Browse Items (1343 total)

Scenario#: 27     Date: 13-May-40     Location: Houx, Belgium

The Meuse River was the last major obstacle preventing a major armored breakout from the Ardennes. It was imperative that the Germans establish a number of viable crossings before the Allies could regroup. One of three such crossings on the …

Squad LeaderCrescendo of Doom

Scenario#: TUS09     Date: 1944-06-06     Location: E Of Ranville, France

Lock 'n Load TacticalThe Untold Stories

Scenario#: 2     Date: 1944-09-14     Location: Hurtgen Forest, Germany

The American 9th Infantry Division was the first unit to move into the unknown of the Hurtgen Forest. Poor weather had curtailed effective aerial reconnaissance, and the almost jungle like nature of the forest itself prevented combat units from…

Last Hundred YardsLast Hundred Yards

Scenario#: 96     Date: 5/25/1940     Location: Calais, France

Calais, and all the troops in it, was doomed to fall – it was only a question of time. The 2nd KRR was given the task of holding the three bridges over the Marck Canal. It had a handful of light tanks and scout cars for support. …

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 5a - For King and Country

Scenario#: 77     Date: 21-May-40     Location: Petegem, Belgium

Despite Armee Group A's, rapid advance toward the English Channel, the BEF and Belgian Army had effectively conducted tactical withdrawals utilizing terrain and space to slow the advance of Army Group B's 31st lnfantry Division. One such defensive…

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #5: The Fall of the West

Scenario#: BoEC09     Date: 1944-10-05     Location: Arnhem, Holland

Lock 'n Load TacticalBattles of Easy Company

Scenario#: 6702     Date: 6/6/1944     Location: Merville, France

During the night June 5-6 1944, units of the 6th (British) Airborne Division were dropped east of Caen, between the Orne and Dives rivers. Their objective was: to capture the bridges on the Orne river and the canal (later made …

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: AP142     Date: 8/20/1944     Location: St. Lambert-sur-Dives, France

Having secured most of the small village of St Lambert-sur-Dives with a quick strike the day before, Major David Vivian Currie of the South Alberta Regiment consolidated his mixed force of tanks and infantry around the main bridge across the Dives…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #14 Oktoberfest XXXIV

Scenario#: U39     Date: 10/10/1944     Location: Hürtgen Forest, Germany

Day after day of seemingly endless forest. Constant shelling had turned most of the trees to shattered hulks. Advances were truly measured in yards as each step forward increased the threat of yet another sniper or hidden Spandau. Then, near the road…

Advanced Squad LeaderRivers to the Reich

Scenario#: 301     Date: 10-Oct-44     Location: Huertgen Forest, Germany

Day after day of seemingly endless forest. Constant shelling had turned most of the trees to shattered hulks. Advances were truly measured in yards as each step forward increased the threat of yet another sniper or hidden Spandau. Then, near …

Squad LeaderGI: Anvil of Victory (Addon)

Scenario#: TUS07     Date: 1944-06-07     Location: Amfreville, France

Lock 'n Load TacticalThe Untold Stories

Scenario#: 6769     Date: 7/18/1944     Location: Bourguébus, France

After the capture of Caen on July 10, Montgomery aimed to deliver a major blow to his enemies with the help of the 2nd British Army. This Operation, code-named Goodwood, would launch three armored divisions of VIIIth Army Corps east …

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: BM3     Date: 05/25/1940     Location: Boulogne Sur Mer, France

German forces attadr Boulogne, in order to clear the way to Dunkirk. The battle will last four bloody days. On the 25th, the situation is more than critical for the French Remnants of the french forces are surrounded near the …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesBattles Magazine #2

Scenario#: 40     Date: 15 May 1940     Location: Stonne, France

The village of Stonne. positioned at the top of a height mass, could be used as an excellent starting point for a French counterattack against the Sedan bridgehead in the Meuse Valley. General der Panzertruppe Guderian. knowing that the bridgehead …

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #4 The German Invasion Of France, 1940

Scenario#: 6592     Date: 2/3/1945     Location: Biesheim, France

In Alsace, combats are drawing to an end; the Colmar pocket is being reduced by the 1st French Army, and the troops of the German XIX.Armee, decimated and demoralized. are withdrawing toward Chalampé bridge over the Rhine in a bid …

Memoir '44Audie Murphy's Campaign

Scenario#: 19194     Date: 7/8/1944     Location: Ardenne Abbey, France

The Ardenne Abbey, built on the XIIth Century was from the 7th of June 1944 the HQ of the 25th.SS Panzergrenadier Regiment under the command of Colonel Kurt Meyer, nicknamed "Panzermeyer". On the 8th of July, the abbey was one …

Memoir '44Open de France 2018

Scenario#: K     Date: 8/23/1944     Location: Cannes, France

Generally, the American advance through Southern France was so swift that it was rare when the Germans stayed and fought. However, the swiftness of the advance often caused German elements to be cut off and faced with the decision to either fight on…

Advanced Squad LeaderThe General #25.2

Scenario#: 9     Date: 23-Aug-44     Location: Cannes, France

Generally the American advance through Southern France was so swift that it was rare when the Germans stayed and fought. However, the swiftness of the advance often caused German elements to be cut off and faced with the decision either …

Squad LeaderSquad Leader

Scenario#: HiD20     Date: 1940-05-25     Location: Avalette, France

An allied defense line using the Brasse canal had been successful in stopping the relentless advance of the German Army. The British were so stubborn that General Rommel went to …

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes in Defiance

Scenario#: DD08     Date: 05/25/1940     Location: Avalette, France

An allied defense line using the Brasse canal had been successful in stopping the relentless advance of the German Army. The British were so stubborn that General Rommel went to …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesIn Defeat Defiance

Scenario#: HoN20     Date: 1944-06-08     Location: E Of St Come Du Mont, France

During the day of June 8th, the 327th Glider Infantry Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division assisted in the attack on St. Come du Mont. Their job was to destroy the four bridges that linked Carentan to the geninsula. It was one of their first…

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of Normandy

Scenario#: BOH12     Date: 06/08/1944     Location: E Of St Come Du Mont, France

During the day of June 8th, the 327th Glider Infantry Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division assisted in the attack on St. Come du Mont. Their job was to destroy the four bridges that linked Carentan to the geninsula. It …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesBand of Heroes

Scenario#: 4554     Date: 6/19/1940     Location: Saumur, France

Saumur - June 19, 1940. The Battle of France is lost; the Germans are now ready to cross the River Loire. The meager French troops standing ready and lined up to defend it are the Officer Cadets from the Cavalry …

Memoir '44Battle Maps Series 1 - Hedgerow Hell

Scenario#: W87     Date: 28-Feb-42     Location: Bruneval, France

At Bruneval, north of Le Havre, the Germans had installed an example of the Wurzburg radar system for air defense. British paratroops were briefed to drop into France, steal as much of the equipment as possible and bring it back …

Squad LeaderWargamers Pack 1

Scenario#: J036     Date: 4/21/1940     Location: Verdalsöra, Norway

After landing at Namsos, the British goal was to make contact with the Norwegians at Verdalsöra where a strategic bridge crossed the Inna River. On the morning of 21 April, a German destroyer landed a company of Gebirgsjagers on the shore north of…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #3

Scenario#: N16     Date: 1944-06-06     Location: Ferme Manoir la Fière, France

Five hours before the D-Day landings began, a massive force of 6000 paratroopers jumped from 400 Skytrain troop carrier aircraft into an intended objective area of 10 square miles, either side of the Merderet River. Tasked with taking a Bridge …

UndauntedUndaunted: Normandy

Scenario#: KGP07     Date: 12/21/1944     Location: Cheneux, Belgium

By the afternoon of the 21st, Col. Tucker had ordered the 3rd Battalion of the 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment to assist the 1st Battalion in its attempt to capture Cheneux and the bridge over the Ambleve. Company G entered the western end of the…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 3 - Kampfgruppe Peiper II

Scenario#: HoN13     Date: 1944-06-06     Location: Chef Du Pont, France

After attacks by men ofthe 507th and 508th PlR, the German forces defending the bridge at Chef Du Pont withdrew across the bridge and set up defensive positions along the opposite bank. Further American attacks were thwarted by a fierce defense until…

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of Normandy

Scenario#: BOH08     Date: 06/06/1944     Location: Chef Du Pont, France

After attacks by men ofthe 507th and 508th PlR, the German forces defending the bridge at Chef Du Pont withdrew across the bridge and set up defensive positions along the opposite bank. Further American attacks were thwarted by a fierce …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesBand of Heroes

Scenario#: 62     Date: 20 Aug 1944     Location: Chambois, France

On August 20, 1944, a hodgepodge of retreating German forces, including heavy Tiger tanks, medium Panzer IV models, and hordes of demoralized but desperate Nazi soldiers, attacked the U.S. 359th Infantry Regiment at the town of Chambois in order to …

Tide of IronDesigner Series

Scenario#: Comp12     Date: 1944-09-19     Location: Arnhem, Holland

For the men of the British 1st Airborne Division, Murphy's Law had reigned supreme since the onset of Operation Market Garden. Repeated attempts to reinforce Major John Frost's position by the bridge had so far failed. At dawn of the third day of the…

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 3

Scenario#: AP04     Date: 09/19/1944     Location: Arnhem, Holland

For the men of the British 1st Airborne Division, Murphy's Law had reigned supreme since the onset of Operation Market Garden. Repeated attempts to reinforce Major John Frost's position by the bridge had so far failed. At dawn of the …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesBattle Pack Alpha

Scenario#: W97     Date: 19-Dec-44     Location: Dom Butengenbach, Belgium

The German efforts to press their Wacht am Rhein offensive were falling behind schedule. After rapid deliberation German General Staff decided that the best way to speed the assault was to increase the maneuver area for the attacking elements. They …

Squad LeaderWargamers Pack 2

Scenario#: 10908     Date: 5/30/1940     Location: Spycker, France

In an effort to bring German artillery into range of Dunkirk, elements of Panzergruppe von Kleist pushed their light tanks toward Spycker, on May 30, 1940. After a preliminary bombardment of perimeter defenses, the Germans slowly moved forward. But…

Memoir '44Equipment Pack

Scenario#: 81     Date: 14-May-40     Location: The Road to Chehery, South of Sedan, France

Part of a self-sacrificial counterattack to stem the German advance past Sedan was launched by Allied air strike and the 7e BCC supported by the 55e lnfantry Division during the morning of the 14th. One prong of the attack was …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #5: The Fall of the West

Scenario#: 16     Date: 15-May-40     Location: Gembloux, Belgium

As French forces fought the Germans to a near standstill in and around Gembloux, infantry forces belonging to the attacking 3rd Panzer Division were tasked with taking a nearby sunken road. Led by the determined Captain Grudler, a battered company …

Combat CommanderCC: Mediterranean

Scenario#: J     Date: 1/14/1945     Location: Bitche, Germany

Elements of the 29th Infantry Division had been ordered to continue closing the ring around German forces trapped near Bitche. However, due to poor radio security, the Germans were quite aware of this latest development and had planned a flanking…

Advanced Squad LeaderClassic ASL

Scenario#: 8     Date: 14-Jan-45     Location: Bitche, Germany

Elements of the U.S. l 75th Infantry Regiment have been ordered to continue closing the ring around German forces trapped near Bitche. However, due to poor radio security, the Germans are quite aware of this latest development and have planned …

Squad LeaderSquad Leader

Scenario#: PB2     Date: December 19, 1944     Location: Noville, Belgium

The initial attack drove Desobry’s men back to Noville proper. There they waited, hoping against hope that the Germans were through with them. They would have no such luck. Shortly after resetting the defense, the Americans once again heard engines …

Old School TacticalPocket Battles

Scenario#: A03     Date: June 6, 1944     Location: Saint-Mere-Eglise, France

Hours before the beach landings on D-Day, thousands of paratroopers were dropped into occupied France in the dead of the night. One of the primary objectives of the 82nd Airborne Division was the capture of Saint-Mere-Eglise. The German garrison was…

Old School TacticalAirborne

Scenario#: HoN16     Date: 1944-06-07     Location: Sainte Honorine, France

On the second day of the invasion the British 6th Para Brigade had easily taken its first objective: the town of Longueval. The Brigade commander decided to assault the secondary objective to the southeast: the hamlet of Ste. Honorine. With …

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of Normandy

Scenario#: SB05     Date: 06/07/1944     Location: Sainte Honorine, France

On the second day of the invasion the British 6th Para Brigade had easily taken its first objective: the town of Longueval. The Brigade commander decided to assault the secondary objective to the southeast: the hamlet of Ste. Honorine. With …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesSwift and Bold

Scenario#: DAE2     Date: 9/23/1944     Location: Elst, Holland

The road to Nijmegen and Arnhem became the scene of many dramatic events. While the 1st Airborne Division was being annihilated in Arnhem, XXX Corps, desperate to reach the Rhine River and rescue its comrades, was behind schedule. The Germans had…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit Historical Module 1: Decision at Elst

Scenario#: AP173     Date: 1/16/1945     Location: Hatten, France

A war of attrition had descended upon the villages of Hatten and Rittershoffen in the French province of Alsace. German attempts to break through this sector and into the open plains beyond as part of Operation NORDWIND had been halted through the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #16 From The Land Down Under

Scenario#: W16     Date: August 14, 1944     Location: Argentan, France

The noose was tightening on the Falaise pocket with two German armies trying to escape the trap. The US 5th Armored Division moves towards Argentan to stem the flow of battered German units Eastwards. The exhausted Wehrmacht troops have their …

Old School TacticalVolume 2 Western Front

Scenario#: BoEC05     Date: 1944-06-13     Location: Sw Of Carentan, France

Lock 'n Load TacticalBattles of Easy Company

Scenario#: 4     Date: 13 June 1944     Location: Carentan, France

The Germans that had retreated before the attack on Carentan had been reinforced by the 17th SS Panzer Grenadier Division. As the 2nd Battalion of the 506th moved out from Carentan, they ran into them at dusk. Both sides settled …

Band of BrothersBand of Brothers

Scenario#: 36     Date: September 10, 1942     Location: Rome, Italy

As the German 2nd Parachute Division advanced on Rome, several Italian formations, including the elite 21st “Grenadiers of Sardinia” Division, set up blocking positions and attempted to halt it. Slowly but inexorably the paratroopers pushed closer…

Panzer (YAQ)Armor: A Tactical Game of Armored Combat in Western Europe, 1944-1945

Scenario#: 20106     Date: 10/12/1944     Location: Overloon, Holland

At exactly 11 o'clock more than 200 allied artillery opened fire at Overloon. In the next 90 minutes, more than 100,000 grenades were dropped on Overloon. At a quarter past twelve, as Overloon has changed in one great ruin, two …

Memoir '44Dutch Open 2015

Scenario#: 6911     Date: 7/28/1944     Location: Roncey, France

On the morning of July 28 1944, following the initial breakthrough made by the 1St US Army, German troops of 84.Armee Korps found themselves virtually surrounded in the Roncey pocket. The following night, elite German units of Waffen-SS and…

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2