Browse Items (1174 total)

Scenario#: KGP02     Date: 12/21/1944     Location: Stoumont, Belgium

The American plan of attack against Stoumont for the morning of December 21st was ambitious. The depleted 1/119th Infantry was to push east and seize the sanatorium. Upon its capture, the even weaker 3/119th was to attack southward in conjunction…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 2 - Kampfgruppe Peiper I

Scenario#: J169     Date: 8/30/1943     Location: Chistyakovo, Ukraine

The wastefulness of Operation Citadel was beginning to hit home for Heeresgruppe Sud. Stripped of many Panzer Divisions, these were replaced with worn–out infantry divisions such as the 258th, which formed a shallow crust around the transport hubs…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #11

Scenario#: 239     Date: 5/28/1940     Location: Taraldsvikfjell, Norway

With the disastrous situation around Dunkerque entering its final stages, the Allied High Command decided that the operation around Narvik would have to be halted, though the city itself was taken in order to cover the evacuation and to ensure…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 10 - Croix de Guerre ( 2nd Edition)

Scenario#: 86     Date: 9/9/1939     Location: Leczyka, Poland

Polish General Tadeusz Kutrzeba was given permission for an attack to the south by Amry Poznan. The aim was to cover the retreat of Army Pomorze. The attack used the 25th, 17th and 14th Infantry Divisions...

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 11 - Doomed Battalions

Scenario#: SFCG2     Date: 1945-02-21     Location: Manila, Philippines

Once across the Pasig River, the 37th Infantry Division pushed south into the Paco District and west along the river toward Intramuros. The Gls quickly discovered that they were in the thick of the Japanese defenses. Every store and house had a…

Advanced Squad LeaderSword and Fire: Manila

Scenario#: A086     Date: 2/21/1942     Location: Kaunas, Timor

By mid-February the Japanese had embarked their invasion force, bound for the south coast of Timor opposite Koepang. At roughly 0830 on 20 February, long-range Japanese aircraft began to scatter paratroopers in small drops all around the city. Their…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 95 Winter

Scenario#: 1     Date: 9/2/1941     Location: Terijoki, Finland

The Finns, seeking restitution for the Winter War of 1939, had erupted across the borders and breached the Soviet Karelian front even as the crisis to the south of Leningrad came. In a desperate attempt to salvage something and form a new defense…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 1 - Beyond Valor (3rd Edition)

Scenario#: DN10     Date: 5/14/1940     Location: Onhaye, Belgium

While overseeing the construction of a pontoon bridge, as well as the continued ferrying of troops across the Meuse, Rommel learned of a message received at 4.Armee headquarters reading "Bismarck encircled at Onhaye." All further communication was…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 10 - Croix de Guerre ( 2nd Edition)

Scenario#: RB08     Date: 10/27/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

For the Russians, this was rapidly becoming yet another critical day in the defense of their ruined city. Elements of the German 79th Infantry Division had pushed toward the Krasny Oktyabr steel mill, bringing the HQ of Guryev’s 39th Guards Division…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL10a - Red Factories

Scenario#: AH01     Date: 1942-10-27     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

For the Russians, this was rapidly becoming yet another critical day in the defense of their ruined city. Elements of the German 79th Infantry Division had pushed toward the Krasny Oktyabr steel mill, bringing the HQ of Guryev’s 39th Guards Division…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 91

Scenario#: G04     Date: 11/8/1944     Location: Vic-sur-Seille, France

In the early morning hours of a gray day, the 761st Tank Battalion faced the enemy in combat for the first time. The whole Third Army was going over to the attack and the initial objective assigned to the untested Black Panthers was the capture of a…

Advanced Squad LeaderThe General #24.3

Scenario#: AP112     Date: 9/5/1939     Location: Zabrzez, Poland

In return for territory that was disputed over with Poland, Slovakia agreed to aid Germany in the invasion of Poland. The deployment of the 1st Slovakian Infantry Division was the most advanced, and thus it was most ready for immediate action. On 2…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #12 Oktoberfest XXX

Scenario#: A057     Date: 5/29/1943     Location: Chichagof Harbor, Alaska

The Japanese force on Attu was facing obliteration. A banzai counterattack during the night caught the Americans literally asleep. Hearing the gunfire, the divisional engineer battalion set up a hasty defensive line in the dark. Cooks and drivers,…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 93a

