Browse Items (942 total)

Scenario#: 4836     Date: January 8, 1942     Location: Vyazma, Russia

In January 1942, the German offensive on the doorstep of Moscow failed. With the help of “General Winter”, Russian forces counter-attacked en masse. German troops lost ground and took refuge in villages and towns. In the wooded area of Viazma, …

Memoir '44Remembrance Scenarios

Scenario#: 118     Date: 9/9/1944     Location: Vrutky, Slovakia

The Slovakian uprising had begun to unravel in the face of strong German counterattacks. Key to establishing a defensive line was control of the neighboring towns of Vrutky and Klacany, which remained in German hands despite repeated attacks.…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 12 - Armies of Oblivion

Scenario#: DASL06     Date: 8/13/1943     Location: Kharkov, Russia

Kharkov was again becoming the focal point for a major battle for the fourth and last time as the rampaging Red armies of Vatutin and Konev converged on the city—the site of huge German supply dumps. The first Soviets to reach the city belonged to an…

Advanced Squad LeaderDeluxe Advanced Squad Leader

Scenario#: VOTG27     Date: 9/23/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

Infanterie-Division 71 and 94 were pressing towards the Volga north and south of the Tsaritsa River, creating a salient of Soviet units just south of the city center. tasked with reducing the salient was Aufklarungs-Abteilung 171, commanded by…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #11

Scenario#: J052     Date: 7/10/1943     Location: Komsomolets State Farm, Russia

Scenario 1/3 of Broadway to Prokhorovka campaign (page 60 of Journal 3).Both sides chooses their OBs from available groups. The unit list below lists everything available, but the players only get to use about half of them.

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #3

Scenario#: 15     Date: May 16, 1942     Location: Karlovka, Russia

Three days after the start of the Red Army spring offensive, German situation maps showed huge gaps in the front line in southern Russia where there were no units to stem the runaway Soviet assault on Kharkov. While the Russian …

Panzer (YAQ)Panzer: A Tactical Game of Armored Combat on the Eastern Front, 1941-1945

Scenario#: TMFF02     Date: August 29th, 1943     Location: Chernobyl, Ukraine

After the battle of Kursk and the lose of Kharkov, German forces withdrew towards the mighty Dnieper river. They believed that the river, though unfortified, would be enough to allow them to stabilize their lines. The Soviets however concentrated on…

Conflict of HeroesThe Marsh

Scenario#: 20     Date: 8 January 1944     Location: Lozovatka, Ukraine

General Koniev's 2nd Ukrainian Front launched a major offen sive in December of 1943. with the aim to break through the German lines in the Kirovograd area. Multiple attacks were launched and Soviet troops were pouring through. The Panzergrenadier…

Fighting FormationsGrossdeutschland Division's Battle for Kharkov

Scenario#: BOF21     Date: 3/27/1945     Location: Gdansk, Poland

Before the outbreak of the war, some French groups questioned why France would go to war with Germany over Poland and "die for Danzig". However, any French reluctance to fight did not prevent the outbreak of the war. In March 1945 the front lines ran…

Advanced Squad LeaderBest of Friends 2

Scenario#: S025     Date: 6/26/1941     Location: Kaunas, Lithuania

The Germans, after a week of relatively easy victories, approached a small Lithuanian village amidst the forest. Army Group North was among the first Germans to encounter heavier Russian tanks. These monsters dwarfed the German AFVs, and it was…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit #3

Scenario#: J118     Date: 7/5/1943     Location: Ponyri, Russia

The battle for Kursk had begun. After breaching the first line of defense, the 86. Infanterie-Division supported by the gigantic Ferdinand tank destroyers of schwere Panzer-Abteilung 654 continued toward the Russians' second defensive belt. But the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #8

Scenario#: PoH14     Date: September 27th, 1939     Location: Wola Sudkowska, Poland

After breaking through the German lines at the battle of Krasnobród, General Władysław Anders’ Cavalry Group was moving south to carry out its last order - to evacuate soldiers via the Romanian or Hungarian borders. Afterwards, they were to leave …

