Browse Items (334 total)

Scenario#: J052     Date: 7/10/1943     Location: Komsomolets State Farm, Russia

Scenario 1/3 of Broadway to Prokhorovka campaign (page 60 of Journal 3).Both sides chooses their OBs from available groups. The unit list below lists everything available, but the players only get to use about half of them.

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #3

Scenario#: J051     Date: 7/12/1943     Location: Canicatti, Sicily

CCA was ordered to secure Canicatti. A small Italian contingent remained in Canicatti and the 15th Panzergrenadier Division was digging in on the high ground to the north.

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #3

Scenario#: J050     Date: 4/29/1943     Location: Hill 107, Tunisia

The Germans were defending Hill 107, a key piece of terrain that denied the Allies a direct route to Tunis. The 2nd Royal Fusiliers were assigned to the task to take the hill. At 0600 on the morning of April 29, 1943, the Fusiliers attacked,…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #3

Scenario#: J023     Date: 7/28/1943     Location: Kusmenkovo, Russia

In response to the increasing pressure of the Soviet offensive to take Karachev and sever the rail link between Briansk and Orel, Panzer Division Grossdeutschland was shifted to the region northwest of Orel. To foil the Soviet plans, the division was…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #2

Scenario#: J020     Date: 7/11/1943     Location: Naro, Sicily

The attack on Sicily was underway and U.S. forces had broken out from the Gela Beachhead. After capturing Naro on 11 July, recon elements were ordered to move toward Canicatti.

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #2

Scenario#: J188     Date: 8/20/1943     Location: Kalupnovka, Ukraine

In the aftermath of Operation CITADEL, Soviet attacks in the Ukraine followed the usual pattern: masses of med and machines thrown at the lines of Panzerkorps III, only to be thrown back by German counterattacks. However each time the new front line…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #12

Scenario#: J168     Date: 8/8/1943     Location: Kuban, Crimea

Amid the brutal Crimea battles of 1943-44, Ekaterina Mikhailova managed to enlist at the tender age of 15. Affectionately called Katyusha by the troops, she was admired even by the enemy. She safely took water for her injured friends from a contested…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #11

Scenario#: A112     Date: 2/20/1943     Location: Kasserine Pass, Tunisia

Rommel's army had crushed the defenses in Kasserine Pass. "Gore Force", a British company of infantry, ten tanks, some six-pounder AT guns, and a battery of artillery, had been sent forward as a reserve unit but as they arrived all the traffic was…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 97

Scenario#: A099     Date: 10/5/1943     Location: Compobasso, Italy

As the British XIII Corps advanced up the eastern half of the Italian peninsula past Foggia, it was opposed only by small numbers of German fallschirmjager conducting delaying actions. One such group of paratroopers, holding a blocking position…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 96

Scenario#: A057     Date: 5/29/1943     Location: Chichagof Harbor, Alaska

The Japanese force on Attu was facing obliteration. A banzai counterattack during the night caught the Americans literally asleep. Hearing the gunfire, the divisional engineer battalion set up a hasty defensive line in the dark. Cooks and drivers,…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 93a

Scenario#: A056     Date: 3/16/1943     Location: Mareth, Tunisia

Before the 8th Army could launch its assault on the Mareth Line, it had to clear the Axis outposts between the Wadi Zeuss and the Wadi Zigzaou. One of these, held by veterans of the 90th Light Division, encompassed a group of small hills…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 93a

Scenario#: A051     Date: 7/12/1943     Location: Prokhorovka, Russia

Hundreds of AFVs were compressed into a corridor bordered by the Psel River on one side and the Belgorod-Kursk railway embankment on the other. The ensuing struggle raged for eight hours, punctuated by four major armored clashes. One such came about…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 93a

Scenario#: A048     Date: 6/27/1943     Location: Leskovik, Albania

ELAS had learned that the German 1st Mountain Division was moving from Serbia to Greece, with its route passing through the village of Leskovic high in the mountains along the Greek-Albanian frontier. The commander of ELAS decided to use the village…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 92

Scenario#: AD08     Date: 7/10/1943     Location: Gela, Sicily

By dawn of D-Day, Force X consisting of the 1st and 4th Ranger Battalions along with attached combat engineers, were were fighting for possession of Gela. By 0830 hours they had taken the burning town, along with some 200 Italian prisoners, and were…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 91

Scenario#: A020     Date: 2/15/1943     Location: Sidi Bou Zid, Tunisia

Kampfgruppe Schütte and Kampfgruppe Stenckhoff of the 21st Panzer Division had secured the Maizila Pass to the south and Kampfgruppe Schütte headed north to engage two battalions of the 168th RCT on Djebel Ksaira while Kampfgruppe Stenckhoff headed…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 90

Scenario#: A018     Date: 2/17/1943     Location: Sbeitla, Tunisia

During the night of February 16th, as battered elements of the 1st Armored Division fell back westward under the onslaught of Operation Fruehlingswind, they met with reinforcements and set up a temporary defensive line in the olive groves and wadis…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 90

Scenario#: A013     Date: 8/8/1943     Location: Cesaro, Sicily

At first light, 2nd Battalion of the 47th Infantry Regiment stepped off to seize the next group of hills and, if possible, the village of Cesaro itself. Pushing through the scrub and low hills northwest of Cesaro, Company A quickly reached the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 90

Scenario#: A005     Date: 9/11/1943     Location: Naro, Italy

To accompany the 142nd's push to Altaville, the U.S. 179th Regimental Combat Team had been ordered to advance to Ponte Sele up the corridor of the Serre Valley. All night their drive continued and dawn saw the weary GIs of the 1st and 3rd Battalions…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 89

Scenario#: A004     Date: 9/9/1943     Location: Paestum, Italy

At one minute past midnight, loud speakers on the Allied transports called the boat teams to their stations. Before them lay the beaches of Salerno. The 141st and 142nd Infantry regiments of the U.S. 36th Division would be first ashore, in six waves…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 89

Scenario#: AP078     Date: 9/22/1943     Location: Acerno, Italy

Acerno was a mountain village astride a tortuous and winding stretch of road leading north from Battipaglia. The road was one of two that connected the beachhead with Highway 7—the main highway to Rome. On 22 September, elements of the US 3rd “Rock…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #8 Roads Through Rome

Scenario#: AP077     Date: 9/13/1943     Location: Persano, Italy

To fulfill General Dawley's request to close the gap between the Sele-Calore Rivers, General Walker sent his divisional reserve to plug the hole. The 2nd Battalion, 143rd Infantry Regiment was deployed to cover the frontage with the company's HQ in…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #8 Roads Through Rome

Scenario#: AP076     Date: 9/13/1943     Location: Persano, Italy

During the afternoon, two German battle groups, the Kampfgruppe ‘Kleine Limburg’ and Kampfgruppe ‘Krüger’, had attacked Persano to the north-west and overrun the 1/157th Infantry before crossing the Sele river to fall on the 2/143rd Infantry and…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #8 Roads Through Rome

Scenario#: AP075     Date: 9/12/1943     Location: Altavilla, Italy

The barely tested “T-Patchers” of the US 36th (Texan) Infantry Division were tasked with taking the hilltop village of Altavilla and the hill to the northeast beyond the village, labeled Hill 424 on their maps. The Texans met little resistance…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #8 Roads Through Rome

Scenario#: AP074     Date: 9/10/1943     Location: Battipaglia, Italy

Landing at 0330 a mile from the mouth of the Tusciano River, the 9th Royal Fusiliers were under fire from the moment they disembarked onto Roger Beach. Their objective was a small village at the base of a tall hill that was six miles distant. This…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #8 Roads Through Rome

Scenario#: AP068     Date: 10/12/1943     Location: Finisterre Range, New Guinea

The campaign to push the Japanese out of New Guinea moved into the Markham and Ramu Valleys in 1943. The Australian 7th Division was tasked with the job of clearing these two strategic areas. As the 21st Brigade battled for high ground to the west,…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #7

Scenario#: AP067     Date: 8/3/1943     Location: Centuripe, Sicily

As the Allied armies advanced across Sicily toward Messina, they had to overcome the defenses of a series of well defended towns. Centuripe, or “Cherry Ripe” as it was known by British troops, was the lynchpin of the so-called Etna Line. This town…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #7

Scenario#: AP066     Date: 7/5/1943     Location: Cherkasskoye, Russia

The German summer offensive know as CITADEL came as no surprise to STAVKA. Several layers of defensive networks had been prepared. Given the nature of the terrain in central Russia, any large armored thrusts would encounter chokepoints near strategic…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #7

Scenario#: AP065     Date: 3/13/1943     Location: Baw Village, Burma

For weeks the “Chindits” of the 77th Indian Infantry Brigade had been marching, living off the jungle, and harassing the Japanese wherever they were found. Major Mike Calvert's 3 Column had tried unsuccessfully to find a suitable site for an air…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #7

Scenario#: AP060     Date: 2/10/1943     Location: Nishne-Gnilovskaya, Russia

When Red Army elements crossed the Don River in early February just west of Rostov and established a bridgehead, the 503rd Heavy Tank Battalion was part of the force tasked to eliminate the threat. A force of six Tigers and then Pz IIIs, with…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #6 A Decade of War

Scenario#: AP048     Date: 7/14/1943     Location: Werchopenje, Russia

The battle of Kursk had largely climaxed, with formations neighboring the “Grossdeutschland” Division being driven into defensive modes. Following one day of rest and replenishment, in the midst of preparing to once again drive north, the neighboring…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #5 East Front

Scenario#: AP047     Date: 7/12/1943     Location: Storozhevoe, Russia

Although the German spearhead had been blunted at Prokhorovka, the thrusts of SS-Panzerkorps II would continue to push forward for another day. However, General Rotmistov was now gaining the initiative, and the armored battles would be under…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #5 East Front

Scenario#: AP046     Date: 3/20/1943     Location: Taranovka, Russia

As Manstein delivered the “back-hand blow” to Soviet forces at Kharkov, the Red Army was beginning to develop tactics on par with their German counterparts. With the huge victory at Stalingrad to build upon, propaganda switched from politics to…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #5 East Front

Scenario#: AP028     Date: 9/9/1943     Location: Monterotondo, Italy

After the Italians announced an armistice with the Allies, the Germans put into place plans to capture Rome and disarm the Italians. As part of these operations, a battalion of German paratroops, led by Major Walter Gericke, was tasked with dropping…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #3 Few Returned

Scenario#: AP027     Date: 9/9/1943     Location: Magliana, Italy

After the Italians announced an armistice with the Allies, the Germans put into place plans to capture Rome and disarm the Italians. That evening, German paratroopers headed towards Rome, encountering resistance from the Granatieri di Sardegna…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #3 Few Returned

Scenario#: AP026     Date: 9/8/1943     Location: Mezzocamino, Italy

Much to the dismay of the Italians, on the afternoon of September 8, 1943, General Eisenhower made public the armistice between the Allies and the Italian government. The Italians had been playing a dangerous balancing act between the Germans and…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #3 Few Returned

Scenario#: AP025     Date: 1/27/1943     Location: Valuiki, Russia

While the Tridentina led the vanguard of the Alpini Corps’ attempts to break out of the Russian encirclement, the Cuneense Division served as the rear guard, repeatedly fighting off Soviet pursuers so that the main body could press on to the west and…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #3 Few Returned

Scenario#: AP024     Date: 1/26/1943     Location: Nikolajewka, Russia

The Tridentina Division led the survivors of the Italian 8th Army westwards toward safety, but one obstale remained – the town of Nikolajewka. Astride the Rostov-Moscow railroad, the town was in Russian hands and strongly held. General Luigi…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #3 Few Returned

Scenario#: AP023     Date: 1/24/1943     Location: Arnautovo, Russia

Russian troops launched a surprise sortie against the village of Arnautovo which was held by the Italian Valchiese Battalion of the 6th Alpini Regiment and some divisional artillery. To add to the dismay of the Italian defenders, they were also beset…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #3 Few Returned

Scenario#: AP022     Date: 1/22/1943     Location: Sceljakino, Russia

The retreating Alpini Corps trudged westward through the snow. Cresting the low hills dominating the town of Sceljakino, on the route of the Italian retreat, the lead troops encountered heavy gyunfire from Soviet troops in the town below. To keep an…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #3 Few Returned

Scenario#: AP021     Date: 1/16/1943     Location: Babka, Russia

Day after day in mid-January, the Soviets launched repeated attacks against the Italians of the Cuneense, Julia, and Tridentina divisions. Often the attacks never even made it across the frozen Don River to the fortified positions. On January 16th,…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #3 Few Returned

Scenario#: AP020     Date: 1/15/1943     Location: Rossosch, Russia

Trying to escape its encirclement, the Alpini Corps constantly had to fight off blocking forces of Russian indantry and raiding partisans, as well as raiding armored forces. On January 15th, the most dangerous raid of all occurred, when tanks and…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #3 Few Returned

Scenario#: AP019     Date: 1/4/1943     Location: Chertkovo, Russia

After Christmas, the retreating Gruppo Nord finally made it to the town of Chertkovo, where an Italo-German garrison took them in and provided them much needed fuel and supplies. However, Gruppe Nord was in no condition to continue. They waited for…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #3 Few Returned

Scenario#: AP016     Date: 7/21/1943     Location: Alimena, Sicily

While the Axis forces slowly fell back towards Messina, the Big Red One kept up the pressure through the difficult terrain of central Sicily. The opposing Italians were fighting on native soil now, but their leadership hadn’t improved. As Gruppo…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #2

Scenario#: AP010     Date: 1/15/1943     Location: Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands

With the Army’s 25th Division at its side, the 2nd Marine Division began the drive to clear Guadalcanal of its last defenders. An armor-supported drive along the coast failed to break through, while the 8th Marines encountered heavy resistance along…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #2

Scenario#: AP168     Date: 12/30/1943     Location: Razorback Ridge, New Britain

Colonel William J. “Wild Bill" Whaling's 1st Marines hadjust captured the airfield at Cape Gloucester, located to the west of the New Britain landing sites. The residual elements of the Japanese defense, led by Colonel Koki Sumiya's 53rd lnfantry…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #16 From The Land Down Under

Scenario#: AP167     Date: 1/30/1943     Location: Wau, New Guinea

The Japanese offensive at the strategic location of Wau had been slowed through a rearguard effort at the nearby village of Wandumi. Once a Japanese regimental battle group, the Okabe Detachment, had finally amassed at Wau, they attempted to capture…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #16 From The Land Down Under

Scenario#: AP166     Date: 1/28/1943     Location: Wandumi, New Guinea

In early January, the bitterly fought Buna-Gona campaign on the eastern coast of New Guinea was concluding. Further up the coastline, 4,000 Japanese troops of the veteran Slst Division landed in Salamaua, near Lac, and proceeded into the hinterland…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #16 From The Land Down Under

Scenario#: AP095     Date: 7/19/1943     Location: Otrada, Russia

Although Soviet counterblows after CITADEL were both swift and potent, they had not come as much of a surprise to the Germans. Feldmarschall Walter Model had kept all of Panzer-Armee 2 in reserve to help protect the operation’s northern pincer. On…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #10

Scenario#: AP094     Date: 3/12/1943     Location: Graiworon, Russia

Following the disastrous loss of Stalingrad, German High Command faced another threat in northern Russia. After Russian breakthroughs at several points on the Don River, the Germans were in danger of losing three Heeresgruppes – in total, more men…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #10

Scenario#: AP006     Date: 7/11/1943     Location: Gela, Sicily

On July 10th, the Allies landed in Sicily — theAmerican VII Corps in the Licata and Gela area and the British at Pozzalo, eastof Syracuse. In Gela, Darby’s Rangers successfully fought off a counterattack by the 10-ton French tanks of Gruppo Mobile…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #1