Browse Items (334 total)

Scenario#: 16     Date: 12 July 1943     Location: Kursk, Russia

As the mist cleared in the early morning Of 12 July, the 600 tanks and assault guns of the II SS Panzer Corps jumped off into what would become the largest tank battle of the war. The three SS Divisions …

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #1 The Shape Of Battle On The Eastern Front

Scenario#: 44     Date: 11-Jan-43     Location: Velikiye Luki, Russia

The Soviet Kalinin Front offensive at the beginning of winter 1942 successfully cut off and encircled the key transportation hub of Velikiye Luki. The German 277th lnfantry Regt. under orders from Hitler to hold at all costs resolutely defended the …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #2: Stalingrad

Scenario#: 30     Date: 5 July 1943     Location: Butowo, Russia

Manstein argued for an immediate attack once the mud period ended. He wanted to take advantage of the Russians who he felt were still smarting from the Backhand Blow. Hitler, however, preferred to wait for the arrival of the new …

Band of BrothersGhost Panzer

Scenario#: P07     Date: January 16, 1943     Location: Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands

Nearing the end of the Guadalcanal campaign, Japanese forces on the island were on the brink of collapse. The IJA and IJN would evacuate and save as many as they could. To protect and buy time for the evacuation, fresh …

Old School TacticalVolume 3 Pacific

Scenario#: E02     Date: 1943-03-10     Location: Kharkov, Russia

The 120th Panzezgrenadier Division was ordered to provide flank security for the 4th Panzer Army in the Kharkov Area. The 1st Recon Battalion made a reconnaissance in force east of …

Tank LeaderEastern Front

Scenario#: 21     Date: 1 May 1943     Location: Tunis, Tunisia

The British 8th army and their American allies have squeezed the remnants of the once powerful Afrika Korps into an ever shrinking pocket in Tunisia. The Allies are on the verge of breaking out of the hills and onto the …

Tide of IronDays of the Fox

Scenario#: BOF08     Date: 7/12/1943     Location: Modica, Sicily

A few days before the start of Operation Husky, Mussolini had ordered General Guzzoni’s 6th Army to defend Sicily to the last man. The demoralized and poorly equipped Italian soldiers did exactly the opposite. On the morning of 12 July, the Edmonton…

Advanced Squad LeaderBest of Friends

Scenario#: AP002     Date: 7/5/1943     Location: Maloarkhangelsk, Russia

The opening of Operation Citadel came as no surprise since both sides had been building up their forces for weeks. The first task facing the German assault was to break through the heavily defended Soviet lines. The Soviet positions, containing six…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #1

Scenario#: S072     Date: 9/13/1943     Location: Altavilla, Italy

After the conquest of Sicily and the ouster of Mussolini, the Allies invaded Italy proper at Salerno to begin their long slog up "the boot". Needing to expand the beachhead and deny the Germans good artillery observation points, the Americans secured…

Advanced Squad LeaderSpecial Ops 9

Scenario#: U30     Date: 7/11/1943     Location: Biazzo Ridge, Sicily

In the early morning hours of July 10th, Colonel James Gavin and the 505th Parachute Regiment were scattered over much of southern Sicily. Gavin landed 20 miles east of the selected drop zone, while most of his regiment came down as far as 60 miles…

Advanced Squad LeaderTurning the Tide

Scenario#: 35     Date: July 10, 1943     Location: Syracuse, Sicily

The British 1st Air Landing Brigade assaults the Italian city in advance of the invasion.

Panzer (AH/MMP)Panzer Leader Para-Leader

Scenario#: 113     Date: 9-Oct-43     Location: Jivevenang, New Guinea

In order to secure Finschhafen as a forward operating base the Australian 9th Division needed to drive Col. Sadahike Miyake’s 80th Regiment from its positions in an around the village of Sattleburg. One of these positions was the village Jivavenang …

Combat CommanderC3I Magazine #25

Scenario#: 34     Date: 6 July 1943     Location: Prokhorovka, Russia

In the spring of 1943, the Germans planned to regain the initiative on their Eastern F ront. A large bulge in the area around the city of Kursk made a tempting target, and the Germans expected their armored spearheads to …

