Browse Items (1343 total)

Scenario#: 6794     Date: 12/30/1944     Location: Lutremange, Belgium

Constant pressure from Hitler to capture Bastogne led Generalleutnant Karl Decker, a prudent but determined and highly experienced officer, to launch a pincer operation in an attempt to isolate the town. While XXXIX Panzerkorps attacked from the…

Memoir '44Winter Wars

Scenario#: 6792     Date: 12/19/1944     Location: Stoumont, Belgium

Ordered to throw a defensive line together and block Kampfgrupper Peiper for 24 hours, Colonel Roy Fitzgerald was the first to reach Stoumont. As he deployed his forces around the village, he was surprised to find Battery C from the …

Memoir '44Winter Wars

Scenario#: 6777     Date: 12/23/1944     Location: Salmchâteau, Belgium

On December 23, Kampfgruppe 'Krag" was already in control of the village of Salmchâteau when Task Force 'Jones' approached along the steep-sided Salm valley. The column of American tanks and infantry were spread out along the road when Krag unleashed…

Memoir '44Winter Wars

Scenario#: 6776     Date: 12/23/1944     Location: Marvie, Belgium

On December 23, the Germans started to shell Marvie, a suburb of Bastogne. At about the same time, German tanks and infantry slowly began to progress toward Hill 500. A few US soldiers were able to withdraw, but most stayed …

Memoir '44Winter Wars

Scenario#: 6766     Date: 12/19/1944     Location: Wardin, Belgium

The morning of December 19 opened under a thick fog. The stragglers that had been poring back through the Allied lines had stopped coming, which could only mean the enemy was approaching. In the village of Wardin, Team S-2 and …

Memoir '44Winter Wars

Scenario#: 6763     Date: 12/16/1944     Location: Clervaux, Belgium

Planned with the utmost secrecy, German "Operation Watch on the Rhine", launched in the wee hours of December 16, 1944. Hitler's objective: To conduct a blitzkrieg on what the US First Army considered a "quiet" front and push through the …

Memoir '44Winter Wars

Scenario#: 6760     Date: 12/16/1944     Location: Schnee Eifel, Germany

Further up in the center, this same morning of December 16, 1944, Fifth Panzer Army attacked the positions held by the U.S. 28th and 106th Infantry Divisions. Thinly spread and outmatched, numerically as well as materially, the 422nd and 423rd …

Memoir '44Winter Wars

Scenario#: WO40     Date: 02/28/1945     Location: Iwo Jima, Pacific

Lt. General Tadamichi Kuribayashi, one of the few realists among high-ranking Japanese Officers had adopted a radical defensive policy. Forgoing the water's edge tactics and the Banzai attacks of previous battles, he chose an inland defensive policy.…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2022

Scenario#: WO38     Date: 11/29/1944     Location: Lindern, Germany

The Wurm-Lindem-Beeck triangle was a fortiñed area of small hamlets and fields with well-positioned fortifications throughout. It was a part of the Siegfried Line. The Siegfried Line was not a position to be “broken.” It had to be chipped away at…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2021

Scenario#: WO37     Date: 9/17/1944     Location: Wolfheze, Holland

MARKET-GARDEN planners, unwilling to expose vital transport planes to anti-aircraft fire over Arnhem, chose landing and drop zones for 1st Airborne Division significantly west of the Arnhem road bridge. Consequently, 1st Parachute Brigade would have…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2021

Scenario#: WO36     Date: 9/13/1944     Location: Dompaire, France

During the drive to cross the Moselle River by Patton's Third Army, the Americans had ignored their right flank due to the perceived weakness of the German forces stationed there: but with the 6th Army Group advancing north from their landings in…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2021

Scenario#: WO33     Date: 5/24/1940     Location: Boulogne-sur-Mer, France

By the fourth week of May, the Germans had all but swept Allied forces from Flanders and northeastern France, leaving the Channel ports of Boulogne, Calais, and Dunkerque as their sole foothold on this corner of the continent. For its part, Boulogne…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2020

Scenario#: WO31     Date: 8/22/1944     Location: Fontenay-Saint-Père, France

After Falaise, the battle of Normandy quickly transitioned into the battle of Western France. Maj. Gen Wyche’s veteran 79th Infantry Division crossed the Seine against little opposition. Generalfeldmarschall Model called for the standard response: an…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2019

Scenario#: WO30     Date: 6/6/1944     Location: La Bas de Ranville, France

After a mediocre drop, the 12th Battalion of the 6th Airborne Division assembled barely half its fighting strength and headed for their first day’s objective, the town of Ranville, where they were to help protect the southern flank of Pegasus Bridge.…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2019

Scenario#: WO27     Date: 10/19/1944     Location: Aachen, Germany

The Big Red One had been working its way into Aachen for a month. Two battalions of the 26th Infantry Regiment entered the city proper on 13 October and began grinding their way through the heart of the city. Colonel Wilck, commander of…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2018

Scenario#: WO23     Date: 10/12/1944     Location: Aachen, Germany

The battle for Aachen, the city of Charlemagne and the First Reich, had started two days earlier. American High Command had initiated a complicated series of maneuvers outside the city designed to isolate Aachen from the north and the south in a…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2017

Scenario#: WO17     Date: 12/21/1944     Location: Poteau, Belgium

The road from St. Vith to Vielsalm ran straight through the railroad junction of Poteau, which had become vitally important to the Germans as their offensive bogged down in both the north and south. To keep the attack moving forward somewhere,…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2015

Scenario#: WO11     Date: 3/26/1945     Location: Loikum, Germany

Early on the second day of Operation PLUNDER, units of 15th (Scottish) Division crossed the unfinished Autobahn to their front. Resistance from scattered German units was light, so a recon section of two armored cars was sent to scout the Royal Scots…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2013

Scenario#: WO10     Date: 6/6/1944     Location: Cauquigny, France

The Longest Day was living up to its name as various small units of the 82nd Airborne coalesced along the Merderet River intent of their various objectives or simply engaging German forces wherever found. One critical point in the battle for the…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2013

Scenario#: WO09     Date: 5/20/1940     Location: Zingem, Belgium

On 16 May, Belgian High Command received orders from French General Bilotte, Commander-in-Chief of 1st Army Group, to retreat to the Escaut River in conjunction with a British withdrawal from the Dyle River. The Belgian Army fell back, taking up new…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2013

Scenario#: WO08     Date: 12/23/1944     Location: Marvie, Belgium

While Panzer-Lehr-Division headed towards the Meuse, Panzer-Lehr-Regiment 901 was detached from it and placed under General Kokott's 26th VolksGrenadier Division, who was tasked with reducing Bastogne. At night, following a short, intense artillery…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2012

Scenario#: WO07     Date: 12/20/1944     Location: Marvie, Belgium

The roadblocks along the Wiltz road had not been established in vain. Even the disaster at Wardin bought time for the 101st Airborne to move into position around Bastogne. Just as Lt. Colonel Roy Inman's 2nd Battalion of the 327th Glider Infantry…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2012

Scenario#: WO05     Date: 9/25/1944     Location: Koevering, Holland

Operation Market-Garden’s timetable was horribly off. Feldmarschall Model recognized that disrupting the supply train was the easiest way to defeat the offensive, so he assigned various units the task of assaulting the road’s defending forces. The…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2011

Scenario#: WO04     Date: 9/20/1944     Location: Nuenen, Holland

Having liberated Eindhoven the previous day, the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment moved out to the east toward Helmond. Easy Company led the reconnaissance, riding on Cromwells of the King's Royal Hussars. Three miles east of Eindhoven, after…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2011

Scenario#: WO03     Date: 6/13/1944     Location: Carentan, France

Airborne troops had broken the German resistance at Carentan during the fighting on the 10th and 11th for the causeway into the city. Another attack on June 12th met only rearguard resistance, and Carentan was finally captured. The 506th advanced…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2011

Scenario#: WO01     Date: 12/17/1944     Location: Ouren, Luxembourg

The second day of the battle of the Bulge was underway with the Germans anxious to seize bridges across the Our River. The town of Ouren had two such bridges, defended by a mélange of tank destroyer units, infantry, and artillery. Late in the morning…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2010

Scenario#: W15     Date: 1944-12-20     Location: Bastonge, Belgium

Units of the 5th Fallschimrjaeger Division driving west on the Arlon-Bastogne road encountered scattered resistance as they established defensive positions to cover the advance of 5th Panzer Army during the Ardennes offensive. Units of the U.S.10th…

Tank LeaderWestern Front

Scenario#: W14     Date: 1945-03-25     Location: Oppenheim, Germany

Following the Rhine crossing at Oppenheim by the American Third Army, confused fighting developed between Dannstadt and the Main River as retreating and defending German units mixed with the American armored spearheads. Most opposition was quickly…

Tank LeaderWestern Front

Scenario#: W13     Date: 1944-09-17     Location: Valkenswaard, Holland

Restrictcd to surfaced roads due to heavy rains, the Guards Armored Division, spearhead of XXX Corp in Operation Market-Garden, made slow headway. Constant ambushes by German ínfantry and anti-tank units choked the roads with disabled vehicles. Time…

Tank LeaderWestern Front

Scenario#: W12     Date: 1945-01-30     Location: Salines, Germany

After the failed Ardennes Offensive. Understrength German ínfantry divisions were left holding much of the line. Crucial towns containing road and rail junctions were held at all costs to delay …

Tank LeaderWestern Front

Scenario#: W11     Date: 1944-10-15     Location: Elst, Holland

Following the disaster at Amhem in September 1944, the 21st Army Group consolidated its positions in Belgium. The polder made tough going for the tanks, slowing the British advance to a crawl. By mid-December the British line was anchored on …

Tank LeaderWestern Front

Scenario#: W10     Date: 1945-04-05     Location: Ruhr, Germany

Following the Rhine crossings in the U.S. First Army and Third Army sectors, German resistance in the Ruhr completely disintegraled. American armored divisions sprinted through weak forces, establishíng a bridgehead as deep as 60 miles in only seven…

Tank LeaderWestern Front

Scenario#: W09     Date: 1944-11-02     Location: Scheldt Estuary, Holland

German Panzer units of the 15th Army fighting rearguard actions against the British 1st Army often found themselves surrounded and lighting out of encirclements. The 43rd Battalion, defending V weapon launch sites, was ordered to attack British…

Tank LeaderWestern Front

Scenario#: W08     Date: 1945-02-25     Location: Wadgassen, Germany

The U.S. Third Army pressed attacks across the Saar river in the late winter of 1945. Heavily fortified German positions made these assaults costly. Despite control of the air and overwhelming artillery support, ínfantry still had to make the…

Tank LeaderWestern Front

Scenario#: W07     Date: 1944-09-19     Location: Arracourt, France

On 20th September 1944, Creighton Abrams led Task Force Abrams, comprising 3 companies of M4 Shermans of the First Tank Battalion and 2 companies of armored ínfantry of the 10th Armored Infantry Battalion, against Kampfgruppe Jughanrtis, comprising 2…

Tank LeaderWestern Front

Scenario#: W06     Date: 1944-06-30     Location: Longueville, France

In the bocage of Normandy, the Allied armies came to a virtual halt. In the American sector, every hedgerow had to be taken by suicidal ínfantry charges resembling those of 1914. Interestingly, the Germans also considered the bocage a curse. …

Tank LeaderWestern Front

Scenario#: W05     Date: 1944-08-22     Location: Paris, France

Following the breakthrough at St. Lo, German armies retreated headlong towards the West Wall. Ad hoc mobile groups formed the rearguard of the retreating formations keeping the Allies at bay until a new line could be established. Task Force North, …

Tank LeaderWestern Front

Scenario#: W04     Date: 1945-04-25     Location: Harz, Germany

The U.S. 1st Army under Hodges encountered little resistance as it advanced on the Mulde river. Only in the Harz mountains was serious opposition encountered. Wenck's ínfamous 11th Army launched numerous small attacks against the encircling…

Tank LeaderWestern Front

Scenario#: W03     Date: 1944-12-16     Location: Saint-Vith, Belgium

Units of the 2nd SS Panzer Divsion crossed the Our river north of St. Vith on the morning of 16 December 1944. American units were completely suprised by the onslaught and scrambled to draw their equipment. The first tank units …

Tank LeaderWestern Front

Scenario#: W02     Date: 1945-03-10     Location: Eifel, Germany

The U.S. Third Army under George S. Patton launched operation LUMBERJACK as Phase II of the Allied advance to the Rhine. Third Army's objective was Coblenz. Patton advanced through the Moselle river valley, south of The Eiffel. Units of the …

Tank LeaderWestern Front

Scenario#: W01     Date: 1945-03-16     Location: Pfaffenheck, Germany

British armored units fanned across the North German plain following the crossing of the Rhine in March. Resistance, initially stiff, weakened as the Germans ran low on fuel and ammunition. The 4th Battalion, Royal Tank Regiment, was advancing on the…

Tank LeaderWestern Front

Scenario#: W99     Date: 28-Mar-45     Location: Dorsten, Germany

In an attempt to speed the Allied advance General Simpson's U.S. Ninth Army HQ appealed to the British Second Army commander, General Dempsey, for armored reinforcement of XVIII Airborne Corps. General Depsey was able to assign the crack Sixth Guards…

Squad LeaderWargamers Pack 2

Scenario#: W98     Date: 26-Mar-45     Location: Kirchhellen, Germany

After dispersing an attack by the Wehrmacht 116th Panzer Division, the American infantrymen of 120th Regiment were able to advance to positions near Kirchhellen Airfield. The Gls watched helplessly as the airfield's powerful flak guns, mounted high…

Squad LeaderWargamers Pack 2

Scenario#: W97     Date: 19-Dec-44     Location: Dom Butengenbach, Belgium

The German efforts to press their Wacht am Rhein offensive were falling behind schedule. After rapid deliberation German General Staff decided that the best way to speed the assault was to increase the maneuver area for the attacking elements. They …

Squad LeaderWargamers Pack 2

Scenario#: W96     Date: 7-Sep-44     Location: Briey, France

The Germans had counter-attacked in the night. Lacking aerial reconnaissance the Wehrmacht troops had, by chance, driven straight into the U.S. 90th Division Command Post, cutting off the advanced units of the division. In the hours that followed Gls…

Squad LeaderWargamers Pack 2

Scenario#: W95     Date: 26-Jul-44     Location: Marigny, France

Combat Command of the U.S. 3rd Armored Division, in support of the U.S. 1st Infantry Division, attempted an envelopment of the German forces in Marigny. Initially slowed by bomb craters and defended hedgerows the American armored forces tried to…

Squad LeaderWargamers Pack 2

Scenario#: W94     Date: 24-Jun-44     Location: Caen, France

As part of the bitter Normandy battles following D-Day, the British 11th Armored and 15th Divisions spearheaded the 'Epsom' offensive, designed to tie down the German Panze r Divisions to the East of the beachhead and prize the defenders out …

Squad LeaderWargamers Pack 2

Scenario#: W91     Date: 13-May-40     Location: Wadelincourt, Belgium

The northernmost of the three crossing attempts of the Meuse took place late in the day as advance elements of the German 2nd Panzer Division approached the river in the face of fierce crossfire from the western bank. As a …

Squad LeaderWargamers Pack 2

Scenario#: W100     Date: 19-Dec-44     Location: Dom Butengenbach, Belgium

The final Nazi holdout was thought to be centered in the Alps of Southern Germany. Allied fears that the Nazis might fall back to some form of National Redoubt sen t U.S. columns speeding towards Austria. These armored fingers lost …

Squad LeaderWargamers Pack 2

Scenario#: W87     Date: 28-Feb-42     Location: Bruneval, France

At Bruneval, north of Le Havre, the Germans had installed an example of the Wurzburg radar system for air defense. British paratroops were briefed to drop into France, steal as much of the equipment as possible and bring it back …

Squad LeaderWargamers Pack 1