Browse Items (321 total)

Civil War, Battle of Pea Ridge - Day 1.jpg

Civil War, 1862-07-31, The Peninsular Campaign and Stuarts Raid June 1862.jpg

Civil War, Henry and Donelson Campaign - Situation 27 February 1862.jpg

Civil War, Capture of Fort Donelson.jpg

Civil War, Henry and Donelson Campaign - Situation 14 February 1862.jpg

Civil War, Map of Roanoke Island showing Rebel Forts Prior to the Battle of Roanoke Island.jpg

Civil War, 1862-08-31, The Civil War in the Western Theater - Mississippi Operation February to August 1862.jpg

Civil War, 1862-03-31, New Mexico Campaign.jpg

Civil War, 1862-06-30, Kentucky and Tennessee Area of Operation January to June 1862.jpg

Civil War, 1862-06-30, Jackson's Valley Campaign and Intended Federal Trap May 1862.jpg

Civil War, Battle of Wilson's Creek.jpg

Civil War, Battle of Wilson's Creek 10 August 1861.jpg

Civil War, 1863-09-30, Missouri-Arkansas Campaign.jpg

Civil War, First Battle of Bull Run 21 July 1861 Situation 1730.jpg

Civil War, First Battle of Bull Run 21 July 1861 Situation 1600.jpg

Civil War, First Battle of Bull Run 21 July 1861 Situation 1530.jpg

Civil War, First Battle of Bull Run 21 July 1861 Situation 1500.jpg

Civil War, First Battle of Bull Run 21 July 1861 Situation 1430 - 1500.jpg

Civil War, First Battle of Bull Run 21 July 1861 Situation 1300.jpg

Civil War, First Battle of Bull Run 21 July 1861 Situation 1230.jpg

Civil War, First Battle of Bull Run 21 July 1861 Situation 1130.jpg

Civil War, First Battle of Bull Run 21 July 1861 Situation 1100.jpg

Civil War, First Battle of Bull Run 21 July 1861 Situation 0600.jpg

Civil War, Battle of First Bull Run - Situation 1400 21 July 1861.jpg

Civil War, Battle of Bull Run - Matthews Hill.jpg

Civil War, Battle of Bull Run - Matthews Hill 21 July 1861.jpg

Civil War, Battle of Bull Run - Henry Hill.jpg

Civil War, Battle of Bull Run - Henry Hill 21 July 1861.jpg

Civil War, First Bull Run Campaign - Situation 18 July 1861.jpg

Civil War, 1864-07-21, Battle of Bull Run.jpg

Civil War, 1864-07-21, Battle of Bull Run 16-21 July 1861.jpg

Civil War, First Battle of Bull Run - Order of Battle Mid-July 1861.jpg

Civil War, 1865-04-09, Civil War Along the Atlantic Coast.jpg

Civil War, 1865-04-09, Charleston and Vicinity Battles.jpg

Civil War, 1865-04-09, American Civil War - The War at Sea.jpg

Civil War, 1865-04-09, American Civil War - Principal Campaigns of the War.jpg

Civil War, Railroads of the Confederacy and the Border States.jpg

Scenario#: RB04     Date: August 31, 1864     Location: Jonesboro, Georgia

The Battle of Jonesborough (modern name Jonesboro) was fought August 31–September 1, 1864, during the Atlanta Campaign in the American Civil War. Two Union armies led by Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman maneuvered to draw the Army of Tennessee (led …

Battle Cry - Civil War

Scenario#: RB03     Date: March 28, 1862     Location: Glorieta, New Mexico

The battle was fought on March 26th to 28th, 1862 in New Mexico. It was also known as La Glorieta Pass. John P. Slough faces William R. Scurry.

Battle Cry - Civil War

Scenario#: RB02     Date: June 29, 1862     Location: White Oak Swamp Creek, Virginia

The battle was fought on June 29th, 1862 in Virginia. Edwin Sumner faces John Magruder.

Battle Cry - Civil War

Scenario#: RB01     Date: May 1-3, 1863     Location: Chancellorsville, Virginia

The battle was fought on May 1st to May 3rd, 1863 in Virginia. This scenario recreates the third day of battle. Joseph Hooker faces Robert E. Lee.

Battle Cry - Civil War

Scenario#: 30     Date: December 7, 1862     Location: Prairie Grove, Arkansas

The Battle opened on the morning of December 7, with Union Gen. Herron crossing the Illinois River and deploying his troops on Hindman's right. Herron opened an intense two-hour artillery barrage on the Confederate position. Herron then ordered an…

Battle Cry - Civil War

Scenario#: 29     Date: October 8, 1862     Location: Perryville, Kentucky

In 1862 Perryville was a town of just a few hundred residents. The rolling hills to the west and northwest were dotted with woods, farms, and a number of creeks, which fed the Chaplin River. However, because of a two-month …

Battle Cry - Civil War

Scenario#: 28     Date: September 1, 1862     Location: Ox Hill, Virginia

After the second battle of Bull Run, Lee sent Jackson on a wide flanking march to intercept the Union retreat, but Pope anticipated the turning movement and concentrated his units around the Germantown area. Pope ordered the Union Ninth Corps …

Battle Cry - Civil War

Scenario#: 27     Date: August 30, 1862     Location: Richmond, Kentucky

Gen. Edmund Kirby Smith, commander of the Confederate forces in midsummer 1862, undertook an offensive aimed at central Tennessee and Kentucky. Late on August 29 his advance guard encountered a Union force, near Richmond, Kentucky. At this point,…

Battle Cry - Civil War

Scenario#: 26     Date: June 25, 1862     Location: Oak Grove, Virginia

McClellan decided to resume the offensive after sitting passively for three and a half weeks following the stalemate at the Battle of Seven Pines. He planned to move his siege artillery closer to Richmond by taking the high ground on …

Battle Cry - Civil War

Scenario#: 25     Date: May 5, 1862     Location: Fort Magruder, Virginia

Williamsburg was the first large encounter between Union and Confederate forces during the Peninsula Campaign of 1862. While the Confederates had no intention of attempting to hold the Williamsburg line, poor roads on the Peninsula had slowed the…

Battle Cry - Civil War

Scenario#: 24     Date: February 17, 1862     Location: Little Sugar Creek, Arkansas

As Brig. Gen. Samuel R. Curtis's Union army advanced in January 1862, Sterling Price abandoned Springfield, determined to join forces with Benjamin McCulloch in Arkansas. Marching south along the Telegraph Road, the Missouri State Guard conducted a…

Battle Cry - Civil War

Scenario#: 23     Date: February 15, 1862     Location: Fort Donelson, Tennessee

After the fall of Fort Henry, Grant marched on Fort Donelson and had almost completed encircling the Fort when the Confederate commanders realized, if they didn't move quickly, they would be cut off. During the night, they massed their troops …

Battle Cry - Civil War

Scenario#: 22     Date: December 20, 1861     Location: Dranesville, Virginia

Both armies went into winter quarters following the Battle of Ball's Bluff. On December 20, Gen. J. E. B. Stuart, with a mixed brigade, set out north from his position near Centerville to escort the army's wagon trains on a …

Battle Cry - Civil War