Conflict of HeroesPrice of Honour

Scenario#: 121     Date: 1/15/1945     Location: Budapest, Hungary

The 2nd Ukrainian Front, augmented by the allied 7th Romanian Corps, had reached the Danube. Hitler ordered that beautiful Budapest be made a “fortress city” even as the 3rd Ukrainian Front encircled it. The Romanians, ill equipped for city fighting,…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 12 - Armies of Oblivion

Scenario#: S01     Date: 11 October, 1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

The Communists are forming up for another fruitless attack. We must stop them before they re-take any important terrain…


Scenario#: A084     Date: 2/4/1946     Location: Turia Velyka, Russia

In Russia and Poland, Ukrainian partisans attacked military and police outposts, assassinated Communist and Red Army leaders, and waged a bitter but unheralded war. In March 1945, Stalin ordered Nikita Khrushchev to the region, giving him unlimited…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 95 Winter

Scenario#: VOTG06     Date: 9/15/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

One of Rodimtsev's junior officers, Lieutenant Anton Kuzmich Dragan was personally ordered by Chuikov to hold a key railroad station in downtown Stalingrad against an impending German assault. Dragan proceeded to gather a platoon of less than fifty…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 7 - Valor of the Guards

Scenario#: NOSB02     Date: 09/01/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

For months the Germans had pushed the Soviets across the steppes. The Soviet's victories of the previous winter were but a bad dream, long forgotten. German Panzers ruled the plains, Bf-109s ruled the sky, and all was right with the …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesNot One Step Back

Scenario#: HotM02     Date: 1942-09-01     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

For months the Germans had pushed the Soviets across the steppes. The Soviet's victories of the previous winter were but a bad dream, long forgotten. German Panzers ruled the plains, Bf-109s ruled the sky, and all was right with the world. It was,…

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of the Motherland

Scenario#: AP043     Date: 8/3/1941     Location: Podvyssokoya-Peregonorka, Russia

Large numbers of Russian men and material had been cut off and surrounded in a pocket centered on Uman, near Kiev. The encircled Russians, searching for a means to escape, had already attempted to break out to the east with disastrous results. To the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #5 East Front

Scenario#: VOTG13     Date: 9/24/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

Since 14 September, elements of the 272nd NKVD Regiment were defending the area around Komsomol Park. The NKVD Regiment became cut off and surrounded in the park. The trapped units included the regimental staff, along with 17 seamen from Batrakov's…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 7 - Valor of the Guards

Scenario#: 6     Date: 12-Jan-43     Location: Velikiye Luki, Russia

During the fatal winter of 1943, the German disaster was not confined to Stalingrad alone. All along the line, Russians were cutting off pockets of Germans. At Velikiye Luki, the entire 277th Infantry Regiment was in dire straits. Surrounded and …

Squad LeaderSquad Leader

Scenario#: H     Date: 1/12/1943     Location: Velikiye Luki, Russia

As in Stalingrad, many pockets of Germans had been encircled. At Velikiye Luki, artillery and armor punctured through the German perimeter and as the headquarters was overrun, orders went out to save yourselves if you could. At night, isolated groups…

Advanced Squad LeaderClassic ASL

Scenario#: J125     Date: 4/30/1945     Location: Berlin, Germany

As the frontage of the various Russian corps's shortened because they were getting nearer to the center of Berlin, field artillery was incorporated into direct assault formations. The typical tactic (after a few days of figuring things out) was to…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #8

Scenario#: VOTG09     Date: 9/18/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

A group of German tommy-gunners had seized some buildings at the intersection of Respublikanskaya and Kievskaya streets, and to evict them General Chuikov organized an immediate counterattack. A platoon of tanks that was positioned near the slopes of…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 7 - Valor of the Guards

Scenario#: 122     Date: 12/25/1944     Location: Budapest, Hungary

While the Red Army was hammering at Pest for over six weeks, the inhabitants of Buda were still preparing for Christmas festivities, albeit subdued ones. On Christmas Day, however, they were surprised by the sudden appearance of Russian armored…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 12 - Armies of Oblivion (2nd Edition)