Tide of IronFury of the Bear

Scenario#: AP077     Date: 9/13/1943     Location: Persano, Italy

To fulfill General Dawley's request to close the gap between the Sele-Calore Rivers, General Walker sent his divisional reserve to plug the hole. The 2nd Battalion, 143rd Infantry Regiment was deployed to cover the frontage with the company's HQ in…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #8 Roads Through Rome

Scenario#: 29     Date: 28 Feb 1943     Location: Barvenkovo, Russia

By February 1943, the Germans were in big trouble. The encirclement of the 6th Army at Stalingrad was followed by Soviet offenses in January that shattered the Hungarian 2nd Army and the German 2nd Army. The Germans were left over-extended …

Band of BrothersGhost Panzer

Scenario#: W88     Date: 6-May-42     Location: Kestenga, Russia

During the Soviet spring offensive in the far northern reaches obfuscate 8th Ski Brigade and a regiment from the 186th Rifle Division were sent on a wide sweep to the west and south to cut the road behind the town …

Squad LeaderWargamers Pack 1

Scenario#: 57     Date: 9/10/1943     Location: Rome, Italy

Days after the armistice with Italy was signed, the German 2nd Parachute Division advanced toward Rome from the south. Several Italian formations, including the elite 21st “Grenadiers of Sardinia” Division, set up blocking positions and attempted to…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 7 - Hollow Legions (2nd Edition)

Scenario#: HotP05     Date: 1943-11-27     Location: Buariki Island, Gilbert Island

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of the Pacific

Scenario#: P08b     Date: November 10, 1943     Location: Bougainville Island, New Guinea

After forcing their way through the Raiders on the Piva Trail, reinforced elements of the Iwasa Detachment move on the US beachhead at Cape Torokina. With their backs to the sea, the Marines aren’t planning on going anywhere.

Old School TacticalVolume 3 Pacific

Scenario#: U33     Date: 9/24/1943     Location: Kiev, Russia Second

In mid September 1943 Manstein’s Army Group South initiated a full scale retreat along the entire length of its 600 mile front. The plan was to fall back to the west bank of the Dnieper and redeploy for defense before the Russians could form any…

Advanced Squad LeaderTurning the Tide

Scenario#: C     Date: 24-Sep-43     Location: Kiev, Ukraine

In mid September 1943 Manstein's Army Group South initiated a full scale retreat along the entire length of its 600 mile front. The plan was to fall back to the west bank of the Dnieper and redeploy for defense before …

Squad LeaderThe General #15.6

Scenario#: J050     Date: 4/29/1943     Location: Hill 107, Tunisia

The Germans were defending Hill 107, a key piece of terrain that denied the Allies a direct route to Tunis. The 2nd Royal Fusiliers were assigned to the task to take the hill. At 0600 on the morning of April 29, 1943, the Fusiliers attacked,…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #3

Scenario#: 1     Date: Late 1943     Location: Dnieper, Ukraine

This is race a to capture the only three crossings over a key water passage. Will the Germans stem the Soviet advance or will they push the Germans aside and march on to relieve Kharkov?

Panzer (GMT)Operations on the Eastern Front 1943-45

Scenario#: 3     Date: Late 1943     Location: Dniepr, Ukraine

This is a race to capture the only three crossings over a key water passage. Will the stem the Soviet advance or will they push the aside and rch on to relieve Kharkov?

Panzer (GMT)Operations on the Eastern Front 1943-45

Scenario#: M     Date: 29-Dec-41     Location: Staritsa, Russia

The German Army was frozen in place. Bitter cold and deep snow made the thinly clad Wehrmacht dig in and fight first for warmth, then the Russians. The Siberians were well equipped for war in the snow but the Russian …

Squad LeaderThe General #18.5

Scenario#: 35     Date: 10-Nov-42     Location: Port-Lyautey, Morocco

The first phase of Operation Torch included amphibious landings along the Atlantic coast. Many of the primary objectives included the securing of French airdromes in these areas for use in the second phase: the advance into Tunisia. One such field …

Squad LeaderGI: Anvil of Victory

Scenario#: U31     Date: 8/22/1943     Location: Kharkov, Russia

As Kharkov fell for the final time, front lines became unclear. Observation posts and defensive lines were held briefly, then abandoned as the Soviets advanced. The front began to stabilize around the Mosh River as units of the Soviet 57th Army…

Advanced Squad LeaderTurning the Tide

Scenario#: 7     Date: '23/11/43     Location: Kiev, Russia

MEETING ENGAGEMENT DURING THE GERMAN RELIEF OF KIEV (23/11/43). The Russians had just liberated Kiev and were continuing their advance. The Germans made a desperate attempt to drive them back.

