Browse Items (277 total)

Scenario#: BoEC06     Date: 1944-09-19     Location: Ne Of Nuenen, Holland

Lock 'n Load TacticalBattles of Easy Company

Scenario#: BoEC07     Date: 1944-09-22     Location: Uden, Holland

Lock 'n Load TacticalBattles of Easy Company

Scenario#: BoEC08     Date: 1944-09-25     Location: S Of Veghel, Holland

Lock 'n Load TacticalBattles of Easy Company

Scenario#: BoEC09     Date: 1944-10-05     Location: Arnhem, Holland

Lock 'n Load TacticalBattles of Easy Company

Scenario#: BoEC10     Date: 1944-10-05     Location: Arnhem, Holland

Lock 'n Load TacticalBattles of Easy Company

Scenario#: BoEC11     Date: 1944-12-21     Location: Bastogne, Belgium

Lock 'n Load TacticalBattles of Easy Company

Scenario#: BoEC12     Date: 1944-12-24     Location: Bastogne, Belgium

Lock 'n Load TacticalBattles of Easy Company

Scenario#: BoEC13     Date: 1945-01-02     Location: Bastogne, Belgium

Lock 'n Load TacticalBattles of Easy Company

Scenario#: BoEC14     Date: 1945-01-13     Location: Foy, Belgium

Lock 'n Load TacticalBattles of Easy Company

Scenario#: BoEC15     Date: 1945-01-15     Location: Noville, Belgium

Lock 'n Load TacticalBattles of Easy Company

Scenario#: BoEC16     Date: 1944-06-06     Location: Brécourt Manor, France

Lock 'n Load TacticalBattles of Easy Company

Scenario#: Comp01     Date: 1944-12-10     Location: Strass, Germany

Operation Queen was the plan for the AUied strike against the Rur River, the necessary precursor to an assault on the Rhine and the heart of Germany in late 1944. For Queen to succeed, the men of the First Army’s …

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 1

Scenario#: Comp02     Date: 1944-12-11     Location: Strass, Germany

By the end of December 10th, the Battalion of the 330th Infantry Regiment had secured the town of Strass. However, in doing so, several pockets of German defenders were bypassed. These forces quickly reorganized and surrounded the town and began …

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 1

Scenario#: Comp03     Date: 1944-12-12     Location: Strass, Germany

The 3rd Battalion of the 330th Infantry Regiment had been under siege in Strass for two days, due to the by passing of German forces in towns such as Schafberg, to the south of Strass. Realizing their error (almost too …

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 1

Scenario#: Comp04     Date: 1944-12-13     Location: Strass, Germany

Following three days of heavy fighting, Strass and the surrounding area had been cleared. The 82nd Infantry Division was ready for its final push toward the Rur River and Duren. To ensure a clear path, Company E of the 330th …

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 1

Scenario#: Comp05     Date: 1940-06-03     Location: Spycker, France

On the final day of the French resistance in the pocket of Dunkirk, scattered units that had been surrounded and fighting for days and nights without rest, continued to defend down to the last bullet. They used any obstacles, farms, …

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 1

Scenario#: Comp06     Date: 1940-06-07     Location: Douville Sur Andelle, France

By the end of May 1940, the French were learning, a bit late, the lessons of the Blitzkrieg. They had been building Up several small armored combat teams to oppose the Germans' powerful panzer divisions. These new units, comprised of …

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 1

Scenario#: Comp07     Date: 1940-08-28     Location: Les Mesnil-sur-oger, France

“To be a Frenchman means to fight for your country and its wine," said Claude Terrail, owner of the famous Parisian restaurant La Tour d'Argent. Under orders from Field Marshal Hermann Góring, a large quantity of the famed 1928 …

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 1

Scenario#: Comp12     Date: 1944-06-06     Location: Cauquigny, France

After capturing the manor at La Fiére, a small bridgehead was established in Cauquigny, a hamlet located at the other end of the causeway, west of the bridge over the Merderet. There, only a dozen men were left under Lieutenant Louis Levy, with…

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 1

Scenario#: Comp14     Date: 1944-06-06     Location: Normandy, France

After being dropped far from their designated DZ, Lt. Winters and a number of Easy men finally found their way to the battalion rally point at Le Grand Chemin, about three miles west of Utah Beach. There, Lt. Col. Strayer …

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 1

Scenario#: Comp15     Date: 1944-06-06     Location: Colleville, France

The landings at Omaha Beach had not gone as well as General Eisenhower had intended. In fact, he considered diverting foUow-on forces to Utah Beach, but slowly the German defenses crumbled. As the fire from across the beach abated, Americans …

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 1

Scenario#: Comp16     Date: 1944-06-11     Location: Carentan, France

The Americans were ashore to stay. The problem was that someone had forgotten to tell the Germans, especially the German paratroopers, the Fallschirmjagers. They held tight to Carentan, patrolling the area to keep the Americans from tightening their…

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 1

Scenario#: Comp17     Date: 1944-06-12     Location: Sw Of Carentan, France

As the morning of June 12th lightened, the Allied pincer of Carentan reached almost full encirclement. Most of the town’s German defenders managed to get out the night before the encirclement to the south was complete; however, a suppressive force …

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 1

Scenario#: Comp18     Date: 1944-06-13     Location: S Of Carentan, France

Following Allied action near Hill 30 by the 101st Airborne, heralding the fall of Carentan on June 12th, 1944 (D-Day + 6), surviving German defenders from the 6th Fallschirnijager Regiment had withdrawn and resupplied, and were reinforced by elements…

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 1

Scenario#: Comp19     Date: 1944-07-04     Location: Near La-haye-du-puits, France

As the Allied invasion of Normandy pushed to seize Cherbourg, to replace the lost Mulberry harbor at Omaha Beach due to the worst storm seen in 50 years in the English Channel, the 82nd Airborne were situated in the Bois …

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 1

Scenario#: Comp20     Date: 1944-09-19     Location: Near Arracourt, France

In an effort to halt General Patton's Third Army as it charged across France, the German 5th Panzer Army, under the command of General Hasso von Manteuffel, launched a counteroffensive near Arracourt, in the Lorraine. Combat Command Alpha (CCA) of …

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 1

Scenario#: Comp21     Date: 1944-12-16     Location: Ardennes, Belgium

The beginning of the German 's Ardennes Offensíve. In the center of the German lines, the 26th Volksgrenadier and Panzer Lehr Divisions thrust toward the critical road function of Bastogne along the inadequate, rural road system of Belgium. The 26th…

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 1

Scenario#: Comp03     Date: 1942-09-13     Location: Elista, Russia

Hitler's Army Group A had driven deep into the southern steppes of Russia. So far and so fast, in fact, that maps were of limited use and intelligence of the opposition even less. The Germans decided to equip a long range reconnaissance force to…

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 3

Scenario#: Comp04     Date: 1943-04-19     Location: Warsaw, Poland

Members of various resistance groups had been resisting Nazi efforts to clear the ghetto of its interred inhabitants since January of 1943. In April, SS commander Jurgen Stroop launched a full scale assault on the starving tenants. Under the…

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 3

Scenario#: Comp05     Date: 1944-02-05     Location: Aprilia, Italy

American parachutists, devils in baggy pants, are less than 100 meters from my outpost line. I can't sleep at night; they pop up from nowhere and we never know when or how they will strike next. Seems like the black-headed devils are everywhere . .…

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 3

Scenario#: Comp06     Date: 1944-03-01     Location: Cassino, Italy

One of the bloodiest battles of the Second World War, this operation was a series of four battles, fought by multiple divisions, for the Gustav Line and Rome beyond. Perhaps the indelible image of the battles was the struggle for Cassino and the…

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 3

Scenario#: Comp08     Date: 1944-06-07     Location: W Of Ste Mere L'eglise, France

On D-Day+ 1, the 82nd Airborne Division attempted to secure the Sainte-Mére-Eglíse zone by establishing roadblocks and patrolling the surrounding area. Simultaneously, the Germans prepared counterattacks. Here elements of the German 1058th Infanterie…

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 3

Scenario#: Comp09     Date: 1944-07-15     Location: Haut-vent, France

Over a month had passed since D-Day and there had not been a breakout from Normandy and its bocage-ridden fields. A key town in attempting a break out was St. Lo. Although military intelligence failed in identifying the defensive qualities of the…

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 3

Scenario#: Comp10     Date: 1944-08-16     Location: Le Muy, France

The landing near the Nartuby River went fine for the men of the 550th Glider infantry Battalion under the command of Lt Col. Edward I. Sachs. They were soon called to reinforce the British 2nd independent Parachute Brigade Group, which had just…

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 3

Scenario#: Comp11     Date: 1944-09-19     Location: Wolfheze, Holland

As they held onto one of the drop zones outside of the village of Wolfheze, British paras of the 7th King's Own Borderers had been fighting off constant German attacks. After the 4th Parachute Brigade made a successful landing, the Borderers were…

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 3

Scenario#: Comp12     Date: 1944-09-19     Location: Arnhem, Holland

For the men of the British 1st Airborne Division, Murphy's Law had reigned supreme since the onset of Operation Market Garden. Repeated attempts to reinforce Major John Frost's position by the bridge had so far failed. At dawn of the third day of the…

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 3

Scenario#: Comp13     Date: 1944-09-21     Location: Oosterhout, Holland

On September 20th, the 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment under the leadership of Major Julian Cook had conducted an amphibious crossing on the Waal River and secured the Nijmegen Bridge. This audacious operation had cost the 504th dearly, and they…

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 3

Scenario#: Comp14     Date: 1944-12-10     Location: Gey, Germany

Just before daybreak two companies from the American 83rd Infantry Division, supported by a platoon of tank destroyers, launched an assault on Gay, a key village on the northeastern edge of the Húñgen Forest. An artillery barrage prepped the village…

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 3

Scenario#: Comp15     Date: 1944-12-10     Location: Strass, Germany

G Company from the 331st IR of the American 83rd ID, accompanied by a platoon of Shermans, thought they were headed through the supposedly cleared village of Strass to support the assault on Gey, to the north, on the northeast edge of the Húrtgen…

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 3

Scenario#: Comp16     Date: 1944-12-20     Location: Stoumont, Belgium

The Americans were slowly encirc/ing and cutting off supply to Kampfgruppe Peiper, an elite SS taskforce of the 1st SS Panzer Abteilung that had deeply penetrated the northern flank of the Bulge. One American objective was to block a Kampfgruppe…

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 3

Scenario#: Comp17     Date: 1944-12-23     Location: Monde-st.etienne, Belgium

Faced with the extreme cold, limited supplies, and a lack of air support, the men of the 401st Glider infantry held on to the southern and western perimeters around Bastogne. On the 22th, the Americans captured a roadblock on the St. Hubert Highway:…

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 3

Scenario#: Comp18     Date: 1945-01-10     Location: Foy, Belgium

There was no rest for the men of Easy Company of the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment. Exhausted by their defense of Bastogne, they were never the less tapped to counterattack the retreating Germans during the month of January 1945. Their officer…

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 3

Scenario#: Comp19     Date: 1945-01-15     Location: Noville, Belgium

Easy Company had been put in reserve after taking the town of Foy: the beginning of the Allies counteroffensive in the Ardennes. Now, they were tasked with taking the hotly contested town of Noville. On the 14th of January they began to move out.…

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 3

Scenario#: Comp20     Date: 1945-02-09     Location: Kuestrin, Poland

Marshall Zhukov's drive to Berlin had been very successful. By the end of January Russian forces were only 60 miles from the Nazi capitol. Units of the 1St Belorussian Front had bypassed German resistance within the fortress city of Kuestrin, and had…

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 3

Scenario#: Comp21     Date: 1945-02-17     Location: Breslau, Poland

Hitler ordered 80,000 German soldiers to stand their ground in the strategically vital, yet regally beautiful, city of Breslau. As Russian divisions encircled the ancient town, the Germans dug in. On February 16th, the Russians attacked the southern…

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 3

Scenario#: Comp22     Date: 1945-03-23     Location: Wesel, Germany

As a prelude to Operation Varsity, British and Canadian commandos were tasked with launching an amphibious assault across the Rhine to take the town of Wesel. As the commandos were ferried across, the RAF and attached artillery units pounded the town…

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 3

Scenario#: Comp25     Date: 1944-09-19     Location: Near Best, Holland

Around the time of the battle for the little town of St. Oedenrode, the 101st Airborne, 3rd Battalion, 502nd PIR, sent patrols through the Zonsche Forest, trjdng to move toward the town of Best and its bridge. German resistance was tough in the…

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 3

Scenario#: NBO01     Date: 1944-12-19     Location: Noville, Belgium

His forces bolstered by the hardy Paras of the 1st Battalion, 506th PIR, Maj. Desobry felt confident. He immediately ordered a counterattack to take the high ground around Noville. The German Volksgrenadiers and Panzers had other ideas, however. - …

Lock 'n Load TacticalNoville - Bastogne's Outpost

Scenario#: NBO02     Date: 1944-12-19     Location: Noville, Belgium

In the morning the men had to fall back to Noville proper. But the day's fighting had just begun. Out of the almost impenetrable mist came threatening noises: Tigers were …

Lock 'n Load TacticalNoville - Bastogne's Outpost

Scenario#: NBO03     Date: 1944-12-19     Location: Noville, Belgium

Suddenly the mist lifted, as if drawn aside by an invisible hand, and Noville's defenders saw that they were surrounded by Panthers, Tigers, Panzer IVs and groups of advancing German infantry. But what could well have been a disastrous defeat was…

Lock 'n Load TacticalNoville - Bastogne's Outpost