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Scenario#: 302     Date: 80-BC     Location: Gibraltar, Gibraltar

Quintus Sertorius was a Roman noble who gained a reputation as a skillful military commander in the wars with the Cimbri and Teutones, and then in the Social War. Sertorius supported Marius’ “populares” and opposed Sullas’ “optimates” during the…

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #3: The Roman Civil Wars

Scenario#: 11     Date: 208-BC     Location: Baecula, Spain

Publius Cornelius Scipio inherited his slain father’s bravery, but he also had the intelligence to modify standard Roman tactical doctrine. As he rebuilt and retrained the legions in Spain, he made them far more flexible tactically than any other…

Commands & Colors: AncientsC&C Ancients

Scenario#: 117     Date: 279-BC     Location: Apulia, Italy

Pyrrhus of Epirus nearly doubled the size of his army after his victory at Heraclea with Greeks, Samnites and Lucanians flocking to his standard. After absorbing the new recruits, Pyrrhus set off towards Rome. His advance was stopped at Asculum …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #1: Greeks and Eastern Kingdoms

Scenario#: C3i21     Date: 357-AD     Location: Alsace, France

Julian, the young cousin of the Emperor Constantius, has been named to recover the situation in the West after a short civil war opened the frontier to raids and invasion by Franks and Alamanni tribes. Scarcely 23, with no military …

Commands & Colors: AncientsC3i Magazine #26

Scenario#: 505     Date: 105-BC     Location: Arausio, France

Following the Punic Wars, Rome set out to consolidate the territories it had captured beyond the Alps. At the same time, a major migration by the Cimbri, Teutons, and Ambrones, under the Kings Boiorix and Teutobod, was moving south, reportedly …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #5: Epic Ancients II

Scenario#: 204     Date: 105-BC     Location: Arausio, France

Following the Punic Wars, Rome set out to consolidate the territories it had captured beyond the Alps. At the same time a major migration by the Cimbri, Teutons and Ambrones under the Kings Boiorix and Teutobod was moving south, reportedly …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #2: Rome and the Barbarians

Scenario#: 206     Date: 102-BC     Location: Aix-en-Provence, France

Following the disaster at Aruasio in 105 BC, Rome elected Marius as Consul to deal with the emergency. He was granted a reprieve as the Teutones and Ambrones decided to invade Spain rather than Italy, and spent the years 104-103 …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #2: Rome and the Barbarians

Scenario#: 406     Date: 36-BC     Location: Phraaspa, Armenia

Fresh from his dalliance with Cleopatra, Antony set out to conquer the Parthian empire, following a battle plan he discussed years before with Caesar. Avoiding Crassus’ mistake of striking directly through Mesopotamia, Antony took his massive army…

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #4: Imperial Rome

Scenario#: 222     Date: 16-AD     Location: Porta Westfalica, Germany

Following the catastrophe at the Teutoburger Wald, Augustus dispatched a series of punitive expeditions into Germany. In 14 AD, Tiberius became emperor and assigned his adopted son Germanicus Julius Caesar to the German province. In AD 16, Arminius…

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #2: Rome and the Barbarians

Scenario#: 614     Date: 415-BC     Location: Syracuse, Sicily

In 415 BC Athens and Sparta were still under the Peace of Nicias, when the Sicilian city of Segesta requested help from Athens in their war against Selinus. Some Athenians saw this as an opportunity to take over all of …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #6: The Spartans

Scenario#: 612     Date: 422-BC     Location: Amphipolis, Greece

In 424 BC, the Spartan general Brasidas led an army toward Thrace to threaten the only accessible part of the Athenian Empire. He reached Thrace and offered generous terms to the people of Amphipolis, who surrendered without a fight. In …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #6: The Spartans

Scenario#: 1     Date: 406-BC     Location: Akragas, Sicily

The Carthaginians on their third invasion of Sicily laid siege to the city of Acragas. The Syracusans under the command of general Daphnaeus marched to Acragas aid. A long battle outside the walls followed with the Syracusans winning the day, …

Commands & Colors: AncientsC&C Ancients

Scenario#: C3i01     Date: 262-BC     Location: Agrigento, Sicily

The First Punic War began when Rome decided to invade Sicily in 264. Chartage, unprepared, scrambled to raise an army under Hannibal Gisgo. By 262 Hannibal arrived with an advance force at Agrigentum, but the Roman consuls Lucius Postumius Megellus …

Commands & Colors: AncientsC3i Magazine #18

Scenario#: C3i11     Date: 204-BC     Location: Salaeca, Tunisia

When Scipio Africanus invaded Africa in 204 BC, Carthage was caught without a field army. Carthage entrusted its immediate defense to Hanno son of Hamilcar. Hanno raised 4,000 cavalry - about 1,000 civic noble heavy cavalry, 1,000 Libyan cavalry and…

Commands & Colors: AncientsC3i Magazine #21

Scenario#: C3i02     Date: 256-BC     Location: Uthiona, Tunisia

Following the Battle of Agrigentum, the Carthaginian leaders decided to avoid pitched battles and instead fall back on fortified posts, while harassing the Romans with their fleet and guerrilla raids. The focus of the war shifted to Rome’s successful…

Commands & Colors: AncientsC3i Magazine #18

Scenario#: C3i20     Date: 378-AD     Location: Adrianople, Turkey

A collection of mostly Goth tribes with some allies petitioned Valens to be allowed land and foederati status to escape the Huns. Valens badly needed allies and agreed, aided in the decision because the Goth leader, Fritigern, had accepted…

Commands & Colors: AncientsC3i Magazine #25

Scenario#: C3i19     Date: 378-AD     Location: Adrianople, Turkey

A collection of mostly Goth tribes with some allies petitioned Valens to be allowed land and foederati status to escape the Huns. Valens badly needed allies and agreed, aided in the decision because the Goth leader, Fritigern, had accepted…

Commands & Colors: AncientsC3i Magazine #25

Scenario#: 416     Date: 251-AD     Location: Abrittus, Bulgaria

After repeated incursions into Moesia and Dacia by the Goths under Cniva, the Roman Emperor Gaius Messius Quintus Decius (often called “Trajan Decius”) moved to confront the barbarian invaders. Accompanied by his son Herennius Etruscus and his…

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #4: Imperial Rome

Scenario#: 9     Date: 214-BC     Location: Benevento, Italy

Desperate for manpower to replace the losses at Cannae, the Romans found a unique solution. They formed two legions from slaves. They were given to the Consul Gracchus who saw their potential and trained them well. Two years later, still …

Commands & Colors: AncientsC&C Ancients