Browse Items (1343 total)

Scenario#: AP030     Date: 6/7/1944     Location: Sainte-Mère-Eglise, France

American forces dropped from the skies on June 6th were finally consolidating and receiving reinforcements and supplies. Commander of 7th Corps, General “Lightning Joe” Collins, came ashore to plant his flag on French soil. Stopping at a tank park,…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #4 Normandy 1944

Scenario#: AP031     Date: 6/11/1944     Location: Cristot, France

The brigadiers commanding 69th Infantry and the supporting 8th Armoured Brigades had accompanied B Squadron of the Dragoons Guards up Hill 102, south of Cristot. Opposition was light, but infantry would be needed to secure the position. The Green…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #4 Normandy 1944

Scenario#: AP032     Date: 6/13/1944     Location: Caumont L'Evente, France

On June 12th, to expand the Omaha Beach foothold, the 18th and 26th Infantry Regiments of the “Big Red One” launched a morning attack in the direction of Caumont. Initial progress was swift and the village of Sallen, 3km north of the objective, fell…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #4 Normandy 1944

Scenario#: AP033     Date: 6/16/1944     Location: Cristot, France

Having briefly taken Hill 102, the British were determined to get it back, and this time to hold it. Once again, the starting point was Hill 103, south of Audrieu, and the attack would go in eastwards towards Hill 102 and the ruins of Cristot. This…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #4 Normandy 1944

Scenario#: AP034     Date: 6/17/1944     Location: Trevieres, France

After ten days of heavy fighting in the close country, the Germans still held the Villers-Fossard salient, the tip of which extended to within four miles of Omaha Beach. Time and time again American infantry assaulted the German lines, but somehow…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #4 Normandy 1944

Scenario#: AP035     Date: 7/11/1944     Location: St. Jean-de-Daye, France

Among German reinforcements torn from the British front to oppose the American bridgehead over the Vire River was the redoubtable Panzer-Lehr Division. While preparing their own attack, the American 9th Division picked up radio signals from Lehr, but…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #4 Normandy 1944

Scenario#: AP036     Date: 7/31/1944     Location: Torigni-sur-Vire, France

Fearing for his left flank, the boundary with the British, General Gerow had kept his V Corps advance on a tight rein. But the success of the British BLUECOAT offensive and weakening German resistance persuaded him to change his policy to an all-out…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #4 Normandy 1944

Scenario#: AP037     Date: 8/4/1944     Location: St. Sever-Calvados, France

At about 0930 on 4 August, Col. Paul Disney’s 67th Armored Regiment passed through St. Sever Calvados onto a major road leading to Vire. Running parallel to the road was the forest of St. Sever with groves of fruit trees along the fringes. After…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #4 Normandy 1944

Scenario#: AP038     Date: 8/4/1944     Location: Burcy, France

In support of the American COBRA offensive, the British launched Operation BLUECOAT on 30 July. Within days, combined-arms columns had penetrated over fifteen miles into the German line south of Caumont, threatening the pivotal town of Vire. Yet this…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #4 Normandy 1944

Scenario#: AP039     Date: 8/7/1944     Location: Mortain, France

The Germans did not expect to encounter much resistance in the town of Mortain. The Big Red One was being replaced in the line by the 30th Infantry Division, a proud unit with a rich heritage originally from the North Carolina National Guard. The…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #4 Normandy 1944

Scenario#: AP040     Date: 8/20/1944     Location: Mont Ormel, France

Elements of the 1st Polish Armoured Division had accidentally arrived in the gap through which the remnants of the German armies in Normandy were struggling to escape the “Falaise Pocket”. Atop the twin 262-meter peaks of Mont Ormel, which they…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #4 Normandy 1944

Scenario#: AP053     Date: 12/18/1936     Location: Boadilla del Monte, Spain

The Nationalists' offensive started with a heavy artillery bombardment on the 14 December and Franco's troops occupied the town of Boadilla del Monte. As a countermeasure, the Republicans sent a detachment of Russian tanks led by General Pavlov and…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #6 A Decade of War

Scenario#: AP057     Date: 5/14/1940     Location: Chémery, France

Responding to a German bridgehead over the river near Sedan, the French ordered two tank battalions to join two reserve infantry regiments for possible action. Unfortunately it took them all night to reach their assigned positions. The attack order…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #6 A Decade of War

Scenario#: AP061     Date: 12/19/1944     Location: Noville, Belgium

Early on the morning of 19 December, near Noville in a dense fog, advance units of the 2nd Panzer Division stumbled into elements of Combat Command B of the 10th Armored Division. After several probes, the Germans deployed to attack. As the moved out…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #6 A Decade of War

Scenario#: AP071     Date: 9/10/1944     Location: Dornot , France

The American XXth Corps’ advance through central France brought it to the banks of the Moselle River in early September, and the 5th Infantry Division’s 11th Infantry Regiment forced a crossing of the river in the rain at Dornot on September 8. In…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #7

Scenario#: AP072     Date: 11/29/1944     Location: St. Barbara, Germany

The American 95th Infantry Division, upon being relieved from its position at Metz, was tasked with making the first crossing of the Saar River. From 25-28 November, the division made headway against the German defense which, though thin spread, was…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #7

Scenario#: AD02     Date: 12/6/1944     Location: Singling, France

For nearly a month the U.S. 4th Armored Division had been fighting in difficult terrain to clear Lorraine. On December 6th in an attempt to take Bining and Rohrbach and reach the River Sarre and the German border, Lt. Colonel Creighton Abrams’ tank…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 89

Scenario#: A006     Date: 6/8/1944     Location: Cressensac, France

At dawn, under orders that brooked no delay, the vehicles of the 2nd SS-Panzer Division lurched forward, beginning the eventful trek north towards the Allied beachheads at Normandy. At Montauban, the 4th SS-Panzergrenadier Regiment was to meet up…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 89

Scenario#: A009     Date: 9/15/1944     Location: Uttfeld, Germany

Company F of the 110th Infantry Regiment cleared out a small grouping of Siegfried Line pillboxes in the late afternoon of September 14th. The weary men settled down around the pitted and scarred pillboxes, hoping to spend a quiet night. But just…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 89

Scenario#: AD01     Date: 6/8/1944     Location: Tulle, France

With the arrival of the Allies in Normandy, many in France believed their liberation would follow within weeks if not days. The Communist FTP partisans believed that they would now have to take matters into their own hands or see their power in the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 89

Scenario#: A4     Date: 26-Nov-44     Location: Frenzenberg, Germany

The Americans continued to forge deeper into Germany, the infantry often reduced to providing support for the armored hammering of the heartland of the enemy. On this day, the town of Frenzenberg was designated as the objective for the 47th …

Squad LeaderASL Annual 90

Scenario#: A6     Date: 26-Dec-44     Location: Hofen, Belgium

In early December, the U.S. 47th Infantry Regiment was moved back to " Camp Elsenbom" for refit and final training of a large replacement cadre. But training and reorganization were still incomplete when the storm struck; on the afternoon of …

Squad LeaderASL Annual 90

Scenario#: A023     Date: 3/26/1944     Location: Plateau Glieres, France

Information reached Britain and America that a great and glorious uprising had taken place in south east France. Glières had become an important element in the psychological warfare. To honour the French Resistance, the new leader, Captain Anjot, an…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 90

Scenario#: A025     Date: 1/20/1945     Location: Saint Joost, Holland

Operation Blackcock's plan was for 12th Corps to clear the German 176th and 183rd Infantry Divisions, well dug in with anti-tank guns, from a triangle formed by the rivers Roer, Wurm and Maas. The Division was on the left bank with 131st Brigade…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 90

Scenario#: A027     Date: 11/26/1944     Location: Weisweiler, Germany

Penetrating the outskirts of Weisweiler, the GIs of "King" Company suddenly encountered devastating fire from the feudal castle which dominated the "old town". Frenzenberg Castle, a landmark of the region, was being held by the young troops of the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 91

Scenario#: A029     Date: 12/26/1944     Location: Monschau, Belgium

During the Battle of the Bulge, the U.S. 47th Infantry Regiment was trucked to the vicinity of Eupen and assigned the role of preventing an enemy penetration past the lines held by the 38th Cavalry Squadron. Defensive positions were established along…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 91

Scenario#: A034     Date: 9/19/1944     Location: Kaunas, Holland

101st Airborne forces holding "Hell's Highway" were in an intense battle with German forces when a crippled British Sherman tank, which had dropped out of column due to mechanical issues, came charging in -- at five miles per hour. Afterward, when…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 91

Scenario#: A036     Date: 9/22/1944     Location: Uden, Holland

On the morning of 22 September, the U.S. 327th Glider Regiment’s 3rd Battalion was just moving into Veghel. Behind them came in the 1st Battalion Anti-Tank Platoon. Colonel Joseph Harper gave both his formations orders to push up the highway toward…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 91

Scenario#: A065     Date: 5/13/1940     Location: Houx, Belgium

The River Meuse was the last major natural obstacle preventing an armored breakout from the Ardennes. It was imperative for the Germans that a number of viable crossings be established before the Allies could re-group. One of three such crossings on…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 93b

Scenario#: AD12     Date: 16486     Location: Thomashof, Holland

On the morning of the 17th of February, as the 6th Black Watch and the 1st Gordon Highlanders approached the hamlet of Thomashof, the lead company of the Black Watch was pinned down by fire from a fortified farm complex, consisting of a large house…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 93b

Scenario#: A075     Date: 9/21/1944     Location: Nijmegen, Holland

The American hold on the Nijmegen Bridge was tenuous and the Germans were determined to retake or destroy it. Reinforced by the remnants of the 9th SS Panzer Reconnaissance Battalion, the Germans launched a series of violent counterattacks on the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 95 Winter

Scenario#: A076     Date: 6/6/1944     Location: Cauquigny, France

Scattered in farms and villages along thirty miles of coast, the German 709th Infantry Division had been awaiting the invasion for one year. On the night of June 5-6, the 82nd Airborne dropped into the midst of the 709th. The mission of the 82nd was…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 95 Winter

Scenario#: A077     Date: 6/7/1944     Location: Saint-Come-du-Mont, France

After their initial drop into the bocage country behind the invasion beaches, the 2nd Battalion of the 501st Parachute Regiment discovered that their regiment objective of St. Come-du-Mont would not fall as easily as expected. The village was…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 95 Winter

Scenario#: A078     Date: 7/7/1944     Location: Saint-Jean-de-Daye, France

The German resistance had thus far frustrated all Allied attempts to break out of the Cotentin peninsula. Eisenhower now tried shifting the pressure from the British sector in the east to the American sector in the west. The plan called for a…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 95 Winter

Scenario#: A079     Date: 6/6/1944     Location: Courseulles-sur-Mere, France

The port of Courseulles-sur-Mer was a German strongpoint, known to contain numerous AT guns and MG nests. The task of neutralizing these installations was given to the Canadian 7th Brigade and the hardpoints west of the River Seulles were detailed to…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 95 Winter

Scenario#: A100     Date: 11/19/1944     Location: Tripsrath, Germany

Despite days of intermittent rain, by evening of the 18th the Allies XXX Corps had completed the encirclement of Geilenkirchen with the British 43rd Wessex Division to the north and the U.S. 84th Division to the south. As the GIs attempted to…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 96

Scenario#: A113     Date: 5/15/1940     Location: Denée, France

Actual events: The 3/37e BCC is blocked by a deep stream and moves more north to join the main road at Denée. But Denée is already hold by the 8. ID with the Artillerie Abteilung 8 (a dozen 10.5cm leFH guns), the 14th company of the Infanterie…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 97

Scenario#: A114     Date: 5/13/1940     Location: Jauche, Belgium

The 3rd Panzer Division was having some tough luck. Positioned on the right flank of the 4th Panzer, which was making steady progress, the 5th and 6th Panzer Regiments were finding things a little tougher. After a preliminary bombardment and repeated…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 97

Scenario#: J003     Date: 6/12/1944     Location: Caumont, France

Upon reaching Caumont, the 2nd Panzer’s recon battalion immediately deployed to cover the town’s approaches. A half-hour later, a Jeep full of men from the 26th Infantry Regiment rounded a bend in the road and quickly pulled back after receiving fire…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #1

Scenario#: J005     Date: 1/3/1945     Location: Bizory, Belgium

Company E of the 2nd Battalion, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment had been repulsing repeated German attacks on their dug-in position in the woods near the small city of Bizory. Mid-morning on January 3rd, found them under attack by elements of the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #1

Scenario#: J152     Date: 8/2/1944     Location: Drouet, France

By the fourth day of the British offensive Operation Bluecoat, the German front line had been penetrated and the armoured units sought to exploit the gains. To obtain a clear line of advance, the British Guards Armoured division changed its…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #10

Scenario#: J153     Date: 8/7/1944     Location: Mortain, France

The first elements of the American 30th Infantry Division to enter Mortain were met by civilians going about their daily lives. Some of the departing members of the 1st Infantry Division congratulated the new arrivals of their soft assignment. Not…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #10

Scenario#: J154     Date: 9/1/1944     Location: Meximieux, France

The area around Lyon was known as the “cradle of the resistance” due to activity of the FFI. Consequently, after landing in southern France on 15 August and heading quickly northward, the American Seventh Army encountered more friendly maquisards…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #10

Scenario#: J155     Date: 9/20/1944     Location: Wyler, Germany

At approximately 1330 hours on 17 September 1944, the Red Devils jumped into Holland as part of Operation Market Garden. Although initial resistance was light, heavy fighting ensued for days.The 508th established and maintained a defensive position…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #10

Scenario#: J156     Date: 12/19/1944     Location: Mageret, Belgium

Fearing a counterattack, Lehr commander Bayerlein pulled back his tanks and let Volksgrenadier-Division 26 secure Mageret during the night of 18-19 December. Combat Command R, 9th Armored Division the next morning launched an attack to reopen the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #10

Scenario#: J158     Date: 1/15/1945     Location: Noville, Belgium

By the middle of January, “Easy” was on the attack again. Although many replacements had come into the ranks, some of whom were not even paratroop-qualified, Major Dick Winters entrusted them with one more assault to retake ground east of Bastogne…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #10

Scenario#: J160     Date: 3/25/1945     Location: Bienen, Germany

The only axis of attack available to the Canadian 3rd Infantry Division was through the villages of Speldrop and Bienen. Speldrop was taken by the end of 24 March but at a high cost in both men and material, providing a taste of things to come. The…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #10

Scenario#: HS33     Date: 2/19/1945     Location: Goch, Germany

In front of A and C Companies of the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry, B Company, under the command of Major Duncan Kennedy, was attacking the Schwanenhof farmstead, located a few hundred yards past the Goch-Kalkar road. The Kangaoos dropped the men…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #11

Scenario#: J161     Date: 5/24/1940     Location: Picquigny, France

On May 22, German tanks reached Boulogne and split the Allied armies at the Somme River. The British 1st Armoured Division, in France for less than four days, was ordered to retake three river crossings with the support of lorry-borne Territorials…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #11

Scenario#: J172     Date: 9/16/1944     Location: Brest, France

Following the Allied D-Day landings on 6 June, 2nd Fallschirmjäger-Division was sent to the Brittany region of France, and took up defensive positions at Brest. Following Operation Cobra, the allied breakout from Normandy, Major-General Troy H.…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #11