Browse Items (179 total)

Scenario#: J118     Date: 7/5/1943     Location: Ponyri, Russia

The battle for Kursk had begun. After breaching the first line of defense, the 86. Infanterie-Division supported by the gigantic Ferdinand tank destroyers of schwere Panzer-Abteilung 654 continued toward the Russians' second defensive belt. But the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #8

Scenario#: J119     Date: 1/28/1944     Location: Telman Sovkhoz, Crimea

In accordance with a combat order from headquarters, tanks of the 7th Independent Guards Heavy Tank Regiment occupied an all around defense at Telman sovkhoz (collective farm) and were prepared to fend off enemy tank attacks. This regiment was…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #8

Scenario#: J120     Date: 4/11/1944     Location: Ishun, Crimea

Because of a severe shortage of self-propelled guns, a decision was made to equip the 1452nd Separate Self-Propelled Artillery Regiment (SAP) with KV tanks, which had the most destructive armament of all the heavy tanks presented in the Crimea at…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #8

Scenario#: J121     Date: 9/14/1944     Location: Brandscheid, Germany

Always close enough to the battle to maintain his reputation as an action reporter, “Papa” Ernest Hemingway had become close friends with the commander of the 22nd Infantry Regiment, Colonel Charles Lanham. Lanham wanted to make sure Hemingway had…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #8

Scenario#: J122     Date: 12/22/1944     Location: Bastogne, Belgium

In an attempt to assault Bastogne from the east, the 26th Volksgrenadier Division infiltrated along the Bourcy-Bastogne rail line through a forested area known as the Bois Jacques (Jack’s Woods). This area marked the boundary between the US 501st and…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #8

Scenario#: J125     Date: 4/30/1945     Location: Berlin, Germany

As the frontage of the various Russian corps's shortened because they were getting nearer to the center of Berlin, field artillery was incorporated into direct assault formations. The typical tactic (after a few days of figuring things out) was to…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #8

Scenario#: VOTG22     Date: 9/26/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

On 21 September, Lt. Anton Dragan and the remnants of his company from the 1st Battalion, 42nd Guards Regiment fell back to a three-story building on the corner of Komsomolskaya and Krasnopeterskaya, which they fortified. For the next five days,…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #9

Scenario#: VOTG23     Date: 9/26/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

On 26 September, Lt. Anton Dragan and five other wounded survivors dug their way out of the rubbled strongpoint which German assault guns had collapsed. Emerging into darkness, Dragan sent his orderly Hozhushko out to scout the area. He returned…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #9

Scenario#: VOTG24     Date: 10/2/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

The German 6th Army had been trying to cut of Rodimtsev’s 13th Guards from the rest of the 62nd Army. On the night of 1-2 October, the Germans had decided to try a new ploy by infiltrating 300 men from Infanterie-Division 295 down the main drain…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #9

Scenario#: J126     Date: 5/28/1940     Location: Nieuport, Belgium

The Belgian town of Nieuport was to anchor the east end of a perimeter to keep the Germans from Dunkirk for as long as possible. Belgian forces had been expected to contribute to the defense,, but King Leopold, without consulting the allies,…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #9

Scenario#: J127     Date: 11/6/1940     Location: Tamanau Gap, Eritrea

As part of the British invasion of Eritrea, Colonel F.W. Messervy’s “Gazelle Force”, a motorized commando unit comprised of three machine gun companies, a filed gun battery and a mechanized cavalry unit, was established with the mission of creating…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #9

Scenario#: J128     Date: 2/14/1942     Location: Pasir Panjang, Malaya

During the course of the Malayan campaign, the IJA landed in the north-western parts of Singapore on February the 8th. After the capture of Tengah airfield, the Japanese invading force, consisting of some 13.000 troops, moved south towards Pasir…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #9

Scenario#: J130     Date: 9/1/1942     Location: Kotovskij, Russia

After a hard struggle, the Red Army had succeeded in establishing a significant bridgehead at Serafimovich, on the west bank of the Don. The German XVII Corps and the Italian XXXV Army Corps were assigned to a joint counterattack. At the crack of…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #9

Scenario#: J131     Date: 1/2/1944     Location: Cape Gloucester, New Britian

Company L of the 7th Marine Regiment was the left anchor of the Marines’ swing to the southeast to flank the Japanese defenders of Hill 600 and Borgen Bay. “Love” Company was the first to stumble upon a small stream that was unmarked on the maps…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #9

Scenario#: J132     Date: 1/2/1944     Location: Cape Gloucester, New Britian

After hitting severe Japanese resistance along the stream that became known as Suicide Creek, the 7th Marine Regiment’s slog through the dense jungle of Cape Gloucester came to a halt as the Marines tired and failed to take the stream “on the fly”.…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #9

