Browse Items (179 total)

Scenario#: J175     Date: 2/16/1945     Location: Louisendorf, Germany

To kick of the attack known as Operation VERITABLE, the Royal Winnipeg Rifles, supported by the 3rd Armoured Battalion of the Scots Guards, was ordered to take the hilly ground around Louisendorf, south of Moyland. This would protect the right flank…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #11

Scenario#: HS33     Date: 2/19/1945     Location: Goch, Germany

In front of A and C Companies of the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry, B Company, under the command of Major Duncan Kennedy, was attacking the Schwanenhof farmstead, located a few hundred yards past the Goch-Kalkar road. The Kangaoos dropped the men…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #11

Scenario#: J033     Date: 2/22/1945     Location: Graudenz, East Prussia

The bridgehead position at Graudenz. was declared a fortress on 27 January 1945. The fortress defense was manned by the remaining elements of Division Hermann Gbring, as well as various other Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe, Police, and Fortress units...

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #2

Scenario#: J176     Date: 3/4/1945     Location: Rheinberg, Germany

The most appealing objectives in the Wesel bridgehead were two still-intact bridges, which offered the promise of a dry crossing of the Rhine by Allied forces. Because the Americans had encountered so little resistance in the days after Operation…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #11

Scenario#: J063     Date: 3/19/1945     Location: Oppeln, Upper Silesia

Marshall Koniev’s 1st Ukrainian Front attacked to seize the Upper Silesia all the way to the Czechoslovakian frontier. Elements of the Hermann Göring Parachute-Panzer Division were hurriedly transported by rail to the area. They were immediately…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #3

Scenario#: J177     Date: 3/24/1945     Location: Hamminkeln Station, Germany

Though neither wide nor deep, the Issel stream had steep banks which formed a natural tank barrier, a fact which caused major concern among the Allied command. The seizure of every intact bridge over the Issel was considered vital to the success of…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #11

Scenario#: J193     Date: 3/24/1945     Location: Diersfordt, Germany

Lead elements of the 507th PIR crossed the river Rhine at around 0950 and made the first combat jump in the history of the 17th Airborne Division. Colonel Edson Raff gathered his staff and available men after landing. It took some time before he…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #12

Scenario#: J027     Date: 3/24/1945     Location: Heiligenbeil, East Prussia

In February, seven Soviet Armies eneirclcd the German 4th Army, which included the Hermann Góring Parachute Panzer Corps, in the Heiligenbeil Pocket. The pocket contained 120,000 combat and 30,000 support troops, which could now only be supplied by…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #2

Scenario#: J160     Date: 3/25/1945     Location: Bienen, Germany

The only axis of attack available to the Canadian 3rd Infantry Division was through the villages of Speldrop and Bienen. Speldrop was taken by the end of 24 March but at a high cost in both men and material, providing a taste of things to come. The…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #10

Scenario#: J178     Date: 3/26/1945     Location: Gahlen, Germany

For the American 30th Infantry Division, Operation PLUNDER commenced on 24 March with a relatively quiet crossing of the Rhine. The division’s first main objective, the village of Spellen, was quickly taken by two of its regiments which attacked the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #11

Scenario#: J100     Date: 3/30/1945     Location: Menden, Germany

As March 30th dawned, the U.S. 5th Infantry Division and the 3rd Armored Division advanced on the village of Menden in an effort to seal the encirclement of the Ruhr pocket. In front of the village, the 737th Tank Battalion found itself engaged by…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #6

Scenario#: J001     Date: 4/9/1945     Location: Vienna, Austria

The 2nd SS-Panzer Division, “Das Reich”, formed a rear guard position in Vienna as the Fourth Ukrainian Front closed in on the beautiful city. One area of bitter fighting was around the picturesque Prater Park with St. Stephen's Cathedral. The people…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #1

Scenario#: J013     Date: 4/9/1945     Location: Kakazu Ridge, Okinawa

The 3rd Battalion had been given the task of pushing onto Kakazu Ridge by advancing through the series of stream beds that lay in front of the hill. The Japanese had placed some defenses in the approaches to the ridge..

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #2

Scenario#: J179     Date: 4/10/1945     Location: Heilbronn, Germany

The final weeks of the war in Europe saw deep penetrations by the forces of General Alexander Patch’s Seventh Army, which rolled over most resistance in its path. Crossing the Neckar River proved to be one of the first true obstacles encountered by…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #11

Scenario#: J014     Date: 4/10/1945     Location: Kakazu Ridge, Okinawa

After advancing to the top of the smaller of the two summits along Kakazu Ridge, L Company developed a bit of a problem. It was sitting in the open above a Japanese underground complex specially prepared for just such a situation...

