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Scenario#: J140     Date: 9/19/1944     Location: Oosterbeek, Holland

The 4th Parachute Brigade moved to seize the high ground around Koepel. However, the German defensive line along the Dreyenseweg, a road running north from Oosterbeek, would have to be overcome. Manning this line were elements of Kampfgruppe von…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #9

Scenario#: J142     Date: 12/21/1944     Location: Senonchamps, Belgium

By the fifth day of the German attack, the race for Bastogne was over. The German units that weren’t able to bypass the strategic town would lay siege to it instead. Two of the best Wehrmacht formations in the Western Front were…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #9

Scenario#: J143     Date: 4/16/1945     Location: Nüremberg, Germany

Nuremberg – “the most German of German cities” – would be defended by the 13th SS Corps of the First Army, and the 15,000 fanatic Nazis under General Max Simon were prepared to defend the old city “to the last bullet”. By April 15, they would get…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #9

Scenario#: J144     Date: 4/18/1945     Location: Nüremberg, Germany

As the Third Infantry Division approached the center of Nuremberg, the battle developed into the type of fighting the US had hoped to avoid. Slow, costly advances through the rubble-strewn streets deprived the XV Corps of their mobility advantage,…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #9

Scenario#: J145     Date: 4/19/1945     Location: Nüremberg, Germany

Only the truly fanatic remained in the old town by 19 April. General Simon now commanded only isolated bands of SS men or Luftwaffe troops here and there. Nazi political officers – known jokingly as “golden pheasants” for their love of fancy but…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #9

Scenario#: S001     Date: 6/7/1944     Location: Vierville, France

Vierville, which lay a few miles inland from Utah Beach, had been liberated on D-Day. On the morning of June 7, elements of the 2nd Battalion, 506th PIR moved out from Vierville towards St. Come du Mont, leaving Vierville virtually unoccupied. The…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit #1

Scenario#: S003     Date: 10/12/1944     Location: Aachen, Germany

The battle for Aachen had been raging for two days. A complicated series of maneuvers designed to encircle the city from both the north and south had been occupying the American command. These few units committed to the frontal assault on Aachen had…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit #1

Scenario#: S004     Date: 12/16/1944     Location: Hosingen, Luxembourg

At 0525 on December 16th, an intense German artillery barrage commenced against U.S. forces astride Route N16, “Skyline Drive”, one of only a few paved roads in the Ardennes. A thick fog obscured anything beyond a few hundred yards and as the morning…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit #1

Scenario#: S005     Date: 6/6/1944     Location: Colleville, France

On the Omaha beachhead, as more and more troops and material came ashore, those remaining alive from the first wave were forcing their way inland bit by bit. In the sector of the First Infantry Division – the “Big Red One” – the day’s objective was…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit #1

Scenario#: S012     Date: 12/17/1944     Location: Skyline Drive, Luxembourg

Despite numerous pleas from his field commanders, Hitler insisted that the main thrust of the Ardennes offensive not be diminished just to shore up the flanks. This General Brandenberger’s 7th Army, charged with protecting the southern flank as the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit #2

Scenario#: S014     Date: 9/17/1944     Location: Son, Holland

The mission of the 101st Airborne Division in Operation Market-Garden was to secure the 15 miles of highway stretching from Eindhoven north to Veghel. The Screaming Eagles faced almost no opposition until the paratroopers reached the northern…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit #2

Scenario#: S015     Date: 12/16/1944     Location: Bleialf, Germany

The opening hours of the Ardennes offensive found forward U.S. infantry outposts probed and infiltrated by their German counterparts. River crossings and key road networks had to be seized to allow the panzer divisions to drive through Belgium. On…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit #2

Scenario#: S020     Date: 8/28/1944     Location: Pointe de Corsen, France

The German fort at Point de Corsen, a rocky promontory five miles north of the Graf Spee Battery that is one of the westernmost points on the French mainland, was garrisoned by a force defined by an American intelligence report as ’50 in number,…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit #3

Scenario#: S023     Date: 9/20/1944     Location: Oosterbeek, Holland

The British perimeter outside the city of Arnhem was steadily shrinking. Four days after dropping north of the Rhine, the paratroops and glidermen of the 1st Airbourne Division were running critically short of supplies and men. The Germans were…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit #3

Scenario#: S083     Date: 4/9/1940     Location: Fornebu, Norway

Operation WESERÜBUNG called for a prompt seizure of political institutions and assets in both Demark and Norway. Seizure of two Norwegian airports-Fornebu and Sosa-by paratroops was the key to this goal and a prompt buildup of German forces. Although…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit Bonus Pack #2

Scenario#: S086     Date: 6/26/1944     Location: Octeville, France

No. 30 Commando, also known as 30 Assault Unit, was a very specifically trained Commando unit whose purpose was to obtain and recover German intelligence. One of the key figures involved in the creation of 30 Assault Unit was Ian Fleming, future…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit Bonus Pack #2

Scenario#: S087     Date: 9/20/1944     Location: Nijmegen, Holland

Unaware of the details of the boat assault across the Waal River, Lt. Col. Edward H. Goulburn broke up his column of armor of the 2nd Grenadier Guards, infantry of the 1st Grenadier Guards, and American Paratroopers of Lt. .Col. Vandervoort's 2nd…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit Bonus Pack #2

Scenario#: S088     Date: 12/10/1944     Location: Gey, Germany

The battle for Hürtgen Forest had been bitter, cold, and deadly. Every tree and shrub, every fold in the terrain concealed death. The area generally know as the Hürtgen Forest was not all forest. South of the divisional boundary between the 9th and…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit Bonus Pack #2

Scenario#: DAE1     Date: 9/22/1944     Location: Elst, Holland

The British had just completed the “Dash to Driel”, a 10-mile advance in just 30 minutes across “the Island” to bring supplies to the beleaguered troops in the Arnhem bridgehead. Having been informed that German armored vehicles had engaged British…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit Historical Module 1: Decision at Elst

Scenario#: DAE2     Date: 9/23/1944     Location: Elst, Holland

The road to Nijmegen and Arnhem became the scene of many dramatic events. While the 1st Airborne Division was being annihilated in Arnhem, XXX Corps, desperate to reach the Rhine River and rescue its comrades, was behind schedule. The Germans had…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit Historical Module 1: Decision at Elst

Scenario#: DAE3     Date: 9/24/1944     Location: Elst, Holland

The 43rd Wessex Division sent a message to XXX Corps HQ that was unusually realistic: “214th Brigade are going to have another crack at Elst, in which every house contains a bazooka and a few infantry. Will be a slow job but should be cleared up…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit Historical Module 1: Decision at Elst

Scenario#: DAE4     Date: 9/25/1944     Location: Elst, Holland

On the day that Operation MARKET-GARDEN officially ended, the 7th Somerset Light Infantry was ordered to capture the crossroads in the center of Elst. Supported by a troop of tanks, the Somersets jumped off at 1000 hours on either side of the main…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit Historical Module 1: Decision at Elst

Scenario#: BOF03     Date: 5/28/1940     Location: Abbeville, France

The Germans had crossed the Somme and established three bridge-heads on the western shore at Abbeville, Amiens and Péronn. As these posed a mortal threat to the French forces, they had no alternative but to counterattack. At Abbeville, the recently…

Advanced Squad LeaderBest of Friends

Scenario#: BOF10     Date: 9/2/1944     Location: Thionville, France

In early September 1944, the Allied armies' wild chase across France was starting to slow down with growing supply problems and stiffening resistance from the supposedly beaten German Army. Although the bulk of Patton's Third Army was stalled,…

Advanced Squad LeaderBest of Friends

Scenario#: BOF11     Date: 1/4/1945     Location: Wingen-sur-Moder, France

The first objective of Operation Nordwind, Hitler's last major offensive in the west, was to secure a path through the Low Vosges mountains to the Alsatian plains. One possible path ran through Wingen-sur-Moder. Kampfgruppe Wingen was tasked to seize…

Advanced Squad LeaderBest of Friends

Scenario#: U04     Date: 9/20/1944     Location: Nijmegen, Holland

During Operation Market Garden, the road bridge in Nijmegen was the second of three bridges which had to be secured in order to relieve the British 1st Airborne and throw a force across the Rhine. A task force comprised of a mixture of U.S.…

