Browse Items (4388 total)

World War II - Mediterranean Theater, 1945-04-20, Northern Italy - Allied Plan of Attack 1 April and Situation 20 April 1945.jpg

World War II - Pacific Theater, 1945-04-08, Southern Okinwa - 10th Army Operations - Operation Iceberg 1-8 April 1945.jpg

World War II - Pacific Theater, 1945-04-03, Okinawa - 10th Army Advance 1-3 April 1945.jpg

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1945-04-01

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

Scenario#: A074     Date: 4/1/1945     Location: Central, Hungary

In late March of 1945, Sepp Dietrich launched his well-blooded 6th SS Panzer Armee against Tolbuhkin's Third Ukrainian Army. No sooner had Dietrich begun his attack than Tolbuhkin trumped him with an even greater offensive. In the ensuing melee, the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 95 Winter

Contents: Breakneck Ridge-A Lesson in Jap Defensive Tactics , A Short History of Japanese Military Rifles , A Jap Report on U.S. Tactics , Japanese Development of Rocket Weapons , More Notes on Booby Traps and Firing Devices , Recent Minefield…

Military Intelligence 3-08 Intelligence Bulletin Vol 3 Issue 8.pdf

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1945-03-31

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

World War II - Pacific Theater, Okinwa - Ryukyus Islands - Japanese 32nd Army Defensive Dispositions 1 April 1945.jpg

World War II - Pacific Theater, Okinawa - Japanese Defensives Positions 1 April 1945.jpg

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1945-03-30

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

Scenario#: U46     Date: 3/30/1945     Location: Ruhr, Germany

As the 12th Army wheeled its way north under overcast skies to join the 9th Army in encircling the Ruhr, they drew upon the 3rd Armored Division to lead the way. A task force built around a medium tank battalion which included a few of the new…

Advanced Squad LeaderRivers to the Reich

Scenario#: J100     Date: 3/30/1945     Location: Menden, Germany

As March 30th dawned, the U.S. 5th Infantry Division and the 3rd Armored Division advanced on the village of Menden in an effort to seal the encirclement of the Ruhr pocket. In front of the village, the 737th Tank Battalion found itself engaged by…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #6

Scenario#: 47     Date: 30-Mar-45     Location: Ruhr, Germany

As the 12th Army wheeled its way north under overcast skies to join the 9th Army in encircling the Ruhr, they drew upon the 3rd Armored Division to lead the way. A task force built around a medium tank battalion …

Squad LeaderGI: Anvil of Victory

World War II - Western Front, 1945-04-04, Germany - Encirclement of the Ruhr - Operations 29 March to 4 April 1945.jpg

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1945-03-29

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

World War II - Western Front, 1945-04-01, Encircling the Ruhr 28 March to 1 April 1945.jpg

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1945-03-28

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

Scenario#: W99     Date: 28-Mar-45     Location: Dorsten, Germany

In an attempt to speed the Allied advance General Simpson's U.S. Ninth Army HQ appealed to the British Second Army commander, General Dempsey, for armored reinforcement of XVIII Airborne Corps. General Depsey was able to assign the crack Sixth Guards…

Squad LeaderWargamers Pack 2

World War II - Pacific Theater, 1945-05-26, Philippines - The Seizure of Wawa Dam 27 March to 26 May 1945.jpg

World War II - Western Front, 1945-04-24, 6th Army Group Offensive 27 March to 24 April 1945.jpg

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1945-03-27

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

Scenario#: OA11     Date: 3/27/1945     Location: Bergen, Germany

After crossing the Rhine, most actions consisted of mopping up pockets of scattered and demoralized Germans. One such pocket was the village of Bergen, held by the 117th Replacement Panzergrenadier Battalion. A troop of Churchill Crocodile…

Advanced Squad LeaderOut of the Attic

Scenario#: BOF21     Date: 3/27/1945     Location: Gdansk, Poland

Before the outbreak of the war, some French groups questioned why France would go to war with Germany over Poland and "die for Danzig". However, any French reluctance to fight did not prevent the outbreak of the war. In March 1945 the front lines ran…

Advanced Squad LeaderBest of Friends 2

World War II - Pacific Theater, 1945-04-18, Philippines - Clearing the Cebu City Area - Americal Division 26 March to 18 April 1945.jpg

World War II - Pacific Theater, 1945-03-29, Kerama Islands - 77th Division Invasion 26-29 March 1945.jpg

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1945-03-26, Sixth Army Group crosses the Rhine

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

Scenario#: WO11     Date: 3/26/1945     Location: Loikum, Germany

Early on the second day of Operation PLUNDER, units of 15th (Scottish) Division crossed the unfinished Autobahn to their front. Resistance from scattered German units was light, so a recon section of two armored cars was sent to scout the Royal Scots…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2013

Scenario#: J178     Date: 3/26/1945     Location: Gahlen, Germany

For the American 30th Infantry Division, Operation PLUNDER commenced on 24 March with a relatively quiet crossing of the Rhine. The division’s first main objective, the village of Spellen, was quickly taken by two of its regiments which attacked the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #11

Scenario#: W98     Date: 26-Mar-45     Location: Kirchhellen, Germany

After dispersing an attack by the Wehrmacht 116th Panzer Division, the American infantrymen of 120th Regiment were able to advance to positions near Kirchhellen Airfield. The Gls watched helplessly as the airfield's powerful flak guns, mounted high…

Squad LeaderWargamers Pack 2

Scenario#: 31-6     Date: March 26-28, 1945     Location: Hammelburg, Germany

Elements of 37th Tank Battalion and the 10th Armored lnfanry are sent 60 miles behind enemy lines to rescue an expected 300 Allied officers held as prisoners of war.

Panzer (AH/MMP)The General #31.6

World War II - Western Front, 1945-03-27, Foray to Hammelburg 25-27 March 1945.jpg

Scenario#: W14     Date: 1945-03-25     Location: Oppenheim, Germany

Following the Rhine crossing at Oppenheim by the American Third Army, confused fighting developed between Dannstadt and the Main River as retreating and defending German units mixed with the American armored spearheads. Most opposition was quickly…

Tank LeaderWestern Front

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1945-03-25

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

Scenario#: J160     Date: 3/25/1945     Location: Bienen, Germany

The only axis of attack available to the Canadian 3rd Infantry Division was through the villages of Speldrop and Bienen. Speldrop was taken by the end of 24 March but at a high cost in both men and material, providing a taste of things to come. The…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #10

World War II - Western Front, 1945-03-28, Rhine Crossings in the North 24-28 March 1945.jpg

World War II - Western Front, 1945-03-28, Breakout from Remagen 24-28 March 1945.jpg

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1945-03-24, Start of Operation Varsity.

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

Scenario#: O     Date: 3/24/1945     Location: Saint Goar, Germany

Germany’s army was beaten. The Rhine River had been crossed at Remagen and elsewhere. As more and more of the Allied forces closed in on the Rhine, there was a growing tendency to simply take it “on the run” rather than shift to an existing…

Advanced Squad LeaderThe General #26.1

Scenario#: U45     Date: 3/24/1945     Location: Speldrop, Germany

During the night of 23 March, the Allied 21st Army Group began the long-awaited Rhine crossing. The first division to cross was the British 51st Highland Division mounted in Buffaloes of the 4th Royal Tank and Northamptonshire Yeomanry of the special…

Advanced Squad LeaderRivers to the Reich

Scenario#: U44     Date: 3/24/1945     Location: Hamminkeln, Germany

The airborne phase of the Allies' Northern Rhine crossing was to be the last airborne assault of the war. Artillery units and fighter-bombers pounded the German gun positions in the vicinity of the drop zones so severely that the first wave of…

Advanced Squad LeaderRivers to the Reich

Scenario#: J027     Date: 3/24/1945     Location: Heiligenbeil, East Prussia

In February, seven Soviet Armies eneirclcd the German 4th Army, which included the Hermann Góring Parachute Panzer Corps, in the Heiligenbeil Pocket. The pocket contained 120,000 combat and 30,000 support troops, which could now only be supplied by…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #2

Scenario#: J193     Date: 3/24/1945     Location: Diersfordt, Germany

Lead elements of the 507th PIR crossed the river Rhine at around 0950 and made the first combat jump in the history of the 17th Airborne Division. Colonel Edson Raff gathered his staff and available men after landing. It took some time before he…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #12

Scenario#: J177     Date: 3/24/1945     Location: Hamminkeln Station, Germany

Though neither wide nor deep, the Issel stream had steep banks which formed a natural tank barrier, a fact which caused major concern among the Allied command. The seizure of every intact bridge over the Issel was considered vital to the success of…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #11

Scenario#: 201     Date: 3/24/1945     Location: Hamminkeln, Germany

“Operation Varsity”, the airborne phase of the Allies’ northern Rhine crossing, was to be the last airborne assault of the war. The 17th Airborne Division’s first regiment to drop had little problem from ground fire, arriving so close behind the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 3a Yanks (2nd Edition)

Scenario#: I     Date: 24-Mar-45     Location: Rhine River, Germany

"Operation Varsity," the airborne phase of the Allies' Northern Rhine crossing, was to be the last airborne assault of the war. Artillery units and fighter-bombers pounded the German gun positions in the vicinity of the drop zones lifting just prior…

Squad LeaderThe General #17.2

Scenario#: 46     Date: 24-Mar-45     Location: Hamminkeln, Germany

The airborne phase of the Allies' Northern Rhine crossing was to be the last airborne assault of the war. Artillery units and fighter-bombers pounded the German gun positions in the vicinity of the drop zones so severely that the first …

Squad LeaderGI: Anvil of Victory

Scenario#: 42     Date: 24-Mar-45     Location: Speldrop, Germany

During the night of March 23rd, the Allied 21st Army Group began the long awaited Rhine crossing. The first division to cross was the British 51 st Highland Division mounted in Buffaloes of the 4th Royal Tanks and Northamptonshire Yeomanry …

Squad LeaderGI: Anvil of Victory

Scenario#: 11     Date: 24-Mar-45     Location: St Goar, Germany

Germany's army was beaten. The Rhine had been crossed at Remagen and elsewhere. As more and more of the Allies closed in on the Rhine, there was a growing tendency to simply take it "o n the run" rather than …

Squad LeaderSquad Leader

Scenario#: PD05     Date: March 24, 1945     Location: Remagen, Germany

The Germans threw everything that they had at the Remagen bridgehead. The Arado Ar234 Blitz jet bomber, massive artillery barrages, V2 rockets (their only tactical use in WW2), and frogmen. However, a well-coordinated, crushing ground assault never…

Old School TacticalPhantom Division

Scenario#: 103     Date: 24-Mar-45     Location: Diersfordt, Germany

As Field Marshal Montgomery prepares his 21st Army for the crossing of the Rhine, Operation Varsity, the largest airborne assault of the war, is launched by the US 17th Airborne and the British 6th Airborne Divisions. The parachute assault’s aim …

Combat CommanderC3I Magazine #19