Browse Items (334 total)

Scenario#: K09     Date: 12 July, 1943     Location: Prokhorovka, Russia

Disappointed by their lack of success at nearby Prokhorovka, Corps commanders now decided to exploit their successes in the Psel bridgehead. Their efforts were to be concentrated on securing ail of Hill 226.6 that still remained in enemy hands. With…

Combat!Combat! Dairy #2

Scenario#: K08     Date: 13 July, 1943     Location: Prokhorovka, Russia

The second night Totcnkopf spent in the PscI bridgehead was far from secure. It was spent taking the northern slopes of Hill 226.6 from it's tenacious defenders while the division’s panzer regiment drove 3km northeast to the edge of the highway…

Combat!Combat! Dairy #2

Scenario#: K07     Date: 12 July, 1943     Location: Prokhorovka, Russia

As SS General Hausser’s 11 SS Panzer Corps began its final assault toward Prokhorovka, it met Lieutenant General P.A. Rotmistrov’s 5th Guards Tank Army less than 5 kilometers from the German objective. When the opposing forces crashing into one…

Combat!Combat! Dairy #2

Scenario#: KCG2     Date: 13 July, 1943     Location: Prokhorovka, Russia

With the Germans now more thoroughly in control of a foothold across the Psel River, they now sought to strengthen their hold while driving north toward Oboyan and Kursk itself. Having secured Hill 226.6, the Germans pushed northeast, while tunneling…


Scenario#: KCG1     Date: 10 July, 1943     Location: Prokhorovka, Russia

It came as no surprise, especially to the Russians, that the German 2nd SS Panzer Corps would spear head the summer offensive against the Kursk salient. The Germans were involved in some of the heaviest fighting in the most crucial sector of the…


Scenario#: K06     Date: 12 July, 1943     Location: Prokhorovka, Russia

While the SS mopped up local resistance on the eleventh of July including the seizure of the southern slopes of the tactically vital Hill 226.6, the Russian juggernaut in the form of the Fifth Guards Tank Army bored down on them. As the SS prepared…


Scenario#: K05     Date: 14 July, 1943     Location: Prokhorovka, Russia

After nearly two days of extremely intense fighting, the seesaw battle for the Totenkopfs bridgehead over the Psel was ending. Like two punch-drunk prizefighters, the Germans and Russians had exhausted each other. Gathering their remaining strength…


Scenario#: K04     Date: 11 July, 1943     Location: Prokhorovka, Russia

As the battle north of the Psel roared, both sides threw in their reserves in order to carry the day. The better part of a Russian tank and infantry corps was committed to flattening the bridgehead, while the 2nd SS Corps committed the bulk of the…


Scenario#: K03     Date: 11 July, 1943     Location: Prokhorovka, Russia

Having established themselves across the Psel River the previous evening, the Totenkopf was deter mined to expand their bridgehead and outflank the Russian defenses near Prokhorovka. This would protect the flank, and ease the progress of rest ofthe…


Scenario#: K02     Date: 11 July, 1943     Location: Prokhorovka, Russia

After a long night of struggling to secure little more than a tentative hold on the north bank of the Psel, the Totenkopfs Panzer Regiment received orders to expand the bridgehead and explore the Russian defensive positions in the region. Unbeknownst…


Scenario#: K01     Date: 10 July, 1943     Location: Oboyan, Russia

As the battle of Kursk intensified in the southern half of the salient, the Totenkopf division reached the last Russian barrier before Oboyan. Lightly defended fortifications lined the River Psel, constructed over the previous weeks and months.…


Scenario#: TBP11     Date: July 1943     Location: Route 120 Vicinity, Sicily

The US 7th Army battled its way through western Sicily after the collapse of the Axis beach defense forces in early July. The Italian Forces, however, were still game to defend their homeland.

Combat CommanderTournament Battle Pack

Scenario#: TBP06     Date: March 1943     Location: Central Russia

Dawn was still barely visible on the horizon. l walked back towards the artillery line which was to support the reconnaissance forces should they encounter organized Resistance.

Combat CommanderTournament Battle Pack

Scenario#: TBP05     Date: July 1943     Location: Modica, Sicily

Canadian war correspondent Ross Munro recorded his experiences of the first few days of the attack on the Italian 122 lnfantry Regiment north of Pachino in a newspaper article printed on 12 July: "Stubborn Resistance has been put up by …

Combat CommanderTournament Battle Pack

Scenario#: TBP01     Date: 1943     Location: Somewhere deep in Russia

“Soldier, the enemy occupies Hill 133. The Motherland and Political Officer Blurtarsky require you to wrest control of it from him."

Combat CommanderTournament Battle Pack

Scenario#: M9     Date: 31-Jan-43     Location: Wau, New Guinea

After an arduous trek cutting through the jungle, and harassed along the way by Australian KANGA Force, the exhausted Japanese troops of the 102nd Regiment, Okabu Detachment struggled onto the high ground overlooking their objective—the airfield at…

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #4: New Guinea

Scenario#: M12     Date: 17-Oct-43     Location: Song River, New Guinea

As the Allies progressed up the New Guinea coast. General Adachi’s XVIII Army desperately counterattacked. To support a 20th Division thrust into the Allied perimeter around Finschhafen, Adachi dispatched barges loaded with remnants of 1st Lt.…

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #4: New Guinea

Scenario#: M11     Date: 30-Jun-43     Location: Bobdubi Ridge, New Guinea

Following the Allied victory at Buna, Australian infantry pushed northwest toward the next enemy coastal base in a war of small-unit actions across the jungle tracks and kunai-grass heights of the interior. As a pincer with a US landing near …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #4: New Guinea

Scenario#: M10     Date: 30-Jan-43     Location: Wau, New Guinea

A company of the ANZAC 2/5 battalion ordered to intercept elements of the Japanese 51st Division advancing on Wau finds itself bypassed and cut off. The unit attempts to sneak back to friendly lines through the advancing Japanese forces but …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #4: New Guinea

Scenario#: E     Date: 2-Nov-43     Location: Butaritari, Gilbert Islands

The Gilbert Islands became one of the first stepping stones in the large scale movement by the US to take back Japanese-held territory. A Japanese seaplane base guarded by a citadel of defenses was the key target on Butaritari, a …

Combat CommanderCC: Pacific

Scenario#: D     Date: 1-Nov-43     Location: Empress August Bay, Bougainville

On this date the US 3rd Marine Division landed at Cape Torokina. Naval forces assisting the Marines included 4 cruisers and 8 destroyers. Empress Augusta Bay had been chosen because it was within range of allied land—based fighter bases and …

Combat CommanderCC: Pacific

Scenario#: 117     Date: 26-Jan-43     Location: Nikolaevka, Russia

The stunning successes of the Russian counterattacks, Operations Uranus, Saturn, and Little Saturn, resulted in the shattering of the Axis front lines along the Don River. On the extreme edge of this battlefield stood the units of the Italian Alpine…

Combat CommanderC3I Magazine #27

Scenario#: 113     Date: 9-Oct-43     Location: Jivevenang, New Guinea

In order to secure Finschhafen as a forward operating base the Australian 9th Division needed to drive Col. Sadahike Miyake’s 80th Regiment from its positions in an around the village of Sattleburg. One of these positions was the village Jivavenang …

Combat CommanderC3I Magazine #25

Scenario#: 72     Date: 23-Dec-43     Location: Island of Korcula, Croatia

On the island of Korčula on the Croatian Adriatic coast, with Partisans of the Dalmatian Brigade attempting to buy enough time for their comrades to evacuate from surrounding German units of the 118th Jäger Division.

Combat CommanderCC: Resistance

Scenario#: 71     Date: 14-May-43     Location: Sutjeska River, Bosnia

Outside the village of Tjentište, Eastern Bosnia, at the Sutjeska River, where trapped Partisan units fought their way through a weak point in the German-Croatian lines, escaping once again although at great cost.

Combat CommanderCC: Resistance

Scenario#: 70     Date: 26-Jun-43     Location: Daliki, Belarus

In a remote village south of Lepel, Byelorussia, with Soviet partisans of an important Operative Center suddenly trapped by a well-executed German rear-area clearing operation.

Combat CommanderCC: Resistance

Scenario#: 68     Date: 28-Feb-43     Location: Neretva River, Hercegovina

Jablanica, Hercegovina, at the railroad bridge crossing of the Neretva River, with Partisans attempting to seize the bridgehead and destroy the Chetnik forces blocking the Partisan escape from German forces.

Combat CommanderCC: Resistance

Scenario#: 64     Date: 27-Jun-43     Location: Leskovik, Albania

Outside Lekovic, Albania, with ELAS partisans in a prepared ambush against elements of the German 1st Gebirgsjäger Division, whose commander suspecting a ruse changed his attack plans.

Combat CommanderCC: Resistance

Scenario#: 44     Date: 11-Jan-43     Location: Velikiye Luki, Russia

The Soviet Kalinin Front offensive at the beginning of winter 1942 successfully cut off and encircled the key transportation hub of Velikiye Luki. The German 277th lnfantry Regt. under orders from Hitler to hold at all costs resolutely defended the …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #2: Stalingrad

Scenario#: 30     Date: 25-Sep-43     Location: Veliki Bukrin Bridgehead, Russia

On the night of September 24-25, the Russian 5th Airborne Brigade air assaulted into the Bukrin Bend to establish a bridgehead on the west bank of the Dnieper River. The jump was less than successful as the troopers were widely …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #1: Paratroopers

Scenario#: 21     Date: 8-Aug-43     Location: Northern Sicily, Sicily

While elements of the 15th and 30th Infantry Regiments of the US 9th Division seized a key hill along the San Fratello Line, Lt. Col. Lyle Bernard led a reinforced Battalion in an amphibious landing at Sant' Agata, a few …

Combat CommanderCC: Mediterranean

Scenario#: 17     Date: 24-Dec-43     Location: Ortona, Italy

On December 21l, house to house fighting began in earnest in the Adriatic seaport of Ortona. It was during the next seven days that the Canadian 1st Infantry Division literally rewrote the book on close-quarters city fighting techniques. More than …

Combat CommanderCC: Mediterranean

Scenario#: 10     Date: 4-Feb-43     Location: Novorossiysk, Russia

To aid in the success of the Soviet amphibious operation launched against Kleist's Army Group A near Novorossiysk, a Black Sea Fleet commando detachment landed a few miles further down along the Black Sea coast. In order to protect the …

Combat CommanderCC: Europe

Scenario#: 8     Date: Jan-43     Location: Velikiye Luki, Russia

As the Kalinin Front - led by several Soviet Shock Armies, drove westward they were able to completely encircle the German 277th Infantry Regiment at Velikiye-Luki. Outside relief for this surrounded force was not to be had, however, so orders …

Combat CommanderCC: Europe

Scenario#: E8     Date: 14 Sept 1943     Location: Altavilla, Italy

Hill 424, overlooking the Salerno beachhead, was taken by the 36th but they were then forced to retreat by German counterattacks. The Allied forces made their stand along the La Cosa Creek between the Calore River and Altavilla. In the …

Band of BrothersExtras

Scenario#: E6     Date: 12 July 1943     Location: Prokhorovka, Russia

The main attack on the southern face of the Kursk salient was to be delivered by Hoth’s 4th Panzer Army. After a week of fighting, the exhausted troops of Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler around Hill 252.2 prepared to advance on Prokhorovka …

Band of BrothersExtras

Scenario#: E5     Date: 12 Jan 1943     Location: Leningrad, Russia

Throughout the winter of '42-’43, the Soviets launched repeated attacks to relieve the siege of Leningrad. The hard-pressed Germans rebuffed one attack after another, but in so doing their lines became progressively thinner. Finally the Germans had…

Band of BrothersExtras

Scenario#: E12     Date: 7 July 1943     Location: Ponyri, Russia

Operation Zitadelle’s northern pincer ground to a halt in a series of pitched battles around the seemingly insignificant settlement of Ponyri. Having finally penetrated the second defense belt of the Russian defenses at great cost, the 86th…

Band of BrothersExtras

Scenario#: 46     Date: 6 July 1943     Location: Prokhorovka, Russia

As part of the Russian 2nd army’s defensive belt south of Prokhorovka, Lieutenant Colonel Sushkov’s 154th Guards Rifle Regiment, 51st Guards Rifle Division, was ordered to block part of the expected armoured thrust by II SS Panzers Corps north into …

Band of BrothersBattle Pack 1

Scenario#: 36     Date: 15 Dec 1943     Location: San Pietro, Italy

The Reinhard Line ran through the town of San Pietro In fine, which occupied the Mignano Gap, blocking Route 6 and Allied access to Cassino and Rome. The Germans turned the town into a strongpoint, defended by the second Battalion …

Band of BrothersTexas Arrows

Scenario#: 35     Date: 3 Sept 1943     Location: Mt Maggiore, Italy

Much of the 36th’s campaign in Italy consisted of wresting mountain top after mountain top from dug-in German defenders. One such peak was Mount Maggiore, called the ‘Million Dollar Mountain’ because of the quantity of artillery ammunition expended…

Band of BrothersTexas Arrows

Scenario#: 34     Date: 13 Sept 1943     Location: Altavilla, Italy

Hill 424, overlooking the Salerno beachhead was a key objective. On September 13th, after an initial artillery barrage, Companies I and K of the 142nd assaulted the southern part of the hill mass, encountering heavy fire from German machinegun…

Band of BrothersTexas Arrows

Scenario#: 33     Date: 9 Sept 1943     Location: Salerno, Italy

After training in North Africa, the 36th took part in the Salerno landings, where they landed on the right flank at Paestum. After advancing inland they were struck by German counterattacks including one that almost penetrated to the Division CP. …

Band of BrothersTexas Arrows

Scenario#: 31     Date: 12 July 1943     Location: Obian, Russia

The first days following the initial attack of the Kursk offensive would see good progress made by the 11th Panzer. However, gains would come slower and slower as the division began to wear down. Eventually, the Gross Deutschland was turned …

Band of BrothersGhost Panzer

Scenario#: 30     Date: 5 July 1943     Location: Butowo, Russia

Manstein argued for an immediate attack once the mud period ended. He wanted to take advantage of the Russians who he felt were still smarting from the Backhand Blow. Hitler, however, preferred to wait for the arrival of the new …

Band of BrothersGhost Panzer

Scenario#: 29     Date: 28 Feb 1943     Location: Barvenkovo, Russia

By February 1943, the Germans were in big trouble. The encirclement of the 6th Army at Stalingrad was followed by Soviet offenses in January that shattered the Hungarian 2nd Army and the German 2nd Army. The Germans were left over-extended …

Band of BrothersGhost Panzer

Scenario#: WO34     Date: 12/21/1943     Location: Ortona, Italy

As Canadian forces pushed steadily through the olive groves and vineyards west of Ortona, Fallschirmjáger Division 1 was compelled to establish a new defensive line in the town itself. Ortona was already something of a rubble strewn maze from damage…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2020

Scenario#: WO19     Date: 7/10/1943     Location: Enogai, New Georgia

Operation TOENAILS called for “Liversedge Force” to capture Enogai and Bairoke Harbor in order to isolate the Japanese troops defending Munda, while the main effort against Munda itself would be made by the 43rd Infantry Division, attacking from the…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2016

Scenario#: WO18     Date: 7/10/1943     Location: Munda Airfield, New Georgia

The main attack on Munda Airfield came from the east by the 43rd Infantry Division. The main line of defense ran from Ilangana on Roviana Lagoon northwest for 3,000 yards, manned by the Japanese 229th Infantry Regiment. The defenses centered on…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2016

Scenario#: U33     Date: 9/24/1943     Location: Kiev, Russia Second

In mid September 1943 Manstein’s Army Group South initiated a full scale retreat along the entire length of its 600 mile front. The plan was to fall back to the west bank of the Dnieper and redeploy for defense before the Russians could form any…

Advanced Squad LeaderTurning the Tide