Scenario#: 212     Date: 1/10/1951     Location: Wonju, South Korea

Encouraged by the heavy North Korean losses during the initial UN attacks, Almond again ordered the US 2nd Infantry Division to recapture Wonju on January 9. About four infantry battalions from the US 23rd and 38th Infantry Regiment supported by…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 15 - Forgotten War

Scenario#: OB06     Date: 11/17/1942     Location: Djebel Abiod, Tunisia

The German XC Corps, comprised of various units which had been rushed to hod Tunisia, was attempting to expand the bridgehead perimeter by pushing combat groups towards Medjez el bab, Bedja and Djebel Aboid. The Allied command had the British 78th…

Advanced Squad LeaderOut of the Bunker

Scenario#: OB09     Date: 12/9/1943     Location: Hellzapoppin' Ridge, Bougainville

During November and December, the Japanese under Major General Iwasa made extraordinary efforts to emplace artillery on the high ground overlooking the Marine beachhead at Empress Augusta Bay. Guns of calibers ranging from 70mm up to 150mm were…

Advanced Squad LeaderOut of the Bunker

Scenario#: 125     Date: 6/25/1941     Location: Plavy, Lithuania

When Army Group North moved toward the River Daugava, the Russian command detailed the 3rd Mechanized Corps to stop them. Over 100 of the Soviet tanks were the new super-heavy KV models. The Germans had no guns which could penetrate these monsters.…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 1 - Beyond Valor (3rd Edition)

Scenario#: AP031     Date: 6/11/1944     Location: Cristot, France

The brigadiers commanding 69th Infantry and the supporting 8th Armoured Brigades had accompanied B Squadron of the Dragoons Guards up Hill 102, south of Cristot. Opposition was light, but infantry would be needed to secure the position. The Green…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #4 Normandy 1944

Scenario#: 251     Date: 5/12/1944     Location: Castelforte, Italy

It was apparent that only a bold stroke would get the costly Allied offensive in Italy rolling again. General Alphonso Juin, commander of the French Expeditionary Corps, convinced Mark Clark to accept his plan for a new spring offensive, to be…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 10 - Croix de Guerre ( 2nd Edition)

Scenario#: J131     Date: 1/2/1944     Location: Cape Gloucester, New Britian

Company L of the 7th Marine Regiment was the left anchor of the Marines’ swing to the southeast to flank the Japanese defenders of Hill 600 and Borgen Bay. “Love” Company was the first to stumble upon a small stream that was unmarked on the maps…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #9

Scenario#: HS01     Date: 8/19/1942     Location: Matanikau Village, Guadalcanal

After Lt. Col. Goettge's small reconnaissance patrol was wiped out near Matanikau on August 12, General Vandefrift ordered a strike against the Japanese concentration in the area. Given the overriding need to protect Henderson Field, it was a week…

Advanced Squad LeaderHSASL 1 - Operation Watchtower

Scenario#: HC1     Date: 1942-08-19     Location: Matanikau Village, Guadalcanal

After Lt. Col. Goettge's small reconnaissance patrol was wiped out near Matanikau on August 12, General Vandefrift ordered a strike against the Japanese concentration in the area. Given the overriding need to protect Henderson Field, it was a week…

Advanced Squad LeaderOperations Special Issue #3

Scenario#: ABTF04     Date: 9/19/1944     Location: Arnhem, Holland

Field Marshal Model was beginning to comprehend the threat posed by the British at the Arnhem Road Bridge. He likewise understood the implications of the other Allied airborne landings and XXX Corps’ northward drive. Promising armor reinforcements…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 6 - A Bridge Too Far

Scenario#: HF3     Date: 1/9/1945     Location: Hatten, France

A breakthrough in the village of Hatten became the key focus of the German offensive codenamed Operation NORDWIND. By early afternoon of 9 January, units from Panzergrenadier-Division 25 had captured most of Hatten. The Americans responded…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 9 - Hatten in Flames

Scenario#: DASL04     Date: 10/7/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

After weeks of bitter conflict in the Stalingrad cauldron, little had been decided. Heavy assaults on the Tractor Works were repulsed with many casualties to both sides. The newly arrived 37th Guards Division of General Zholudev lent new strength to…

Advanced Squad LeaderDeluxe Advanced Squad Leader

Scenario#: SF09     Date: 1945-02-19     Location: Manila, Philippines

From 16-18 February the 148th Infantry Regiment repeatedly assaulted the Japanese positions in the Medical School and Science Buildings and had penetrated the eastern portion of the University Hospital as well. On the morning of 19 February, the 5th…

Advanced Squad LeaderSword and Fire: Manila

Scenario#: SG2     Date: 12/6/1944     Location: Singling, France

When it became apparent to the men of Abrams' Team B that they faced a much more daunting task than anticipated, the only real option open to them was to consolidate their gains and await the arrival of Combat Command B. Having taken control of much…

Advanced Squad LeaderOperations Special Issue #1

Scenario#: J087     Date: 8/19/1944     Location: Warsaw, Poland UPRISING

The Polish Home Army uprising had commenced with the sounds of Soviet artillery heard in the distance. The first days of the uprising were wildly successful against the surprised Germans. Soon, however, the Germans ruthlessly struck back against the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #5

Scenario#: J104     Date: 10/15/1941     Location: Semenovskaya, Russia

The landscape south and west of Borodino was covered with snow by first light on 15 October, but the skies were clear. The 32rd Rifle Division was holding its ground against the German onslaught, when some fresh elements of the 86th Schützen Regiment…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #7

Scenario#: AP026     Date: 9/8/1943     Location: Mezzocamino, Italy

Much to the dismay of the Italians, on the afternoon of September 8, 1943, General Eisenhower made public the armistice between the Allies and the Italian government. The Italians had been playing a dangerous balancing act between the Germans and…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #3 Few Returned

Scenario#: AP128     Date: 7/8/1944     Location: Herouville, France

After waiting a month for the Allied attack at Calais, Generalmajor Karl Seivers' Feld-Fivision 16 (Luftwaffe) began its move to Normandy into the front lines around Caen, protecting the flanks of SS-Panzer-Division 12 and Panzer-Division 21. After…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #13 Oktoberfest XXXII

Scenario#: AP096     Date: 4/29/1944     Location: Hrabivka, Ukraine

Throughout most of the Second World War, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) was engaged in partisan warfare, first against the Germans, then against the Soviets. The UPA tended to avoid conflict with the Soviet Army, instead focusing their efforts on…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #10

Scenario#: J100     Date: 3/30/1945     Location: Menden, Germany

As March 30th dawned, the U.S. 5th Infantry Division and the 3rd Armored Division advanced on the village of Menden in an effort to seal the encirclement of the Ruhr pocket. In front of the village, the 737th Tank Battalion found itself engaged by…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #6

Scenario#: 82     Date: 6/20/1940     Location: Saumur, France

Angered and dismayed by a call on June 17th for an armistice, the officers and cadets of the Cavalry School had vowed to fight for their own honor and that of France. Southeast of Saumur, lay the Aunis Farm, a French command post and staging area.…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 10 - Croix de Guerre

Scenario#: WO14     Date: 1/16/1945     Location: Santa Maria, Luzon

General Yamashita's plans for the defense of northern Luzon included fighting withdrawals and a gradual retreat to the mountains and the Cagayan valley. Needing to move the 2nd Tank Division -- his main mobile reserve -- and pestered by subordinate…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2014

Scenario#: FB08     Date: 2/1/1945     Location: Budapest, Hungary

Axis defenders suffered a serious blow on 26 December when the Soviets captured one of Budapest’s largest supply depots, resulting in the loss of approximately 300,000 daily rations and 450 tons of ammunition. To complicate matters, the main airport…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 8 - Festung Budapest

Scenario#: O16     Date: 10/8/1944     Location: Titovka River, Russia

On 7 October, phase one of the Soviet Petsamo-Kirkenes offensive began. Two rifle corps, supported by airpower, armor and artillery, were to overrun the German defenders and drive on the Luostari airfield. Dawn opened to low visibility, falling snow,…

Advanced Squad LeaderSpecial Ops 8

Scenario#: 168     Date: 9/8/1941     Location: Niiniselkä, Russia

As part of the general attack aimed at the Karelian capital of Petrozavodsk, the Finnish 11th Division was ordered to take the village of Prääzä, an important road junction over which the two sides had been fighting for a while. The division devised…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 14 - Hakkaa Päälle!