Advanced Squad LeaderG.I.s Dozen

Scenario#: U05     Date: 10/9/1944     Location: Bardenberg, Germany

As the majority of the 119th Infantry Regiment advanced into North Wuerselen, they left behind a reduced company deployed around a roadblock to protect their line of communication. There seemed little chance of significant action. Suddenly, as light…

Advanced Squad LeaderG.I.s Dozen

Scenario#: U06     Date: 11/4/1944     Location: Kommerscheidt, Germany

The US 28th Division made a limited flanking division in the Huertgen Forest to take the town of Schmidt. Although the town fell easily to the divisional attack, a strong German counterattack soon followed and routed the Schmidt defenders. Moreover,…

Advanced Squad LeaderG.I.s Dozen

Scenario#: U07     Date: 11/11/1944     Location: Han-sur-Neid, France

It will never be known who ordered the charge. Perhaps it was Colonel Burnette, who was mortally wounded as his men neared the 100 foot bridge. Perhaps it was simply the sight of Lt. Edwards' tanks edging across the unblown span that drew the men…

Advanced Squad LeaderG.I.s Dozen

Scenario#: U08     Date: 12/16/1944     Location: Schnee Eifel Region, Germany

As the German Ardennes offensive got underway, the 62nd Volks Grenadier Division opened its attack by hurling two regiments against the 424th Infantry in an attempt to breakthrough at Winterspelt. The most serious threat developed at the Weissenhof…

Advanced Squad LeaderG.I.s Dozen

Scenario#: U09     Date: 12/27/1944     Location: Bastogne, Belgium

The 101st Airborne was desperately low on ammunition, trapped near Bastogne. A desperate attempt to resupply the pocket was formulated. 50 Waco and Horsa gliders, towed from bases in England by C-47s, flown by volunteer pilots, attempted to re-supply…

Advanced Squad LeaderG.I.s Dozen

Scenario#: U10     Date: 2/27/1945     Location: Elsdorf, Germany

In an attempt to give American armor a fighting chance against heavy German tanks, the army Ordnance Department developed the T26 Medium tank, better known as the Pershing. Carrying a 90mm gun and heavy frontal armor, the Pershing was rushed into…

Advanced Squad LeaderG.I.s Dozen

Scenario#: U11     Date: 3/15/1945     Location: Pfaffenheck, Germany

Between the Moselle and the Rhine rivers, the US Army ground forward on a broad front. The Germans struggled to hold open escape routes to the Rhine. General Hoehne launched two simultaneous counterattacks. The first, by newly arrived SS troops, was…

Advanced Squad LeaderG.I.s Dozen

Scenario#: U12     Date: 3/15/1945     Location: Pfaffenheck, Germany

At the same time that the SS mountain troopers were striking one flank of the U.S. 357th Regiment, the Wehrmacht’s 159th Division struck the other. Every effort was to be made to prevent the Americans from establishing an artillery OP in the large…

Advanced Squad LeaderG.I.s Dozen

Scenario#: U13     Date: 3/15/1945     Location: Pfaffenheck, Germany

German General Hoehme had to buy time. Every day the way was clear allowed additional isolated units to filter back towards the Rhine. At a time of frightful manpower shortages, he decided to commit two of his remaining combat effective units to…

Advanced Squad LeaderG.I.s Dozen

Scenario#: KGP01     Date: 12/20/1944     Location: Stoumont, Belgium

The initial objective of Task Force Harrison was the recapture of the St. Edouard Sanatorium, a large brick building dominating the heights on the northwestern outskirts of Stoumont. At twilight, partially concealed by a dense mist, the GIs attacked…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 2 - Kampfgruppe Peiper I

Scenario#: KGP02     Date: 12/21/1944     Location: Stoumont, Belgium

The American plan of attack against Stoumont for the morning of December 21st was ambitious. The depleted 1/119th Infantry was to push east and seize the sanatorium. Upon its capture, the even weaker 3/119th was to attack southward in conjunction…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 2 - Kampfgruppe Peiper I

Scenario#: KGP03     Date: 12/21/1944     Location: Stoumont, Belgium

Early on the morning of 20 December, Task Force Jordan of Combat Command B, 3rd Armored Division, had set out from Theux. Its destination was the German defenses at Stoumont, some ten miles to the south. As its point vehicles, proceeding down the…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 2 - Kampfgruppe Peiper I

Scenario#: KGP04     Date: 12/21/1944     Location: Stoumont, Belgium

As the third prong of the concentric American attack planned for 21 December against Peiper's Stoumont defenses, major Hal McCown's 2/119th Infantry was to move south through the Bois de Bassenge and cut the N.33 between La Gleize and Stoumont, then…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 2 - Kampfgruppe Peiper I

Scenario#: KGP05     Date: 12/20/1944     Location: La Gleize, Belgium

A small German group comprised of only a King Tiger, a Pz IV, a Puma armored car, one halftrack and fifteen men with a Panzerschreck, drew back to an old mill known as the Moulin Marechal to cover the southern approach to La Gleize. In the late…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 3 - Kampfgruppe Peiper II

Scenario#: KGP06     Date: 12/20/1944     Location: La Gleize, Belgium

Task Force McGeorge departed the Spa area at about 0800 on the 20th, its mission to proceed to La Gleize. Moving south, it arrived at Borgoumont around noon, where it linked up with Company K of the 117th Infantry and the 1st and 2nd Platoons of…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 3 - Kampfgruppe Peiper II

Scenario#: KGP07     Date: 12/21/1944     Location: Cheneux, Belgium

By the afternoon of the 21st, Col. Tucker had ordered the 3rd Battalion of the 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment to assist the 1st Battalion in its attempt to capture Cheneux and the bridge over the Ambleve. Company G entered the western end of the…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 3 - Kampfgruppe Peiper II

Scenario#: KGP08     Date: 12/24/1944     Location: La Gleize, Belgium

Peiper and most of his remaining men had silently evacuated the La Gleize pocket on foot during the night of 23-24 December. At 0745 on the following, bitterly cold, morning, two American infantry companies pushed southeast through the Bois de…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 3 - Kampfgruppe Peiper II

Scenario#: KGP09     Date: 12/20/1944     Location: La Gleize, Belgium

The American paratroopers of Companies B and C of the 504th PIR, having neither artillery nor armor support available, had failed during the daylight to make any headway against the Germans defending Cheneux. Nevertheless, they were ordered by the…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 3 - Kampfgruppe Peiper II

Scenario#: KGP10     Date: 12/22/1944     Location: La Gleize, Belgium

In a desperate bid to break out of the ever-tightening American stranglehold, Peiper decided to mount an attack toward Borgoumont, using the remainder of his precious fuel to give renewed mobility to several of his panzers. Before dawn, SS…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 3 - Kampfgruppe Peiper II

Scenario#: KGP11     Date: 12/23/1944     Location: La Gleize, Belgium

Mangled guns and the burned-out wreckage of vehicles littered the area in and around the ruined village of La Gleize. From their defensive strongpoints the remnants of Peiper's command scanned the approaches for signs of a renewed attack. The…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 3 - Kampfgruppe Peiper II

Scenario#: PB01     Date: 6/6/1944     Location: Benouville, France

One of the first objectives of Operation Overlord was the seizure of the bridges over the Orne River and Canal de Caen just west of Ranville. The bridges were vital links to the British 6th Airborne’s bridgehead over the Orne on the Allied left…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 4 - Pegasus Bridge

Scenario#: PB02     Date: 6/6/1944     Location: Benouville, France

The British coup de main force had been on the ground for nearly an hour and a half. The capture of the bridges over the Orne River and Canal de Caen had been spectacularly successful. Lt. Fox’s platoon had arrived from the Orne River bridge to…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 4 - Pegasus Bridge

Scenario#: PB03     Date: 6/6/1944     Location: Benouville, France

Colonel Hans Von Luck, commander of the 125th Panzer Grenadier Regiment, stewed while waiting for permission to move his unit to counterattack the British forces in Benouville and Le Port. It would violate direct orders if he moved his unit, but he…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 4 - Pegasus Bridge

Scenario#: PB04     Date: 6/6/1944     Location: Le Port, France

As D-Day progressed, the German counterattacks in Benouville grew fiercer and fiercer, but life for the defenders of the canal bridge was dangerous for one main reason – sniper fire. Unable to move about freely, something had to be done to reduce the…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 4 - Pegasus Bridge