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Scenario#: 32     Date: 24-Dec-44     Location: Bastogne, Belgium

After being isolated for 7 days, out of fuel and low on ammunition, Peiper was finally given permission to breakout from his beleaguered position at La Gleize. Leaving a rear guard to demolish the remaining tanks and vehicles (numbering nearly …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #1: Paratroopers

Scenario#: 31     Date: 4-Jan-45     Location: Flamierge, Belgium

The US 17th Airborne Division was new to the European Theater of Operations, having just arrived in the Reims area in France on the 25th of December. The division was attached to General Patton's 3rd Army. One of its initial …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #1: Paratroopers

Scenario#: 30     Date: 25-Sep-43     Location: Veliki Bukrin Bridgehead, Russia

On the night of September 24-25, the Russian 5th Airborne Brigade air assaulted into the Bukrin Bend to establish a bridgehead on the west bank of the Dnieper River. The jump was less than successful as the troopers were widely …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #1: Paratroopers

Scenario#: 29     Date: 27-Dec-44     Location: Bastogne, Belgium

The isolated 101st Airborne seemed to be surviving on courage alone. By Christmas, they were running low on food, medicine, fuel and heavy ammunition. A plan was devised to resupply them from the air. Fifty gliders towed by C47 cargo …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #1: Paratroopers

Scenario#: 28     Date: 10-Jun-44     Location: M. Ingouf's Farm, North of Carentan, France

Against heavy machine-gun, mortar and artillery fire, the bloody remnants of Lt. Col. Robert Cole's 3/502 PIR ( 101st Airborne) charged across open ground and established themselves around an abandoned farmhouse near the Madeleine Canal. Reinforced…

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #1: Paratroopers

Scenario#: 27     Date: 10-Jun-44     Location: North of Carentan, France

Shortly after D-Day, American forces arriving at Omaha and Utah beaches were separated by the Douve River, the city of Carentan, and a determined force of German defenders. Lt. Col. Robert Cole's 3/502P1R (101st Airborne), supported by artillery and…

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #1: Paratroopers

Scenario#: 26     Date: 6-Jun-44     Location: Neuville-Au-Plain, France

lt's D-Day, and the 82nd Airborne Division is struggling to consolidate its defenses at St. Mere Eglise. Expecting a counterattack from the north, 3/505 Commander Lt. Col. Benjamin Vandervoort orders D Company's 3rd Platoon, led by 1st Lt. Turner…

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #1: Paratroopers