Scenario#: S052     Date: 9/1/1939     Location: Danzig, Poland

The Poles had a few government buildings in the free city of Danzig under international treaty, the most prominent of which was the post office. The Gdansk-1 Post Office was a sturdy building the Poles had further strengthened, and it was garrisoned…

Advanced Squad LeaderSpecial Ops 3

Scenario#: K     Date: 7-Aug-41     Location: Roslavl, Russia

Another day of pouring rain. The mud clung like black tar to the men's boots. The 292nd Infantry Division slowed in its push to close the bag on the Russian Fourth Army. Each overrun town required its own garrison. Each …

Squad LeaderThe General #18.3

Scenario#: J078     Date: 8/7/1941     Location: Roslavl, Russia

Another day of pouring rain. The mud clung like black tar to the men's boots. The 292nd Infantry Division slowed its push to close the bag on the Russian Fourth Army. Each overrun town required its own garrison. Each possible exit needed a guard. As…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #5

Scenario#: 1     Date: 3-July-1941     Location: Lipki, Russia

As tanks of the 1st Moscow Motor Rifle Division clashed with the 18th Panzer Division’s armored spearhead north of Lipki, infantry elements from both divisions were tasked with securing their respective southern flanks. One such encounter between…

Combat CommanderCC: Europe

Scenario#: 173     Date: 6/29/1944     Location: Portinhoikka, Finland

After being stopped at Viipuri, the Soviets were pushing to break through the Finnish lines to the east of the city. At midnight on 29 June, Soviet tanks broke through the infantry lines held by Infantry Regiment 50. Major Mikkola, commander of the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 14 - Hakkaa Päälle!

Scenario#: E12     Date: 7 July 1943     Location: Ponyri, Russia

Operation Zitadelle’s northern pincer ground to a halt in a series of pitched battles around the seemingly insignificant settlement of Ponyri. Having finally penetrated the second defense belt of the Russian defenses at great cost, the 86th…

Band of BrothersExtras

Scenario#: J169     Date: 8/30/1943     Location: Chistyakovo, Ukraine

The wastefulness of Operation Citadel was beginning to hit home for Heeresgruppe Sud. Stripped of many Panzer Divisions, these were replaced with worn–out infantry divisions such as the 258th, which formed a shallow crust around the transport hubs…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #11

Scenario#: 86     Date: 9/9/1939     Location: Leczyka, Poland

Polish General Tadeusz Kutrzeba was given permission for an attack to the south by Amry Poznan. The aim was to cover the retreat of Army Pomorze. The attack used the 25th, 17th and 14th Infantry Divisions...

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 11 - Doomed Battalions

Scenario#: 1     Date: 9/2/1941     Location: Terijoki, Finland

The Finns, seeking restitution for the Winter War of 1939, had erupted across the borders and breached the Soviet Karelian front even as the crisis to the south of Leningrad came. In a desperate attempt to salvage something and form a new defense…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 1 - Beyond Valor (3rd Edition)

Scenario#: 17490     Date: 3/2/1940     Location: Viipuri, Finland

The Finnish military situation on the Karelian 1sthmus was dire as troops were experiencing heavy casualties. In addition, artillery ammunition supplies were exhausted and weapons were wearing out. After failing to halt the Russians at Honkaniemi the…

Memoir '44Dutch Open 2016

Scenario#: RB08     Date: 10/27/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

For the Russians, this was rapidly becoming yet another critical day in the defense of their ruined city. Elements of the German 79th Infantry Division had pushed toward the Krasny Oktyabr steel mill, bringing the HQ of Guryev’s 39th Guards Division…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL10a - Red Factories

Scenario#: AH01     Date: 1942-10-27     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

For the Russians, this was rapidly becoming yet another critical day in the defense of their ruined city. Elements of the German 79th Infantry Division had pushed toward the Krasny Oktyabr steel mill, bringing the HQ of Guryev’s 39th Guards Division…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 91

Scenario#: AP112     Date: 9/5/1939     Location: Zabrzez, Poland

In return for territory that was disputed over with Poland, Slovakia agreed to aid Germany in the invasion of Poland. The deployment of the 1st Slovakian Infantry Division was the most advanced, and thus it was most ready for immediate action. On 2…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #12 Oktoberfest XXX

