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Scenario#: O13     Date: 9/10/1943     Location: Rome, Italy


Advanced Squad LeaderSpecial Ops 7

Scenario#: A005     Date: 9/11/1943     Location: Naro, Italy

To accompany the 142nd's push to Altaville, the U.S. 179th Regimental Combat Team had been ordered to advance to Ponte Sele up the corridor of the Serre Valley. All night their drive continued and dawn saw the weary GIs of the 1st and 3rd Battalions…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 89

Scenario#: ROMA2     Date: 9/11/1943     Location: Bastia, Corsica

Once Italy was invaded on 3 September and the armistice signed, the liberation of Corsica began with an uprising ordered by the local Resistance. Initially, Allied High Command considered this a potential distraction given the invasion of Italy, but…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Roma 2020

Scenario#: 4211     Date: 9/12/1943     Location: Campo Imperatore, Italy

After Italy surrendered to the Allies, Mussolini was arrested and held by the Italians in the hotel Campo Imperatore on the Gran Sasso mountain. After intercepting a coded Italian radio message and reconnoitering the mountain by plane, Otto Skorzeny…

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: AP075     Date: 9/12/1943     Location: Altavilla, Italy

The barely tested “T-Patchers” of the US 36th (Texan) Infantry Division were tasked with taking the hilltop village of Altavilla and the hill to the northeast beyond the village, labeled Hill 424 on their maps. The Texans met little resistance…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #8 Roads Through Rome

Scenario#: 34     Date: 13 Sept 1943     Location: Altavilla, Italy

Hill 424, overlooking the Salerno beachhead was a key objective. On September 13th, after an initial artillery barrage, Companies I and K of the 142nd assaulted the southern part of the hill mass, encountering heavy fire from German machinegun…

Band of BrothersTexas Arrows

Scenario#: 19081     Date: 9/13/1943     Location: Albanella, Italy

Tobacco Factory13 sept 1943: Around the Salerno beachhead, many desperate battles were fought. The fighting over the tobacco factory symbolizes the intensity of this fighting. Consisting of five large, red, fortress-like stone buildings, the tobacco…

Memoir '44Dutch Open 2017

Scenario#: AP076     Date: 9/13/1943     Location: Persano, Italy

During the afternoon, two German battle groups, the Kampfgruppe ‘Kleine Limburg’ and Kampfgruppe ‘Krüger’, had attacked Persano to the north-west and overrun the 1/157th Infantry before crossing the Sele river to fall on the 2/143rd Infantry and…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #8 Roads Through Rome

Scenario#: AP077     Date: 9/13/1943     Location: Persano, Italy

To fulfill General Dawley's request to close the gap between the Sele-Calore Rivers, General Walker sent his divisional reserve to plug the hole. The 2nd Battalion, 143rd Infantry Regiment was deployed to cover the frontage with the company's HQ in…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #8 Roads Through Rome

Scenario#: S072     Date: 9/13/1943     Location: Altavilla, Italy

After the conquest of Sicily and the ouster of Mussolini, the Allies invaded Italy proper at Salerno to begin their long slog up "the boot". Needing to expand the beachhead and deny the Germans good artillery observation points, the Americans secured…

Advanced Squad LeaderSpecial Ops 9

Scenario#: E8     Date: 14 Sept 1943     Location: Altavilla, Italy

Hill 424, overlooking the Salerno beachhead, was taken by the 36th but they were then forced to retreat by German counterattacks. The Allied forces made their stand along the La Cosa Creek between the Calore River and Altavilla. In the …

Band of BrothersExtras

Scenario#: 37     Date: September 14, 1943     Location: Salerno, Italy

U.S. 82nd Airborne units land to reinforce the hard-pressed 36th Infantry Division.

Panzer (AH/MMP)Panzer Leader Para-Leader

Scenario#: 179     Date: 9/14/1943     Location: Lattari Mountains, Italy

The First and Fourth Rangers, under the command of Bill Darby, landed at Maiori, west of Salerno on 9 September 1943. They then moved 10km inland to block the road to Naples. Once established in the hills, they became the major obstacle to German…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 3a Yanks (2nd Edition)

Scenario#: 20849     Date: 9/19/1943     Location: Arundel, Salomon Islands

After the failure of their attack in the night of 14-15 September, Japanese command decided to evacuate their troops from Arundel Island, in the Solomon Islands, under the protection of a well entrenched rear guard near Stima Lagoon. On the …

Memoir '44New Flight Plan Bonus

Scenario#: AP078     Date: 9/22/1943     Location: Acerno, Italy

Acerno was a mountain village astride a tortuous and winding stretch of road leading north from Battipaglia. The road was one of two that connected the beachhead with Highway 7—the main highway to Rome. On 22 September, elements of the US 3rd “Rock…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #8 Roads Through Rome

Scenario#: C     Date: 24-Sep-43     Location: Kiev, Ukraine

In mid September 1943 Manstein's Army Group South initiated a full scale retreat along the entire length of its 600 mile front. The plan was to fall back to the west bank of the Dnieper and redeploy for defense before …

Squad LeaderThe General #15.6

Scenario#: U32     Date: 9/24/1943     Location: Dnieper loop between Kaniv and Rzhishchev, Russia

STAVKA (the Soviet high command), detached the Central Front's 3rd Tank Army to the Voronezh Front to race the weakening Germans to the Dnieper, to save the wheat crop from the German scorched earth policy, and to achieve strategic or operational…

Advanced Squad LeaderTurning the Tide

Scenario#: U33     Date: 9/24/1943     Location: Kiev, Russia Second

In mid September 1943 Manstein’s Army Group South initiated a full scale retreat along the entire length of its 600 mile front. The plan was to fall back to the west bank of the Dnieper and redeploy for defense before the Russians could form any…

Advanced Squad LeaderTurning the Tide

Scenario#: 30     Date: 25-Sep-43     Location: Veliki Bukrin Bridgehead, Russia

On the night of September 24-25, the Russian 5th Airborne Brigade air assaulted into the Bukrin Bend to establish a bridgehead on the west bank of the Dnieper River. The jump was less than successful as the troopers were widely …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #1: Paratroopers

Scenario#: 36     Date: 25 Sept 1943     Location: Kanev, Russia

The Soviet offensive operations that began at Orel-Kursk in the summer of 1943 continued relentlessly through the end of that pivotal year. A bold use of Red Army paratroopers was planned as part of the attempt to form a bridgehead …

Tide of IronFury of the Bear

Scenario#: A099     Date: 10/5/1943     Location: Compobasso, Italy

As the British XIII Corps advanced up the eastern half of the Italian peninsula past Foggia, it was opposed only by small numbers of German fallschirmjager conducting delaying actions. One such group of paratroopers, holding a blocking position…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 96

Scenario#: 227     Date: 10/6/1943     Location: Koprivnica, Croatia

Danica Air Base, defended by the 120-man strong 1st Light Infantry Parachute Company, came under attack by Croatian partians. The Croatian Air Force dropped supplies and ammunition to the surrounded paratroopers.

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 12 - Armies of Oblivion (2nd Edition)

Scenario#: 113     Date: 9-Oct-43     Location: Jivevenang, New Guinea

In order to secure Finschhafen as a forward operating base the Australian 9th Division needed to drive Col. Sadahike Miyake’s 80th Regiment from its positions in an around the village of Sattleburg. One of these positions was the village Jivavenang …

Combat CommanderC3I Magazine #25

Scenario#: 5     Date: '10/10/43     Location: Lutezh, Russia

German reconnaissance in force: action against the Lutezh bridgehead on the Dnieper. The Russians had thrown a bridgehead across the dnieper river which the Germans had to penetrate before attacking it.

Panzer (AH/MMP)PanzerBlitz

Scenario#: AP068     Date: 10/12/1943     Location: Finisterre Range, New Guinea

The campaign to push the Japanese out of New Guinea moved into the Markham and Ramu Valleys in 1943. The Australian 7th Division was tasked with the job of clearing these two strategic areas. As the 21st Brigade battled for high ground to the west,…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #7

Scenario#: 6558     Date: 10/13/1943     Location: Monte Majulo, Italy

After coming out of the bridgehead they've established at Salerno, elements of the 5th US Army reach the southern bank of the Volturno river on the 5th of October 1943. During the night of October 12-13, British and US troops …

Memoir '44Audie Murphy's Campaign

Scenario#: 10754     Date: 10/13/1943     Location: Zaporozhie, Ukraine

In 1943, anticipating a massive Soviet offensive in Ukraine, German troops began to build a defensive "Panther-Wotan" line along the Dniepr river. By September, with the Soviets in hot pursuit, they had retreated to the west bank, Von Manstein…

Memoir '44Equipment Pack

Scenario#: M12     Date: 17-Oct-43     Location: Song River, New Guinea

As the Allies progressed up the New Guinea coast. General Adachi’s XVIII Army desperately counterattacked. To support a 20th Division thrust into the Allied perimeter around Finschhafen, Adachi dispatched barges loaded with remnants of 1st Lt.…

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #4: New Guinea

Scenario#: D     Date: 1-Nov-43     Location: Empress August Bay, Bougainville

On this date the US 3rd Marine Division landed at Cape Torokina. Naval forces assisting the Marines included 4 cruisers and 8 destroyers. Empress Augusta Bay had been chosen because it was within range of allied land—based fighter bases and …

Combat CommanderCC: Pacific

Scenario#: 16631     Date: 11/1/1943     Location: Bougainville Island, New Guinea

The Landings at Cape Torokina on November 1, 1943 were the beginning of the Bougainville, campaign in the Solomon Islands. Most of the US Marines faced limited enemy fire and pushed inland slowly through dense jungle and a knee-deep swamp. …

Memoir '44Battle Maps Series 2 - Battles of Khalkhin-Gol

Scenario#: 73     Date: 11/1/1943     Location: Cape Torokina, Bougainville

The obvious invasion sites on Bougainville were avoided in favor of a landing around Cape Torokina in Empress Augusta Bay. The usual prolonged naval bombardment was rejected in order to maximize the element of surprise. At 0710 the first wave of…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 9 - Gung Ho!

Scenario#: E     Date: 2-Nov-43     Location: Butaritari, Gilbert Islands

The Gilbert Islands became one of the first stepping stones in the large scale movement by the US to take back Japanese-held territory. A Japanese seaplane base guarded by a citadel of defenses was the key target on Butaritari, a …

Combat CommanderCC: Pacific

Scenario#: 5     Date: Late 1943     Location: Kiev, Ukraine

At the conclusion of Operation Zitadelle (Kursk). Germany's Army Group South was tasked with holding back the Soviet offensive operations that followed in the Ukrainian sector. The four panzer divisions of the German 6th Army, reformed in March 1943…

Panzer (GMT)Operations on the Eastern Front 1943-45

Scenario#: 18     Date: 4 November 1943     Location: Krasny Orlik, near Kharkov, Ukraine

In late 1943 the Grossdeutschland Division was heavily engaged in multiple defensive battles east of Krivoi-Rog. It was here the division earned the nickname "The Fire Brigade." One such encounter occurred when the German 9th Panzer Division was…

Fighting FormationsGrossdeutschland Division's Battle for Kharkov

Scenario#: 6557     Date: 11/5/1943     Location: Mignano, Italy

After crossing the Volturno river, the 3rd US Infantry Division managed to advance to Cassino before finding itself blocked by the "Barbara" line at Mignano. Well entrenched on Monte Lungo and Monte Rotondo, the Germans soldiers of the…

Memoir '44Audie Murphy's Campaign

Scenario#: 1     Date: Late 1943     Location: Dnieper, Ukraine

This is race a to capture the only three crossings over a key water passage. Will the Germans stem the Soviet advance or will they push the Germans aside and march on to relieve Kharkov?

Panzer (GMT)Operations on the Eastern Front 1943-45

Scenario#: 11     Date: 5 November 1943     Location: Mignano, Italy

German delaying actions across the whole of Italy stubbornly slowed the 5th and 8th Army advances during late October and early November of 1943. Rain drenched the soldiers of the U.S. 36th Infantry Division as they moved through the night …

Tide of IronNext Wave

Scenario#: OB08     Date: 11/5/1943     Location: Numa-Numa, Bougainville

Following the main landings at Empress Augusta Bay on November 1, the Marines of the 3rd Marine Division & 3rd Raider Battalion were ordered to push inland to expand the perimeter and establish a jumping off point for the eventual assault on the…

Advanced Squad LeaderOut of the Bunker

Scenario#: P08     Date: November 8, 1943     Location: Bougainville Island, New Guinea

After establishing a beachhead on Bougainville Island, the Marines had to protect it from a counterattack. And that attack would be coming by way of the Piva Trail. Colonel Edward Craig of the 9th Marines sent his tough Raiders inland …

Old School TacticalVolume 3 Pacific

Scenario#: P08a     Date: November 9, 1943     Location: Bougainville Island, New Guinea

The Marines didn’t budge and shut down the Japanese counterattack. But the threat remained to the beachhead. Switching over to attack, the Marines pushed on with orders to clear out any remaining enemy units.

Old School TacticalVolume 3 Pacific

Scenario#: 228     Date: 11/9/1943     Location: Koprivnica, Croatia

After a month of partisan attacks, Major General Draguin Dolanski, commander of the 1st Croatian Light Parachute Company, determined they could not hold their positions at the Danica Air Base much longer and decided to withdraw through the village of…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 12 - Armies of Oblivion (2nd Edition)

Scenario#: P08b     Date: November 10, 1943     Location: Bougainville Island, New Guinea

After forcing their way through the Raiders on the Piva Trail, reinforced elements of the Iwasa Detachment move on the US beachhead at Cape Torokina. With their backs to the sea, the Marines aren’t planning on going anywhere.

Old School TacticalVolume 3 Pacific

Scenario#: 12     Date: '20/11/43     Location: Nikopol, Russia

GERMAN ARTILLERY/INFANTRY POSITION DEFENSE: As long the the German artillery remained intact the Russians were never able to crack a German line.

Panzer (AH/MMP)PanzerBlitz

Scenario#: 3     Date: Late 1943     Location: Dniepr, Ukraine

This is a race to capture the only three crossings over a key water passage. Will the stem the Soviet advance or will they push the aside and rch on to relieve Kharkov?

Panzer (GMT)Operations on the Eastern Front 1943-45

Scenario#: 7     Date: Late 1943     Location: Kiev, Ukraine

The Soviet 10th Tank Corps was part of the 1st Tank Army at Kursk where it clashed with the German forces to close the salient. It then took part in the offensive to relieve Kharkov and the advance to the …

Panzer (GMT)Operations on the Eastern Front 1943-45

Scenario#: 36     Date: 11/12/1943     Location: Leros, Greece

German paratroopers landed on the Aegean island of Leros which had been manned by British defenders. Their objective was to take Rachi Ridge which lay astride a narrow isthmus in the middle of the island. If they could take hold that position, the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 5 - West of Alamein

Scenario#: P09     Date: November 14, 1943     Location: Bougainville Island, New Guinea

Seeking to expand the beachhead around Cape Torokina, Marines and navy construction units were ambushed when moving into a coconut grove. The next morning, units of the 21st Marines and 3rd Tank Battalion barged into the grove. Once the fighting …

Old School TacticalVolume 3 Pacific

Scenario#: 5520     Date: 11/19/1943     Location: Bougainville Island, New Guinea

After landing in Empress Augusta Bay during Operation Cherry Blossom, the 3rd Marine Division ventures into the Bougainville Jungle. On November 19, the Marines reach River Piva and a crossroads where the Numa Numa trail meets the East-West one.…

Memoir '44Open de France 2009

Scenario#: P10     Date: November 19, 1943     Location: Bougainville Island, New Guinea

US forces continued to drive inland. They had to remove the threat of Japanese artillery which was still in range. Marines and tanks pushed through terrible terrain to drive out the enemy. After the initial surprise of the landings on …

Old School TacticalVolume 3 Pacific

Scenario#: H02     Date: November 20, 1943     Location: Betio Island, Tarawa

The Japanese had worked on fortifying Betio Island for almost a year before the Marines arrived. Rear Admiral Keiji Shibazaki boasted to his troops that it would take ”one million men one hundred years” to conquer Tarawa. As the Marines …

Old School TacticalHell Bent Pacific