Scenario#: J133     Date: 1/2/1944     Location: Cape Gloucester, New Britian

Throughout the course of the day, Marine pioneers and Navy Seabees had been building a corduroy road through the horrifically think jungle in an effort to bring up tanks, as well as bulldozers. The arrival of the Marine Shermans would have to wait…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #9

Scenario#: J134     Date: 1/3/1944     Location: Cape Gloucester, New Britian

In the Battle of Suicide Creek, the Marines moved tanks up though the jungle but could not get them across a high-banked creek - until Kerry L. Lane manned a bulldozer and, under intense fire and totally exposed to the enemy, dumped enough landfill…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #9

Scenario#: J135     Date: 1/3/1944     Location: Cape Gloucester, New Britian

As Marine pioneers attempted to build a ford across Suicide creek, the entire line was tasked with providing suppressive fore and diversionary attacks to keep the Japanese busy. Lt. Col. Williams, CO of the 3/7 Marines, ordered yet another crossing…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #9

Scenario#: J136     Date: 1/4/1944     Location: Cape Gloucester, New Britian

Marine pioneers had constructed corduroy roads to bring forth armor and bulldozers to build fords across Suicide Creek. As soon as the ford was complete, the Marines began their assault across the stream and into the Japanese bunkers. The Marines…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #9

Scenario#: J137     Date: 8/3/1944     Location: Burcy, France

As SS-Panzer-Division 9 attempted to encircle and isolate the 11th Armoured Division with concentric left and right flank attacks, it was left to the last divisional reserve, the Pionier battalion, to storm the center ground. The divisional artillery…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #9

Scenario#: J138     Date: 9/3/1944     Location: Pont-À-Marcq, France

The northern wing of Guards Armoured Division expected a clear run to Brussels. Crossing the Somme battlefields of the First World War, the Grenadiers set their sights on Waterloo, where they had gained their title in 1815. Even after two tanks were…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #9

Scenario#: J139     Date: 9/4/1944     Location: Lessines, Belgium

Left behind in the Guards Armoured Division’s dash to Brussels, the Light Aid Detachment set up a repair facility in the quiet town of Lessines. Early on 4 September, the quiet was broken by excited townsfolk warning of a German column descending on…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #9

Scenario#: J140     Date: 9/19/1944     Location: Oosterbeek, Holland

The 4th Parachute Brigade moved to seize the high ground around Koepel. However, the German defensive line along the Dreyenseweg, a road running north from Oosterbeek, would have to be overcome. Manning this line were elements of Kampfgruppe von…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #9

Scenario#: J141     Date: 10/25/1944     Location: Nagykallo, Hungary

After three weeks of constant movement, the 2nd Ukrainian Front’s Debrecen attack bogged down. Large Red Army formations were encircled, and Hungary was committed to remain Germany’s last European ally. Trapped near Nagykallo, the VII Mechanized…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #9

Scenario#: J142     Date: 12/21/1944     Location: Senonchamps, Belgium

By the fifth day of the German attack, the race for Bastogne was over. The German units that weren’t able to bypass the strategic town would lay siege to it instead. Two of the best Wehrmacht formations in the Western Front were…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #9

Scenario#: J143     Date: 4/16/1945     Location: Nüremberg, Germany

Nuremberg – “the most German of German cities” – would be defended by the 13th SS Corps of the First Army, and the 15,000 fanatic Nazis under General Max Simon were prepared to defend the old city “to the last bullet”. By April 15, they would get…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #9

Scenario#: J144     Date: 4/18/1945     Location: Nüremberg, Germany

As the Third Infantry Division approached the center of Nuremberg, the battle developed into the type of fighting the US had hoped to avoid. Slow, costly advances through the rubble-strewn streets deprived the XV Corps of their mobility advantage,…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #9

Scenario#: J145     Date: 4/19/1945     Location: Nüremberg, Germany

Only the truly fanatic remained in the old town by 19 April. General Simon now commanded only isolated bands of SS men or Luftwaffe troops here and there. Nazi political officers – known jokingly as “golden pheasants” for their love of fancy but…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #9

Scenario#: J146     Date: 5/2/1945     Location: Berlin, Germany

Ragnarök (the Norse Armageddon) was upon the SS Division Nordland. The Reichstag had fallen, and most of Berlin was at the mercy of the Red Army. The remains of Nordland seemed doomed, and Hauptsturmführer Hans-Gösta Pehrsson gave his last order as…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #9