Browse Items (1343 total)

Scenario#: 6     Date: 11 Feb 1945     Location: Trier, Germany

After sustaining horrible losses while crossing the Sauer River, the 76th Infantry Division adopts more cautious protocols in their attempts to push through the Siegfried Line. On the morning of February 11th, 1945, a 15-minute barrage from an entire…

Tide of IronNext Wave

Scenario#: BP04     Date: 02/10/1945     Location: Colditz, Germany

By far the most renowned German prison camp of World War Two was the Colditz Castle. lt was where Allied prisoners who couldn't be kept anywhere else were housed. Allied High Command feared the Germans would execute their prisoners as …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesBattle Pack Bravo

Scenario#: HS19     Date: 2/10/1945     Location: Cleve, Germany

The veteran 43rd Wessex Division was being held in reserve for a breakthrough opportunity. As D+1 drew to a close, the news of the imminent capture of Cleve came to General Horrocks. Reports of the capture of Cleve were premature, however. As the…

Advanced Squad LeaderHSASL 2 - Operation Veritable

Scenario#: 24380     Date: February 09, 1945     Location: Kleve, Germany

The Reichswald is the 5-mile gap between the Maas and Rhine and the natural advance route from the German-Dutch border to the Ruhr. After amassing troops to get a numerical advantage near Groesbeek, the allies advanced towards Kleve. The German …

Memoir '44Dutch Open 2022

Scenario#: G03     Date: 2/9/1945     Location: Hennebont, France

The 66th Infantry Division was typical of many raised from draftees in preparation for the invasion of Europe. Yet when the “Panthermen” arrived, they found themselves relegated to a relative backwater – containing the isolated German pockets around…

Advanced Squad LeaderThe General #23.6

Scenario#: HS18     Date: 2/9/1945     Location: Cleve, Germany

By D+1 of the Operation Veritable campaign, the King’s Own Scottish Borderers had been ordered to cross the Westwall defenses in force near the Reichswald Forest as part of the 15th Scottish Division’s assault. They found a location to cross the…

Advanced Squad LeaderHSASL 2 - Operation Veritable

Scenario#: HS17     Date: 2/9/1945     Location: Niel, Germany

Operation Veritable kicked off in the early morning of the 8th, and progress throughout the day was better than expected. Plans called for several units to wait to attack after darkness had fallen, and some of these had the unenviable task of…

Advanced Squad LeaderHSASL 2 - Operation Veritable

Scenario#: 3713     Date: 2/9/1945     Location: Schwammenauel Dam, Germany

Before Operation 'Veritable' and 'Grenade' could begin, there was a matter of the Roer dams to consider. These dams were located in an area of steep gorges, small mountains and narrow roads. Earlier attempts to capture the dams had failed …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 16304     Date: 2/8/1945     Location: Nutterden, Germany

Operation Veritable was intended to eliminate all German forces west of the Rhine river and set the stage for Allied forces to eventually cross that great barrier. However, General Schlemm, the German commander of the First Parachute Army defending…

Memoir '44VE-Day

Scenario#: 24370     Date: February 06, 1945     Location: Echternach, Germany

The battle of the Bulge finished in January 1945. The 417th Infantry Division and the 5th Armored Division had to cross the Sauer between Bollendorf and Echternach to take the first hill mass, not quite a mile beyond the Sauer. …

Memoir '44Dutch Open 2022

Scenario#: 1422     Date: 2/4/1945     Location: Schwammenauel Dam, Germany

Before Operation 'Veritable' and 'Grenade' could begin, there was a matter of the Roer dams to consider. These dams were located in an area of steep gorges, small mountains and narrow roads. Earlier attempts to capture the dams had failed …

Memoir '44Terrain Pack

Scenario#: 6592     Date: 2/3/1945     Location: Biesheim, France

In Alsace, combats are drawing to an end; the Colmar pocket is being reduced by the 1st French Army, and the troops of the German XIX.Armee, decimated and demoralized. are withdrawing toward Chalampé bridge over the Rhine in a bid …

