Browse Items (336 total)

Scenario#: 7048     Date: 8/25/1944     Location: Hôtel Meurice, France

In the evening of 24th of August 1944, a detachment under the command of captain Dronne, vanguard of the 2nd French Armored Division, reached the Hôtel de Ville of Paris. The next morning, the whole Division entered in Paris. With …

Memoir '44Open de France 2012

Scenario#: 518     Date: 6/18/1815     Location: Hougoumont, Belgium

At Waterloo, Wellington had little choice but to occupy Hougoumont, for it would prevent the French from gaining the heart of the British position along the ridgeline. In fact, Wellington came close to losing the battle by under garrisoning…

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #5: Generals Marshals & Tacticians

Scenario#: SE08     Date: September 8, 1855     Location: Sevastopol, Crimea

Battle of Malakoff

Horse & MusketSunset of an Era (VI)

Scenario#: 231     Date: 5/10/1940     Location: Aessan, France

The blitzkrieg in the West had begun. German forces were pouring into France at breakneck speeds. Bridges on the Moselle had been captured undamaged and the advance elements of the 34th infantry Division started to cross as soon as the obstacles…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 10 - Croix de Guerre ( 2nd Edition)

Scenario#: S056     Date: 6/15/1940     Location: Paris, France

After Dunkirk, the Germans launched FALL ROT (CASE RED), and “Grossdeutschland” Division was transferred south, where it helped establish a crossing of the La Noye River at both Quiry-le-Sec and Paillart on 8 June. The French 2nd and 4th Armies were…

Advanced Squad LeaderSpecial Ops 5

Scenario#: 29     Date: 17-May-40     Location: on the Meuse, France

In the confusion following the 7th Panzer Division's breakout, isolated French units still held crossings across the Meuse while the German infantry struggled to catch up. Now elements of the XIV Panzergrenadier Corps, on the basis of Fieseler Storch…

Squad LeaderCrescendo of Doom

Scenario#: 236     Date: 5/17/1940     Location: On the Meuse, France

In the confusion following the 7th Panzer Division’s breakout, isolated French units still held crossings across the Meuse while the German infantry struggled to catch up. Now elements of XIV Panzergrenadier Korps, on the basis of Fieseler Storch…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 10 - Croix de Guerre ( 2nd Edition)

Scenario#: 8     Date: 1917-04-16     Location: Berry-Au-Bac, France

Following extensive development tests, French tanks finally enter the battlefield. There are 128 Schneider tanks from the Groupement Bossut and Groupement Chaubes assigned to the Nivelle offensive on the Chemin des Damos. Hopes run high for a…

Great War CommanderGreat War Commander

Scenario#: 10     Date: 1806/10/14     Location: Jena, Germany

The twin battles of Jena and Auerstedt were fought on 14 October 1806 on the plateau west of the river Saale in today's Germany, between the forces of Napoleon I of France and Frederick William III of Prussia. The decisive …

Napoleon's WarBattle Pack I

Scenario#: 403     Date: 10/14/1806     Location: Jena, Germany

After defeating Ferdinand at Saalfeld, Lannes had continued his advance toward Jena. When he discovered what he believed to be the main Prussian army near Jena, he sent word to Napoleon. During the night of the 13th, Napoleon’s army closed …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #4: Prussian Army

Scenario#: 15302     Date: 2/26/1943     Location: Zef Zilia, Tunisia

On the 26th of February 1943, German General Von Arnim ordered Operation Ochsenkopf (Ox head) versus the 5th British Corps. In the same time, Operation Ausladung was the advance of Manteuffel Division along the Mediterranean coast facing the French…

Memoir '44Open de France 2015

Scenario#: AP057     Date: 5/14/1940     Location: Chémery, France

Responding to a German bridgehead over the river near Sedan, the French ordered two tank battalions to join two reserve infantry regiments for possible action. Unfortunately it took them all night to reach their assigned positions. The attack order…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #6 A Decade of War

