Browse Items (114 total)

Scenario#: 7002     Date: 9/17/1939     Location: Tomaszow Lubelski, Poland

Near the town of Tomaszow Lubelski, in the far south east of Poland, the Polish Army twice tried to break through the German encirclement and move further south to the Romanian Bridgehead area. The first attempt, by Army Lublin, …

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: 7003     Date: 9/1/1939     Location: Chojnice, Poland

The German 2nd Army and 19th Panzer Corps pushed into Poland as part of Unternehmen Fall Weiss. What seemed like good defensive terrain to the Poles had actually been part of the German Army's training area during World War …

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: 7006     Date: 9/28/1939     Location: Szack, Poland

By 17 September, 1939, most of the Polish reserves and heavy equipment from the forces defending the eastern border of Poland had been sent west to help against the German invasion. When the Soviet forces poured over the border …

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: 7615     Date: 5/20/1941     Location: Maleme, Crete

At 08:00 on May 20, 1941, German Fallschirmjägers jumped over Crete in the first major airborne invasion of the War, landing near Maleme airfield with the goal of securing the runways to facilitate a larger glider-borne invasion. But three New …

Memoir '44The Invasion of Crete

Scenario#: 7616     Date: 5/20/1941     Location: Heraklion, Crete

News of the German Paratrooper landings reached Brigadier Chappell's headquarters at about the same time the first Fallschirmjägers were landing in Heraklion. Under orders from Chappell, the 2nd Leicester attacked out of the town and into Buttercup…

Memoir '44The Invasion of Crete

Scenario#: 7617     Date: 5/20/1941     Location: Rethymno, Crete

A second German wave arrived in the afternoon. At 16:15, 2nd Fallschirmjäger Regiment airdropped over Rethymno airfield; but like others in Crete, they all landed scattered along the coast. Elements of the 3rd Battalion quickly managed to regroup and…

Memoir '44The Invasion of Crete

Scenario#: 7618     Date: 5/20/1941     Location: Galatos, Crete

The first wave of gliders from Gruppe Mitte's (Center Group) 3rd Fallschirmjäger Regiment had a number of bold objectives: Hauptmann Altmann's men were tasked with silencing a dangerous anti-aircraft battery in the Akrotiri peninsula, while the men…

Memoir '44The Invasion of Crete

Scenario#: 7619     Date: 5/23/1941     Location: Modi, Crete

By late morning on May 23rd, the Fallschirmjägers of Oberst Ramcke had set up a defensive position on the Platanias River bridge near the coast. Inland, Oberst Utz moved to take the village of Modi. Defended by New Zealanders, the …

Memoir '44The Invasion of Crete

Scenario#: 7620     Date: 5/25/1941     Location: Galatos, Crete

By May 24th the Germans had formed a cohesive front; they began advancing east toward Chania. On the 25th, they ran into the bulk of the Allied forces and launched a general attack. Surprised to discover the Germans had artillery, …

Memoir '44The Invasion of Crete

Scenario#: 5683     Date: 1/29/1944     Location: Malleval-en-Vercors, France

The maquis of Malleval, a rural guerrilla band of the French Resistance, was composed of 50 men under the command of Lieutenant Eysseric (code name "Durand"). The group's base of operations was the isolated village of Malleval-en-Vercors, on the…

Memoir '44Vercors Campaign

Scenario#: 5754     Date: 6/13/1944     Location: Saint Nizier, France

With its cliffs, steep slopes and limited access points, the Vercors plateau is a natural and easily defended fortress. Familiar with the terrain, the heads of the French Resistance immediately saw its value as a defensive bastion deep within…

Memoir '44Vercors Campaign

Scenario#: 5933     Date: 7/21/1944     Location: Vassieux-en-Vercors, France

On July 20, 1944, following several weeks of troops build-up, the Germans launched their attack on the newly proclaimed "Free Republic of Vercors". The next morning, the German 157.Reserve-Division, bolstered with Ukrainian troops from Eastern…

Memoir '44Vercors Campaign

Scenario#: 5973     Date: 7/22/1944     Location: Valchevrière, France

On July 22, 1944, the Germans launched a new assault on Valchevrière, a village under the protection of Captain Goderville and his group of French Resistance fighters. The maquisards' mission was to deny the Germans access to the west and …

Memoir '44Vercors Campaign

Scenario#: 6088     Date: 7/21/1944     Location: Massif of Grand Veymont, France

As July 1944 drew to its end, the troops of German 157.Reserve-Division had the Vercors Plateau virtually surrounded. The only ground still out of their reach were the mountain passes (or "Pas") protecting the access to the East of the …

Memoir '44Vercors Campaign