding defensive positions along the Dnepr River in the Korsun Pocket. German High …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesNot One Step Back

Scenario#: NOSB10     Date: 01/12/1943     Location: S Of Livny, Russia

The Soviet winter offensive of 1943 threw the Germans back along the breadth of the Eastern Front, frequently creating ruptures in the Wehrmacht's line, both large and small. In this fictitious scenario, a small German reconnaissance group, probing…

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesNot One Step Back

Scenario#: NOSB09     Date: 07/12/1943     Location: Prochorovka, Russia

Right after 5 a.m., on July 12th, hundreds of Soviet tanks and assault guns rolled out of Prochorovka and slammed into the German SS Leibstandarte Division, which had stalled just west of the town. Streams of T-34 and T-70 tanks, …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesNot One Step Back

Scenario#: NOSB08     Date: 12/31/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

Operation Uranus had been a success for Soviet command. They had effectively encircled the German 6th Army at Stalingrad. The Germans formed a defensive perimeter (nicknamed, The Cauldron) and dug in, still hoping they would soon be relieved. The…

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesNot One Step Back

Scenario#: NOSB07     Date: 12/08/1942     Location: Nw Of Verchne Solonovski, Russia

German High Command launched a counter offensive to attempt to relieve the encircled 6th Army at Stalingrad, and made steady progress, approaching within 25 miles of the 6th Anny lines before the Soviets retaliated. After some initial success, the…

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesNot One Step Back

Scenario#: NOSB06     Date: 11/22/1942     Location: Kalach, Russia

The Final objective for Russia's Operation Uranus was to seal off any escape for the embattled 6th Army by taking the bridge over the Don River at Kalach. Using a handful of captured tanks, Lieutenant-Colonel Filippov drove right through cheering …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesNot One Step Back

Scenario#: NOSB05     Date: 10/01/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

On the 26th of September, 1942, Y.F. Pavlov and three other Soviet Soldiers of the 13th Guards Rifle Division, searched and secured a large apartment house on the edge of the 9 January Square known as the House of Soviets …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesNot One Step Back

Scenario#: NOSB04     Date: 10/01/1942     Location: Bryansk Forest, Russia

Partisan forces became better organized as the war in the east entered its second year. There was exceptionally strong partisan activity in the Bryansk forest of modern day Belorus. From the forest, thousands of partisans and clandestine Russian…

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesNot One Step Back

Scenario#: NOSB03     Date: 10/30/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

The 14th Panzer Division had been given the task of clearing the southern area of the city known as the Bread Factory and getting to the Volga River. Suffering horrendous casualties, the Germans took the Bread Factory and were just …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesNot One Step Back

Scenario#: NOSB02     Date: 09/01/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

For months the Germans had pushed the Soviets across the steppes. The Soviet's victories of the previous winter were but a bad dream, long forgotten. German Panzers ruled the plains, Bf-109s ruled the sky, and all was right with the …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesNot One Step Back

Scenario#: NOSB01     Date: 09/21/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

After a few initial set hacks, German forces were making steady progress towards clearíng the city of Soviet troops. On September 20th, a German infantry assault was repulsed around the building known as the Nail Factory by stalwart elements of …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesNot One Step Back

Scenario#: 17604     Date: 6/27/1941     Location: Zelva, Russia

At the beginning of Operation Barbarossa, German tanks of Panzergruppe Guderian broke through the Soviet lines and made large encirclements, trapping the Soviet 4th and 10th armies in the Bialystok pocket. On June 27, German infantry of the 29.ID…

Memoir '44New Flight Plan Bonus

Scenario#: 20561     Date: 6/25/1941     Location: Lutsk, Russia

During the night of June 24-25, additional elements from the Soviet 22nd Mechanized Corps, which included a number of Red Army KV-2 heavy tanks, took up positions alongside the remains of the 19th Tank Division in Lutsk. At dawn the …

Memoir '44New Flight Plan

Scenario#: 20537     Date: 6/23/1941     Location: Lutsk, Ukraine

On June 22, 1941, Panzer Group 1 stormed into the northwestern corner of Ukraine. Although not the best country for tanks, it was in this countryside that Operation Barbarossa was launched. The German operational plans called for a rapid advance …

Memoir '44New Flight Plan

Scenario#: 20228     Date: 9/16/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

The attack of the city of Stalingrad by the German 6 Armee began on September 13th. The southern part of the city was attacked by four divisions of the 48 PanzerKorps under the command of General Kempf. On September 16th, …