Scenario#: KS03     Date: 22 June 1941     Location: Stojanow, Poland

The German 297th Infantry Division probing forward during the opening day of Operation Barbarossa unexpectedly ran into the Soviet 41st Infantry Division. The Soviet 41st Infantry Division was surprisingly alert on June 22, and the German 297th was…

Tide of Iron1A Kickstarter

Scenario#: TS1     Date: 25-Jun-41     Location: Daugav River, Russia

When Army Group North moved toward the Daugava River, the Russian command responded by detailing the Ill Armored Corps to meet and destroy Manstein's units. On June 24th, the Soviet armored force made contact with the 6th Panzer Division, the …

Squad LeaderThe General #19,5

Scenario#: 125     Date: 6/25/1941     Location: Plavy, Lithuania

When Army Group North moved toward the River Daugava, the Russian command detailed the 3rd Mechanized Corps to stop them. Over 100 of the Soviet tanks were the new super-heavy KV models. The Germans had no guns which could penetrate these monsters.…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 1 - Beyond Valor (3rd Edition)

Scenario#: 16     Date: June 25, 1941     Location: Raseiniai, Lithuania

When Army Group North moved toward the River Dvina, the Russian command responded by detailing the 3rd Mechanized Corps to meet and destroy Manstein’s units. On June 24th, the Soviet armored force made contact with the 6th Panzer Division, the …

Panzer (YAQ)Panzer: A Tactical Game of Armored Combat on the Eastern Front, 1941-1945

Scenario#: 20102     Date: 8/1/1944     Location: Warsaw, Poland

The first days of the Warsaw Uprising were crucial in establishing the battlefield for the rest of the fight. During the first four days, there was an intense battle for the districts in Warsaw. Under-equipped Resistance forces were prepared and …

Memoir '44Dutch Open 2018

Scenario#: DASL04     Date: 10/7/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

After weeks of bitter conflict in the Stalingrad cauldron, little had been decided. Heavy assaults on the Tractor Works were repulsed with many casualties to both sides. The newly arrived 37th Guards Division of General Zholudev lent new strength to…

Advanced Squad LeaderDeluxe Advanced Squad Leader

Scenario#: J087     Date: 8/19/1944     Location: Warsaw, Poland UPRISING

The Polish Home Army uprising had commenced with the sounds of Soviet artillery heard in the distance. The first days of the uprising were wildly successful against the surprised Germans. Soon, however, the Germans ruthlessly struck back against the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #5

Scenario#: J104     Date: 10/15/1941     Location: Semenovskaya, Russia

The landscape south and west of Borodino was covered with snow by first light on 15 October, but the skies were clear. The 32rd Rifle Division was holding its ground against the German onslaught, when some fresh elements of the 86th Schützen Regiment…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #7

Scenario#: AP096     Date: 4/29/1944     Location: Hrabivka, Ukraine

Throughout most of the Second World War, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) was engaged in partisan warfare, first against the Germans, then against the Soviets. The UPA tended to avoid conflict with the Soviet Army, instead focusing their efforts on…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #10

Scenario#: FB08     Date: 2/1/1945     Location: Budapest, Hungary

Axis defenders suffered a serious blow on 26 December when the Soviets captured one of Budapest’s largest supply depots, resulting in the loss of approximately 300,000 daily rations and 450 tons of ammunition. To complicate matters, the main airport…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 8 - Festung Budapest

Scenario#: O16     Date: 10/8/1944     Location: Titovka River, Russia

On 7 October, phase one of the Soviet Petsamo-Kirkenes offensive began. Two rifle corps, supported by airpower, armor and artillery, were to overrun the German defenders and drive on the Luostari airfield. Dawn opened to low visibility, falling snow,…

Advanced Squad LeaderSpecial Ops 8

Scenario#: 168     Date: 9/8/1941     Location: Niiniselkä, Russia

As part of the general attack aimed at the Karelian capital of Petrozavodsk, the Finnish 11th Division was ordered to take the village of Prääzä, an important road junction over which the two sides had been fighting for a while. The division devised…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 14 - Hakkaa Päälle!