Memoir '44Audie Murphy's Campaign

Scenario#: W12     Date: 1945-01-30     Location: Salines, Germany

After the failed Ardennes Offensive. Understrength German ínfantry divisions were left holding much of the line. Crucial towns containing road and rail junctions were held at all costs to delay …

Tank LeaderWestern Front

Scenario#: 7044     Date: 1/28/1945     Location: Grussenheim, France

Attached for a while to the 2nd French Army Corps under the command of general de Monsabert, the 2nd French Armored Division was involved in the reduction of the Colmar's pocket. GT"V" (Combat Command of colonel de Guillebon) took part …

Memoir '44Open de France 2012

Scenario#: 5797     Date: 1/26/1945     Location: Holtzwihr, France

During the Battle for the Colmar Pocket, the 3rd U.S. Infantry Division, attached to the 1st French Army for the occasion, bravely inched through the snow-covered plains of Alsace despite the bitter cold. The 15th U.S. Infantry Regiment had just …

Memoir '44Open de France 2010

Scenario#: E10     Date: 21 Jan 1945     Location: Kurtzenhausen, Germany

In January the Germans launched a counter-offensive from the Gambsheim-Herrlisheim pocket, aimed at retaking Strasbourg. As they broke through the infantry screen of the 2nd Battalion of the 143rd regiment in woods in front of Kurtzenhausen and into…

Band of BrothersExtras

Scenario#: A025     Date: 1/20/1945     Location: Saint Joost, Holland

Operation Blackcock's plan was for 12th Corps to clear the German 176th and 183rd Infantry Divisions, well dug in with anti-tank guns, from a triangle formed by the rivers Roer, Wurm and Maas. The Division was on the left bank with 131st Brigade…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 90

Scenario#: AP174     Date: 1/19/1945     Location: Weyersheim, France

Towards the latter part of Operation NORDWIND in the Alsace province of eastern France, the Germans shifted their focus to the Rhine River. ln response, the inexperienced American 12th Armored Division had tried to take the initiative against the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #16 From The Land Down Under

Scenario#: AP173     Date: 1/16/1945     Location: Hatten, France

A war of attrition had descended upon the villages of Hatten and Rittershoffen in the French province of Alsace. German attempts to break through this sector and into the open plains beyond as part of Operation NORDWIND had been halted through the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #16 From The Land Down Under

Scenario#: 16303     Date: 1/16/1945     Location: Rittershoffen, Germany

Unternehmen Nordwind (Northwind), the drive to Strasbourg, was the last major German offensive on the Western Front. Launched on January 1, 1945, it was initially successful as the Axis forces broke through the thinly stretched U.S. 7th Army line and…

Memoir '44VE-Day

Scenario#: Comp19     Date: 1945-01-15     Location: Noville, Belgium

Easy Company had been put in reserve after taking the town of Foy: the beginning of the Allies counteroffensive in the Ardennes. Now, they were tasked with taking the hotly contested town of Noville. On the 14th of January they began to move out.…

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 3

Scenario#: BoEC15     Date: 1945-01-15     Location: Noville, Belgium

Lock 'n Load TacticalBattles of Easy Company

Scenario#: BP03     Date: 01/15/1945     Location: Noville, Belgium

Easy Company had been put in reserve after taking the town of Foy: the beginning of the Allies counteroffensive in the Ardennes. Now, they were tasked with taking the hotly contested town of Noville. On the 14th of January they …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesBattle Pack Bravo

Scenario#: J158     Date: 1/15/1945     Location: Noville, Belgium

By the middle of January, “Easy” was on the attack again. Although many replacements had come into the ranks, some of whom were not even paratroop-qualified, Major Dick Winters entrusted them with one more assault to retake ground east of Bastogne…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #10

