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US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1945-02-16

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

Scenario#: J175     Date: 2/16/1945     Location: Louisendorf, Germany

To kick of the attack known as Operation VERITABLE, the Royal Winnipeg Rifles, supported by the 3rd Armoured Battalion of the Scots Guards, was ordered to take the hilly ground around Louisendorf, south of Moyland. This would protect the right flank…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #11

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1945-02-15

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

Scenario#: HS21     Date: 2/15/1945     Location: Hervorst, Germany

At Hervorst, a village slightly north of Goch that was also part of the Siegfried line, a company of Camerons bumped up against several enormous pillboxes. They had concrete walls 3-feet thick and were cleverly camouflaged under dirt and grass, with…

Advanced Squad LeaderHSASL 2 - Operation Veritable

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1945-02-14

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1945-02-13

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1945-02-12

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1945-02-11

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

Scenario#: HS20     Date: 2/11/1945     Location: Reichswald Forest, Germany

At the start of Operation Veritable, the battle lines tan throughout the meticulously maintained Reichswald National Forest. Montgomery required that the forest be cleared of the Germans of the 86th Infantry Corp who had plenty of time to prepare a…

Advanced Squad LeaderHSASL 2 - Operation Veritable

Scenario#: 6     Date: 11 Feb 1945     Location: Trier, Germany

After sustaining horrible losses while crossing the Sauer River, the 76th Infantry Division adopts more cautious protocols in their attempts to push through the Siegfried Line. On the morning of February 11th, 1945, a 15-minute barrage from an entire…

Tide of IronNext Wave

Scenario#: BP04     Date: 02/10/1945     Location: Colditz, Germany

By far the most renowned German prison camp of World War Two was the Colditz Castle. lt was where Allied prisoners who couldn't be kept anywhere else were housed. Allied High Command feared the Germans would execute their prisoners as …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesBattle Pack Bravo

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1945-02-10

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

Scenario#: HS19     Date: 2/10/1945     Location: Cleve, Germany

The veteran 43rd Wessex Division was being held in reserve for a breakthrough opportunity. As D+1 drew to a close, the news of the imminent capture of Cleve came to General Horrocks. Reports of the capture of Cleve were premature, however. As the…

Advanced Squad LeaderHSASL 2 - Operation Veritable

Scenario#: 24380     Date: February 09, 1945     Location: Kleve, Germany

The Reichswald is the 5-mile gap between the Maas and Rhine and the natural advance route from the German-Dutch border to the Ruhr. After amassing troops to get a numerical advantage near Groesbeek, the allies advanced towards Kleve. The German …

Memoir '44Dutch Open 2022

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1945-02-09

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

Scenario#: G03     Date: 2/9/1945     Location: Hennebont, France

The 66th Infantry Division was typical of many raised from draftees in preparation for the invasion of Europe. Yet when the “Panthermen” arrived, they found themselves relegated to a relative backwater – containing the isolated German pockets around…

Advanced Squad LeaderThe General #23.6

Scenario#: HS18     Date: 2/9/1945     Location: Cleve, Germany

By D+1 of the Operation Veritable campaign, the King’s Own Scottish Borderers had been ordered to cross the Westwall defenses in force near the Reichswald Forest as part of the 15th Scottish Division’s assault. They found a location to cross the…

Advanced Squad LeaderHSASL 2 - Operation Veritable

Scenario#: HS17     Date: 2/9/1945     Location: Niel, Germany

Operation Veritable kicked off in the early morning of the 8th, and progress throughout the day was better than expected. Plans called for several units to wait to attack after darkness had fallen, and some of these had the unenviable task of…

Advanced Squad LeaderHSASL 2 - Operation Veritable

Scenario#: 3713     Date: 2/9/1945     Location: Schwammenauel Dam, Germany

Before Operation 'Veritable' and 'Grenade' could begin, there was a matter of the Roer dams to consider. These dams were located in an area of steep gorges, small mountains and narrow roads. Earlier attempts to capture the dams had failed …

Memoir '44Air Pack

World War II - Western Front, 1945-03-21, West Germany - The Rhineland Campaign - Summary Operations 8 February to 21 March 1945.jpg

World War II - Western Front, 1945-03-05, West Central Germany and Belgium - The Rhineland Campaign - Operations 8 February to 5 March 1945.jpg

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1945-02-08, Start of Operation Veritable.

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

Scenario#: 16304     Date: 2/8/1945     Location: Nutterden, Germany

Operation Veritable was intended to eliminate all German forces west of the Rhine river and set the stage for Allied forces to eventually cross that great barrier. However, General Schlemm, the German commander of the First Parachute Army defending…

Memoir '44VE-Day

World War II - Western Front, 1945-03-28, Allied Operations to Cross the Rhine March 1945.jpg

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1945-02-07

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

World War II - Western Front, 1945-02-28, Clearing the Vianden Bulge and the Capture of Bitburg 6-28 February 1945.jpg

Scenario#: 24370     Date: February 06, 1945     Location: Echternach, Germany

The battle of the Bulge finished in January 1945. The 417th Infantry Division and the 5th Armored Division had to cross the Sauer between Bollendorf and Echternach to take the first hill mass, not quite a mile beyond the Sauer. …

Memoir '44Dutch Open 2022

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1945-02-06

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

World War II - Western Front, 1945-02-09, The Capture of Schmidt and the Schwammenauel Dams 5-9 February 1945.jpg

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1945-02-05

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1945-02-04

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

Scenario#: 1422     Date: 2/4/1945     Location: Schwammenauel Dam, Germany

Before Operation 'Veritable' and 'Grenade' could begin, there was a matter of the Roer dams to consider. These dams were located in an area of steep gorges, small mountains and narrow roads. Earlier attempts to capture the dams had failed …

Memoir '44Terrain Pack

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1945-02-03

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

Scenario#: 6592     Date: 2/3/1945     Location: Biesheim, France

In Alsace, combats are drawing to an end; the Colmar pocket is being reduced by the 1st French Army, and the troops of the German XIX.Armee, decimated and demoralized. are withdrawing toward Chalampé bridge over the Rhine in a bid …

Memoir '44Audie Murphy's Campaign

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1945-02-02

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1945-02-01

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1945-01-31

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

Scenario#: W12     Date: 1945-01-30     Location: Salines, Germany

After the failed Ardennes Offensive. Understrength German ínfantry divisions were left holding much of the line. Crucial towns containing road and rail junctions were held at all costs to delay …

Tank LeaderWestern Front

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1945-01-30

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1945-01-29

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1945-01-28

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

Scenario#: 7044     Date: 1/28/1945     Location: Grussenheim, France

Attached for a while to the 2nd French Army Corps under the command of general de Monsabert, the 2nd French Armored Division was involved in the reduction of the Colmar's pocket. GT"V" (Combat Command of colonel de Guillebon) took part …

Memoir '44Open de France 2012

World War II - Western Front, 1945-02-03, Main Effort in the Eifel 27 January to 2 February 1945.jpg

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1945-01-27

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1945-01-26

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

Scenario#: 5797     Date: 1/26/1945     Location: Holtzwihr, France

During the Battle for the Colmar Pocket, the 3rd U.S. Infantry Division, attached to the 1st French Army for the occasion, bravely inched through the snow-covered plains of Alsace despite the bitter cold. The 15th U.S. Infantry Regiment had just …

Memoir '44Open de France 2010

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1945-01-25, Official end of the Battle of the Bulge.

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1945-01-24

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1945-01-23

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg

US 12th Army Group Situation Map for 1945-01-22

World War II - Western Front 12th Army Group Situation Map.jpg