Browse Items (309 total)

Contents:  Methods of Employing Tanks with Infantry , Combat in High Mountains, Snow, and Extreme Cold , Antitank Tactics as Seen by U.S. Combat Personnel , 75-mm Assault Artillery , New 75-mm Antitank Gun , Tactics Used by Pz. Kw. 4's (With…

Military Intelligence 1-11 Intelligence Bulletin Vol 1 Issue 11.pdf

Contents: Recent Trends in the Use of Mines and Booby Traps , Artillery Tactics , New German Heavy Tank , Air Force , Miscellaneous ,  Japanese Use of Smoke , Notes on Boats and Ships in Amphibious Operations , Some Japanese Tactics Observed in…

Military Intelligence 1-10 Intelligence Bulletin Vol 1 Issue 10.pdf

Contents:  Armored Forces (The 88-mm Gun, Tanks in the Spotlight, Mechanized Warfare) , Air Forces (Focke-Wulf-FW190, Parachutists) , Booby Traps , Land Mines , Training Methods , Night Driving Equipment , Instructions in Case of Capture , 'Secret'…

Military Intelligence 1-01 Intelligence Bulletin Vol 1 Issue 1.pdf

Contents: The Human AT Mine , Combat Methods of Small Raiding Parties , Combat Lessons from Okinawa , Tombstone Hill , The Most Effective Jap Tank , How to Fight Americans-A Jap Commander's Pep Talk , Jap Weather , Japs' Booby-Trap Ammunition Dumps…

Military Intelligence 3-11 Intelligence Bulletin Vol 3 Issue 11.pdf

Contents: Souvenirs , Morale and Security , Tactics , Jap Weather for October , Mines and Grenades , Amour (U.S. Forces Encounter Old Jap Tankette; Jap Flame Tank) , Weapons , Miscellaneous

Military Intelligence

Contents: BW-An Analysis of Biological Warfare as a Weapon , On the Way!-The Employment of Mortars in the Red Army , Noise That Kills , Under the Star and Crescent-The Turkish Army , The Electric Gun-German Experiment with Electrically Launched…

Military Intelligence 46-04 Intelligence Bulletin 1946 May.pdf

Contents: Preparedness in the Atomic Age , The Little Man, Japenese Undercover Intelligence in Japan , Red Army Officers' Corps , Von Rundstedt Explains-Reasons for Germany's Defeat , Operation Easter Egg-German Plan for Sabotage Depots , Japanese…

Military Intelligence 46-02 Intelligence Bulletin 1946 March.pdf

Contents: Moroccan Goums , Soviet Tanks in City Fighting , Sweden Turns to Jets , The Red Army Infantryman , Alamo Scouts , The German Kamikazes , Soviet Hand Grenades , Name, Rank, Serial Number-Plus! , Punishment by Example

Military Intelligence 46-05 Intelligence Bulletin 1946 June.pdf

Contents: Guided Missiles - The Weapon of the Future , Compulsory Military Training in the U.S.S.R. , Defense by Flame , German Combustible Cartridge Cases , Credit - Where It's Due , Black Dragon , German Induction Mine Detonator , Hasty…

Military Intelligence 46-03 Intelligence Bulletin 1946 April.pdf