Browse Items (942 total)

Scenario#: AP145     Date: 3/2/1940     Location: Märkäjärvi, Finland

In November 1939, the Soviet Union attacked Finland. Sweden dared not engage in full scale war with its age-old enemy, but allowed volunteer bureaus to be set up. Among the first in the Swedish Voluntary Corps to see action was the 4:e…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #15 Swedish Volunteers

Scenario#: AP146     Date: 3/10/1940     Location: Märkäjärvi, Finland

The first two weeks of front service had passed without any major incidences for the Swedish Volunteer Corps. Both sides tried to find weaknesses in the opposite line of defense. On the very day Lieutenant Colonel Viking Tamm took a section of the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #15 Swedish Volunteers

Scenario#: AP151     Date: 3/4/1942     Location: Jandeba, Russia

The Svir Front had been calm for sometime, when the Swedish Volunteers in Avdelta Kompaniet arrived at the stream Jandeba. Occasional shelling was a nuisance, and a raid to locate the source of this problem was ordered. After a few days worth of…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #15 Swedish Volunteers

Scenario#: AP152     Date: 4/18/1942     Location: Shemenski, Russia

The Soviet offensive at Jandeba had left a dangerous bulge in the Finnish lines at Shemenski. It threatened to cut the Finnish forces in two, thus a counterattack was ordered with the two hills the primary objective. The ad-hoc unit given this…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #15 Swedish Volunteers

Scenario#: AP153     Date: 5/16/1942     Location: Jandeba, Russia

In order to relieve the pressure of German infantry and artillery on a Finnish supply route, Swedish volunteers were ordered to attack and advance the front line. Two Swedish platoons silently crossed the improvised footbridges across the Jandeba…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #15 Swedish Volunteers

Scenario#: AP154     Date: 5/25/1942     Location: Jandeba, Russia

During the nine day period that had passed since the Russians had been displaced by a Swedish attack across the Jandeba stream, the new defenders had been digging in and placing wire and mines in anticipation of the expected counterattack. At…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #15 Swedish Volunteers

Scenario#: AP155     Date: 6/21/1944     Location: Näätäkä, Finland

After the Russian breakthrough of the first Finnish line of defense in the Karelian Isthmus, Field Marshal Mannerheim ordered the evacuation of Far Karelia. All forces in the region were sent to the Isthmus tp prevent a Russian exploitation of the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #15 Swedish Volunteers

Scenario#: AP156     Date: 6/25/1944     Location: Tali, Finland

The Finnish Battalion Commander's voice was barely heard over the alarm. "Take the height!" "Protect the flank". The order started pumping adrenalin into every man's body, as the Swedish group led by Lieutenauts Axel Hård av Segerstad and Orvar…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #15 Swedish Volunteers

Scenario#: AP157     Date: 6/26/1944     Location: Tali, Finland

The night before, 13th Infantry Regiment had been reinforced by troops trained in the new anti-tech weaponry. Panzerfausts and Panzerschrecks had breathed new hope into troops who for some time had to contend with a heavily armored foe. Early in the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #15 Swedish Volunteers

Scenario#: AP158     Date: 6/26/1944     Location: Tali, Finland

At the Command Post everyone was joyful, a Russian tank had been destroyed and the defense line held tight even if the battalion forces were strained to the limit. Then another tank attack came, an Assault Gun raced in the lead with a supporting…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #15 Swedish Volunteers

Scenario#: AP159     Date: 6/28/1944     Location: Tali, Finland

A report gave information that the Russian Tank Army drove south. Immediately the order was given to the 2nd Finnish Battalion to attack in the direction of Tali Mill. Supported by a few remaining men of the Swedish Avdelta Kompaniet, led by…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #15 Swedish Volunteers

Scenario#: AP169     Date: 4/16/1944     Location: Seredynki, Ukraine

Marshal Zhukov mustered six tank armies within the 1st Ukrainian Front and, on March 4, launched them with the town of Tarnopol as a key objective. The "Mud Offensive" was successful and 200,000 Germans under General Hube became trapped, victim's of…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #16 From The Land Down Under

Scenario#: AP171     Date: 7/12/1944     Location: Kaunas, Lithuania

The Soviet advance during their summer offensive was rapid and combined with Hitler"s “no retreat” order led to many German units becoming trapped inside cities. At Vilnius, remnants of two German regiments under the command of Luftwaffe Major…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #16 From The Land Down Under

Scenario#: AP009     Date: 4/16/1945     Location: Alt Langsow, Germany

The battle for the Seelow Heights on the outskirts of Berlin would be the battle upon which the fate of the capital would rest. On 16 April at 0300 hours, a massive array of Soviet artillery opened fore along the front. Searchlights were switched on…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #2

Scenario#: AP011     Date: 7/3/1944     Location: Smorgon, Russia

Fighting had raged up and down the Minsk-Vilnius highway for over a week between Molodechno and Smorgon. Confronted with the collapse of Army Group Center and the imminent loss of Minsk, Hitler sacked Field Marshal Busch and allowed Model to release…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #2

Scenario#: AP012     Date: 6/23/1941     Location: the Bug River, Russia

Assault gun crews were highly trained, elite artillery units assigned to provide close fire support to the infantry. All assault gun crews were volunteers up until 1944 and had proven in pre-war trials to be more accurate gunners than tank crews. In…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #2

Scenario#: AP013     Date: 12/3/1941     Location: Khimki, Russia

The men of the 35th Infantry Division were exhausted after their long trek across Russia. First mud, the severe winter weather, then stiffening defenses had blunted the spearhead of Operation Typhoon’s drive to Moscow. Now, with the spires of the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #2

Scenario#: AP017     Date: 12/24/1942     Location: Arbuzov, Russia

Gruppo Nord was in trouble. The retreating Italian and German troops had reached the town of Arbuzov on December 22nd, but Soviet troops soon ringed the hills on the town's outskirts. These troops protected the mortars, artillery pieces and rockets…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #3 Few Returned

Scenario#: AP018     Date: 12/25/1942     Location: Arbuzov, Russia

Many Axis soldiers in Arbuzov arose on a bitterly cold Christmas Day to discover that they had been abandoned. The main force had apparently continued on their retreat without rounding up all the soldiers in the column from their scattered nighttime…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #3 Few Returned

Scenario#: AP019     Date: 1/4/1943     Location: Chertkovo, Russia

After Christmas, the retreating Gruppo Nord finally made it to the town of Chertkovo, where an Italo-German garrison took them in and provided them much needed fuel and supplies. However, Gruppe Nord was in no condition to continue. They waited for…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #3 Few Returned

Scenario#: AP020     Date: 1/15/1943     Location: Rossosch, Russia

Trying to escape its encirclement, the Alpini Corps constantly had to fight off blocking forces of Russian indantry and raiding partisans, as well as raiding armored forces. On January 15th, the most dangerous raid of all occurred, when tanks and…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #3 Few Returned

Scenario#: AP021     Date: 1/16/1943     Location: Babka, Russia

Day after day in mid-January, the Soviets launched repeated attacks against the Italians of the Cuneense, Julia, and Tridentina divisions. Often the attacks never even made it across the frozen Don River to the fortified positions. On January 16th,…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #3 Few Returned

Scenario#: AP022     Date: 1/22/1943     Location: Sceljakino, Russia

The retreating Alpini Corps trudged westward through the snow. Cresting the low hills dominating the town of Sceljakino, on the route of the Italian retreat, the lead troops encountered heavy gyunfire from Soviet troops in the town below. To keep an…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #3 Few Returned

Scenario#: AP023     Date: 1/24/1943     Location: Arnautovo, Russia

Russian troops launched a surprise sortie against the village of Arnautovo which was held by the Italian Valchiese Battalion of the 6th Alpini Regiment and some divisional artillery. To add to the dismay of the Italian defenders, they were also beset…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #3 Few Returned

Scenario#: AP024     Date: 1/26/1943     Location: Nikolajewka, Russia

The Tridentina Division led the survivors of the Italian 8th Army westwards toward safety, but one obstale remained – the town of Nikolajewka. Astride the Rostov-Moscow railroad, the town was in Russian hands and strongly held. General Luigi…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #3 Few Returned

Scenario#: AP025     Date: 1/27/1943     Location: Valuiki, Russia

While the Tridentina led the vanguard of the Alpini Corps’ attempts to break out of the Russian encirclement, the Cuneense Division served as the rear guard, repeatedly fighting off Soviet pursuers so that the main body could press on to the west and…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #3 Few Returned

Scenario#: AP041     Date: 6/25/1941     Location: Lutsk, Russia

In the opening days of Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union, the triangular area bounded by the cities of Lutsk, Rovno, and Brody was the scene of a bitter struggle. Army High Command plans called for a rapid thrust to the Ukrainian capital of…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #5 East Front

Scenario#: AP042     Date: 6/26/1941     Location: Skaudvila, Russia

As German penetrations into the Russian frontier intensified, Soviet commanders were forced to rely heavily upon counterattacks to stem the tide. Northwest Front commander Col-Gen Kusnetsov planned to use his 3rd and 12th Mechanized Corps to attack…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #5 East Front

Scenario#: AP043     Date: 8/3/1941     Location: Podvyssokoya-Peregonorka, Russia

Large numbers of Russian men and material had been cut off and surrounded in a pocket centered on Uman, near Kiev. The encircled Russians, searching for a means to escape, had already attempted to break out to the east with disastrous results. To the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #5 East Front

Scenario#: AP044     Date: 9/16/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

The Wehrmacht had advanced to within one hundred meters of the Volga, squeezing the Russians onto the river’s bank. One of the most dominant terrain features was a large grassy hill known as Mamayev Kurgan, 335 feet high, which commanded a fine view…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #5 East Front

Scenario#: AP046     Date: 3/20/1943     Location: Taranovka, Russia

As Manstein delivered the “back-hand blow” to Soviet forces at Kharkov, the Red Army was beginning to develop tactics on par with their German counterparts. With the huge victory at Stalingrad to build upon, propaganda switched from politics to…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #5 East Front

Scenario#: AP047     Date: 7/12/1943     Location: Storozhevoe, Russia

Although the German spearhead had been blunted at Prokhorovka, the thrusts of SS-Panzerkorps II would continue to push forward for another day. However, General Rotmistov was now gaining the initiative, and the armored battles would be under…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #5 East Front

Scenario#: AP048     Date: 7/14/1943     Location: Werchopenje, Russia

The battle of Kursk had largely climaxed, with formations neighboring the “Grossdeutschland” Division being driven into defensive modes. Following one day of rest and replenishment, in the midst of preparing to once again drive north, the neighboring…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #5 East Front

Scenario#: AP050     Date: 10/30/1944     Location: Olszak, Poland

While most Soviet formations were either out of supplies, victory drunk or both, the German landsers were becoming weary of constant defensive action. With new equipment in place and supply lines back to the Reich shortened by the territorial losses…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #5 East Front

Scenario#: AP051     Date: 1/18/1945     Location: Sid, Yugoslavia

In an attempt to re-open lines to Panzer-Armee 2, Armeekorps XXXIV conducted a major attack along the Syrmien front south of the Danube. Opposing this assault were six divisions of Tito’s “partisan” army. Dug in like the Russians who had trained them…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #5 East Front

Scenario#: AP052     Date: 4/17/1945     Location: St. Polten, Austria

On April 12 STAVKA declared Vienna clear of German forces. The 3rd Ukrainian Front was issued new orders, one of which was to take the town of St. Polten, south-west of Vienna, in the strategically located Vienna Woods. St. Polten was taken on the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #5 East Front

Scenario#: AP060     Date: 2/10/1943     Location: Nishne-Gnilovskaya, Russia

When Red Army elements crossed the Don River in early February just west of Rostov and established a bridgehead, the 503rd Heavy Tank Battalion was part of the force tasked to eliminate the threat. A force of six Tigers and then Pz IIIs, with…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #6 A Decade of War

Scenario#: AP062     Date: 2/8/1945     Location: Klein-Silber, Germany

In early February, following the Red Army’s breakthrough and rapid advance in Poland, the northern flank of Zhukov’s 1st Belorussian Front in Pomerania was fluid. His worn-out and thinly spread troops pushed northward in an attempt to keep the enemy…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #6 A Decade of War

Scenario#: AP063     Date: 12/7/1941     Location: Klin, Russia

During the final phase of Operation TYPHOON, German Panzer-Armee 4 broke through Russian defenses northeast of Moscow. General Reinhardt's Panzer-Korps LVI was able to cross the Moskva-Volga Canal at Yakhroma on 27 November but could not hold its…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #7

Scenario#: AP066     Date: 7/5/1943     Location: Cherkasskoye, Russia

The German summer offensive know as CITADEL came as no surprise to STAVKA. Several layers of defensive networks had been prepared. Given the nature of the terrain in central Russia, any large armored thrusts would encounter chokepoints near strategic…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #7

Scenario#: AP070     Date: 7/18/1944     Location: Busk Sasov, Poland

The Red Army launched the Lvov-Sandomierz offensive after OKH had stripped Army Group North Ukraine to the bare bones in order to plug the holes left by a crumbling Army Group Center. This attack was a major operation in its own right, designed to…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #7

Scenario#: A011     Date: 12/9/1939     Location: Aittojoki, Finland

As Soviet troops pressed into the wilderness area north of Lake Ladoga, the Finns instituted a full-scale scorched earth policy. Even those Russians lucky enough to find Finnish dwellings still intact met with disaster. With the onset of the severe…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 89

Scenario#: A012     Date: 8/23/1942     Location: Ischbuchenskiy, Russia

As the Italian 8th Army took up positions along the west bank of the River Don, a Russian counterattack opened a gap between it and the German 6th Army advancing on Stalingrad. As part of the effort to seal this breach, the Savoy Cavalry and Novara…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 89

Scenario#: AD06     Date: 6/29/1944     Location: Bokruisk, Russia

In what was to become known as the "Destruction of Army Group Centre", the city of Bobruisk was one of the primary objectives for the Soviet summer offensive. The Soviet 65th and 3rd Armies linked up west of Bobruisk, trapping some 100,000 German…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 90

Scenario#: A044     Date: 7/3/1941     Location: Borisov, Belarus

During the opening stages of Barbarossa, the first great pincer movement on the Central Front occurred between the cities of Bialystok and Minsk. As a result of the encirclement of four Soviet armies in the pocket, the high command was forced to…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 92

Scenario#: A048     Date: 6/27/1943     Location: Leskovik, Albania

ELAS had learned that the German 1st Mountain Division was moving from Serbia to Greece, with its route passing through the village of Leskovic high in the mountains along the Greek-Albanian frontier. The commander of ELAS decided to use the village…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 92

Scenario#: A049     Date: 10/26/1944     Location: Libau, Lithuania

After failing to halt the onslaught of Bagramyan’s 1st Baltic Front, scattered units of Grossdeutshcland Division were ordered to fall back to the northwest and regroup. One evening during the course of this retreat, some 300 of its men were…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 92

Scenario#: A051     Date: 7/12/1943     Location: Prokhorovka, Russia

Hundreds of AFVs were compressed into a corridor bordered by the Psel River on one side and the Belgorod-Kursk railway embankment on the other. The ensuing struggle raged for eight hours, punctuated by four major armored clashes. One such came about…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 93a

Scenario#: A054     Date: 12/13/1939     Location: Raate, Finland

With the invasion, two reinforced Soviet divisions crossed the border in the north with orders to cut Finland in half by seizing Oulu, 150 miles to the west. But the Russian 163rd Rifle Division was soon trapped at Suomussalmi. And so, a third Soviet…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 93a

Scenario#: A070     Date: 12/13/1942     Location: Verkhne-Kumsky, Russia

Time was running out for the Germans surrounded in Stalingrad. On December 12, the LVII Armored Corps launched Operation Wintergewitter (“Winter Tempest”), the offensive to relieve VI Army. Spearheading the drive was the veteran 6th Panzer Division,…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 95 Winter