Panzer (AH/MMP)PanzerBlitz

Scenario#: J020     Date: 7/11/1943     Location: Naro, Sicily

The attack on Sicily was underway and U.S. forces had broken out from the Gela Beachhead. After capturing Naro on 11 July, recon elements were ordered to move toward Canicatti.

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #2

Scenario#: BRT01     Date: 11/21/1943     Location: Betio Island, Tarawa

Lt. Dean Hawkins and his Scout Sniper platoon had the distinction of being the first American force on Betio. Hawkins led a detachment of engineers and Scout Snipers along the pier on D-Day, taking out bunkers and buildings likely to be in the way of…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 5 - Blood Reef: Tarawa

Scenario#: AP028     Date: 9/9/1943     Location: Monterotondo, Italy

After the Italians announced an armistice with the Allies, the Germans put into place plans to capture Rome and disarm the Italians. As part of these operations, a battalion of German paratroops, led by Major Walter Gericke, was tasked with dropping…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #3 Few Returned

Scenario#: AP025     Date: 1/27/1943     Location: Valuiki, Russia

While the Tridentina led the vanguard of the Alpini Corps’ attempts to break out of the Russian encirclement, the Cuneense Division served as the rear guard, repeatedly fighting off Soviet pursuers so that the main body could press on to the west and…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #3 Few Returned

Scenario#: KS10     Date: July 19, 1943     Location: Kuybyshevo, Russia

As the fighting for Kursk rages to the north, the reconstituted German 6th Army struggles to contain a serious Soviet assault along the Mius River. General Hollidt has ordered the 23rd Panzer Division, along with its newly acquired sIG 33b …

Tide of Iron1A Kickstarter

Scenario#: 5     Date: '10/10/43     Location: Lutezh, Russia

German reconnaissance in force: action against the Lutezh bridgehead on the Dnieper. The Russians had thrown a bridgehead across the dnieper river which the Germans had to penetrate before attacking it.

Panzer (AH/MMP)PanzerBlitz

Scenario#: 178     Date: 7/10/1943     Location: Niscemi, Sicily

During the initial invasion of Sicily, many American parachute units were given the task of blocking German movement towards the landing beaches. One such, the 3rd Battalion of the 504th Parachute Regiment, landed two miles northwest of Biscari.…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 3a Yanks (2nd Edition)

Scenario#: 1     Date: July 22, 1943     Location: Bryansk Forest, Belorussia

Composed of peasants, villagers and isolated Russian troops, by this time the Russian partisan forces numbered close to 142,000. Although the effects of the partisans can not be accurately measured, they were a constant thorn in the side of the …

Panzer (YAQ)Panzer: A Tactical Game of Armored Combat on the Eastern Front, 1941-1945

Scenario#: 5     Date: Late 1943     Location: Kiev, Ukraine

At the conclusion of Operation Zitadelle (Kursk). Germany's Army Group South was tasked with holding back the Soviet offensive operations that followed in the Ukrainian sector. The four panzer divisions of the German 6th Army, reformed in March 1943…

Panzer (GMT)Operations on the Eastern Front 1943-45

Scenario#: F     Date: 1/12/1943     Location: Leningrad, Russia ISKRA

Throughout the winter of ‘42–‘43, the Soviets launched repeated attacks to relieve the siege of Leningrad. The hard-pressed Germans rebuffed one attack after another, but in so doing, their lines became progressively thinner. Finally, the Germans had…

