Browse Items (336 total)

Scenario#: 10921     Date: 5/20/1940     Location: Arras, France

During the fall of the Dunkirk pocket, several French and British launched desperate attacks to slow the German advance, allowing the B.E.F. to evacuate by sea. On May 20, near Arras, the French 3rd DLI (Light Motorized Division), placed under …

Memoir '44Equipment Pack Bonus

Scenario#: 15210     Date: 5/21/1940     Location: Englefontaine, France

On the 20th of May 1940, the 5th North African Infantry Division (5th DINA) was surrounded in the Mormal forest by several German Panzer Divisions en route to Cambrai. On the 21st of May, this division tried to break through …

Memoir '44Open de France 2015

Scenario#: 30     Date: 21-May-40     Location: Arras, France

Quite unexpectedly, the British launched a major counterattack from Arras against the spearheads of Rommel's breakthrough, catching the initial German units unprepared as they attempted to deploy. The Germans were able to halt the supporting infantry…

Squad LeaderCrescendo of Doom

Scenario#: W83     Date: 22-May-40     Location: Cambrai, France

During the latter stages of the Allies retreat to the coast and Dunkirk the British and French tried several times to pierce the infantry held flanks of the "Panzer Corridor" Across France . One such attack took place at Cambrai …

Squad LeaderWargamers Pack 1

Scenario#: WO33     Date: 5/24/1940     Location: Boulogne-sur-Mer, France

By the fourth week of May, the Germans had all but swept Allied forces from Flanders and northeastern France, leaving the Channel ports of Boulogne, Calais, and Dunkerque as their sole foothold on this corner of the continent. For its part, Boulogne…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2020

Scenario#: 3533     Date: 5/25/1940     Location: Watten, France

On May 20, the 1st French Army and the BEF were surrounded in the Dunkirk Pocket. As a natural obstacle, the canal of the river Aa represented the south defensive line of the mixed Allied rearguard. The Leibstandarte SS Adolf …

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 1

Scenario#: BM3     Date: 05/25/1940     Location: Boulogne Sur Mer, France

German forces attadr Boulogne, in order to clear the way to Dunkirk. The battle will last four bloody days. On the 25th, the situation is more than critical for the French Remnants of the french forces are surrounded near the …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesBattles Magazine #2

Scenario#: W84     Date: 26-May-40     Location: Le Paradis, France

The Germans were pushing north of the La Bussee canal against the southern defensive positions of the B.E.F. North of Betune the British were holding the village of Le paradis as the enemy launched another assault.

Squad LeaderWargamers Pack 1

Scenario#: R215     Date: 27-May-40     Location: Dunkirk, France

Throughout May 27th, the Allies stubbornly held off the advancing Germans as they simultaneously prepared for a general withdrawal to a defense perimeter around Dunkirk. In an attempt to buy time, a raid was ordered behind the German lines. Elements…

Squad LeaderRogue Scenarios

Scenario#: 237     Date: 5/27/1940     Location: Orneset, Norway

Allies re-took Narvik only to find it largely abandoned by the Germans. The beachhead was still covered by crews from destroyed German naval destroyers. After an intense naval bombardment, these Germans saw French Foreign Legion troops bearing down…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 10 - Croix de Guerre ( 2nd Edition)

Scenario#: 4643     Date: 5/28/1940     Location: Abbeville, France

France, May 1940 - The Allied High Command has already ordered several counter-attacks against the German bridgehead on the Somme river to the south of Abbeville; alas they have all failed. After the defeat of the British 1st Armoured Division, …

Memoir '44Breakthrough

Scenario#: 46     Date: May 28, 1940     Location: Lille, France

Seattered elements of the French 1st Army attempt to break out of the encírclement at Lille by attacking the blocking positions of the 7th Panzer.

Panzer (AH/MMP)The General #22.3

Scenario#: 238     Date: 5/28/1940     Location: Ankenes, Norway

By the end of May 1940, the catastrophic unfolding of the battle for France caused the Allies to evacuate Norway. Nevertheless, it was decided to take Narvik in order to close the campaign on a victory and lessen the earlier humiliations. On the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 10 - Croix de Guerre ( 2nd Edition)

Scenario#: BOF03     Date: 5/28/1940     Location: Abbeville, France

The Germans had crossed the Somme and established three bridge-heads on the western shore at Abbeville, Amiens and Péronn. As these posed a mortal threat to the French forces, they had no alternative but to counterattack. At Abbeville, the recently…

Advanced Squad LeaderBest of Friends

Scenario#: 242     Date: 5/29/1940     Location: Villers-sur-Mareuil, France

De Gaulle’s 4th Armored Division, called upon to eliminate the German bridgehead across the Somme at Abbeville, attacked on the 28th and succeeded in pushing the Germans back some four kilometers before halting for the night. The morale of the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 10 - Croix de Guerre ( 2nd Edition)

Scenario#: 10908     Date: 5/30/1940     Location: Spycker, France

In an effort to bring German artillery into range of Dunkirk, elements of Panzergruppe von Kleist pushed their light tanks toward Spycker, on May 30, 1940. After a preliminary bombardment of perimeter defenses, the Germans slowly moved forward. But…

Memoir '44Equipment Pack

Scenario#: 10909     Date: 5/30/1940     Location: Canal de la Haute Colme, France

In conjunction with an evening attack by the 11 Schützen, the SS-Regiment "Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler" moved forward to try and break the French line around Dunkirk, splitting the 225th and 341th Regiments. But crossing the Canal de la Haute Colme …

Memoir '44Equipment Pack

Scenario#: 20628     Date: 5/30/1940     Location: Spycker, France

The village of Spycker is situated in a land corridor between the canal of Mordyck and the canal of Haute-Colme. This corridor was a direct entry in the defensive perimeter of Dunkirk. In late May 1940, Spycker was held by …

Memoir '44New Flight Plan Bonus

Scenario#: J183     Date: 5/31/1940     Location: Amagne, France

In contrast to their comrades to the west, the French Aisne River front held firm against the German attacks in May. The 14éme division d’infanterie, one of the best French units, manned the front bear Rethel. On 30 May, a reconnaissance in force was…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #12

Scenario#: 207     Date: 2-Jun-40     Location: Spyckar, France

As the last days and hours of the Dunkirk defense passed and the perimeter shrank to within four miles of the city, the British turned their remaining positions over to the French forces. On the western side of the perimeter …

Squad LeaderCrescendo of Doom (Addon)

Scenario#: 243     Date: 6/2/1940     Location: Spyckar, France

As the last days and hours of the Dunkirk defense passed and the perimeter shrank to within four miles of the city, the British turned their remaining positions over to the French forces. On the western side of the perimeter the Grossdeutschland…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 10 - Croix de Guerre ( 2nd Edition)

Scenario#: 79     Date: 6/3/1940     Location: Les Sept-Planètes, France

The defense of the bridges along the stretch of the Bergues canal south of Dunkirk was entrusted to the heavy weapons company of the French 1st Battalion, 224th Infantry Regiment, supported by miscellaneous troops including several mobile 155mm…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 10 - Croix de Guerre

Scenario#: 244     Date: 6/5/1940     Location: Condé-Folie, France

Northern France had fallen and General Weygand was desperately attempting to form a long along the Somme. Lacking sufficient forces for a continuous front, he decided on a series of combined-arms hedgehogs which he hoped could thwart the German…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 10 - Croix de Guerre ( 2nd Edition)

Scenario#: 77     Date: 6/5/1940     Location: Hangest, France

Rommel’s 7th Panzer Division had established a small bridgehead across the Somme, but the construction of a pontoon bridge was prevented by interdicting fire from the nearby town of Hangest. Self-propelled howitzers were brought forward to bombard…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 10 - Croix de Guerre

Scenario#: 31     Date: 6-Jun-40     Location: Le Quesnoy, France

Northern France had fallen and General Weygand was desperately attempting to form a long along the Somme. Lacking sufficient forces for a continuous front, he decided on a series of combined-arms hedgehogs which he hoped could thwart the German…

Squad LeaderCrescendo of Doom

Scenario#: 84     Date: 9-Jun-40     Location: Chateau Porcien, West of Rethel, France

French forces retreated south of the Aisne river to build another defensive line with strength around Rethel. The German assault west of Rethel on the 9th led to heavy street fighting in Cháteau-Porcien. Against each attack, the French counterattack…

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #5: The Fall of the West

Scenario#: 85     Date: 10-Jun-40     Location: Perthes, South of Rethel, France

A final French armored counterattack near Rethel on the 10th was led by two formations of the formidable Renault B1bis, so highly regarded that each was individually named. General De Lattre declared that "they were the striking hammer." During the …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #5: The Fall of the West

Scenario#: OB03     Date: 6/11/1940     Location: Homyly, France

As the drive through France continued, the crossing of the Seine River was a major objective to accomplish. Four squads of the Pionier detachment of the 93rd Motorized Infantry Regiment's II. Bataillon were ordered to take the bridge at Homyly. They…

Advanced Squad LeaderOut of the Bunker

Scenario#: 82     Date: 14-Jun-40     Location: Gembloux, Belgium

French light armored forces rushed to the Gembloux gap, a wide rural plain crossed by important rail lines, to stem the advance of the German 3rd & 4th Panzer Divisions. Behind the rail line, ideal defensive terrain near the farm …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #5: The Fall of the West

Scenario#: 83     Date: 15-Jun-40     Location: Ernage, Belgium

After the initial attack in and around Gembloux on the 14th was blunted, the German forces redoubled their efforts on the 15th, from the air and with armor. French artillery fire was noted as particularly intense and accurate against the …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #5: The Fall of the West

Scenario#: S056     Date: 6/15/1940     Location: Paris, France

After Dunkirk, the Germans launched FALL ROT (CASE RED), and “Grossdeutschland” Division was transferred south, where it helped establish a crossing of the La Noye River at both Quiry-le-Sec and Paillart on 8 June. The French 2nd and 4th Armies were…

Advanced Squad LeaderSpecial Ops 5

Scenario#: 4554     Date: 6/19/1940     Location: Saumur, France

Saumur - June 19, 1940. The Battle of France is lost; the Germans are now ready to cross the River Loire. The meager French troops standing ready and lined up to defend it are the Officer Cadets from the Cavalry …

Memoir '44Battle Maps Series 1 - Hedgerow Hell

Scenario#: 8660     Date: 6/19/1940     Location: Ouvrage Four-à-Chaux, France

On the 17th of June 1940, with the Battle of France definitively lost, Maréchal Pétain awkwardly announced to the French people a cease fire. The German army took advantage of this by attacking the last standing French fortification: the …

Memoir '44Equipment Pack

Scenario#: 78     Date: 6/20/1940     Location: Cornimont, France

In the area of the French 8th Army in the Vosges mountains, scattered defending forces were committed piecemeal in an effort to slow down the swift German advances. In Cornimont, the 158th Engineer Battalion received orders to defend the town. A…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 10 - Croix de Guerre

Scenario#: 82     Date: 6/20/1940     Location: Saumur, France

Angered and dismayed by a call on June 17th for an armistice, the officers and cadets of the Cavalry School had vowed to fight for their own honor and that of France. Southeast of Saumur, lay the Aunis Farm, a French command post and staging area.…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 10 - Croix de Guerre

Scenario#: 9176     Date: 9/11/1940     Location: Gabon, French Equatorial Africa

During the three days called "Les Trois Glorieuses“ in France (26"', 27th and 28th of August 1940), the main part of the French Equatorial Africa (AFF) joined Free France. Only Gabon stayed on Vichy's side but because of its strategic …

Memoir '44Remembrance Scenarios

Scenario#: 88     Date: 5-Oct-40     Location: The River Medway, England

The British defensive plan in the event of invasion called for the containment of German forces at a series of 'Stop Lines' based around natural defensive features. The most important of these was the Medway Stop Line to the East …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #6: Sea Lion

Scenario#: 7004     Date: 2/18/1941     Location: Kufra, Libya

Philippe de Hauteclocque, alias Colonel Leclerc, arrived in Chad in November 1940 with the aim to launch offensive operations against Italian troops. Immediately, he wanted to strike a decisive blow by the capture of the oasis of Kufra in south-east…

Memoir '44Open de France 2012

Scenario#: 13177     Date: 11/09/1942     Location: Oran, Algeria

On the morning of November 8th,1942, Allied troops landed in French North Africa, with the hope that the French wouldn’t fight. But in the Oran area, French troops fought against the US Center Task Force of General Fredendall...

Memoir '44Remembrance Scenarios

Scenario#: 15302     Date: 2/26/1943     Location: Zef Zilia, Tunisia

On the 26th of February 1943, German General Von Arnim ordered Operation Ochsenkopf (Ox head) versus the 5th British Corps. In the same time, Operation Ausladung was the advance of Manteuffel Division along the Mediterranean coast facing the French…

Memoir '44Open de France 2015

Scenario#: 5683     Date: 1/29/1944     Location: Malleval-en-Vercors, France

The maquis of Malleval, a rural guerrilla band of the French Resistance, was composed of 50 men under the command of Lieutenant Eysseric (code name "Durand"). The group's base of operations was the isolated village of Malleval-en-Vercors, on the…

Memoir '44Vercors Campaign

Scenario#: 251     Date: 5/12/1944     Location: Castelforte, Italy

It was apparent that only a bold stroke would get the costly Allied offensive in Italy rolling again. General Alphonso Juin, commander of the French Expeditionary Corps, convinced Mark Clark to accept his plan for a new spring offensive, to be…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 10 - Croix de Guerre ( 2nd Edition)

Scenario#: AP079     Date: 5/18/1944     Location: Esperia, Italy

The Allied efforts to breach the German fortified defenses known as the Hitler Line were moving slowly forward. General Juin, commanding the Free French forces in Italy, had a plan to outflank the Germans through the Esperia defile and on to Mt.…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #8 Roads Through Rome

Scenario#: 19679     Date: 5/22/1944     Location: Pico, Italy

After the battle of the Garigliano and the French advance in the Aurunci Mountains, the Gustav line was broken and German units had to withdraw. The time had come for the French armored cavalry units which supported the advance of …

Memoir '44New Flight Plan

Scenario#: 5     Date: 6/10/1944     Location: Mont Mouchet, France

On June 10th, three tactical groups from the Wehrmacht, about 2,000 men with armored support, converged on Mont Mouchet. Simultaneously moving in from the west (Saint Flour), north (Langeac and Pinols) and east (Le Puy-en-Velay et Saugues) they were…

Memoir '44Memoir 44

Scenario#: 3673     Date: 6/10/1944     Location: Mont Mouchet, France

On June 10th, three tactical groups from the Wehrmacht, about 2,000 men with armored support, converged on Mont Mouchet. Simultaneously moving in from the west (Saint Flour), north (Langeac and Pinols) and east (Le Puy-en-Velay et Saugues) they were…

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 5754     Date: 6/13/1944     Location: Saint Nizier, France

With its cliffs, steep slopes and limited access points, the Vercors plateau is a natural and easily defended fortress. Familiar with the terrain, the heads of the French Resistance immediately saw its value as a defensive bastion deep within…

Memoir '44Vercors Campaign

Scenario#: AP127     Date: 6/17/1944     Location: Elba, Italy

On 12 June, the German commander in Italy was informed that “Elba must be defended to the last man and the last cartridge”. On 14 June, German reinforcements began to arrive on Elba from Pianosa. The decision to reinforce Elba was not known to the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #13 Oktoberfest XXXII

Scenario#: 54     Date: 18-Jun-44     Location: Chateau Sainte-Genevieve, Brittany, France

Hours before OVERLORD, coded transmissions alerted Resistance cells across France, the Forces Francaises de l'lntérieur (FFl), to assemble and hinder the expected movement of German forces toward Normandy. ln Brittany, airdropped French commandos…

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #3: Normandy

Scenario#: S016     Date: 6/18/1944     Location: Radicofani, Italy

After the fall of Rome, the French Expeditionary Corps in Italy (FEC) opened its Italian summer campaign on June 10th along a 25 km front. To carry out its mission of pushing the Germans in front of it north towards Sienna, General Juin set up a…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit #2