Browse Items (158 total)

Scenario#: BRT03     Date: 11/22/1943     Location: Betio Island, Tarawa

D-Day for the 3rd Battalion, 2nd Marines called for K and I Companies to land in the initial assault wave, followed by L Company under Major Michael Ryan. K and I Companies were pinned down by enfilading fire from the re-entrant beach. Like everyone…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 5 - Blood Reef: Tarawa

Scenario#: BRT01     Date: 11/21/1943     Location: Betio Island, Tarawa

Lt. Dean Hawkins and his Scout Sniper platoon had the distinction of being the first American force on Betio. Hawkins led a detachment of engineers and Scout Snipers along the pier on D-Day, taking out bunkers and buildings likely to be in the way of…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 5 - Blood Reef: Tarawa

Scenario#: BRT06     Date: 11/20/1943     Location: Betio Island, Tarawa

In the pre-dawn light, the first amphibious invasion of a fortified beach began. Marines of 2/2 were slated to hit Red Beach Two, while those of 3/2 were assigned Red Beach One. Colonel Shoup, commander of the Regimental Landing Team, had planned for…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 5 - Blood Reef: Tarawa

Scenario#: BRT02     Date: 11/20/1943     Location: Betio Island, Tarawa

The M4A2 Sherman was seen by Marine crews for the first time aboard the transport Ashland while en route from "Helen". Company C of the 2nd Tank Battalion was given the new monsters. The 1st Platoon under Lt. Edward Bale would take six Shermans to…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 5 - Blood Reef: Tarawa

Scenario#: VOTG17     Date: 1/30/1943     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

On 10 January, thousands of Russian guns heralded the start of Operation Koltso, and the armies of the Stalingrad Front began to attack den Kessel (the cauldron). Gradually the perimeter shrank, and finally the German Army was split into several…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 7 - Valor of the Guards

Scenario#: HS16     Date: 1/13/1943     Location: Galloping Horse, Guadalcanal

The 27th Infantry Regiment had been attacking the 900-foot-high hill called Galloping Horse for three days. Only Hill 523, the head of the horse-shaped mass, was left. F Company would advance through the jungle on the right flank. E Company would…

Advanced Squad LeaderHSASL 1 - Operation Watchtower

Scenario#: HS15     Date: 1/2/1943     Location: Hill 27, Guadalcanal

Hill 27 was a separate rocky elevation, 920 feet high, just east of the Gifu. The leading assault troops of the 2nd Battalion gained the summit of the hill at 0907 without firing a shot. By 1130 hours the entire assault force had reached the summit,…

Advanced Squad LeaderHSASL 1 - Operation Watchtower

Scenario#: RB14     Date: 12/31/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

Since the 19th of November the tide in Stalingrad had begun its fateful turn. For on that day to the north and south of the city, the Soviet Army launched a massive two-pronged counterattack, on a 200-kilometer front, with 10 infantry divisions,…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL10a - Red Factories

Scenario#: RO7     Date: 12/26/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

One month had passed since the German 6th Army had been surrounded by the Soviet counteroffensive of 19 November, but periodic spurts of fighting still erupted in the cold ruins of the Red October factory. A Russian war correspondent wrote that the…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL10a - Red Factories

Scenario#: HS14     Date: 12/25/1942     Location: Gifu, Guadalcanal

Army troops, having taken over for most of the Marine formations, were eager to prove their mettle on the assault. Their first task on the long list of objectives required to clear the island was a strongpoint called the Gifu. This particularly nasty…

Advanced Squad LeaderHSASL 1 - Operation Watchtower

Scenario#: RO6     Date: 12/15/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

By the end of the second week in December the former defenders of Stalingrad were finally ready to take the initiative and begin their bid to recapture the ruined city. In the southern end of the Red October factory complex, two of those structures…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL10a - Red Factories

Scenario#: RB07     Date: 12/5/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

The German 6th Army had been surrounded for almost two weeks. Still, it in turn had trapped the Soviet 138th Rifle Division in a pie-shaped piece of land behind the Barrikady. The 138th launched nightly forays against the eastern edge of der Kessel,…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 1 - Red Barricades