Scenario#: 216     Date: 11/17/1812     Location: Krasny, Russia

The march from Moscow to Smolensk was a nightmare. Napoleon’s army lost half of its remaining strength to a combination of starvation, exposure to harsh weather, Cossack and partisan raids and desertion. Smolensk did indeed contain supplies, but…

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #2: Russian Army

Scenario#: 9176     Date: 9/11/1940     Location: Gabon, French Equatorial Africa

During the three days called "Les Trois Glorieuses“ in France (26"', 27th and 28th of August 1940), the main part of the French Equatorial Africa (AFF) joined Free France. Only Gabon stayed on Vichy's side but because of its strategic …

Memoir '44Remembrance Scenarios

Scenario#: EPIC12     Date: 3/9/1814     Location: Laon, France

The Allies were intent on capturing Paris, but after Blücher’s unsuccessful attack in February, choose to retire as Napoleon rushed to the aid of his two Marshals covering the city. Falling back to Laon, a natural defensive position and an …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #6: Epic

Scenario#: 417     Date: 3/9/1814     Location: Laon, France

Lack of a bridging train had cost Napoleon the opportunity to attack and cripple Blücher’s isolated force as it retreated away from Paris, and a poorly executed attack against the Prussian rearguard at Craonne had cost the French more casualties …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #4: Prussian Army

Scenario#: 416     Date: 3/9/1814     Location: Laon, France

After Napoleon’s catastrophic defeat at Leipzig, the Allies surged forward to overrun Germany, and continued the campaign into France during the winter of 1813-14. They still followed the strategy of engaging Napoleon’s subordinates, but not Napoleon…

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #4: Prussian Army

Scenario#: 205     Date: 15-May-40     Location: Bouvellemont, France

By dusk of the 14th, the Germans had three bridgeheads across the Meuse River. The 15th brought the next stage, the breaking of the last major elements of Resistance which stood between them and the great plains of France. One …

Squad LeaderCrescendo of Doom (Addon)

Scenario#: 235     Date: 5/15/1940     Location: Bouvellemont, France

By dusk on the 14th, the Germans had established three bridgeheads across the Meuse River. The 15th brought the next stage: the breaking of the last major elements which stood between them and the great plains of France. One point of the last line of…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 10 - Croix de Guerre ( 2nd Edition)

Scenario#: 77     Date: 6/5/1940     Location: Hangest, France

Rommel’s 7th Panzer Division had established a small bridgehead across the Somme, but the construction of a pontoon bridge was prevented by interdicting fire from the nearby town of Hangest. Self-propelled howitzers were brought forward to bombard…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 10 - Croix de Guerre

Scenario#: W84     Date: 26-May-40     Location: Le Paradis, France

The Germans were pushing north of the La Bussee canal against the southern defensive positions of the B.E.F. North of Betune the British were holding the village of Le paradis as the enemy launched another assault.

Squad LeaderWargamers Pack 1

Scenario#: S016     Date: 6/18/1944     Location: Radicofani, Italy

After the fall of Rome, the French Expeditionary Corps in Italy (FEC) opened its Italian summer campaign on June 10th along a 25 km front. To carry out its mission of pushing the Germans in front of it north towards Sienna, General Juin set up a…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit #2

Scenario#: 22     Date: 8/24/1944     Location: Paris, France

Conscious of the highly symbolic and political importance of Paris, Allied forces initially planned to surround the city and wait for its capitulation rather than risk taking it, with the inherent costs of street-by-street fighting and obvious risks…

Memoir '44Memoir 44

Scenario#: 3699     Date: 8/24/1944     Location: Paris, France

Conscious of the highly symbolic and political importance of Paris, Allied forces initially planned to surround the city and wait for its capitulation rather than risk taking it, with the inherent costs of street-by-street fighting and obvious risks…

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 508     Date: 10/14/1813     Location: Liebertwolkwitz, Germany

The French had the numbers to win the cavalry battle earlier in the day, but most of the French troopers were largely untrained and poorly mounted, and Murat had been out of the mainstream of Napoleonic warfare for several years. …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #5: Generals Marshals & Tacticians

Scenario#: 507     Date: 10/14/1813     Location: Liebertwolkwitz, Germany

The Battle of Leipzig, and the events leading up to the ‘Battle of Nations’, is well documented. Players should take advantage of the numerous sources, in addition to the brief historical background presented, for each of the Leipzig scenarios. The …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #5: Generals Marshals & Tacticians

Scenario#: 418     Date: 6/16/1815     Location: Ligny, Belgium

Napoleon had used speed and decisiveness to achieve the coveted central position between Wellington and Blücher. Napoleon’s chief goal was to keep the two allied armies apart and defeat them in detail. Ney moved against the concentrating Anglo-Allied…

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #4: Prussian Army

Scenario#: 1     Date: 1815/06/16     Location: Ligny, Belgium

TheBattle of Ligny was fought on 16 June 1815, in which French troops of the Armée du Nord under the command of Napoleon I defeated part of a Prussian army under Field Marshal Blücher, near Ligny in present-day Belgium. …

Napoleon's WarThe 100 Days

Scenario#: 46     Date: May 28, 1940     Location: Lille, France

Seattered elements of the French 1st Army attempt to break out of the encírclement at Lille by attacking the blocking positions of the 7th Panzer.

Panzer (AH/MMP)The General #22.3

Scenario#: 509     Date: 10/16/1813     Location: Lindenau, Germany

Gyulai’s Austrians were on the left bank of the Pleisse River, to the west of Leipzig. Although ordered to attack, the main intent of his demonstration was to take pressure off the fighting on the right bank and possibly draw …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #5: Generals Marshals & Tacticians

Scenario#: 412     Date: 11/6/1806     Location: Lübeck, Germany

Blocked from reaching the Oder, Blücher turned and raced to the west to join forces with the Swedes around the neutral city of Lübeck. When Blücher reached the city, he forced his way in, but promised he would not fight …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #4: Prussian Army

Scenario#: 215     Date: 10/24/1812     Location: Maloyaroslavets, Russia

Napoleon marched southwest out of Moscow on October 19th toward the fertile region around Kaluga where supplies could be obtained. Eugene commanded Napoleon’s advance guard and all was going as planned until reaching Maloyaroslavets. Kutusov had also…

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #2: Russian Army

Scenario#: 5683     Date: 1/29/1944     Location: Malleval-en-Vercors, France

The maquis of Malleval, a rural guerrilla band of the French Resistance, was composed of 50 men under the command of Lieutenant Eysseric (code name "Durand"). The group's base of operations was the isolated village of Malleval-en-Vercors, on the…

Memoir '44Vercors Campaign

Scenario#: 5     Date: 1800/06/14     Location: Alessandria, Italy

The Battle of Marengo was fought on 14 June 1800 between French forces under the First Consul Napoleon Bonaparte and Austrian forces near the city of Alessandria, in Piedmont, Italy. Near the end of the day, the French overcame Gen. …

Napoleon's WarThe Gates of Moscow

Scenario#: 108     Date: 6/15/1809     Location: María de Huerva, Spain

After the defeat at Alcañiz, Suchet fell back to Zaragoza to reorganize his dispirited troops, while Blake lingered for several days at Alcañiz waiting for reinforcements. Once his reinforcements arrived, Blake cut west across the mountains with…

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #1: Spanish Army

Scenario#: 305     Date: 11/8/1805     Location: Mariazell, Austria

Von Merveldt’s small corps had escaped capture at Ulm, and was attached to Kutusov’s retreating Russians, when he received orders from the Austrian High Command to march to Styria to aid Archduke John’s army. Realizing too late he had marched …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #3: Austrian Army

Scenario#: 5933     Date: 7/21/1944     Location: Vassieux-en-Vercors, France

On July 20, 1944, following several weeks of troops build-up, the Germans launched their attack on the newly proclaimed "Free Republic of Vercors". The next morning, the German 157.Reserve-Division, bolstered with Ukrainian troops from Eastern…

Memoir '44Vercors Campaign

Scenario#: 106     Date: 3/28/1809     Location: Medellín, Spain

General Cuesta’s army was retreating in the face of Victor’s advance after being forced out of its defensive positions on the Tagus River. On the 27th of March, Cuesta’s army was reinforced by the Duke of Albuquerque, and Cuesta decided …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #1: Spanish Army

Scenario#: EPIC10     Date: 10/16/1813     Location: Möckern, Germany

Napoleon had chosen Leipzig as his central position to defeat the widely separated Allied armies as they advanced to give battle. Early on the 16th, Napoleon ordered Marmont’s Corps to join him, but Blücher, Napoleon’s implacable enemy, had advanced…

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #6: Epic

Scenario#: 511     Date: 10/16/1813     Location: Möckern, Germany

Napoleon had chosen Leipzig as his central position to defeat the widely separated Allied armies as they advanced to give battle. His first target was the Army of Bohemia advancing from the south. Early on the 16th, Napoleon had ordered …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #5: Generals Marshals & Tacticians

Scenario#: 510     Date: 10/16/1813     Location: Möckern, Germany

Napoleon had chosen Leipzig as his central position to defeat the widely separated Allied armies as they advanced to give battle. His first target was the Army of Bohemia advancing from the south. Early on the 16th, Napoleon had ordered …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #5: Generals Marshals & Tacticians

Scenario#: 204     Date: 1/25/1807     Location: Mohrungen, Poland

In early January Bennigsen ordered the Russian Army to go on the offensive. On the 19th Ney, who had extended his line in search of provisions, was attacked and brushed aside. General Markov then advanced toward Mohrungen where Bernadotte was …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #2: Russian Army

Scenario#: 5     Date: 6/10/1944     Location: Mont Mouchet, France

On June 10th, three tactical groups from the Wehrmacht, about 2,000 men with armored support, converged on Mont Mouchet. Simultaneously moving in from the west (Saint Flour), north (Langeac and Pinols) and east (Le Puy-en-Velay et Saugues) they were…

Memoir '44Memoir 44

Scenario#: 3673     Date: 6/10/1944     Location: Mont Mouchet, France

On June 10th, three tactical groups from the Wehrmacht, about 2,000 men with armored support, converged on Mont Mouchet. Simultaneously moving in from the west (Saint Flour), north (Langeac and Pinols) and east (Le Puy-en-Velay et Saugues) they were…

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 25     Location: Montcornet, France

De Gaulle's 4th DCR attacks the flank of the 1st Panzer Division.

Panzer (AH/MMP)Panzer Leader 1940

Scenario#: 219     Date: 2/11/1814     Location: Montmirail, France

After his victory at Champaubert, Napoleon found himself in the midst of Blucher’s forces. In Napoleon’s mind it was the central position again, a tactical position from which he achieved much success in the past. Blucher ordered both Sacken and …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #2: Russian Army

Scenario#: 9     Date: 1917-05-05     Location: Laffaux, France

As part of the Nivelle Offensive, VI French Army launches its assault on the Chemin des Dames at 04:45. Here Saint Chamond tanks enter action for the first time in the war. Their orders are to support infantry assaults by …

Great War CommanderGreat War Commander

Scenario#: A418     Date: July 27-28, 1809     Location: Talavera, Spain

Battle of Talavera

Horse & MusketAnnual #4

Scenario#: S050     Date: 11/21/1944     Location: Seppois, France

On November 20th, the German XIX Army launched a counterattack intended to push the Free French back from the city of Belfort and cut off the Free French forces in the Belfort gap and at the Rhine River. For the counterattack, the German commanders…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit Expansion Pack #1

Scenario#: A417     Date: August 17, 1812     Location: Smolensk, Russia

Battle of Smolensk (1812)

Horse & MusketAnnual #4