Scenario#: HF8     Date: 1/14/1945     Location: Hatten, France

After five days of fighting, both Hatten and Rittershoffen had largely been split in two, with the Germans holding slightly more of the most prominent positions. Many buildings had been rubbled, burned to the ground or suffered significant structural…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 9 - Hatten in Flames

Scenario#: J     Date: 1/14/1945     Location: Bitche, Germany

Elements of the 29th Infantry Division had been ordered to continue closing the ring around German forces trapped near Bitche. However, due to poor radio security, the Germans were quite aware of this latest development and had planned a flanking…

Advanced Squad LeaderClassic ASL

Scenario#: 8     Date: 14-Jan-45     Location: Bitche, Germany

Elements of the U.S. l 75th Infantry Regiment have been ordered to continue closing the ring around German forces trapped near Bitche. However, due to poor radio security, the Germans are quite aware of this latest development and have planned …

Squad LeaderSquad Leader

Scenario#: BoEC14     Date: 1945-01-13     Location: Foy, Belgium

Lock 'n Load TacticalBattles of Easy Company

Scenario#: S061     Date: 1/13/1945     Location: Hatten, France

The NORDWIND offensive had breached the lines of the U.S. 7th Army at the Alsatian towns of Hatten and Rittershoffen. The 14th Armored Division was ordered to restore the main line of resistance; the first time in its operational history, it would be…

Advanced Squad LeaderSpecial Ops 7

Scenario#: HF7     Date: 1/13/1945     Location: Hatten, France

Four days into the battle, the 14th Armored Division, supported by infantry from two battalions of the 315th Infantry Regiment, had managed to temporarily halt the momentum of Panzer-Korps XXXIX. Switching to the offensive, American tankers sought to…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 9 - Hatten in Flames

Scenario#: HF6     Date: 1/11/1945     Location: Hatten, France

Lieutenant Colonel Holton had three experienced companies available to him from the 2nd Battalion, 315th Infantry Regiment, for the defense of Hatten. They were supported by a platoon of M18 Hellcats, ably led by Lieutenant Robert Jones. The Germans,…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 9 - Hatten in Flames

Scenario#: 3683     Date: 1/11/1945     Location: Strasbourg, France

On the 7th of January 1945, the German Nineteen Army initiated an attack south of Strasbourg against the First French Army. Code-named 'Sonnenwende' ("Winter Solstice"), the operation led by the 198th Volksgrenadier Division, the 106th Panzer Brigade…

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 28     Date: 1/11/1945     Location: Strasbourg, France

On the 7th of January 1945, the German Nineteen Army initiated an attack south of Strasbourg against the First French Army. Code-named 'Sonnenwende' ("Winter Solstice"), the operation led by the 198th Volksgrenadier Division and 106th Panzer Brigade…

Memoir '44Game Trade Magazine #58

Scenario#: Comp18     Date: 1945-01-10     Location: Foy, Belgium

There was no rest for the men of Easy Company of the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment. Exhausted by their defense of Bastogne, they were never the less tapped to counterattack the retreating Germans during the month of January 1945. Their officer…

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 3

Scenario#: AP07     Date: 01/10/1945     Location: Foy, Belgium

There was no rest for the men of Easy Company of the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment. Exhausted by their defense of Bastogne, they were never the less tapped to counterattack the retreating Germans during the month of January 1945. Their …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesBattle Pack Alpha

Scenario#: HF5     Date: 1/10/1945     Location: Hatten, France

For the remainder of 10 January, the Germans focused their efforts on securing defensive positions while aligning themselves for an assault on Rittershoffen via a sunken road originating from the northwest of Hatten. The American counterattack…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 9 - Hatten in Flames

Scenario#: HF4     Date: 1/10/1945     Location: Hatten, France

Dawn of 10 January held up hope for OKW that their stalled NORDWIND offensive was being reinvigorated. Hatten was largely theirs, and the neighboring village of Rittershoffen appeared lightly defended. Beyond those villages, the terrain was more…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 9 - Hatten in Flames

Scenario#: 5     Date: 1945-01-09     Location: Hatten

By December 21st, the German High Command had realized that the Ardennes Offensive was not going to reach its objectives. A sudden attack on the southern Allied front might damage the gap that Patton’s Third Army had left on its …

Last Hundred YardsLast Hundred Yards

Scenario#: HF3     Date: 1/9/1945     Location: Hatten, France

A breakthrough in the village of Hatten became the key focus of the German offensive codenamed Operation NORDWIND. By early afternoon of 9 January, units from Panzergrenadier-Division 25 had captured most of Hatten. The Americans responded…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 9 - Hatten in Flames

Scenario#: HF2     Date: 1/9/1945     Location: Hatten, France

Operation NORDWIND, the German offensive in France’s Alsace province, enjoyed only limited success in its first week. German fortunes changed, however, with the penetration by Panzer-Korps XXXIX of the American Maginot Line positions during a…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 9 - Hatten in Flames

Scenario#: HF1     Date: 1/9/1945     Location: Hatten, France

In early January 1945, the Battle of the Bulge had run its course, and numerous Allied units were drawn northward to stem the German tide. Taking advantage of this situation, OKW launched a second, less well-known western front offensive codenamed…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 9 - Hatten in Flames

Scenario#: AP130     Date: 1/8/1945     Location: Mageret, Belgium

The German attack on Bastogne brought SS-Panzer-Division 12 to within 4 kilometers of the city center. The division was ordered to capture Hill 510 to the west of Mageret to provide observation into Bastogne since, from their current positions, they…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #13 Oktoberfest XXXII

Scenario#: G18     Date: 1/7/1945     Location: Rochelinval, Belgium

The 551st Parachute Infantry Battalion was a veteran airborne unit, whose distinctive patch was emblazoned with the acronym “GOYA” (for “Get Off Your Ass”). From the 21st of December through the 6th of January, the men of the battalion weathered “no…

Advanced Squad LeaderThe General #29.2

Scenario#: BOF11     Date: 1/4/1945     Location: Wingen-sur-Moder, France

The first objective of Operation Nordwind, Hitler's last major offensive in the west, was to secure a path through the Low Vosges mountains to the Alsatian plains. One possible path ran through Wingen-sur-Moder. Kampfgruppe Wingen was tasked to seize…

Advanced Squad LeaderBest of Friends

Scenario#: 31     Date: 4-Jan-45     Location: Flamierge, Belgium

The US 17th Airborne Division was new to the European Theater of Operations, having just arrived in the Reims area in France on the 25th of December. The division was attached to General Patton's 3rd Army. One of its initial …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #1: Paratroopers

Scenario#: BttR09     Date: 1945-01-03     Location: Longchamps, Belgium

Lock 'n Load TacticalBattles to the Rhine

Scenario#: J062     Date: 1/3/1945     Location: Coroie, Belgium

On January 3rd, 1945, VII Corps launched its offensive to reduce the Bulge salient. The drive, with the 2nd Armored Division as a key element, headed towards Houffalize. Over a foot of snow covered the ground and the armored columns were forced to…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #3

Scenario#: J005     Date: 1/3/1945     Location: Bizory, Belgium

Company E of the 2nd Battalion, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment had been repulsing repeated German attacks on their dug-in position in the woods near the small city of Bizory. Mid-morning on January 3rd, found them under attack by elements of the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #1

Scenario#: 24     Date: 1/3/1945     Location: Longchamps, Belgium

Dug into the snow along the edge of the village of Longchamps, weary Americans watched as an armored force deployed from Compogne in the fields to the north. Orders went out to the gun crews to engage the armor as soon as it was in range. Within…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 3 - Yanks

Scenario#: BoEC13     Date: 1945-01-02     Location: Bastogne, Belgium

Lock 'n Load TacticalBattles of Easy Company