Scenario#: HS13     Date: 11/24/1942     Location: Hill 81, Guadalcanal

The Japanese began to fortify their positions, particularly in the hills west of the Matanikau. The westward U.S. advance threatened supply routes leading to inland positions. Using reverse slope positions that could not be hit by artillery, the…

Advanced Squad LeaderHSASL 1 - Operation Watchtower

Scenario#: VOTG16     Date: 11/24/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

On 24 November, sappers arrived to deactivate the minefield surrounding "Pavlov's House", which they accomplished without being fired on. Shortly thereafter, Sgt. Pavlov received orders to attack a building that was about one hundred yards across the…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 7 - Valor of the Guards

Scenario#: RB12     Date: 11/17/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

On the 11th of November the Germans launched an offensive in the Barrikady district with elements of two infantry divisions, backed up by five especially formed pioneer battalions, armed with satchel charges and flamethrowers. In addition two assault…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL10a - Red Factories

Scenario#: RB06     Date: 11/15/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

Despite failing to achieve its main objective, Operation Hubertus had severely mauled the remaining Soviet formations. One of these, the redoubtable 138th Rifle Division, now found itself isolated along the Volga on a 400m x 700m strip of land. Of…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 1 - Red Barricades

Scenario#: RB13     Date: 11/11/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

The objective for Major Braun and his men was to capture the fuel tank complex and penetrate to the shoreline of the Volga itself. Though Major Braun and his men had briefly reached the fuel tanks on 2nd November, they had been ousted by a…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL10a - Red Factories

Scenario#: RO5     Date: 11/11/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

Operation HUBERTUS would be the Germans’ final bid to capture Stalingrad’s devastated factory district, one last attempt to secure the prize on the Volga that Hitler so dearly craved. The better part of three bloodied but still effective German…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL10a - Red Factories

Scenario#: RO4     Date: 11/11/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

Dominating the Krasny Oktyabr factory complex, the mammoth Hall 4 was the lynchpin of the Soviet defense. The enterprising Soviets had turned the factory’s 14 recessed “Martin Ovens” into a series of impregnable fortresses, interconnected with…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL10a - Red Factories

Scenario#: RB05     Date: 11/11/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

Hoping that one last great push might be enough to finally shatter all organized resistance in the city, German assault troops prepared for a final onslaught. In the meantime, fresh Pioniere battalions specially trained in urban warfare were flown…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 1 - Red Barricades

Scenario#: RB10     Date: 9/11/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

The Sixth Army was being bled white amidst the ruins. The rifle strength of whole companies was often reduced to little more than a squad in an attempt to take a single house. The battle lines were now drawn through the hallways of individual…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL10a - Red Factories

Scenario#: RB09     Date: 10/31/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

The last ferry-landing across the Volga was under German machinegun fire and the Russians were barely holding their positions in the rubble around Krasny Oktyabr and the Barrikady. Rather than waiting passively for the final blow, the Soviet “Army…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL10a - Red Factories

Scenario#: RB11     Date: 10/28/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

Although desperate to buy time to allow the 45th Division to be ferried across the Volga at night, the Russians had no more reserves. During the 27th, the shattered 118th Rifle Regiment had a bit of luck. To their surprise, they recovered three tanks…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL10a - Red Factories

Scenario#: RB08     Date: 10/27/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

For the Russians, this was rapidly becoming yet another critical day in the defense of their ruined city. Elements of the German 79th Infantry Division had pushed toward the Krasny Oktyabr steel mill, bringing the HQ of Guryev’s 39th Guards Division…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL10a - Red Factories

Scenario#: RB04     Date: 10/26/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

A patrol of Jaeger Division 100 managed to reach the west bank of the Volga following a saturation bombardment of Russian positions. The Germans soon found themselves cut off as Red Army soldiers re-emerged from their rubble hideouts after allowing…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 1 - Red Barricades

Scenario#: RO3     Date: 10/25/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

