Browse Items (336 total)

Scenario#: 10912     Date: 7/18/1944     Location: Mount Gargan, France

On the 14th of July 1944, 36 B-17 Flying Fortress dropped a large number of weapons intended for the French Resistance near the village of Sussac. Germans reacted quickly by sending troops to prevent the Resistance to get back and …

Memoir '44Open de France 2013

Scenario#: 19     Date: 7/21/1944     Location: Vassieux, France

Hotbed of the French Resistance, the "Maquis" of Vercors became one of the largest of its kind in the early months of 1944, with countless young French recruits joining up. Resistance camps were established around many villages such as Vassieux, …

Memoir '44Memoir 44

Scenario#: 5933     Date: 7/21/1944     Location: Vassieux-en-Vercors, France

On July 20, 1944, following several weeks of troops build-up, the Germans launched their attack on the newly proclaimed "Free Republic of Vercors". The next morning, the German 157.Reserve-Division, bolstered with Ukrainian troops from Eastern…

Memoir '44Vercors Campaign

Scenario#: 6088     Date: 7/21/1944     Location: Massif of Grand Veymont, France

As July 1944 drew to its end, the troops of German 157.Reserve-Division had the Vercors Plateau virtually surrounded. The only ground still out of their reach were the mountain passes (or "Pas") protecting the access to the East of the …

Memoir '44Vercors Campaign

Scenario#: 5973     Date: 7/22/1944     Location: Valchevrière, France

On July 22, 1944, the Germans launched a new assault on Valchevrière, a village under the protection of Captain Goderville and his group of French Resistance fighters. The maquisards' mission was to deny the Germans access to the west and …

Memoir '44Vercors Campaign

Scenario#: 3674     Date: 7/24/1944     Location: Vassieux, France

Hotbed of the French Resistance, the "Maquis" of Vercors became one of the largest groups of its kind in the early months of 1944, with countless young French recruits joining up. Resistance camps were established around many villages such as …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 7045     Date: 8/12/1944     Location: Alencon, France

After the capture of Alençon on 12 August 1944 in the morning, the 2nd French Armored Division under General Leclerc continued its offensive toward Argentan. The French were informed that the 9th Panzer Division was ambushed in Ecouves forest. …

Memoir '44Open de France 2012

Scenario#: PP01     Date: 8/19/1944     Location: Toulon, France

The 4th Squadron of the 3éme Régiment de Spahis, 3éme DIA was assigned the task of clearing and securing the strategic Camp crossroads controlling the roads to Aubagne. Having reconnoitered the area earlier in the day, a plan was devised to take the…

Advanced Squad LeaderProvence Pack (Download)

Scenario#: 23     Date: 8/20/1944     Location: Toulon, France

Plans for the landings and campaign in southern France called for the French II Corps to take the port cities of Toulon and Marseille. Seeking to exploit German weakness in the area, General de Lattre de Tassigny pushed up the …

Memoir '44Memoir 44

Scenario#: 5841     Date: 8/20/1944     Location: Decize, France

With the landing of the Allied forces in Provence (Operation Dragoon), German occupation troops have been issued a general retreat order; As early as August 17, 1944, garrisons in the South-West of France evacuate en masse; their occupants, a long …

Memoir '44Breakthrough

Scenario#: PP02     Date: 8/20/1944     Location: Dardennes, France

Company Vieules had received orders to attack Village des Moulins. Stubborn German resistance had stalled the attack for three hours. The defenders held a large villa which dominated the entire valley as well as the road to Toulon. First Section had…

Advanced Squad LeaderProvence Pack (Download)

Scenario#: PP04     Date: 8/21/1944     Location: Hyeres, France

The anchor of the Hyeres defense was the Golf Hotel. It controlled the eastern approaches and interdicted all vehicular traffic along National Highway 98 and across the Gapeau river. Interrogated German prisoners revealed that the local commander,…

Advanced Squad LeaderProvence Pack (Download)

Scenario#: PP05     Date: 8/21/1944     Location: Hyeres, France

Shortly after after the fall of the Golf Hotel, a platoon of scour cars entered downtown Hyeres. They crossed through the northern portion of town and reached the western edge. There they came under fire from several German 88s and quickly turned…

Advanced Squad LeaderProvence Pack (Download)

Scenario#: PP06     Date: 8/21/1944     Location: Toulon, France

Early on the morning of the 21st, the 10th Company, under command of Captain Ternynch, had captured the village of Sollies-Ville. Advancing through the cover offered by a nearby olive grove, Captain Ternynch's men followed closely behind a heavy…

Advanced Squad LeaderProvence Pack (Download)

Scenario#: PP07     Date: 8/21/1944     Location: Toulon, France

At 0700, the various commanders from the 2nd Battalion, 9th Colonial Infantry Division met at the Solliès-Pont railway station. The overall operational plan called for opening the road to La Farlede as soon as possible following the liberation of…

Advanced Squad LeaderProvence Pack (Download)

Scenario#: PP08     Date: 8/22/1944     Location: Toulon, France

General Brosset ordered his reconnaissance units to advance more boldly. Citing the numerous possibilities offered by the terrain to outflank any resistance, there should be no need for further delays. As the 1eme DFL advanced, the 11eme Bataillon de…

Advanced Squad LeaderProvence Pack (Download)

Scenario#: PP09     Date: 8/23/1944     Location: Toulon, France

Although General De Lattre has told Colonel Bonjours of his desire to officially enter Toulon on August 22nd, it was impossible due to the numerous pockets of Germans still scattered throughout the city. Even though the skirmishers and hunters of the…

Advanced Squad LeaderProvence Pack (Download)

Scenario#: 22     Date: 8/24/1944     Location: Paris, France

Conscious of the highly symbolic and political importance of Paris, Allied forces initially planned to surround the city and wait for its capitulation rather than risk taking it, with the inherent costs of street-by-street fighting and obvious risks…

Memoir '44Memoir 44

Scenario#: 3699     Date: 8/24/1944     Location: Paris, France

Conscious of the highly symbolic and political importance of Paris, Allied forces initially planned to surround the city and wait for its capitulation rather than risk taking it, with the inherent costs of street-by-street fighting and obvious risks…

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: PP10     Date: 8/24/1944     Location: Sainte-Anne quarter of Toulon, France

Lt. Colonel Guffet was determined to push his 4th Senegalese Regiment into the heart of the city. Toulon was an important historic landmark for the 4th Senegalese, as the regiment had been garrisoned in the city from 1922 to 1939. As the 2nd Company…

Advanced Squad LeaderProvence Pack (Download)

Scenario#: 7048     Date: 8/25/1944     Location: Hôtel Meurice, France

In the evening of 24th of August 1944, a detachment under the command of captain Dronne, vanguard of the 2nd French Armored Division, reached the Hôtel de Ville of Paris. The next morning, the whole Division entered in Paris. With …

Memoir '44Open de France 2012

Scenario#: 3675     Date: 8/26/1944     Location: Toulon, France

Plans for the landings and campaign in southern France called for the French 2nd Corps to take the port cities of Toulon and Marseille. Seeking to exploit German weakness in the area, General de Lattre de Tassigny pushed up the …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: OB12     Date: 9/13/1944     Location: Ville-Sur-Illon, France

On September 11, 1944, Wade Haislip's XV Corps of Patton's 3rd Army began moving forward to push the weakened German 64th Corps back over the Moselle. While the U.S. 79th Division pinned the German 16th Infantry Division via frontal attack, the…

Advanced Squad LeaderOut of the Bunker

Scenario#: WO36     Date: 9/13/1944     Location: Dompaire, France

During the drive to cross the Moselle River by Patton's Third Army, the Americans had ignored their right flank due to the perceived weakness of the German forces stationed there: but with the 6th Army Group advancing north from their landings in…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2021

Scenario#: 7049     Date: 11/20/1944     Location: Voyer, France

German troops withdraw on two lines of defence in the Vosges mountain : "Vor-Vogesen Stellung" (1st line) and "Vogesen Stellung" (main line of defence). General Leclerc ordered to colonel de Guillebon to breakthrough these lines in order to have open…

Memoir '44Open de France 2012

Scenario#: S050     Date: 11/21/1944     Location: Seppois, France

On November 20th, the German XIX Army launched a counterattack intended to push the Free French back from the city of Belfort and cut off the Free French forces in the Belfort gap and at the Rhine River. For the counterattack, the German commanders…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit Expansion Pack #1

Scenario#: 3679     Date: 11/23/1944     Location: Saverne, France

The Saverne Gap, cutting through the Vosges, was the key to Strasbourg, capital city of Alsace. On November 21st, the US Seventh Army 15th Corps, under the command of General Wade Hampton Halslip, arrived at the front lines in Phalsbourg. …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 7102     Date: 11/23/1944     Location: Strasbourg, France

On the 22nd of November 1944, during the briefing before operation, Leclerc gave the routes to his combat commands in order to enter in Strasbourg avoiding the German line of defence. The next morning at dawn, the French armored columns …

Memoir '44Open de France 2012

Scenario#: 15283     Date: 11/26/1944     Location: Courtelevent, France

On the 18th of November 1944, just before the fall of Belfort, the 1st French Armored Division, supported by the 9th Colonial Infantry Division advanced in a small corridor along the Swiss border to reach the Rhine the next day. …

Memoir '44Open de France 2015

Scenario#: 28     Date: 1/11/1945     Location: Strasbourg, France

On the 7th of January 1945, the German Nineteen Army initiated an attack south of Strasbourg against the First French Army. Code-named 'Sonnenwende' ("Winter Solstice"), the operation led by the 198th Volksgrenadier Division and 106th Panzer Brigade…

Memoir '44Game Trade Magazine #58

Scenario#: 3683     Date: 1/11/1945     Location: Strasbourg, France

On the 7th of January 1945, the German Nineteen Army initiated an attack south of Strasbourg against the First French Army. Code-named 'Sonnenwende' ("Winter Solstice"), the operation led by the 198th Volksgrenadier Division, the 106th Panzer Brigade…

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 7044     Date: 1/28/1945     Location: Grussenheim, France

Attached for a while to the 2nd French Army Corps under the command of general de Monsabert, the 2nd French Armored Division was involved in the reduction of the Colmar's pocket. GT"V" (Combat Command of colonel de Guillebon) took part …

Memoir '44Open de France 2012

Scenario#: 252     Date: 3/10/1945     Location: Hanoi Citadel, French Indochina

Since November 1944, tension had been on the rise between the Japanese occupation troops and the Indochina government. French and Japanese troops were spread all over the country and their positions intertwined. As early as the end of February, the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 10 - Croix de Guerre ( 2nd Edition)

Scenario#: 6369     Date: 4/8/1945     Location: Groningen, Holland

The Third Reich is in its final throes. But Netherlands is still under the iron grip of the German forces, following the disaster of Operation Market-Garden. Heading North toward the heart of the Reich, the Canadian tanks and Polish artillery …

Memoir '44Breakthrough

Scenario#: 15112     Date: 4/11/1945     Location: Houei Houn, Indochina

After their attack by surprise of the main French garrisons in Indochina on the 9th of March 1945, Japanese troops pursued the French troops which had escape to the massacre. French General Alessandri led a column of surviving soldiers to …

Memoir '44Open de France 2015

Scenario#: 212     Date: 1/10/1951     Location: Wonju, South Korea

Encouraged by the heavy North Korean losses during the initial UN attacks, Almond again ordered the US 2nd Infantry Division to recapture Wonju on January 9. About four infantry battalions from the US 23rd and 38th Infantry Regiment supported by…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 15 - Forgotten War