Browse Items (1167 total)

Scenario#: P05     Date: 7 June, 1944     Location: Pointe Du Hoc, France

As night approached, there was still no word from Omaha Beach. Colonel Rudder faced a difficult command decision with regard to the disposition of his limited forces. Of his original 200 men, over a third were casualties, though many of …


Scenario#: BOH09     Date: 06/07/1944     Location: Beaumont, France

Colonel Bob Sink directed the attack of his 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment (PIR) against Vierville and Beaumont with the objective of capturing the southern crossroads of St. Come-du—Mont. It was early on June 7th when the two battalions moved…

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesBand of Heroes

Scenario#: BOH10     Date: 06/07/1944     Location: Tameville, France

The men of the 6th Fallschirmjager Regiment were based near St Come du Mont en D-Day, and after successfully defending the town, commenced probing for enemy positions in an attempt to link up with other German forces. One patrol from …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesBand of Heroes

Scenario#: Demo     Date: 06/07/1944     Location: Vierville, France

The French village of Vierville straddled the road from Utah Beach to St. Come du Mont, a location key to the Americans and Germans alike. The Yanks captured Vierville on June 6th. 1944. but on June 7th, most of the …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesBand of Heroes

Scenario#: BP09     Date: 06/07/1944     Location: W Of Ste Mere L'eglise, France

On D-Day+ 1, the 82nd Airborne Division attempted to secure the Sainte-Mére-Eglíse zone by establishing roadblocks and patrolling the surrounding area. Simultaneously, the Germans prepared counterattacks. Here elements of the German 1058th Infanterie…

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesBattle Pack Bravo

Scenario#: HoN14     Date: 1944-06-07     Location: Vierville, France

The French village of Vierville straddled the road from Utah Beach to St. Come du Mont, a location key to the Americans and Germans alike. The Yanks captured Vierville on June 6th. 1944. but on June 7th, most of the …

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of Normandy

Scenario#: HoN15     Date: 1944-06-07     Location: Beaumont, France

Colonel Bob Sink directed the attack of his 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment (PIR) against Vierville and Beaumont with the objective of capturing the southern crossroads of St. Come-du—Mont. It was early on June 7th when the two battalions moved…

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of Normandy

Scenario#: HoN17     Date: 1944-06-07     Location: Tameville, France

The men of the 6th Fallschirmjager Regiment were based near St Come du Mont en D-Day, and after successfully defending the town, commenced probing for enemy positions in an attempt to link up with other German forces. One patrol from the 2nd…

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of Normandy

Scenario#: BoEC03     Date: 1944-06-07     Location: Angoville Au Plain, France

Lock 'n Load TacticalBattles of Easy Company

Scenario#: Comp08     Date: 1944-06-07     Location: W Of Ste Mere L'eglise, France

On D-Day+ 1, the 82nd Airborne Division attempted to secure the Sainte-Mére-Eglíse zone by establishing roadblocks and patrolling the surrounding area. Simultaneously, the Germans prepared counterattacks. Here elements of the German 1058th Infanterie…

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 3

Scenario#: DASL14     Date: 6/8/1944     Location: LaCambe, France

The U.S. 175th Infantry Regiment was to spearhead the 29th Infantry Division's advance on Isigny; and Company A was to lead the 175th. Lieutenant John Allsup was not at all pleased with his company's role, and he was barely encouraged by the…

Advanced Squad LeaderDeluxe Advanced Squad Leader

Scenario#: S041     Date: 6/8/1944     Location: St. Côme du Mont, France

Colonel Robert Sink and his unit, the five-oh-sinks, were trying to break the German hold on the town of St. Côme du Mont bewteen Carentan and St. Mere Eglise. To do this he manuevered several units into a line east of the town including the 1st…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit Bonus Pack #1

Scenario#: 11     Date: 6/8/1944     Location: Pont l'Abbe, France

An ad hoc group of roughly two parachute companies under Lt. Colonel Shanley were stopped cold on their drive toward the bridge at Pont L’Abbe. They fell back to high ground overlooking the Chef-Du-Pont crossing. The key element of the position was a…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 2 - Paratrooper

Scenario#: 15     Date: 6/8/1944     Location: Saint-Come-du-Mont, France

German paratroops and grenadiers had held St. Come-du-Mont against constant pressure from American paratroops for two days but the Americans were already getting relief from the beaches. And then the Americans cut the road to Carentan from the south…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 2 - Paratrooper

Scenario#: AP102     Date: 6/8/1944     Location: Pointe-du-Hoc, France

Companies D, E and F of the 2nd Rangers Battalion – having scaled the cliffs and accomplished their D-Day goals – were under heavy attack. That night, expected German attacks knocked the Rangers out of their forward positions along the coastal road,…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #11 29 Lets Go!

Scenario#: AP103     Date: 6/8/1944     Location: Grandcamp-Les-Bains, France

Immediately after the relief of Pointe-du-Hoc, Col. Canham, C.O. of the 116th Infantry Regiment, turned his attention to Grandcamp-les-Bains and its small but important harbor. 5th Rangers were ordered down the coastal road over a small, flooded…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #11 29 Lets Go!

Scenario#: N05     Date: 8 June, 1944     Location: Near Cauquigny, France

Landing on 7 June, the 325th Glider Infantry Regiment spent much of the day mai'ching and counter-marching. Late in the day, 1st Battalion was despatched across the ‘secret ford’ through the marshes to bolster Colonel Timmes’ 2/507th in their orchard…


Scenario#: N14     Date: 8 June, 1944     Location: North Of Amfreville, France

Lt Col. Timmes’ night patrols paid off. Lieutenant John Marr and Private Norman Carter stumbled upon the secret ford, and crossed to rendezvous with General Ridgeway at the Division CP. The General’s staff called on the 1st Battalion of the …


Scenario#: N15     Date: 8 June, 1944     Location: Les Heutes, France

By D+2, Timmes had the enormous psychological boost of a telephone line across the marsh to the far shore. He had also the shaken glidermen who had fallen back to the orchard after the confusion of the night. As dawn …


Scenario#: P06     Date: 8 June, 1944     Location: Pointe Du Hoc, France

After reaching St-Pierre-du-Moni before noon, the relief column planned to push along the coastal highway to the junction of the exit road from Pointe du Hoc. Company A of the 2nd Rangers, fonning the column’s point, got to a hamlet …


Scenario#: BOH11     Date: 06/08/1944     Location: St. Come Du Mont, France

Carentan was the key to preventing a linkup between American forces from Utah and Omaha Beach. Taking Carentan, however, meant that St. Come du Mont and the road leading southfrom the causeway to the town would have to be won. …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesBand of Heroes

Scenario#: BOH12     Date: 06/08/1944     Location: E Of St Come Du Mont, France

During the day of June 8th, the 327th Glider Infantry Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division assisted in the attack on St. Come du Mont. Their job was to destroy the four bridges that linked Carentan to the geninsula. It …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesBand of Heroes

Scenario#: HoN19     Date: 1944-06-08     Location: St. Come Du Mont, France

Carentan was the key to preventing a linkup between American forces from Utah and Omaha Beach. Taking Carentan, however, meant that St. Come du Mont and the road leading southfrom the causeway to the town would have to be won. The fight started on…

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of Normandy

Scenario#: HoN20     Date: 1944-06-08     Location: E Of St Come Du Mont, France

During the day of June 8th, the 327th Glider Infantry Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division assisted in the attack on St. Come du Mont. Their job was to destroy the four bridges that linked Carentan to the geninsula. It was one of their first…

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of Normandy

Scenario#: AP104     Date: 6/9/1944     Location: Auville-Sur-La-Vey, France

The 175th Infantry Regiment landed on June 7 and, aided by the 747th Tank Battalion, spent all the next day and into the night fighting through Ost Bataillon 621 into a rubbled Isigny to secure its bridge over the Aure. As 9 June dawned, most of the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #11 29 Lets Go!

Scenario#: AP133     Date: 6/9/1944     Location: Azeville, France

Despite significant bombing and shelling, the batteries at Azeville and Crisbecq still posed a serious threat to the Allied landings. Supported by Sherman tanks, the 22nd Infantry Regiment began attacks on both batteries on 7 June, only to be…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #14 Oktoberfest XXXIV

Scenario#: N06     Date: 9 June, 1944     Location: La Fiere Manoir, France

George Company was assigned to the assault over the Merderet. In advance of his company, Captain Sauls reconnoitred the way forward, hauled aside the 507th Regiment’s dead from the road ahead, and waited for the promised smoke barrage. The deadline …


Scenario#: N07     Date: 9 June, 1944     Location: La Fiere Manoir, France

3rd Battalion, 325th Glider Infantry Regiment had until recently been 2nd Battalion, 401 Glider Infantry. Now attached to the 325th, some resentment was felt by the orphaned unit. Resentment worsened on the approach march to La Fiere, as their…


Scenario#: N08     Date: 9 June, 1944     Location: Around Cauquigny, France

The plan was that George Company should deploy to the left of the causeway, Easy to the right. But in the turmoil of the crossing, units were mingled inextricably. By the time Captain Harney’s Fox Company came on the scene, …


Scenario#: N11     Date: 9 June, 1944     Location: West Of Amfreville, France

On the night of the 6lh June, George V Millett, Colonel of the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, had come down in a grain field about a thousand yards south of the DZ. He gathered a small force and struck east …


Scenario#: CD01     Date: 9 June, 1944     Location: Le Port-feliolet, France

Shanley used his radio contact with Colonel Lindquist at Chef du Pont to plead for supplies, and by nightfall was promised that a convoy would make an attempt. But first, the Germans would have to be cleared from the western …

Combat!Combat! Dairy #1

Scenario#: CD02     Date: 9 June, 1944     Location: Le Port-feliolet, France

Lt Colonel Shanley weighed his determination to hold his assigned position against the desperate state of his seriously wounded men. As the sun rose on his third morning on the hill, Lindquist radioed from Chef du Pont with the news …

Combat!Combat! Dairy #1

Scenario#: CD03     Date: 9 June, 1944     Location: La Fiere Manoir, France

Third battalion of the 325th Glider Infantry Regiment was lined up to assault the causeway in sequence of companies: George, Easy, Fox. As 1st Platoon of Easy arrived at La Fiere, the bulk of George Company was still strung out …

Combat!Combat! Dairy #1

Scenario#: CD04     Date: 9 June, 1944     Location: West Of Cauquigny, France

Through the afternoon, German artillery continued to pound the men of 3/325th Glider Infantry, and the menace of counter attack loomed. Fearful for Fox Company’s open flank, Harney pleaded with his colonel for support. Before himself collapsing from…

Combat!Combat! Dairy #1

Scenario#: TUS05     Date: 1944-06-09     Location: W Of Carentan, France

Lock 'n Load TacticalThe Untold Stories

Scenario#: 26     Date: June 1944     Location: Caen, France

The French city Of Caen was a vital objective of the Normandy landings on D-Day. Located in the British and Canadian sector, the plan was for the British 3rd Infantry Division to push through the German defenders and capture city …

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #3 Operations For The Drive To The Rhine - The Second Front

Scenario#: TUS08     Date: 1944-06-10     Location: W Of Carentan, France

Lock 'n Load TacticalThe Untold Stories

Scenario#: E2     Date: 11 June 1944     Location: Carentan, France

Lieutenant Colonel Cole’s 3rd battalion drew the assignment of attacking down the main road to Carentan from the north. The road crossed 4 rivers, the last one being the Madeleine River, and became known to the troopers as ’Purple Heart …

Band of BrothersExtras

Scenario#: 1225     Date: 6/11/1944     Location: Carentan, France

Rommel realized the danger to the Axis defenses should Carentan fall, for it was the link between the two US beaches and also the key to an American drive west to cut the base of the Cotentin Peninsula. The defense …

Memoir '44Online - No Air Rules

Scenario#: 3689     Date: 6/11/1944     Location: Carentan, France

Rommel realized the danger to the Axis defenses should Carentan fall, for it was the link between the two US beaches and also the key to an American drive west to cut the base of the Cotentin Peninsula. The defense …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: W02     Date: June 11, 1944     Location: Emelie, France

Having just landed in Normandy a handful of days prior, men of the "Sante Fe" Division were about to get their first taste of combat in France. Patches of heavy fog drifted through the fields, and the green troops were …

Old School TacticalVolume 2 Western Front

Scenario#: 184     Date: 6/11/1944     Location: Carentan, France

To reach Carentan, the Americans would have to cross a causeway carrying the highway from Saint-Comte-du-Mont through the low-lying swamps. As the 3rd Battalion of the "Screaming Eagles" pushed toward the town, Germans in a grouping of farmhouses…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 3a Yanks (2nd Edition)

Scenario#: CAR2     Date: 6/11/1944     Location: Carentan, France

Carentan 11th June 1944: The 101st Airborne planned on attacking southward across the Douves river, bypassing the town of Carentan, and seizing la Billonerie (Hill 30) thereby cutting off the primary German escape routes. The 502nd Parachute lnfantry…

Panzer (AH/MMP)Panzerblitz: Hill of Death - Carentan

Scenario#: Comp16     Date: 1944-06-11     Location: Carentan, France

The Americans were ashore to stay. The problem was that someone had forgotten to tell the Germans, especially the German paratroopers, the Fallschirmjagers. They held tight to Carentan, patrolling the area to keep the Americans from tightening their…

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 1

Scenario#: 31     Date: 1944-06-11     Location: Hill 192, France

After landing on June 7th at Omaha beach, the 2nd Division moved inland and was eventually tasked with cutting the St Lo-Bayeux highway in mid-June. This operation was a critical part of enabling the planned 3rd Army breakout south out of Normandy…

Last Hundred YardsMission Pack 1

Scenario#: 3     Date: 12 June 1944     Location: Carentan, France

Airborne forces were theorized to be elite, shock forces that would be used for just a few days and then withdrawn for refit and preparation for the next operation. Before D-Day they were told they needed to give 3 days …

Band of BrothersBand of Brothers

Scenario#: 6831     Date: 6/12/1944     Location: Saint-Clair-sur-Elle, France

After the crossing of the swampy area of Aure river, the soldiers of 29th US Infantry Division who advanced towards Saint-Lô, entered in the normand bocage (hedgerow). On the Elle river, the German defense was stronger. Units of the German …

Memoir '44Open de France 2011

Scenario#: 19304     Date: 6/12/1944     Location: Caumont l'Eventé, France

One week after D-day, it was still time for the consolidation of the Allied beach heads. In the area of Omaha Beach, the next objective for the 1st US Infantry Division "Big Red One" was to capture Caumont l'Eventé, a …

Memoir '44Open de France 2018

Scenario#: S043     Date: 6/12/1944     Location: Carentan, France

The key to the initial assaults on the Cotentin Peninsula was the town of Carentan. Control of this vital town of approximately 4000 people would allow Utah and Omaha beach to be securely joined. At approximately 0530 on 12 June, elements of the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit Bonus Pack #1

Scenario#: AP105     Date: 6/12/1944     Location: Montmartin-en-Graignes, France

With the paratroopers of the 101st Airborne fully engaged outside Carentan, the 29th was ordered to conduct a reconnaissance in force west of the Vire to test the German forces and to capture two important bridges. At the last moment, General Norman…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #11 29 Lets Go!