Browse Items (1959 total)

Scenario#: BttR09     Date: 1945-01-03     Location: Longchamps, Belgium

Lock 'n Load TacticalBattles to the Rhine

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1945-01-03

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

World War II - Western Front, The Western Front Lines on 3 January 1945.jpg

Scenario#: J062     Date: 1/3/1945     Location: Coroie, Belgium

On January 3rd, 1945, VII Corps launched its offensive to reduce the Bulge salient. The drive, with the 2nd Armored Division as a key element, headed towards Houffalize. Over a foot of snow covered the ground and the armored columns were forced to…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #3

Scenario#: J005     Date: 1/3/1945     Location: Bizory, Belgium

Company E of the 2nd Battalion, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment had been repulsing repeated German attacks on their dug-in position in the woods near the small city of Bizory. Mid-morning on January 3rd, found them under attack by elements of the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #1

Scenario#: 24     Date: 1/3/1945     Location: Longchamps, Belgium

Dug into the snow along the edge of the village of Longchamps, weary Americans watched as an armored force deployed from Compogne in the fields to the north. Orders went out to the gun crews to engage the armor as soon as it was in range. Within…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 3 - Yanks

Scenario#: BoEC13     Date: 1945-01-02     Location: Bastogne, Belgium

Lock 'n Load TacticalBattles of Easy Company

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1945-01-02

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

Scenario#: 198     Date: 1/2/1945     Location: Gros Rederching, France

Operation Nordwind was launched to take advantage of the thin front offered by the American Seventh Army. The Seventh was covering the positions that had been occupied by Patton’s Third Army, now deployed in the Ardennes. Initial thrusts by the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 3a Yanks (2nd Edition)

World War II - Western Front, 1945-02-09, Southeatern France - German Offensive 1-30 January and the Allied Reduction of the Colmar Pocket 20 January to 9 February 1945.jpg

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1945-01-01

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

Scenario#: V     Date: 1/1/1945     Location: Gerimont, France

In the Ardennes sector, the U.S. 87th Division was given the assignment of taking Gerimont. The opening of the assault went well but while pausing to regroup in the outskirts of the town, the Americans were hit by a strong local counterattack. The…

Advanced Squad LeaderThe General #31.3

Scenario#: R211     Date: 1-Jan-45     Location: Gerimont, France

In the Ardennes sector the U.S. 87th division was given the assignment of taking Gerimont as the VIII Corps continued its advance to the east. The opening of the assault went well as the lead companies drove the Germans from …

Squad LeaderRogue Scenarios

World War II - Western Front, 1945-01-25, The Last German Offensive - 31 December 1944 to 25 January 1945.jpg

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1944-12-31, Start of Operation Northwind against the US 7th Army.

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

Scenario#: 19     Date: December 31, 1944     Location: Bastogne, Belgium

Patton's Third Army offensive to relieve Bastogne where elements of the U.S. 11th Armored and 35th Infantry Divisions attack the German 326th Volksgrenadier Division and units of the Panzer Lehr Division.

Panzer (AH/MMP)Panzer Leader

Scenario#: 18479     Date: 12/31/1944     Location: Chenogne, Belgium

In late December 1944, while the Germans still hoped to capture Bastogne, US troops recovered the initiative to relieve this city which was partly besieged. The 11th US Armored Division, just arrived in in the western front and totally "green", …

Memoir '44Open de France 2017

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1944-12-30

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

Scenario#: 6794     Date: 12/30/1944     Location: Lutremange, Belgium

Constant pressure from Hitler to capture Bastogne led Generalleutnant Karl Decker, a prudent but determined and highly experienced officer, to launch a pincer operation in an attempt to isolate the town. While XXXIX Panzerkorps attacked from the…

Memoir '44Winter Wars

Scenario#: 3686     Date: 12/30/1944     Location: Bastogne, Belgium

On December 30th German High Command's plan to capture Bastogne called for a push from the west simultaneously with another from the east. The object of these two forces was to pinch the corridor at Assenois south of the town. …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 3685     Date: 12/30/1944     Location: Bastogne, Belgium

On December 30th German High Command's plan to capture Bastogne called for a push from the west simultaneously with another from the east. The object of these two forces was to pinch the corridor at Assenois south of the town. …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 1254     Date: 12/30/1944     Location: Bastogne, Belgium

On December 30th German High Command's plan to capture Bastogne called for a push from the west simultaneously with another from the east. The object of these two forces was to pinch the corridor at Assenois south of the town. …

Memoir '44Online Only

Scenario#: 1253     Date: 12/30/1944     Location: Bastogne, Belgium

On December 30th German High Command's plan to capture Bastogne called for a push from the west simultaneously with another from the east. The object of these two forces was to pinch the corridor at Assenois south of the town. …

Memoir '44Online - No Air Rules

Scenario#: 1252     Date: 12/30/1944     Location: Bastogne, Belgium

On December 30th German High Command's plan to capture Bastogne called for a push from the west simultaneously with another from the east. The object of these two forces was to pinch the corridor at Assenois south of the town. …

Memoir '44Online - No Air Rules

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1944-12-29

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1944-12-28

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

World War II - Western Front, 1945-01-02, Battle of the Bulge - Widening of the Bastonge Corridor 27 December 1944 - 2 January 1945.jpg

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1944-12-27

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

Scenario#: U09     Date: 12/27/1944     Location: Bastogne, Belgium

The 101st Airborne was desperately low on ammunition, trapped near Bastogne. A desperate attempt to resupply the pocket was formulated. 50 Waco and Horsa gliders, towed from bases in England by C-47s, flown by volunteer pilots, attempted to re-supply…

Advanced Squad LeaderG.I.s Dozen

Scenario#: J028     Date: 12/27/1944     Location: Humaine, Belgium

American artillery pounded Humaine. CCR was assigned the task of capturing the town. They successfully surrounded the town, forcing most of the defenders to surrender. But a group of Germans manned a chateau on the northeastern end of the village and…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #2

Scenario#: 33     Date: 27-Dec-44     Location: Bastogne, Belgium

The 101st Airborne was isolated, surviving by desperation and courage alone. But even the best troops cannot fight without ammunition, and by Christmas day supplies of all types were dwindling. A desperate plan to attempt resupply of the pocket was …

Squad LeaderGI: Anvil of Victory

Scenario#: 29     Date: 27-Dec-44     Location: Bastogne, Belgium

The isolated 101st Airborne seemed to be surviving on courage alone. By Christmas, they were running low on food, medicine, fuel and heavy ammunition. A plan was devised to resupply them from the air. Fifty gliders towed by C47 cargo …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #1: Paratroopers

Scenario#: 4     Date: 27-Dec-44     Location: Humain, Belgium

After days of fierce combat and heavy bombardment, the town of Humaine was surrounded by forces of the US 2nd Armored Division. Most of the German defenders surrendered after some hard fighting. Remnants of 9th Panzer Division occupying a chateau …

Combat CommanderCC: Europe

World War II - Western Front, 1945-01-16, The Ardennes Area - Battle of the Bulge - Operations 26 December 1944 to 16 January 1945.jpg

Scenario#: 26     Date: 1944-12-26     Location: Müllerthal, Luxembourg

Elements of Patton’s Third Army were driving North to widen the corridor to Bastogne. The 5th Infantry Division’s 2nd Infantry Regiment sector extended down the Scheidgen draw to the Müllerthal. To gain entrance to the Müllerthal was no simple …

Last Hundred YardsMission Pack 1

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1944-12-26, Bastonge relived by the Third Army.

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

Scenario#: A029     Date: 12/26/1944     Location: Monschau, Belgium

During the Battle of the Bulge, the U.S. 47th Infantry Regiment was trucked to the vicinity of Eupen and assigned the role of preventing an enemy penetration past the lines held by the 38th Cavalry Squadron. Defensive positions were established along…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 91

Scenario#: A6     Date: 26-Dec-44     Location: Hofen, Belgium

In early December, the U.S. 47th Infantry Regiment was moved back to " Camp Elsenbom" for refit and final training of a large replacement cadre. But training and reorganization were still incomplete when the storm struck; on the afternoon of …

Squad LeaderASL Annual 90

Scenario#: 18     Location: Bastogne, Belgium

Elements of the German Panzer Lehr Division and units of the 326th Volksgrenadier Division try a last-ditch offensive against Bastogne, battling the U.S. 101st Airborne Division and attached units.

Panzer (AH/MMP)Panzer Leader

World War II - Western Front, 1944-12-26, Battle of the Bulge - Bastonge 25-26 December 1944.jpg

Scenario#: BttR08     Date: 1944-12-25     Location: Foy-notre Dame, Sorinne, France

The German operation of Wacht am Rhine, also known as the Battle of the Bulge, had not gone as Hitler had envisioned. The vanguard of the 2nd Panzer Division got to within 4 km from the Meuse, where on December 24th, they were stopped by the US 2nd…

Lock 'n Load TacticalBattles to the Rhine

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1944-12-25

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

Scenario#: OA07     Date: 12/25/1944     Location: Celles, Belgium

During the Bulge offensive, the German 2nd Panzer Division was met and surrounded by the American 2nd Armor Division. A wild melee ensued as the Germans attempted to destroy the American armor and break out to complete their drive to the Meuse.…

Advanced Squad LeaderOut of the Attic

Scenario#: J061     Date: 12/25/1944     Location: Celles, Belgium

The 2nd Panzer Division had made the most progress during the Ardennes offensive, and was positioned a mere 6 kilometers from the Meuse River. General Harmon, the 2nd Armored Division commander, contacted headquarters for permission to attack and,…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #3

Scenario#: AP100     Date: 12/25/1944     Location: Foy-Notre-Dame, Belgium

By Christmas Eve, PanzerArmee 5’s attack had lost steam. Christmas morning dawned clear and bright, and ensuing Allied air activity restricted German ability to reinforce units that had made the deepest penetrations toward the Meuse River.…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #10

Scenario#: 23     Date: 12/25/1944     Location: Champs, Belgium

Christmas Day found the American garrison at Bastogne surrounded. The Germans marked the holiday with an assault on the hitherto quite northwestern perimeter – with Bastogne as the goal. Kampfgruppe Maucke split up at dawn, with the smaller element…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 3 - Yanks

Scenario#: DASL33     Date: 12/25/1944     Location: Assenois, Belgium

By Christmas day, the Ardennes offensive was stalling near Celles. Bastogne was still encircled, but Millikin’s III Corps was moving up to try to break the siege. As the assault of the 15th Panzergrenadier Division had been thrown back at Champs, and…

Advanced Squad LeaderDeluxe Advanced Squad Leader

Scenario#: 17     Location: Celles, Belgium

Elements of the U.S. 2nd Armored Division, supported by units of the British 29th Armoured Brigade, attack the German 2nd Panzer Division which is strung out near Celles, at the tip of the 'Bulge".

Panzer (AH/MMP)Panzer Leader

Scenario#: G09     Date: December 25, 1944     Location: Bastogne, Belgium

War does not take a holiday in the siege of Bastogne. The Germans are determined to snuff out Resistance. Panzers and Grenadiers push their way into the town. Help is on the way to relieve them, but the paratroopers must …

Old School TacticalGhost Front

Scenario#: 7218     Date: 12/25/1944     Location: Celles, Belgium

During the first week of the German offensive in the Ardennes, Field Marshal Montgomery moved the XXX British Corps along the Meuse river to prevent enemy forces from crossing over. The 29th Armored Brigade, reinforced by the 8th Battalion …

Memoir '44Equipment Pack