Advanced Squad LeaderClassic ASL

Scenario#: 13     Date: January 12, 1943     Location: Leningrad, Russia

Throughout the winter of ‘42-’43, the Soviets launched repeated attacks to relieve the siege of Leningrad. The hard-pressed Germans rebuffed one attack after another, but in so doing, their lines became progressively thinner. Finally, the Germans had…

Panzer (YAQ)Panzer: A Tactical Game of Armored Combat on the Eastern Front, 1941-1945

Scenario#: P08     Date: November 8, 1943     Location: Bougainville Island, New Guinea

After establishing a beachhead on Bougainville Island, the Marines had to protect it from a counterattack. And that attack would be coming by way of the Piva Trail. Colonel Edward Craig of the 9th Marines sent his tough Raiders inland …

Old School TacticalVolume 3 Pacific

Scenario#: 39     Date: 1943-07-24     Location: Munda Point, New Georgia

The US Army 34th Infantry Division advanced on the Lambeti Plantation in New Georgia with Marine tanks as it attempted to capture the Japanese Airbase at Munda Point. The fighting was intense and did not see the gains expected as …

Last Hundred YardsThe Solomon Islands

Scenario#: OA19     Date: 9/9/1943     Location: Montecorvino, Italy

Following the successful campaigns in North Africa and Sicily, the Allied commanders turned their attention to the Italian mainland. As Allied forces march up from the toe of Italy, several British and American divisions landed in and around Salerno…

Advanced Squad LeaderOut of the Attic #2

Scenario#: 4211     Date: 9/12/1943     Location: Campo Imperatore, Italy

After Italy surrendered to the Allies, Mussolini was arrested and held by the Italians in the hotel Campo Imperatore on the Gran Sasso mountain. After intercepting a coded Italian radio message and reconnoitering the mountain by plane, Otto Skorzeny…

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: OA20     Date: 9/9/1943     Location: Montecorvino, Italy

The 2/6th Queen's battalion under Lt. Col. Keighley from the 169th Brigade was assigned the task of securing the Montecorvino airfield. Facing them were the men from the 2nd Battalion, 10th Panzer Grenadier Regiments. Unfortunately, the Shermans from…

Advanced Squad LeaderOut of the Attic #2

Scenario#: 6555     Date: 8/4/1943     Location: Nicetta, Sicily

After capturing Palermo, Patton and his 7th Army advanced along the north coast of Sicily with the unavowed objective of entering Messina before the British 8th Army of General Montgomery. But Axis forces delay Patton's advance, systematically…

Memoir '44Audie Murphy's Campaign

Scenario#: DASL08     Date: 7/9/1943     Location: Ponyri, Russia

It was a nondescript, strung-out village but it was situated in the Kursk salient and it was destined to become the scene of the most intense street fighting since Stalingrad. The school, the water tower, the tractor station, the railway embankment,…

Advanced Squad LeaderDeluxe Advanced Squad Leader

Scenario#: 180     Date: 12/18/1943     Location: San Pietro, Italy

Since the 7th of December, the American 36th (Texas) Division had been attempting to remove the German strongpoint of San Pietro. The “T-Patchers” and their supporting elements had made two previous attempts against San Pietro, but they had no…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 3a Yanks (2nd Edition)

Scenario#: 51     Date: 4/20/1943     Location: Takrouna, Tunisia

As part of 8th Army’s first attempt to crack the Enfidaville Line, the 5th New Zealand Brigade was ordered to capture the key observation point of Takrouna – a small village crowned by a group of tightly clustered buildings surrounded by cliffs, all…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 7 - Hollow Legions (2nd Edition)

Scenario#: 15     Date: Late 1943     Location: Poltava, Ukraine

After the German defeat at Kursk, the focus shifted south to the Dnepr River. There, the Germans constructed a fortified line dubbed the "Eastern Rampart". Boasting the Dnepr would flow backwards before the Soviets could overcome this position, the…

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #1 The Shape Of Battle On The Eastern Front

Scenario#: WO19     Date: 7/10/1943     Location: Enogai, New Georgia

Operation TOENAILS called for “Liversedge Force” to capture Enogai and Bairoke Harbor in order to isolate the Japanese troops defending Munda, while the main effort against Munda itself would be made by the 43rd Infantry Division, attacking from the…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2016