German control of the southern half of the Krasny Oktyabr factory complex was tenuous. Dug-in troops of Guriev’s 39th Guards Rifle Division were able to pour “unbelievable machine gun fire” from the Martin Shop on all the nearby roads and trenches,…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL10a - Red Factories

Scenario#: RB03     Date: 10/25/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

On 24 October, Panzer Division 14 reached its objective of “Bread Factory #2” just south of the Barrikady. The next day the German assaults against the buildings continued but were soon checked by fierce defensive fire of the Soviet 138th Rifle…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 1 - Red Barricades

Scenario#: HS12     Date: 10/24/1942     Location: Lunga Ridge, Guadalcanal

The Marines, anxious to take the fight to the Japanese, mounted an ambitious plan to surround and destroy the majority of the Japanese forces at the mouth of the Matanikau River. A three-pronged attack, each prong depending on the others succeeding,…

Advanced Squad LeaderHSASL 1 - Operation Watchtower

Scenario#: VOTG15     Date: 10/24/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

The nature of the close quarter fighting dictated the development of new tactics. The Soviet 62nd Army formed small shock units termed "Storm Groups" - assault groups equipped with grenades and tommy-guns, which would first attack the objective, with…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 7 - Valor of the Guards

Scenario#: RO2     Date: 10/23/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

By 0930 the Germans’ first objective, the north-south railroad embankment west of the factory, had been reached. The attack plan then called for a brief interlude to allow fresh troops of the second wave to come up and for continued bombardment of…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL10a - Red Factories

Scenario#: RO1     Date: 10/23/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

By 23 October the German 6th Army had secured Stalingrad’s tractor factory and gained a solid foothold in the Barrikady gun factory. Their conquest of the southernmost of the three factory complexes, the Krasny Oktyabr steel factory had not yet…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL10a - Red Factories

Scenario#: HS11     Date: 10/23/1942     Location: Matanikau River, Guadalcanal

The leading elements of the elite 2nd "Sendai" Division had arrived on Guadalcanal with same orders as their predecessors -- eliminate the Marine beachhead. With ample manpower, Japanese commanders planned to attack the perimeter from the west and…

Advanced Squad LeaderHSASL 1 - Operation Watchtower

Scenario#: RB02     Date: 10/22/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

The receding day witnessed renewed all-out assaults against the Barrikady and Krasny Oktyabr factories as the Germans flailed away in pouring rain at the fanatical Soviet defenders in their well-fortified positions. Little headway was made, but much…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 1 - Red Barricades

Scenario#: RB01     Date: 10/17/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

With the fall of the massive Dzherhezinsky Tractor Works, the Germans turned their attention to the Barrikady and Krasny Oktyabr factories. On 16 October German infantry, tanks and Stukas tried to blast a path into the Barrikady through the remnants…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 1 - Red Barricades

Scenario#: VOTG14     Date: 10/15/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

Finally, the historical version of this famous action. A bunch of fanatical Russians try to keep the Germans out of a three storey building as they rush from all sides. A bloody battle with lots of very tall stacks.

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 7 - Valor of the Guards

Scenario#: HS10     Date: 10/12/1942     Location: Matanikau River, Guadalcanal

Marine offensive operation in the area near the Matanikau River were scaled back due to reports of a massive Japanese attack on the main Henderson Field defensive perimeter. A large supply of mortar shells had been transferred to the front for use…

Advanced Squad LeaderHSASL 1 - Operation Watchtower

Scenario#: HS09     Date: 9/27/1942     Location: Point Cruz, Guadalcanal

After a series of Bloody Ridge engagements earlier in the month, General Vandegrift knew that a sizable Japanese force was operating from Matanikau village east of Point Cruz. A series of ambitious offensives in regimental strength were planned to…

Advanced Squad LeaderHSASL 1 - Operation Watchtower

Scenario#: HS08     Date: 9/26/1942     Location: The One-Log Bridge, Guadalcanal

The Marine Raiders were looking to cross the Matanikau River to the west bank to complete an encirclement. Unbeknownst to the Marines, the IJA had crossed the river and was on the east bank when the engagement occurred.