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #2

Scenario#: J077     Date: 4/10/1945     Location: Rethem, Germany

The defense of the Wesser-Aller line was allocated to the Second Marine Infantry of the Kriegsmarine. Approaching Rethem from the west, 1/5 Welch had orders to secure a crossing of the River Aller. But progress was slow. With his rifle companies…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #4

Scenario#: J015     Date: 4/11/1945     Location: Kakazu Ridge, Okinawa

After the failure of the “powerhouse attack” to dislodge the Japanese from Kakazu Ridge earlier in the day, the Americans tried a series of attacks in battalion strength against various portions of the ridge...

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #2

Scenario#: J064     Date: 4/11/1945     Location: Kakazu Ridge, Okinawa

Starting at 0700, the 1st Battalion, 381st Regiment attacked across the saddle between Kakazu West and Kakazu Ridge. Although dubbed the “powerhouse attack”, the offensive immediately stalled as the men came under heavy fire from Japanese positions…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #3

Scenario#: J016     Date: 4/13/1945     Location: Kakazu Ridge, Okinawa

As night fell on April 12, Sgt. Beaufort Anderson and the members of his mortar platoon occupied several of the tombs dotting the area between Kakazu Ridge and Kakazu West. Good things seldom happen when one is forced to sleep with the dead. This…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #2

Scenario#: J143     Date: 4/16/1945     Location: Nüremberg, Germany

Nuremberg – “the most German of German cities” – would be defended by the 13th SS Corps of the First Army, and the 15,000 fanatic Nazis under General Max Simon were prepared to defend the old city “to the last bullet”. By April 15, they would get…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #9

Scenario#: J144     Date: 4/18/1945     Location: Nüremberg, Germany

As the Third Infantry Division approached the center of Nuremberg, the battle developed into the type of fighting the US had hoped to avoid. Slow, costly advances through the rubble-strewn streets deprived the XV Corps of their mobility advantage,…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #9

Scenario#: J145     Date: 4/19/1945     Location: Nüremberg, Germany

Only the truly fanatic remained in the old town by 19 April. General Simon now commanded only isolated bands of SS men or Luftwaffe troops here and there. Nazi political officers – known jokingly as “golden pheasants” for their love of fancy but…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #9

Scenario#: J018     Date: 4/21/1945     Location: Ie Shima, Okinawa

The Iegusugu Pinnacle was the nerve center of the Japanese defenses on the island of Ie Shima. After fighting their way through the town of Ie, the 306th was ready to attack the final Japanese bastion on Ie Shima.

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #2

Scenario#: J017     Date: 4/24/1945     Location: Kakazu Ridge, Okinawa

During the night of April 23 and early morning of April 24, a heavy Japanese bombardment masked the withdrawal of most of the remaining defenders of the Kakazu pocket. Several small units were left behind to delay the American pursuit. At the same…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #2

Scenario#: J125     Date: 4/30/1945     Location: Berlin, Germany

As the frontage of the various Russian corps's shortened because they were getting nearer to the center of Berlin, field artillery was incorporated into direct assault formations. The typical tactic (after a few days of figuring things out) was to…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #8

Scenario#: J146     Date: 5/2/1945     Location: Berlin, Germany

Ragnarök (the Norse Armageddon) was upon the SS Division Nordland. The Reichstag had fallen, and most of Berlin was at the mercy of the Red Army. The remains of Nordland seemed doomed, and Hauptsturmführer Hans-Gösta Pehrsson gave his last order as…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #9

Scenario#: J180     Date: 5/8/1945     Location: Forst Segeberg, Germany

Men of the 8th Parachute Division were called upon to neutralize a group of die hard SS and German Partisan's (Werewolf units) in the first days of May 1945. They dug themselves in within a forest called Forst Segeberg in Northern Germany. They were…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #11

Scenario#: J101     Date: 6/9/1945     Location: Bougainville Island, New Guinea

The Japanese forces holding out on northern Bougainville had established a last line of defense across the Bonis Peninsula. To the north lay Buka Island and its airstrip – a key objecive in the Allied push towards Rabaul. A plan was devised to…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #6

Scenario#: J181     Date: 8/11/1945     Location: Mo Dao Shi, China

The Soviet Union declared war on the Japanese Empire on 10 August. Depleted by the dispatch of its units to the Pacific theater, the Japanese Kwantung Army was seemingly helpless to resist the Soviet steamroller. Nevertheless, the Japanese commenced…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #11