Browse Items (942 total)

Scenario#: 15     Date: May 16, 1942     Location: Karlovka, Russia

Three days after the start of the Red Army spring offensive, German situation maps showed huge gaps in the front line in southern Russia where there were no units to stem the runaway Soviet assault on Kharkov. While the Russian …

Panzer (YAQ)Panzer: A Tactical Game of Armored Combat on the Eastern Front, 1941-1945

Scenario#: 14     Date: June 28, 1944     Location: Lepel, Russia

During the destruction of Army Group Center the German front became pierced at many points. As the battlefield situation became more fluid, reliable information was of crucial importance to both sides. In the midst of the fighting an unusual clash …

Panzer (YAQ)Panzer: A Tactical Game of Armored Combat on the Eastern Front, 1941-1945

Scenario#: 13     Date: January 12, 1943     Location: Leningrad, Russia

Throughout the winter of ‘42-’43, the Soviets launched repeated attacks to relieve the siege of Leningrad. The hard-pressed Germans rebuffed one attack after another, but in so doing, their lines became progressively thinner. Finally, the Germans had…

Panzer (YAQ)Panzer: A Tactical Game of Armored Combat on the Eastern Front, 1941-1945

Scenario#: 12     Date: April 6, 1944     Location: Buchach, Russia

The March Russian offensive to drives the Germans back to the Carpathian Mountains had been successful. Partially due to Hitler’s “stand-fast” order, many large German formations were encircled. Among them was the entire First Panzer Army of General…

Panzer (YAQ)Panzer: A Tactical Game of Armored Combat on the Eastern Front, 1941-1945

Scenario#: 11     Date: February 11, 1943     Location: Chernichevo, Russia

After the Russians captured Krasny Bor, lead armored units approached the village of Chernichevo in the effort to a large portion of the German 18th Army. On the night of the 10th, a German kampfgruppe was sent to block the …

Panzer (YAQ)Panzer: A Tactical Game of Armored Combat on the Eastern Front, 1941-1945

Scenario#: 10     Date: October 10, 1944     Location: Radzymin, Poland

The men of the SS Totenkopf Division had stalled the advance of the Firth Guards Tank Army in late September. Then, silence. No fighting had occurred for the past three weeks. Replacements arrived; weapons were stripped and cleaned. The three …

Panzer (YAQ)Panzer: A Tactical Game of Armored Combat on the Eastern Front, 1941-1945

Scenario#: 9     Date: July 3, 1941     Location: Lipki, Russia

Under pressure to hold Smolensk, Yeremenko was desperate to halt the German offensive. On 1 July, he committed his sole armored reserve: the 1st Moscow Motorized Rifle Division. It was a crack unit, the pride of STAVKA. Equipped with the …

Panzer (YAQ)Panzer: A Tactical Game of Armored Combat on the Eastern Front, 1941-1945

Scenario#: 8     Date: January 13, 1944     Location: Nikopol, Ukraine

After the Germans had suffered multiple defeats at the hands of the Russians during the Summer of 1943, the Germans held only two positions on the east bank of the Dnieper River. The Nikopol and Kanev Bridgeheads were the last …

Panzer (YAQ)Panzer: A Tactical Game of Armored Combat on the Eastern Front, 1941-1945

Scenario#: 7     Date: March 7, 1945     Location: Siofok, Hungary

Operation Morning Watch ‘Fruhlingserwachen’ was Hitler's plan to relieve the IX SS Mountain Corps which was trapped in the besieged city of Budapest. Often called the "Ardennes of the East', this operation was to be the German's last attempt to …

Panzer (YAQ)Panzer: A Tactical Game of Armored Combat on the Eastern Front, 1941-1945

Scenario#: 6     Date: July 14, 1943     Location: Kalinovka, Ukraine

On July 12, the German and Russian armored forces met to the west of Prokhorovka in the Ukraine. Nearly 1,300 tanks and assault guns clashed in what was to become the largest tank battle in history. The battle raged, in …

Panzer (YAQ)Panzer: A Tactical Game of Armored Combat on the Eastern Front, 1941-1945

Scenario#: 5     Date: July 9, 1943     Location: Kalinovka, Ukraine

In the summer of 1943 the huge Kursk Salient stretched from Orel in the north to Kharkov in the south. The Germans were determined to eliminate the bulge and regain the territory lost to the Soviets in their '42 winter …

Panzer (YAQ)Panzer: A Tactical Game of Armored Combat on the Eastern Front, 1941-1945

Scenario#: 4     Date: August 22, 1944     Location: Ergli, Latvia

During the Russian winter offensive of 1943/1944, the Red Army had reached the frontier of the Baltic States, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania. The German High Command realized that the Baltic States had to be held for political as well as …

Panzer (YAQ)Panzer: A Tactical Game of Armored Combat on the Eastern Front, 1941-1945

Scenario#: 3     Date: April 7, 1944     Location: Buchach, Ukraine

The Russian spring offensive of 1944 caught the German High Command by surprise and unprepared. On March 3, 1944, the Russian Forces of the 2nd Ukrainian Front attacked from Zvenigorodka through Uman, with a secondary thrust from Kirovograd towards…

Panzer (YAQ)Panzer: A Tactical Game of Armored Combat on the Eastern Front, 1941-1945

Scenario#: 2     Date: April 21, 1945     Location: Spremberg, Germany

At this point the war in Europe was nearly over. The Russian Forces were pouring into Germany from the Baltic to the Czechoslovakian border. The remaining German Forces and Townsfolk were called upon again and again to stem the tide …

Panzer (YAQ)Panzer: A Tactical Game of Armored Combat on the Eastern Front, 1941-1945

Scenario#: 1     Date: July 22, 1943     Location: Bryansk Forest, Belorussia

Composed of peasants, villagers and isolated Russian troops, by this time the Russian partisan forces numbered close to 142,000. Although the effects of the partisans can not be accurately measured, they were a constant thorn in the side of the …

Panzer (YAQ)Panzer: A Tactical Game of Armored Combat on the Eastern Front, 1941-1945

Scenario#: C3i4     Date: 30 September 1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

Prior to the battle of the Tannenburg Line, elements of Ill SS Panzer Corps meet elements of the Soviet 2nd Shock Army. The Germans are scouting defensible positions to cover their retreat westward, while the Soviets are hot on their …

Panzer (GMT)C3I Magazine #28

Scenario#: C3i3     Date: 25 July 1944     Location: Sinimäed Hills, Estonia

For nearly two months during the fail of 1942, just over three dozen men and women of the Soviet army held the "House Of Soviets #4" from wave after wave of German assault. This building. apartment complex overlooking the Volga …

Panzer (GMT)C3I Magazine #28

Scenario#: C3i2     Date: July 1944     Location: Kovel, Ukraine

Continuing the actions of the German 4th Panzer Army around Kovel. Battle Of Kovel Part 2 reflects the attack upon the village itself. The German units that broke through to Kevel were quite successful. The follow on attack caught the …

Panzer (GMT)C3I Magazine #27

Scenario#: C3i1     Date: July 1944     Location: Kovel, Ukraine

In an effort to stem the tide of the never ending flow of Soviet reinforcements a bold move was planned to destroy the transportation hub at the village of Kovel near the Pripet Marshes. The task was assigned to elements …

Panzer (GMT)C3I Magazine #27

Scenario#: 24     Date: October 1941     Location: Bryansk, Russia

Moscow was one of Germany's primary military objects in their invasion of the Soviet Union. It was probably driven more by a political imperative than the strategic measures it offered. Operation Typhoon was Germany's offensive to capture Moscow.…

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #2 The Final Forces On The Eastern Front

Scenario#: 23     Date: Late 1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

Urban warfare was the bane of all mechanized forces. The idea of slugging it out in close combat among the tight and twisting roads, rubble and endless buildings struck fear in hearts of all soldiers. Yet, it was critical as …

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #2 The Final Forces On The Eastern Front

Scenario#: 22     Date: June 1944     Location: Vitebsk, Russia

As part of Operation Bagration the elimination Of the Vitebsk salient was one of the key objectives. There forces of the German 3rd Panzer Army and the Soviet 5th Army clashed over the fortress city of Vitebsk During the battle, …

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #2 The Final Forces On The Eastern Front

Scenario#: 21     Date: 5 July 1943     Location: Kursk, Russia

As the German 9th Army's XXIII Corps' 78th and 216th Infantry Divisions launched a diversionary attack along the eastern flank, at 0530 hours both the XLI and XLVII Panzer Corps moved forward with the main attack in the Podolyan-Alexandrovka sectors…

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #2 The Final Forces On The Eastern Front

Scenario#: 20     Date: June 1941     Location: Brody, Russia

This continues the action between Panzer Group 1 and the Soviet 5th and 6th Armies at Brody. After passing through the first line of Soviet Forces, the Germans are attempting to secure a key bridgehead.

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #2 The Final Forces On The Eastern Front

Scenario#: 19     Date: June 1941     Location: Brody, Russia

Operation Barbarossa was the code name for Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union. Over 4.5 million troops) invaded the Soviet Union on 22 June 1941 along a front over 2,900 km long. It marked the greatest invasion in the history …

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #2 The Final Forces On The Eastern Front

Scenario#: 18     Date: 12 July 1943     Location: Kursk, Russia

After rolling over the Soviet 6th Tank Corps, the 3rd Panzer Division moved into a defensive position on the western flank of the Grossdeutsch/and Panzergrenadier Division. At the same time, the Soviet 1st Tank and 6th Guards Armies were advancing …

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #2 The Final Forces On The Eastern Front

Scenario#: 17     Date: March 1945     Location: Budapest, Hungary

In the final months of the war, the battlefield became the "Land of the Giants" as King Tigers and IS-2S & 3s traded shots as the smaller prey fled for the cover of the small towns and villages. Unfortunately for …

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #1 The Shape Of Battle On The Eastern Front

Scenario#: 16     Date: 12 July 1943     Location: Kursk, Russia

As the mist cleared in the early morning Of 12 July, the 600 tanks and assault guns of the II SS Panzer Corps jumped off into what would become the largest tank battle of the war. The three SS Divisions …

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #1 The Shape Of Battle On The Eastern Front

Scenario#: 15     Date: Late 1943     Location: Poltava, Ukraine

After the German defeat at Kursk, the focus shifted south to the Dnepr River. There, the Germans constructed a fortified line dubbed the "Eastern Rampart". Boasting the Dnepr would flow backwards before the Soviets could overcome this position, the…

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #1 The Shape Of Battle On The Eastern Front

Scenario#: 14     Date: 10 July 1943     Location: Kursk, Russia

By the close of the day on 9 July, the German 4th Panzer Army's XLVIII Panzer Corps reached the northernmost point of the offensive in the southern of the Kursk Salient. The next day found the German 3rd Panzer Division …

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #1 The Shape Of Battle On The Eastern Front

Scenario#: 13     Date: Early 1945     Location: Silesia, Poland

As the war was drawing to a close the Soviet Army raced to the gates of Berlin before the approaching Western Forces could snatch that prize from their grasp. The German Army, now nothing more than a paper force, threw …

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #1 The Shape Of Battle On The Eastern Front

Scenario#: 12     Date: 9 July 1943     Location: Kursk, Russia

In a critical battle of the Soviet Central Front, the German 9th Army dashed with the Soviet 2nd Tank Army at the junction of the Northern Kursk Salient. Elements of the German 9th Panzer Division, along with attached Elefants and …

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #1 The Shape Of Battle On The Eastern Front

Scenario#: 11     Date: August 1943     Location: Kharkov, Ukraine

Bloodied in action the against the German Panzergrenadier Division 'Grossdeutschland' during the decisive Kursk offensive, the Soviet 3rd Mechanized Corps remained an element of the Soviet 1st Tank Army. When that unit the assumed the offensive…

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #1 The Shape Of Battle On The Eastern Front

Scenario#: 10     Date: August 1943     Location: Orel, Russia

The Soviets launched Operation Kutuzov, named in honor of the Napoleonic era general credited with saving Moscow from the invading 1812 French forces. to draw away and pin down German forces of Army Group Center from the Kursk Offensive. It …

Panzer (GMT)Operations on the Eastern Front 1943-45

Scenario#: 9     Date: April 1944     Location: Kamenets, Ukraine

Hube's Pocket, named for German Generaloberst Hans-Valentin Hube, was created when forces of the Soviet 1st and 2nd Ukrainian Fronts attempted to cut off and encircle the German 1st Panzer Army north of the Dniester River. As the most powerful …

Panzer (GMT)Operations on the Eastern Front 1943-45

Scenario#: 8     Date: July 1943     Location: Kursk, Russia

The 4th Panzer Division, as part Of the General Walter Model's 9th Army's XLVII Panzer Corps, met the Soviet 2nd Tank Army headlong on the Northern Kursk Salient. Along with the 2nd and 4th Panzer Divisions, these panzer divisions formed …

Panzer (GMT)Operations on the Eastern Front 1943-45

Scenario#: 7     Date: Late 1943     Location: Kiev, Ukraine

The Soviet 10th Tank Corps was part of the 1st Tank Army at Kursk where it clashed with the German forces to close the salient. It then took part in the offensive to relieve Kharkov and the advance to the …

Panzer (GMT)Operations on the Eastern Front 1943-45

Scenario#: 6     Date: Early 1944     Location: Kharkov, Ukraine

The Soviet 8th Guards Mechanized Corps was formed in late 1943 as part of the 1st Tank Army, which it remained part of until the end of the war. It was involved in battle to recapture Kharkov and then the …

Panzer (GMT)Operations on the Eastern Front 1943-45

Scenario#: 5     Date: Late 1943     Location: Kiev, Ukraine

At the conclusion of Operation Zitadelle (Kursk). Germany's Army Group South was tasked with holding back the Soviet offensive operations that followed in the Ukrainian sector. The four panzer divisions of the German 6th Army, reformed in March 1943…

Panzer (GMT)Operations on the Eastern Front 1943-45

Scenario#: 4     Date: Late 1944     Location: Vilinius, Poland

Both the Germans and Soviets are advancing on a village at the convergence of a strategic road net. With the armor leading the way, the infantry elements are following close behind.

Panzer (GMT)Operations on the Eastern Front 1943-45

Scenario#: 3     Date: Late 1943     Location: Dniepr, Ukraine

This is a race to capture the only three crossings over a key water passage. Will the stem the Soviet advance or will they push the aside and rch on to relieve Kharkov?

Panzer (GMT)Operations on the Eastern Front 1943-45

Scenario#: 2     Date: Late 1944     Location: Vilinius, Poland

Both the Germans and Soviets are advancing on a viuage at the convergence of a strategic road net. With the armor leading way, the infantry elements are following

Panzer (GMT)Operations on the Eastern Front 1943-45

Scenario#: 1     Date: Late 1943     Location: Dnieper, Ukraine

This is race a to capture the only three crossings over a key water passage. Will the Germans stem the Soviet advance or will they push the Germans aside and march on to relieve Kharkov?

Panzer (GMT)Operations on the Eastern Front 1943-45

Scenario#: F-9     Date: 6/13/44     Location: Kuuterselka

KUUTERSELKA: The Finnish 1st Armored Division counter attacks the Russians to regain the strategic heights. (6/13/44)

Panzer (AH/MMP)The Grenadier Panssari Salama

Scenario#: F-8     Date: 7/42     Location: Osinovets, Finland

Hypothetical Finnish attack on Leningrad supply center. (7/42)

Panzer (AH/MMP)The Grenadier Panssari Salama

Scenario#: F-7     Date: 12/6/41     Location: Karhumaki, Finland

Finnish assault on Russian positions. (12/6/41)

Panzer (AH/MMP)The Grenadier Panssari Salama

Scenario#: F-6     Date: 3/8/40     Location: Tali, Finland

TALI: Final Russian attack of Winter War, forcing Finland to sue for peace. (3/8/40)

Panzer (AH/MMP)The Grenadier Panssari Salama

Scenario#: F-5     Date: 2/26/40     Location: Naykkijarvi, Finland

The Finnish 4th Detached Tank Company and 3rd lnfantry Battalion attempt to retake Russian hilltop position.

Panzer (AH/MMP)The Grenadier Panssari Salama

Scenario#: F-4     Date: 2/1/40     Location: Summa, Finland

SUMMA: Russian assault on Mannerheim Line (2/1/40)

Panzer (AH/MMP)The Grenadier Panssari Salama

Scenario#: F-3     Date: 11/39     Location: Petsamo, Finland

Arctic confrontation (11/39) Finnish frontier troops attempt to prevent the encirclement of Petsamo.

Panzer (AH/MMP)The Grenadier Panssari Salama