Memoir '44New Flight Plan

Scenario#: 20028     Date: 7/7/1944     Location: Maciejow, Ukraine

On the 22nd of June 1944, the Soviet army launched Operatsiya Bagration against Heeresgruppe "Mitte". In the area of Kovel, in western Ukraine, the II/SS-Pz Rgt.5, equipped with Panther tanks, had to defend the city of Maciejow. On the 7th …

Memoir '44New Flight Plan

Scenario#: 1366     Date: 7/5/1943     Location: Cherkasskoye, Russia

On July 5th General Otto Von Knobelsdorff's XLVIII Panzer Corps went on the offensive in front of Cherkasskoye. His first day objective was to take the village and then push on to the River Pena. The 10th Panzer advanced on …

Memoir '44New Flight Plan

Scenario#: MTFF03     Date: July 27th, 1942     Location: Don River, Russia

During late July, the Germans launched their Fall Blau offensive in the southern Soviet Union. Near the Don River, the Soviet 158th Separate Heavy Tank Brigade of the 28th Tank Corps of the 1st Tank Army attacked the Germans across …

Conflict of HeroesMonster Tanks

Scenario#: MTFF02     Date: August 1st, 1944     Location: Sandomierez, Poland

In early August 1944 the First Ukrainian Front crossed the Vistula River near the Polish city of Sandomierez. The Germans counter-attacked with armored forces including their new King Tiger tanks to eliminate the bridgehead. However, the Soviets had…

Conflict of HeroesMonster Tanks

Scenario#: MTFF01     Date: April 26th, 1945     Location: Berlin, Germany

At the beginning of 1945, World War II was drawing to a bitter end. Allied forces had crossed the Rhine and were quickly advancing into German territory, while the Red Army was steam rolling through eastern Germany. Marshal Zhukov himself …

Conflict of HeroesMonster Tanks

Scenario#: KCG2     Date: 13 July, 1943     Location: Prokhorovka, Russia

With the Germans now more thoroughly in control of a foothold across the Psel River, they now sought to strengthen their hold while driving north toward Oboyan and Kursk itself. Having secured Hill 226.6, the Germans pushed northeast, while tunneling…


Scenario#: KCG1     Date: 10 July, 1943     Location: Prokhorovka, Russia

It came as no surprise, especially to the Russians, that the German 2nd SS Panzer Corps would spear head the summer offensive against the Kursk salient. The Germans were involved in some of the heaviest fighting in the most crucial sector of the…


Scenario#: K06     Date: 12 July, 1943     Location: Prokhorovka, Russia

While the SS mopped up local resistance on the eleventh of July including the seizure of the southern slopes of the tactically vital Hill 226.6, the Russian juggernaut in the form of the Fifth Guards Tank Army bored down on them. As the SS prepared…


Scenario#: K05     Date: 14 July, 1943     Location: Prokhorovka, Russia

After nearly two days of extremely intense fighting, the seesaw battle for the Totenkopfs bridgehead over the Psel was ending. Like two punch-drunk prizefighters, the Germans and Russians had exhausted each other. Gathering their remaining strength…


Scenario#: K04     Date: 11 July, 1943     Location: Prokhorovka, Russia

As the battle north of the Psel roared, both sides threw in their reserves in order to carry the day. The better part of a Russian tank and infantry corps was committed to flattening the bridgehead, while the 2nd SS Corps committed the bulk of the…


Scenario#: K03     Date: 11 July, 1943     Location: Prokhorovka, Russia

Having established themselves across the Psel River the previous evening, the Totenkopf was deter mined to expand their bridgehead and outflank the Russian defenses near Prokhorovka. This would protect the flank, and ease the progress of rest ofthe…


Scenario#: K02     Date: 11 July, 1943     Location: Prokhorovka, Russia

After a long night of struggling to secure little more than a tentative hold on the north bank of the Psel, the Totenkopfs Panzer Regiment received orders to expand the bridgehead and explore the Russian defensive positions in the region. Unbeknownst…


Scenario#: K01     Date: 10 July, 1943     Location: Oboyan, Russia

As the battle of Kursk intensified in the southern half of the salient, the Totenkopf division reached the last Russian barrier before Oboyan. Lightly defended fortifications lined the River Psel, constructed over the previous weeks and months.…


Scenario#: HotM17     Date: 1942-12-16     Location: Sw Of Stalingrad, Russia

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of the Motherland

Scenario#: HotM16     Date: 1942-12-15     Location: Verkhne-kumsky, Russia

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of the Motherland

Scenario#: HotM15     Date: 1942-12-14     Location: Sw Of Stalingrad, Russia

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of the Motherland

Scenario#: HotM14     Date: 1942-12-13     Location: Verkhne-kumsky, Russia

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of the Motherland

Scenario#: HotM13     Date: 1942-12-13     Location: Sw Of Stalingrad, Russia

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of the Motherland

Scenario#: HotM12     Date: 1945-02-22     Location: Budapest, Hungary

Hitler's Operation Spring Awakening, using six Waffen SS divisions to counterattack and relieve entrapped units in Budapest, was off to a slow start. Mud and dogged Russian defiance once again were the culprits, denying quick rnaneuver and advance.…

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of the Motherland

Scenario#: HotM11     Date: 1944-02-16     Location: Lysyanka, Russia

Once again, the Soviet armies had encircled German forces on the tenuous and dynamic Ost Front. The encircled this time were six German Divisions that had been holding defensive positions along the Dnepr River in the Korsun Pocket. German High…

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of the Motherland

Scenario#: HotM10     Date: 1943-07-12     Location: Prochorovka, Russia

Right after 5 a.m., on July 12th, hundreds of Soviet tanks and assault guns rolled out of Prochorovka and slammed into the German SS Leibstandarte Division, which had stalled just west of the town. Streams of T-34 and T-70 tanks, loaded with…

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of the Motherland

Scenario#: HotM09     Date: 1943-01-12     Location: S Of Livny, Russia

The Soviet winter offensive of 1943 threw the Germans back along the breadth of the Eastern Front, frequently creating ruptures in the Wehrmacht's line, both large and small. In this fictitious scenario, a small German reconnaissance group, probing…

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of the Motherland

Scenario#: HotM08     Date: 1942-12-31     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

Operation Uranus had been a success for Soviet command. They had effectively encircled the German 6th Army at Stalingrad. The Germans formed a defensive perimeter (nicknamed, The Cauldron) and dug in, still hoping they would soon be relieved. The…

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of the Motherland

Scenario#: HotM07     Date: 1942-12-08     Location: Nw Of Verchne Solonovski, Russia

German High Command launched a counter offensive to attempt to relieve the encircled 6th Army at Stalingrad, and made steady progress, approaching within 25 miles of the 6th Anny lines before the Soviets retaliated. After some initial success, the…

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of the Motherland

Scenario#: HotM06     Date: 1942-11-22     Location: Kalach, Russia

The Final objective for Russia's Operation Uranus was to seal off any escape for the embattled 6th Army by taking the bridge over the Don River at Kalach. Using a handful of captured tanks, Lieutenant-Colonel Filippov drove right through cheering…

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of the Motherland

Scenario#: HotM05     Date: 1942-10-01     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

On the 26th of September, 1942, Y.F. Pavlov and three other Soviet Soldiers of the 13th Guards Rifle Division, searched and secured a large apartment house on the edge of the 9 January Square known as the House of Soviets No.4. Pavlov and a mix-match…

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of the Motherland

Scenario#: HotM04     Date: 1942-10-01     Location: Bryansk Forest, Russia

Partisan forces became better organized as the war in the east entered its second year. There was exceptionally strong partisan activity in the Bryansk forest of modern day Belorus. From the forest, thousands of partisans and clandestine Russian…

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of the Motherland

Scenario#: HotM03     Date: 1942-10-30     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

The 14th Panzer Division had been given the task of clearing the southern area of the city known as the Bread Factory and getting to the Volga River. Suffering horrendous casualties, the Germans took the Bread Factory and were just 50 meters from the…

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of the Motherland

Scenario#: HotM02     Date: 1942-09-01     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

For months the Germans had pushed the Soviets across the steppes. The Soviet's victories of the previous winter were but a bad dream, long forgotten. German Panzers ruled the plains, Bf-109s ruled the sky, and all was right with the world. It was,…

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of the Motherland

Scenario#: HotM01     Date: 1942-09-21     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

After a few initial set hacks, German forces were making steady progress towards clearíng the city of Soviet troops. On September 20th, a German infantry assault was repulsed around the building known as the Nail Factory by stalwart elements of the…

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of the Motherland

Scenario#: RB10     Date: 9/11/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

The Sixth Army was being bled white amidst the ruins. The rifle strength of whole companies was often reduced to little more than a squad in an attempt to take a single house. The battle lines were now drawn through the hallways of individual…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL10a - Red Factories