Scenario#: AP174     Date: 1/19/1945     Location: Weyersheim, France

Towards the latter part of Operation NORDWIND in the Alsace province of eastern France, the Germans shifted their focus to the Rhine River. ln response, the inexperienced American 12th Armored Division had tried to take the initiative against the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #16 From The Land Down Under

Scenario#: BOF12     Date: 8/13/1945     Location: Chongjin, Korea

On 9 August 1945 the Russians unleashed a massive offensive aiming to destroy the Japanese Kwantung Army in Manchuria. Russian naval forces would capture the vital port of Chongjin and cut the Japanese supply route. Led by twice-Hero of the Soviet…

Advanced Squad LeaderBest of Friends

Scenario#: BOF15     Date: 6/10/1942     Location: Sevastapol, Crimea

On 7 June, the Germans broke through Sevastopol's outer defensive ring. Three days later, Mekenziyevy Mountain train station and a nearby road junction known as the Forsthaus (Forester's House) were captured. The Russian 79th Naval Infantry Brigade…

Advanced Squad LeaderBest of Friends 2

Scenario#: 40     Date: 2/26/1943     Location: Medjez el Bab, Tunisia

Preliminary to the main German attack on Medjez, a position known as Fort McGregor had to be seized from British defenders. The forward outpost consisted of an infantry company with its platoons dug in around a bare, rocky knoll, with the entire…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 5 - West of Alamein

Scenario#: G37     Date: 4/11/1945     Location: Fuhrberg, Germany

After three days of rest and refit, the Churchills of the Scots Guards arrived from Munster and linked up with the troops of the 227th Infantry Brigade's Gordon Highlanders, with orders to advance on Celle. The Germans had taken advantage of the…

Advanced Squad LeaderThe General #31.3

Scenario#: SF19     Date: 1945-02-23     Location: Fort Santiago, Manila, Philippines

FORT SANTIAGO, MANILA, LUZON, PHILIPPINES, 23 February 1945: Shells from 240mm and 155mm American guns finally managed to breach a portion of the outer walls of this ancient Spanish fort along the south shore of the Pasig River. To escape the…

Advanced Squad LeaderSword and Fire: Manila

Scenario#: 81     Date: 6/20/1941     Location: Damascus, Syria

The Allied invasion of Syria and Lebanon was conducted primarily by the 7th Australian Division, the 5th Indian Infantry Brigade and the brigade-strength Free French Division. A week later they were about ten miles south of Damascus but facing strong…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 10 - Croix de Guerre

Scenario#: WO01     Date: 12/17/1944     Location: Ouren, Luxembourg

The second day of the battle of the Bulge was underway with the Germans anxious to seize bridges across the Our River. The town of Ouren had two such bridges, defended by a mélange of tank destroyer units, infantry, and artillery. Late in the morning…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2010

Scenario#: J059     Date: 10/13/1944     Location: East Prussia

In October 1944, 1st Company, Hermann Göring's Fallschirmpanzerkorps Panzerjager Battalion received 16 new JagdPanzer IV vehicles. Their mission was to act as a mobile fire brigade for the panzerkorps. Their first objective was to thwart the Soviet…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #3

Scenario#: AP147     Date: 4/16/1940     Location: Kongvinger, Norway

Shortly after the attack on Denmark and Norway, the Swedish government prohibited public meetings and recruitment organizations for Swedish volunteers to Norway. Maybe some 300 Swedes went to Norway, some of them in the Swedish uniforms with Finnish…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #15 Swedish Volunteers

Scenario#: J086     Date: 8/3/1944     Location: Presles, France

On the evening of 2 August, fearful for his open left flank, Major Robinson pushed Ned Thornburn's D Company a half-mile to the east. Digging-in around the farm of les Grands Bonfaits, the company was later reinforced by two platoons of A Company, a…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #5

Scenario#: AP042     Date: 6/26/1941     Location: Skaudvila, Russia

As German penetrations into the Russian frontier intensified, Soviet commanders were forced to rely heavily upon counterattacks to stem the tide. Northwest Front commander Col-Gen Kusnetsov planned to use his 3rd and 12th Mechanized Corps to attack…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #5 East Front