Browse Items (532 total)

Scenario#: BP05     Date: 02/05/1944     Location: Aprilia, Italy

American parachutists, devils in baggy pants, are less than 100 meters from my outpost line. I can't sleep at night; they pop up from nowhere and we never know when or how they will strike next. Seems like the black-headed …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesBattle Pack Bravo

Scenario#: BP12     Date: 03/01/1944     Location: Cassino, Italy

One of the bloodiest battles of the Second World War, this operation was a series of four battles, fought by multiple divisions, for the Gustav Line and Rome beyond. Perhaps the indelible image of the battles was the struggle for …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesBattle Pack Bravo

Scenario#: LOF09     Date: 11/08/1942     Location: Mehdia, Morroco

During Operation Goalpost, to get to Port Lyautey by road or vía the Sebou River, the Americans had to get past a Vichy French controlled 16th-century citadel in Mehdia, known to the Americans as the Kasbah. The Kashah was heavily …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesLine of Fire #07

Scenario#: LOF10     Date: 11/09/1942     Location: Sw Of Port Lyautey, Morroco

The objective of Operation Goa/post, part of the Western Task Force of Operation Torch, was to capture the coastal town of Mehdia, secure the Sebou River and, most importantly, take control of the airfield at Port Lyautey. The …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesLine of Fire #07

Scenario#: LOF11     Date: 11/08/1942     Location: Algiers, Algeria

Torch would be the first test of the American Army in the European Theater. Unfortunately, the initial test would come against the American's soon to be allies, the French. The …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesLine of Fire #08

Scenario#: 1289     Date: 11/6/1940     Location: Metemma, Ethiopia

Gallabat-Metemma was Britain's first land offensive of the East Africa campaign. On November 6th, 1940 Brigadier J.W. Slim led the British assault. Under his command were; the 10th Indian Brigade, 12 tanks from the 4th Royal Tank Regiment and some …

Memoir '44Online - No Air Rules

Scenario#: 1324     Date: 11/25/1941     Location: Sidi Omar, Libya

Having extricated himself from a very precarious position at Sidi Rezegh airfield, Rommel looked for ways to press his advantage. He sent his Afrikakorps toward Sidi Omar, in the hope of re-establishing himself on the border and turning his victory …

Memoir '44Mediterranean Theater

Scenario#: 1326     Date: 12/1/1942     Location: Tebourba, Tunisia

On November 29th and 30th it was tough going for the still largely green Allied Combat Command. The Allies had launched two unsuccessful attacks to take the town of Djedeida and clear a path for the march on Tunis. Then …

Memoir '44Online - No Air Rules

Scenario#: 1346     Date: 6/12/1942     Location: Knightsbridge, Libya

The Battle of Gazala was a series of clashes between Rommel and the British in the late spring of 1942 near the Libyan coast. The brilliant, but risky maneuvers by the 'Desert Fox' in late May and early June were …

Memoir '44Terrain Pack

Scenario#: 1513     Date: 2/5/1941     Location: Beda Fomm, Libya

On February 4th O'Connor with armored cars leading the way followed by 4 Armd Bde, move out to trap the Italians. The going was bad and a fast-wheeled vanguard was dispatched under the command of Lt-Col Combe to set up …

Memoir '44Online - No Air Rules

Scenario#: 1584     Date: 2/15/1943     Location: Kasserine Pass, Tunisia

After the Anglo-American landings in North Africa on November 8, 1942, the Americans remained optimistic about their ability to fight an opponent like Rommel and the Afrika Korps. Although in headlong retreat after the Battle of El Alamein, Rommel…

Memoir '44Online - No Air Rules

Scenario#: 1879     Date: 4/14/1945     Location: Mount Montello, Italy

In the last months of the World War II, between February and April 1945, the Wehrmacht built, not so far from Montese, along the Gothic Line's last limit ("The Green Line II"), a fortified defensive system. It was organized around …

Memoir '44Online - No Air Rules

Scenario#: 3129     Date: 11/19/1941     Location: Sidi Rezegh, Libya

The Marmaric Desert, November 19, 1941 - General Auchinleck orders General Cunningham, to launch the British Eighth Army into a massive offensive into Libya in a bid to destroy the Italo-German armored divisions and free up the garrison in Tobruk. …

Memoir '44Breakthrough

Scenario#: 3704     Date: 11/6/1940     Location: Metemma, Ethiopia

Gallabat-Metemma was Britain's first land offensive of the East Africa campaign. On November 6th, 1940, Brigadier J.W. Slim led the British assault. Under his command were the 10th Indian Infantry Brigade, 12 tanks from the 4th Royal Tank Regiment…

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 3707     Date: 12/1/1942     Location: Tebourba, Tunisia

On November 29th and 30th it was tough going for the still largely green Allied Combat Command. The Allies had launched two unsuccessful attacks to take the town of Djedeida and clear a path for the march on Tunis. Then …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 3711     Date: 6/12/1942     Location: Knightsbridge, Libya

The Battle of Gazala was a series of clashes between Rommel and the British in the late spring of 1942 near the Libyan coast. The brilliant, but risky maneuvers by the "Desert Fox" in late May and early June were …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 3722     Date: 2/7/1941     Location: Beda Fomm, Libya

On February 4th, Major-General O'Connor, with armored cars leading the way followed by 4th Armored Brigade, moved out to trap the Italians. The going was tough and a fast-wheeled vanguard was dispatched under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Combe…

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 3739     Date: 2/22/1943     Location: Kasserine Pass, Tunisia

After the Anglo-American landings in North Africa on November 8, 1942, the Americans remained optimistic about their ability to fight an opponent like Rommel and the Afrika Korps. Although in headlong retreat after the Battle of El Alamein, Rommel…

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 3740     Date: 4/18/1945     Location: Mount Montello, Italy

In the last months of the war, between February and April 1945, the Wehrmacht built a fortified defensive system, along the Gothic Line's last limit ("The Green Line II"), near Montese. It was organized around Mount Montello (919 meters over …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 4178     Date: 6/16/1940     Location: Nezuet Ghirba, Egypt

Mussolini declared war on France and Britain on June 10, 1940. In Egypt, British frontier forces were immediately ordered to infiltrate the border and attack the Italian forts of Maddalena and Capuzzo. By June 14th, both outposts had fallen. Two …

Memoir '44Equipment Pack

Scenario#: 4211     Date: 9/12/1943     Location: Campo Imperatore, Italy

After Italy surrendered to the Allies, Mussolini was arrested and held by the Italians in the hotel Campo Imperatore on the Gran Sasso mountain. After intercepting a coded Italian radio message and reconnoitering the mountain by plane, Otto Skorzeny…

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: 4229     Date: 5/26/1942     Location: Gazala, Libya

In late 1941, the Eighth Army drove the Axis out of Cyrenaica but British lines got so stretched that, by January '42, Rommel was back on the offensive and pressing towards Tobruk. Concentrating their forces near Gazala, the British : …

Memoir '44Equipment Pack Bonus

Scenario#: 4230     Date: 5/27/1942     Location: Bir Hakeim, Libya

Following on the success of Operation Crusader, the British Eighth Army had driven Rommel's forces out of Cyrenaica before over-stretching its own supply lines again. Eighth Army had then settled along the "Gazala line" in the desert, west of Tobruk,…

Memoir '44Mediterranean Theater

Scenario#: 4231     Date: 5/27/1942     Location: Gazala, Libya

The same day as the battle at Bir Hakeim, further on the right, 15th Panzer engaged the rest of the 7th Armoured Division. After sweeping over the 7th Motorized Brigade, the Panzers ran into heavy Resistance from the Grants of …

Memoir '44Mediterranean Theater

Scenario#: 4232     Date: 5/27/1942     Location: Gazala, Libya

By late morning, his left flank overrun by the coordinated mass of German Panzers, General Neil Ritchie, commander of the Eighth Army, ordered two armored brigades of Norrie's 1st Armoured Division south to the rescue. Moving in column, the 22nd …

Memoir '44Mediterranean Theater

Scenario#: 4237     Date: 6/5/1942     Location: Sidi Muftah, Libya

Despite their success against the British 7th Armoured, the Panzer divisions had lost their momentum. Rommel's Afrikakorps was now trapped in a region known as "the Cauldron;" with Bir Hakeim to the south and Tobruk to the north still firmly …

Memoir '44Mediterranean Theater

Scenario#: 4240     Date: 5/27/1942     Location: Gazala, Libya

During the battle of Gazala, Rommel sent his 90th Light Division toward El Adem, far to the British rear. If successful, the move would put the British onto the defensive and help protect Rommel's exposed right flank. The Light division …

Memoir '44Battle Maps Series 1 - Disaster at Dieppe

Scenario#: 4241     Date: 6/14/1942     Location: El Adem, Libya

Building up their forces through the now opened supply lines, Rommel's Afrikakorps eventually broke out of the cauldron, seizing Bir Hakeim but only capturing about 500 wounded Frenchmen . On June 13 "Black Sunday", 21st Panzer shreds the 22nd…

Memoir '44Mediterranean Theater

Scenario#: 4245     Date: 6/15/1941     Location: Halfaya Pass, Egypt

2 miles inland, on the Egyptian-Libyan border, Halfaya Pass carves a natural route through the 600 foot high escarpment that extends southeast toward Sollum. In World War II, whoever controlled the pass held the main westward access into Libya and …

Memoir '44Mediterranean Theater

Scenario#: 4246     Date: 11/22/1941     Location: Sidi Rezegh, Libya

Operation Crusader, the third and ultimately successful British attempt to try and break Rommel's stranglehold on Tobruk, began in a horrendous rainstorm on November 18, 1941. While one British corps was taking up position near Halfaya Pass, the…

Memoir '44Mediterranean Theater

Scenario#: 4769     Date: 8/30/1942     Location: Alam el Halfa, Egypt

El Alamein, mid-August 1942 ? With British reinforcements on the way, Rommel knows waiting is no longer an option. His plan is to concentrate his entire mobile forces on the southern flank of the enemy, between Qaret el Abd and …

Memoir '44Online Only

Scenario#: 5460     Date: 6/20/1942     Location: Tobruk, Libya

After smashing British defenses at Gazala, Rommel pushed his Afrika Korps towards Tobruk. Having successfully withstood a 9-months siege the previous year, the city was left to the protection of the 2nd South African Division's General Klopper. The…

Memoir '44Battle Maps Series 1 - Disaster at Dieppe

Scenario#: 5522     Date: 1/23/1942     Location: Saùnnu, Libya

During the second battle for Cyrenaica, Rommel's AfrikaKorps attacks and soon manages to cut off the 1st British Armoured Division from its rear with the help from Kampfgruppe Marcks' advance toward Saunnu. But on January 23, Kampfgruppe Marcks…

Memoir '44Open de France 2009

Scenario#: 5866     Date: 7/1/1942     Location: Rouweizat Ridge, Egypt

After the battle of Mersa Matrouh, Rommel led his troops back to Alexandria. They arrived at El Alamein June 29, exhausted. Without waiting for all its units to regroup, Rommel launches his Afrika Korps into an attack on the center …

Memoir '44Open de France 2010

Scenario#: 5872     Date: 2/15/1943     Location: Sidi Bou Zid, Tunisia

After very bloody fighting during December 1942, most of Tunisia was in German control. One exception: the area around Sidi Bou Zid. Both sides spent January reorganizing, but on February 14th, the Panzers went on the offensive, attacking Sidi Bou …

Memoir '44Battle Maps Series 1 - Disaster at Dieppe

Scenario#: 6336     Date: 9/13/1942     Location: Barce, Libya

To interrupt Rommel's lines of communication and hamper his anticipated offensive against El Alamein, a number of raids were ordered on key locations to the Axis' rear. The New Zealanders and Guards patrols were sent onto Barce. After traveling 100 …

Memoir '44Battle Maps Series 1 - Disaster at Dieppe

Scenario#: 6370     Date: 8/30/1942     Location: Alam el Halfa, Egypt

The battle of Alam el Halfa might be Rommel's last shot at defeating the British Eighth Army and taking Egypt; his Afrika Corps numerical superiority was slowing dwindling away and would soon be outnumbered by the Allies. With waiting no …

Memoir '44Breakthrough

Scenario#: 6555     Date: 8/4/1943     Location: Nicetta, Sicily

After capturing Palermo, Patton and his 7th Army advanced along the north coast of Sicily with the unavowed objective of entering Messina before the British 8th Army of General Montgomery. But Axis forces delay Patton's advance, systematically…

Memoir '44Audie Murphy's Campaign

Scenario#: 6557     Date: 11/5/1943     Location: Mignano, Italy

After crossing the Volturno river, the 3rd US Infantry Division managed to advance to Cassino before finding itself blocked by the "Barbara" line at Mignano. Well entrenched on Monte Lungo and Monte Rotondo, the Germans soldiers of the…

Memoir '44Audie Murphy's Campaign

Scenario#: 6558     Date: 10/13/1943     Location: Monte Majulo, Italy

After coming out of the bridgehead they've established at Salerno, elements of the 5th US Army reach the southern bank of the Volturno river on the 5th of October 1943. During the night of October 12-13, British and US troops …

Memoir '44Audie Murphy's Campaign

Scenario#: 6564     Date: 5/23/1944     Location: cisterna di Littoria, Italy

By the middle of May 1944, General Clark has decide he's had enough. Determined to finish his opponent off, he launches the 6th US Army Corps on the little town of cisterna di Littoria, the centerpiece of the German defense …

Memoir '44Audie Murphy's Campaign

Scenario#: 7004     Date: 2/18/1941     Location: Kufra, Libya

Philippe de Hauteclocque, alias Colonel Leclerc, arrived in Chad in November 1940 with the aim to launch offensive operations against Italian troops. Immediately, he wanted to strike a decisive blow by the capture of the oasis of Kufra in south-east…

Memoir '44Open de France 2012

Scenario#: 7615     Date: 5/20/1941     Location: Maleme, Crete

At 08:00 on May 20, 1941, German Fallschirmjägers jumped over Crete in the first major airborne invasion of the War, landing near Maleme airfield with the goal of securing the runways to facilitate a larger glider-borne invasion. But three New …

Memoir '44The Invasion of Crete

Scenario#: 7616     Date: 5/20/1941     Location: Heraklion, Crete

News of the German Paratrooper landings reached Brigadier Chappell's headquarters at about the same time the first Fallschirmjägers were landing in Heraklion. Under orders from Chappell, the 2nd Leicester attacked out of the town and into Buttercup…

Memoir '44The Invasion of Crete

Scenario#: 7617     Date: 5/20/1941     Location: Rethymno, Crete

A second German wave arrived in the afternoon. At 16:15, 2nd Fallschirmjäger Regiment airdropped over Rethymno airfield; but like others in Crete, they all landed scattered along the coast. Elements of the 3rd Battalion quickly managed to regroup and…

Memoir '44The Invasion of Crete

Scenario#: 7618     Date: 5/20/1941     Location: Galatos, Crete

The first wave of gliders from Gruppe Mitte's (Center Group) 3rd Fallschirmjäger Regiment had a number of bold objectives: Hauptmann Altmann's men were tasked with silencing a dangerous anti-aircraft battery in the Akrotiri peninsula, while the men…

Memoir '44The Invasion of Crete

Scenario#: 7619     Date: 5/23/1941     Location: Modi, Crete

By late morning on May 23rd, the Fallschirmjägers of Oberst Ramcke had set up a defensive position on the Platanias River bridge near the coast. Inland, Oberst Utz moved to take the village of Modi. Defended by New Zealanders, the …

Memoir '44The Invasion of Crete

Scenario#: 7620     Date: 5/25/1941     Location: Galatos, Crete

By May 24th the Germans had formed a cohesive front; they began advancing east toward Chania. On the 25th, they ran into the bulk of the Allied forces and launched a general attack. Surprised to discover the Germans had artillery, …

Memoir '44The Invasion of Crete

Scenario#: 7621     Date: 5/27/1941     Location: Sfakia, Crete

Less than a month after launching Operation Marita, mainland Greece was under Axis control. Hitler then shifted his focus to Crete where the Allies had retreated. On May 20th, the largest airborne assault in history was launched on the northern …

Memoir '44Remembrance Scenarios

Scenario#: 9176     Date: 9/11/1940     Location: Gabon, French Equatorial Africa

During the three days called "Les Trois Glorieuses“ in France (26"', 27th and 28th of August 1940), the main part of the French Equatorial Africa (AFF) joined Free France. Only Gabon stayed on Vichy's side but because of its strategic …

Memoir '44Remembrance Scenarios