Browse Items (532 total)

Scenario#: NA12     Date: 1941/11/05     Location: North-eastern, Libya

While supporting Operation Crusader, the LRDG were tasked with offensive operations along the coastal road, the enemy’s main resupply route. The relief of a besieged Tobruk was at stake, and the British were throwing everything they had at a much …

UndauntedUndaunted: North Africa

Scenario#: OA19     Date: 9/9/1943     Location: Montecorvino, Italy

Following the successful campaigns in North Africa and Sicily, the Allied commanders turned their attention to the Italian mainland. As Allied forces march up from the toe of Italy, several British and American divisions landed in and around Salerno…

Advanced Squad LeaderOut of the Attic #2

Scenario#: 4211     Date: 9/12/1943     Location: Campo Imperatore, Italy

After Italy surrendered to the Allies, Mussolini was arrested and held by the Italians in the hotel Campo Imperatore on the Gran Sasso mountain. After intercepting a coded Italian radio message and reconnoitering the mountain by plane, Otto Skorzeny…

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: OA20     Date: 9/9/1943     Location: Montecorvino, Italy

The 2/6th Queen's battalion under Lt. Col. Keighley from the 169th Brigade was assigned the task of securing the Montecorvino airfield. Facing them were the men from the 2nd Battalion, 10th Panzer Grenadier Regiments. Unfortunately, the Shermans from…

Advanced Squad LeaderOut of the Attic #2

Scenario#: 6555     Date: 8/4/1943     Location: Nicetta, Sicily

After capturing Palermo, Patton and his 7th Army advanced along the north coast of Sicily with the unavowed objective of entering Messina before the British 8th Army of General Montgomery. But Axis forces delay Patton's advance, systematically…

Memoir '44Audie Murphy's Campaign

Scenario#: J091     Date: 4/14/1941     Location: Tobruk, Libya SEIGE

Rommel launched his first attempt to take Tobruk by storm on the night of Easter Sunday. After Afrika Korps engineers succeeded in breeching the formidable anti-tank ditch, wire and mine fortifications of the outer perimeter, infantry riding on tanks…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #6

Scenario#: 180     Date: 12/18/1943     Location: San Pietro, Italy

Since the 7th of December, the American 36th (Texas) Division had been attempting to remove the German strongpoint of San Pietro. The “T-Patchers” and their supporting elements had made two previous attempts against San Pietro, but they had no…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 3a Yanks (2nd Edition)

Scenario#: 51     Date: 4/20/1943     Location: Takrouna, Tunisia

As part of 8th Army’s first attempt to crack the Enfidaville Line, the 5th New Zealand Brigade was ordered to capture the key observation point of Takrouna – a small village crowned by a group of tightly clustered buildings surrounded by cliffs, all…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 7 - Hollow Legions (2nd Edition)

Scenario#: NA04     Date: 1941/01/13     Location: Qatrun, Libya

The LRDG withdrew from Murzuq under the cover of a dust storm. The dust concealed their movements and made the Italians reluctant to attempt reconnaissance flights. Over the next two days, the LRDG travelled to the towns of Taraghin, Umm …

UndauntedUndaunted: North Africa

Scenario#: A099     Date: 10/5/1943     Location: Compobasso, Italy

As the British XIII Corps advanced up the eastern half of the Italian peninsula past Foggia, it was opposed only by small numbers of German fallschirmjager conducting delaying actions. One such group of paratroopers, holding a blocking position…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 96

Scenario#: 36     Date: 15 Dec 1943     Location: San Pietro, Italy

The Reinhard Line ran through the town of San Pietro In fine, which occupied the Mignano Gap, blocking Route 6 and Allied access to Cassino and Rome. The Germans turned the town into a strongpoint, defended by the second Battalion …

Band of BrothersTexas Arrows

Scenario#: 19081     Date: 9/13/1943     Location: Albanella, Italy

Tobacco Factory13 sept 1943: Around the Salerno beachhead, many desperate battles were fought. The fighting over the tobacco factory symbolizes the intensity of this fighting. Consisting of five large, red, fortress-like stone buildings, the tobacco…

Memoir '44Dutch Open 2017

Scenario#: D07     Date: 1940-04-30     Location: Tobruk, Libya

After destroying the British 2nd Armoured Division at El Agheila, Rommel prepared to assault the Australian 7th Division, which had fallen back upon the port of Tobruk. Realizing the strategic nature of the town, Rommel could not bypass it,…

Tank LeaderDesert Steel

Scenario#: 52     Date: 9/9/1943     Location: Parma, Italy

Late on 8 September, the same day the armistice between Italy and the Allies was announced, elements of the 433rd Medium Tank Battalion in Fidenza were ordered to move east to Parma. There, in an attempt to keep the Germans from occupying key…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 7 - Hollow Legions (2nd Edition)

Scenario#: 52     Date: 23 Nov 1941     Location: Sidi Rezegh, Libya

In North Africa, there was far more desert than there were troops and equipment available to hold the terrain, so the opposing “lines” were often a series of loosely connected outposts, fortified camps, and bands of vehicles that formed defensive …

Tide of IronDesigner Series

Scenario#: D09     Date: 1941-11-23     Location: Gambut, Libya

Torensonntag was the German version of Memorial Day and All Souls' Day combined, and literally means Sunday of the Dead. On this particular Sunday, however, during the height of the Sidi Rezeg battles of Operation CRUSADER, the Afrika Korps had …

Tank LeaderDesert Steel

Scenario#: NA08     Date: 1941/11/24     Location: El Ezzeiat, Libya

In November 1941, the LRDG, now under the command of the newly formed Eighth Army, moved from Kufra to Siwa in central Libya, to support Operation Crusader. On 24 November, when the battle in the Tobruk-Bardiyah area reached a …

UndauntedUndaunted: North Africa

Scenario#: J190     Date: 1/17/1944     Location: Ricco River, Italy

British planners desired to keep German units in the Ortona region “occupied” so they would be unavailable to reinforce the Cassino area. V Corps Maj. Gen. Allfrey decided to carry out this mission with green troops who would be provided with combat…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #12

Scenario#: 20072     Date: 7/31/1943     Location: Troina, Sicily

While British forces were unable to break through in the east of Sicily, American forces swarmed across the west of the island. The pursuit of German forces halted at the Etna line. Here, German forces had dug in to cover …

Memoir '44Dutch Open 2017

Scenario#: 1326     Date: 12/1/1942     Location: Tebourba, Tunisia

On November 29th and 30th it was tough going for the still largely green Allied Combat Command. The Allies had launched two unsuccessful attacks to take the town of Djedeida and clear a path for the march on Tunis. Then …

Memoir '44Online - No Air Rules

Scenario#: 3707     Date: 12/1/1942     Location: Tebourba, Tunisia

On November 29th and 30th it was tough going for the still largely green Allied Combat Command. The Allies had launched two unsuccessful attacks to take the town of Djedeida and clear a path for the march on Tunis. Then …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 39     Date: 3/31/1941     Location: Mersa el Brega, Libya

The main line of defense in Libya was a natural bottleneck along the coast at Mersa el Brega, with the sea on one flank and an extensive salt marsh on the other. The British mined and wired this line extensively. Rommel launched a full scale assault…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 5 - West of Alamein

Scenario#: 13     Date: 21-May-41     Location: Maleme Airfield, Crete

Captain Van Etten’s parachutists had been in many chaotic skirmishes with Allied forces in and around Maleme Airfield since the airborne landing on Crete the previous morning. His forces wearing thin, he decided to temporarily reassemble in the high…

Combat CommanderCC: Mediterranean

Scenario#: J081     Date: 9/1/1942     Location: Point 102, Egypt

Panzer-Regiment 5 and Panzer-Grenadier Regiment 104 swung further east to Point 102 in an attempt to find the weak spots that DAK intelligence told them existed. They hoped to break through to the British supply lines and force the 22nd Armored…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #5

Scenario#: J095     Date: 7/14/1943     Location: Primosole Bridge, Sicily

After a disasterous landing, Alastair Pearson's 1st Airborne Battalion of the 1st Airborne Division had seized the Primosole Bridge early on July 14th. The Italian garrison manning te bridge was driven off after a brief fight, and the morning passed…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #6

Scenario#: S039     Date: 2/3/1943     Location: Maknassy, Tunisia

In the region of Tunisia known as the Eastern Dorsal, the hamlet of Station de Sened had already been attacked, lost, and attacked again by American forces. On 1 February, it fell to the Americans for a second time as part of a drive toward Maknassy,…

Advanced Squad LeaderSpecial Ops 2

Scenario#: 16     Date: Nov 1942     Location: Tebessa, Algeria

After the success of Operation Torch in November of 1942, Allied forces energetically pursued the Axis forces that had begun retreating into Tunisia. Although progress was extremely slow, the Allies slowly gained vital ground in their advance towards…

Tide of IronDays of the Fox

Scenario#: NA06     Date: 1941/04/08     Location: Mechili, Libya

In February 1941, Operation Compass ended with the Italians forced out of Cyrenaica (eastern Libya). Most of the members of the LRDG were from Cairo to Kufra. However, two patroIs were integrated with the standard British forces. These units were …

UndauntedUndaunted: North Africa

Scenario#: OA03     Date: 11/21/1942     Location: Djebel Lessouda, Tunisia

During Rommel’s enveloping thrust, three dominant hills were bypassed. One such position was held by elements of the British 168th Infantry Brigade. As the Second Battalion holed up to await the U.S. relief effort, every passing German column had the…

Advanced Squad LeaderOut of the Attic

Scenario#: J171     Date: 8/14/1944     Location: Central, Greece

THREE PLAYER SCENARIO - informal alliances are not forbidden but there will be only 1 winner!

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #11

Scenario#: HoNA19     Date: 1942-11-08     Location: W Of Oran, Algeria

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of North Africa

Scenario#: OA31     Date: 11/8/1942     Location: Fedala, Morocco

Among those landed in the initial stages of Operation Torch, the 7th RLT was assigned to capture the Batterie de Fedala. After a shaky landing at beach Red 2, the 1st Battalion moved easily through Fedala. A member of Patton’s staff, Colonel Wilbur,…

Advanced Squad LeaderOut of the Attic #2