Browse Items (413 total)

Scenario#: HS02     Date: 8/21/1942     Location: Tenaru River, Guadalcanal

Colonel Ichiki's men were practically wiped out the night before in wave after wave of banzai attacks across the Tenaru into the well-prepared Marine defenses. Canister, machine-gun fire, and courage had broken Ichiki's back. As dawn rose above the…

Advanced Squad LeaderHSASL 1 - Operation Watchtower

Scenario#: P04     Date: August 21, 1942     Location: Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands

After landing and capturing Henderson Field, the spread out Marines prepared defenses on its perimeter. The Japanese were initially caught off guard by the landings in the Solomons, but the Imperial General Headquarters rushed to bring forces to…

Old School TacticalVolume 3 Pacific

Scenario#: 3736     Date: 8/21/1942     Location: Alligator Creek, Guadalcanal

During the night of August 20-21, Marine scouts on the east bank of Alligator Creek detected the movement of a large body of Japanese troops. Col. Kiyonao Ichiki ordered his infantry troops forward, using "human wave" tactics, but the 2nd …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: C     Date: 21-Aug-42     Location: Ilu River, Guadalcanal

Japanese HO dispatched the lchiki Detachment from Truk to displace what was mistakenly thought of as a minor US presence on Guadalcanal. During what is known as the Battle of Tenaru River, by 0030, Colonel lchiki had maneuvered his force …

Combat CommanderCC: Pacific

Scenario#: 3464     Date: 8/20/1942     Location: Alligator Creek, Guadalcanal

During the night of August 20-21, Marine scouts on the east bank of Alligator Creek detected the movement of a large body of Japanese troops. Col. Kiyonao Ichiki ordered his infantry troops forward, using "human wave tactics" but the 2nd …

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: HC1     Date: 1942-08-19     Location: Matanikau Village, Guadalcanal

After Lt. Col. Goettge's small reconnaissance patrol was wiped out near Matanikau on August 12, General Vandefrift ordered a strike against the Japanese concentration in the area. Given the overriding need to protect Henderson Field, it was a week…

Advanced Squad LeaderOperations Special Issue #3

Scenario#: Guad02     Date: August 19th, 1942     Location: Guadalcanal

The Japanese forces that ambushed Goettge’s patrol have fled to the village of Matanikau, west of Henderson Field. Two companies of the 5th Marines have been dispatched to capture the village. At the mouth of the Matanikau River, B Company …

Conflict of HeroesGuadalcanal

Scenario#: HS01     Date: 8/19/1942     Location: Matanikau Village, Guadalcanal

After Lt. Col. Goettge's small reconnaissance patrol was wiped out near Matanikau on August 12, General Vandefrift ordered a strike against the Japanese concentration in the area. Given the overriding need to protect Henderson Field, it was a week…

Advanced Squad LeaderHSASL 1 - Operation Watchtower

Scenario#: P03     Date: August 19, 1942     Location: Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands

Elements of Colonel Kiyonao Ichiki’s 28th, Infantry Regiment were landed by destroyer East of the Marine perimeter on Guadalcanal. They set out immediately towards the enemy base. A Marine patrol encountered these new troops in their fresh uniforms…

Old School TacticalVolume 3 Pacific

Scenario#: 37     Date: 1942-08-17     Location: Makin Atoll

Elite Marine Raiders came ashore on Makin Island having debarked from two submarines for the purposes of taking Japanese prisoners, gathering intelligence, and destroying the enemy radar installation. This was also done to partially distract the…

Last Hundred YardsThe Solomon Islands

Scenario#: GuadAE2     Date: August 17th, 1942     Location: Makin Atoll

Makin Atoll is a Japanese sea plane base in the Gilbert Islands and is garrisoned by 71 men of the Japanese 62nd Garrison Force led by Warrant Officer Kyuzaburo Kanemitsu. The 200 strong Marine 2nd Raiders have traveled secretly to …

Conflict of HeroesGuadalcanal

Scenario#: 34     Date: 1942-08-12     Location: Guadalcanal

1st Marine Division Intel Officer Frank Goettage asked for and received permission from MG Vandergrift to conduct a long-range patrol to locate Japanese remnants who he suspected to be on the verge of surrender. His patrol of 25 Marines would …

Last Hundred YardsThe Solomon Islands

Scenario#: Guad01     Date: August 12th, 1942     Location: Guadalcanal

The 5th Marines have captured a Japanese warrant officer named Tsuneto Sakado. He divulged that a group of demoralized Okinawan and Korean laborers and Japanese engineers from Henderson Field are in a camp west of the Matanikau River. Colonel…

Conflict of HeroesGuadalcanal

Scenario#: 60     Date: 8/9/1942     Location: Deniki, Papua New Guinea

On New Guinea, the Japanese had been slowly advancing on the Kokoda Trail. The Allies’ Maroubra Force had been forced back to prepared positions at Deniki. The Australian militiamen preformed a three-company counterattack which recaptured Kokoda and…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 8 - Code of Bushido

Scenario#: BB01     Date: 8/8/1942     Location: Tulagi Island, Solomon Islands

The invasion of Tulagi was one of the several small preliminary invasions planned to secure the flanks of the Guadalcanal attack. The units selected for the invasion of Tulagi were the highly trained 1st Raider Battalion and the 2nd Battalion, Fifth…

Advanced Squad LeaderBackblast #1

Scenario#: 151     Date: 8/8/1942     Location: Tanambogo, Solomon Islands

Following the costly repulse of Company B of the 2nd Marine Regiment on Tanambogo, the 3rd Battalion of the 2nd Marines was ordered to land on Gavutu at dawn, relieve the exhausted paratroopers, and capture Tanambogo by the end of the day. Ashore at…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 13 - Rising Sun

Scenario#: P02     Date: August 8, 1942     Location: Tulagi, Soloman Islands

Prior to the landings on Guadalcanal, Marines hit the smaller islands of Tulagi and Gavutu-Tanambogo. The 1st Raider Battalion ran into stiffening enemy defenses on their second day on Tulagi. These tiny outposts belonged to the Imperial Japanese…

Old School TacticalVolume 3 Pacific

Scenario#: 149     Date: 8/7/1942     Location: Gavutu, Solomon Islands

In the overall planning of “Watchtower”, the simultaneous assault on Florida and Guadalcanal, the capture of Gavutu-Tanambogo was a “side-show”, a necessary but minor element in the whole operation. The 1st Marine Parachute Battalion was chosen for…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 13 - Rising Sun

Scenario#: P01     Date: August 5, 1942     Location: Guadalcanal, Soloman Islands

Leading up to Operation Watchtower, Marine Raiders carried out missions to gather intelligence and wreak havoc on Japanese lines of communication. At dawn, the Raiders deploy from their boats. Their orders, find and destroy the enemy radio tower.

Old School TacticalVolume 3 Pacific

Scenario#: AP165     Date: 7/26/1942     Location: Oivi, New Guinea

In late July, the Japanese South Seas Detachment landed on the east coast of New Guinea attempting to secure an overland route to the capital of Port Moresby. A mixture of Australian militia and local militia were sent to delay this landing force.…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #16 From The Land Down Under

Scenario#: M2     Date: 26-Jul-42     Location: Oivi, Papua, New Guinea

The initial formation of Maroubra Force (39th, 53rd and Papuan Infantry Battalions) faced the vanguard of the Japanese presence building up on New Guinea in June 1942. The force worked rapidly in an attempt to block the easy spread of …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #4: New Guinea

Scenario#: 68     Date: 5/6/1942     Location: Corregidor, Philippines

After the fall of Bataan, the Japanese turned the full weight of their artillery and air force onto the island fortress of Corregidor. For nearly a month, massive guns up to 14 inches in caliber salvoed back and forth across the North Channel of…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 9 - Gung Ho!

Scenario#: J092     Date: 4/10/1942     Location: Cebu City, Cebu Island

American forces in Bataan had surrendered the day before. Now it was Cebu Island's turn to feel the weight of the Japanese attack. Realizing that they could not defend the island with the few Filipino troops pressed into service, the garrison…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #6

Scenario#: 23823     Date: April 7, 1942     Location: Mount Samat, Philippines

On the Bataan Peninsula, the Japanese launched what would be the final offensive in April 1942. The 4th Japanee division captured Mount Samat and formed a salient in the Philippines lines. On April 7th, US General King ordered the 45th …

Memoir '44Remembrance Scenarios

Scenario#: O12     Date: 4/7/1942     Location: Bataan, Luzon

As disaster manifested itself in every form for Fil-American forces, General Parker, the American commander of II Corps, looked for units to plug gaps in the line. Units of untrained Filipinos would quickly form up and then, just as quickly, disperse…

Advanced Squad LeaderSpecial Ops 6

Scenario#: 69     Date: 3/29/1942     Location: Toungoo, Burma

Generalissimo Jiang Kai-shek had committed some of his best divisions to aid the British defense of Burma. One of them, the 200th, was fighting valiantly to hold the walled city of Toungoo, now nearly encircled by the Japanese. Major-General “Vinegar…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 9 - Gung Ho!

Scenario#: DASL23     Date: 3/26/1942     Location: Toungoo, Burma

In order to slow the lightning advance of the Japanese, Lt.-General Stilwell sent the elite Chinese 200th Division into the walled city of Toungoo to help stabilize his ruptured front. Meanwhile to the south, Japanese patrols ranged through the…

Advanced Squad LeaderDeluxe Advanced Squad Leader

Scenario#: S079     Date: 3/19/1942     Location: Toungoo, Burma

The American military mission to China led by General Stillwell was formed with the intent to create a Theater of Operations in the China, Burma, India area to engage the Japanese forces and protect the Allied interests. Despite politics, logistics,…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit Expansion Pack #2

Scenario#: J004     Date: 3/15/1942     Location: Bojonegoro, Java

On the night of 4 March, several Dutch recon patrols left Babad and Kedoengpring for the city of Bodjonegora. Advancing along the main road and expecting opposition, the 1st Company of Infantry Division VIII found the outskirts of Baoerena unoccupied…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #1

Scenario#: 62     Date: 3/6/1942     Location: Payagyi, Burma

Following the disaster at the Sittang River in February, the troops defending Burma against the Japanese invasion fell back toward Rangoon. And from there the 7th Armoured Brigade was rushed to the rapidly collapsing front. The experienced "Desert…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 8 - Code of Bushido

Scenario#: 19392     Date: 3/6/1942     Location: Hlegu, Burma

After the fight at Payagyi, the British column received word that General Alexander planned to evacuate Rangoon and the column was ordered to leave at once and join the rest of the brigade at Hlegu. The town was on fire, …

Memoir '44Battle Maps Series 2 - Through Jungle and Desert

Scenario#: 19391     Date: 3/6/1942     Location: Rangoon, Burma

Gen Harold Alexander ordered Rangoon evacuated, but to escape, the Japanese had to be convinced Rangoon would be heavily defended. The British 7th Armoured Brigade was therefore ordered to attack the Japanese at Pegu, which did convince the Japanese…

Memoir '44Battle Maps Series 2 - Through Jungle and Desert

Scenario#: 19385     Date: 3/6/1942     Location: Payagyi, Burma

The British army was falling back in front o f the Japanese assault in Burma, when reinforcements arrived from North Africa. The 7th Armoured Brigade was rushed forward to check the Japanese and the forces met in the broken ground …

Memoir '44Battle Maps Series 2 - Through Jungle and Desert

Scenario#: S078     Date: 3/4/1942     Location: Leuwiliang, Java

The Japanese invasion had been underway for several days with the Dutch intelligence telling their Commonwealth allies that there were no Japanese landings on the island. Despite this report, Dutch generals blew the bridge at the Tjianten River…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit Expansion Pack #2

Scenario#: S077     Date: 3/2/1942     Location: Soebang, Java

following successful landings, the Shoji Detachment quickly captured the Kalidjati airfield despite tenacious British resistance, while its headquarters unit, including Colonel Shoji, took the nearby town of Soebang at 0500 on 2 March. While the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit Expansion Pack #2

Scenario#: A030     Date: 3/2/1942     Location: Soebang, Java

The fate of the Dutch East Indies – a prize rich in natural resources and one of the prime objectives of the Japanese expansion – had been decided by the naval clashes off the coast of Java. After a pre-dawn landing on 1 March, elements of the Shoji…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 91

Scenario#: AP092     Date: 2/22/1942     Location: Sittang, Burma

With British defenses in disarray—the 17th Indian Division was strung out over 15 miles of roads, and jungle – the Japanese pressed even harder for their prize: the bridge at Sittang. Early on the morning of the 22nd the commander of 1st Battalion,…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #9 To the Bridge!

Scenario#: AP164     Date: 2/22/1942     Location: Oesau, West Timor

Following Pearl Harbor. the Japanese attacked key locations in Asia, including Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Singapore. The islands of Java and Sumatra contained key raw materials and bases and also formed part of the Japanese expansion plans. Leading the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #16 From The Land Down Under

Scenario#: A086     Date: 2/21/1942     Location: Kaunas, Timor

By mid-February the Japanese had embarked their invasion force, bound for the south coast of Timor opposite Koepang. At roughly 0830 on 20 February, long-range Japanese aircraft began to scatter paratroopers in small drops all around the city. Their…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 95 Winter

Scenario#: AP091     Date: 2/21/1942     Location: Thebyuchang, Burma

As the British made a precarious and disjointed withdrawal in front of the relentless Japanese advance, many small actions were fought between the Bilin River and the easily fordable Thebyu River. The Bilin was the last barrier before the Salween…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #9 To the Bridge!

Scenario#: 23692     Date: February 19-20 1942     Location: Timor Island

During the nights of 19th and 20th of February 1942, units of the 228th Japanese regiment landed at Dili, on Timor island. Allied troops (Sparrow Force), were composed of both Australian units entrenched at Dili airfield and scattered on the …

Memoir '44Remembrance Scenarios

Scenario#: AP090     Date: 2/18/1942     Location: Danyingon, Burma

The British were desperate to cover the Salween River crossings; the Japanese were juts as anxious to secure them. Aggressive moves by both sides led to a particularly active fight for control of the Yinon crossing. Having beaten back an attack on…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #9 To the Bridge!

Scenario#: AP089     Date: 2/17/1942     Location: Danyingon, Burma

Japanese reconnaissance parties had reached as far as the colonial office in Danyingon, replacing the Union jack with a Nisshoki – the Imperial flag. After several attempts to push the constantly reinforcing Japanese out of Danyingon, a decision was…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #9 To the Bridge!

Scenario#: J128     Date: 2/14/1942     Location: Pasir Panjang, Malaya

During the course of the Malayan campaign, the IJA landed in the north-western parts of Singapore on February the 8th. After the capture of Tengah airfield, the Japanese invading force, consisting of some 13.000 troops, moved south towards Pasir…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #9

Scenario#: AP088     Date: 2/11/1942     Location: Kuziek, Burma

After the drubbing they received at Moulmein, the British made haste to cover the crossings of the Salween River in an ultimately futile attempt to forestall the Japanese advane. Meanwhile, beginning in early February, the Japanese began aggressive…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #9 To the Bridge!

Scenario#: J071     Date: 2/10/1942     Location: Bukit Timah Village, Singapore Island

Following a successful crossing of the Johore Causeway on 9 February, Japanese forced advanced toward Bukit Timah heights, literally translated as Tin Mountain. The surrounding villages held a number of vital supply dumps and the main road ran…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #4

Scenario#: 6089     Date: 2/9/1942     Location: Singapore, Singapore

With his troops' morale crumbling, and believing he faced 5 Japanese divisions and 300 tanks, Lieutenant-General Arthur Percival made the decision to withdraw to Singapore. General Bennett paid a final visit to his friend the Sultan of Johore and…

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: J012     Date: 1/31/1942     Location: Jahore Bahru, Malaya

The Malayan Campaign was nearly complete with the goal of Singapore just a few short miles away from the Japanese lines. Knowing that further resistance on the mainland could result in troops being cut off, the commander of the British force in…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #1

Scenario#: AP087     Date: 1/31/1942     Location: Moulmein, Burma

Moulmein – the third largest city in Burma with nearly 100,000 residents and long loyal to the Crown – clings to the eastern bank of the mouth of the Salween River. Its all-weather airfield, and position astride an important transportation route as…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #9 To the Bridge!

Scenario#: M1     Date: 23-Jan-42     Location: Rabaul, New Britain, New Guinea

The Australian men of Lt. W. G. Grant’s platoon of Coy. A, 2/22 Bn. were the forward elements defending the beachhead on the northern slopes of Mt. Vulcan. Grant's view across Simpson Bay showed the city of Rabaul and its …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #4: New Guinea