Advanced Squad LeaderHSASL 1 - Operation Watchtower

Scenario#: VOTG13     Date: 9/24/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

Since 14 September, elements of the 272nd NKVD Regiment were defending the area around Komsomol Park. The NKVD Regiment became cut off and surrounded in the park. The trapped units included the regimental staff, along with 17 seamen from Batrakov's…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 7 - Valor of the Guards

Scenario#: VOTG12     Date: 9/23/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

General Chuikov desperately wanted to gain complete control of the main ferry landings, which had fallen into German hands, and were prefect locations for the Germans to interdict reinforcements crossing the Volga. Help was on the way in the form of…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 7 - Valor of the Guards

Scenario#: VOTG11     Date: 9/22/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

It was at the flanks of the 34th Guards Regiment where the Germans directed particularly heavy attacks. One thrust penetrated the Dolgyi Gully and came out in the rear along the riverbank. Another ttack broke through along Tambovskaya Street,…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 7 - Valor of the Guards

Scenario#: VOTG10     Date: 9/21/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

On 20 September, a civilian informed Lt. Dragan that a massive German buildup was taking place. Fortifications and street barricades were prepared as well as detachments of men armed with anti-tank rifles and molotov cocktails to combat tanks. The…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 7 - Valor of the Guards

Scenario#: VOTG09     Date: 9/18/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

A group of German tommy-gunners had seized some buildings at the intersection of Respublikanskaya and Kievskaya streets, and to evict them General Chuikov organized an immediate counterattack. A platoon of tanks that was positioned near the slopes of…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 7 - Valor of the Guards

Scenario#: VOTG08     Date: 9/16/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

The Germans had managed to seize a building on the station square to the rear of the Guards position, where they were reported to be assembling to attack the station building from behind. Lt. Fedesyev ordered Lt. Dragan to organize a counterattack to…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 7 - Valor of the Guards

Scenario#: VOTG07     Date: 9/16/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

The past couple of days had seen horrific fighting at the Stalingrad-1 Rail Station. On the morning of 16 September, the 1st Battalion of the 42nd Guards Regiment turned away an attack by twelve self-propelled guns with supporting infantry. Not long…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 7 - Valor of the Guards

Scenario#: VOTG06     Date: 9/15/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

One of Rodimtsev's junior officers, Lieutenant Anton Kuzmich Dragan was personally ordered by Chuikov to hold a key railroad station in downtown Stalingrad against an impending German assault. Dragan proceeded to gather a platoon of less than fifty…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 7 - Valor of the Guards

Scenario#: VOTG04     Date: 9/15/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

The German 3rd Battalion, Infanterie Regiment 194 fought through Stalingrad’s suburbs, the Main Railway Station, Red Square, and finally to within sight of the Volga. Their rapid advance across the cratered landscape and the fierce resistance the…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 7 - Valor of the Guards

Scenario#: HS07     Date: 9/14/1942     Location: Lunga Point, Guadalcanal

On the night of September 13th, elements of Major Mizumo's Kuma Battalion attacked the positions held by Marines of the 3rd Battalion on the eastern flank of the American perimeter. At dawn, the Marines sent a platoon of light tanks on patrol to see…

Advanced Squad LeaderHSASL 1 - Operation Watchtower

Scenario#: HS06     Date: 9/14/1942     Location: Lunga Ridge, Guadalcanal

The defense on Lunga Ridge had been severely stretched, but it had not broken and had extracted a heavy toll on the attacking Japanese troops. General Vandergrift committed the Marine reserves and ordered a counterattack to disrupt Japanese efforts…

Advanced Squad LeaderHSASL 1 - Operation Watchtower

Scenario#: VOTG05     Date: 9/14/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

The German 71st Infantry Division had broken through the weak Russian defenses in downtown Stalingrad and seized several tall buildings along the bank of the Volga. A group of Germans wielding submachine-guns and supported by tanks had captured the…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 7 - Valor of the Guards