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Scenario#: 3739     Date: 2/22/1943     Location: Kasserine Pass, Tunisia

After the Anglo-American landings in North Africa on November 8, 1942, the Americans remained optimistic about their ability to fight an opponent like Rommel and the Afrika Korps. Although in headlong retreat after the Battle of El Alamein, Rommel…

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 3738     Date: 1/13/1943     Location: Matanikau River, Guadalcanal

At the start of the new year, General Patch ordered the 2nd and 8th Marines to drive westward and clear the Japanese Resistance from the hills overlooking the coast near Point Cruz. On January 13th, Marines assaulted the Japanese positions …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 3737     Date: 9/14/1942     Location: Henderson Field, Guadalcanal

Bloody Ridge consisted of a series of grassy ridges south of Henderson Field where Colonel "Red Mike" Edson had positioned his troops. The Japanese attack began with a bombardment, followed by a powerful thrust that pushed back the Marine companies …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 3736     Date: 8/21/1942     Location: Alligator Creek, Guadalcanal

During the night of August 20-21, Marine scouts on the east bank of Alligator Creek detected the movement of a large body of Japanese troops. Col. Kiyonao Ichiki ordered his infantry troops forward, using "human wave" tactics, but the 2nd …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 3735     Date: 1/11/1942     Location: Mabatang, Phillipines

The first major battle of the "Fighting Retreat" occurred south of Calaguiman River. Supported by artillery, the 57th Infantry, set up a line of defense extending from Manila Bay through Mabatang across open ground. The Japanese 65th Brigade and 9th…

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 3731     Date: 3/6/1945     Location: Iwo Jima, Pacific

On February 26, 1945 the Marines of the 4th Division found themselves facing a formidable complex of defensive positions on Iwo Jima. Hill 382, The Amphitheater, Turkey Knob and the village of Minami, were to become collectively known as the …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 3730     Date: 5/19/1945     Location: Half Moon, Okinawa

The Japanese units defending the western flank of the Shuri line were in a strong defensive position. Entrenched in tunnels with interlocking fields of fire between Sugar Loaf, Half Moon and the surrounding hills, they were able to hold off …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 3729     Date: 7/25/1944     Location: Asan, Guam

Lieutenant General Takeshi's counter-attack plan called for a night attack on July 25/26. The goal was to split the 3rd Marines Division and target ammunition and supply dumps. The front-line of the 3rd Marines was stretched thin in the area …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 3728     Date: 7/21/1944     Location: Asan, Guam

On July 21st, the first wave to hit the northern landing beaches off the island of Guam in the Marianas, were amphibious tank units. Most of the Japanese infantry had pulled back from their beach defenses during the heavy naval …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 3727     Date: 1/22/1943     Location: Mount Austen, Guadalcanal

At the close of the year, Major General Millard Harmon, commanding U.S. Army Forces in the South Pacific concluded that Mount Austen, the high ground that dominated American positions around Henderson Field, had to be taken in order to secure …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 3726     Date: 10/23/1942     Location: Matanikau River, Guadalcanal

A four-pronged Japanese plan to attack and recapture Henderson Field on Guadalcanal was scheduled for October 22nd, 1942. The main force, 7,000 men under the command of General Maruyama, planned to approach the airfield from the South, but found…

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 3725     Date: 12/23/1941     Location: Wake Island, Pacific

A coral atoll lost in the vast expanse of the North Pacific, Wake Island was home to "PAAville", a small stopover on Pan American Airways' U.S.-China route during the 1930s. In the military build-up to the war, the US Navy …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 3714     Date: 2/24/1945     Location: Linnich, Germany

The 9th Army was lined up along the River Roer on the 23rd of February at the start of Operation Grenade. The river had receded enough to make a crossing possible and the Operation opened with a tremendous artillery bombardment. …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 3713     Date: 2/9/1945     Location: Schwammenauel Dam, Germany

Before Operation 'Veritable' and 'Grenade' could begin, there was a matter of the Roer dams to consider. These dams were located in an area of steep gorges, small mountains and narrow roads. Earlier attempts to capture the dams had failed …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 3708     Date: 6/13/1944     Location: Carentan, France

The town of Carentan was the key to the American drive west to cut off the base of the Cotentin Peninsula. After two days of fighting and desperately short of ammunition, the Germans pulled their forces out of Carentan and …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 3707     Date: 12/1/1942     Location: Tebourba, Tunisia

On November 29th and 30th it was tough going for the still largely green Allied Combat Command. The Allies had launched two unsuccessful attacks to take the town of Djedeida and clear a path for the march on Tunis. Then …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 3702     Date: 6/6/1944     Location: Utah Beach, France

The American plan was that following the air and naval bombardment, the 8th Regiment would land first, followed by Duplex Drive (DD) tanks. Utah was divided into a northern beach 'Tare' and a southern beach 'Uncle'. When Brigadier General Theodore …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 3700     Date: 9/19/1944     Location: Arracourt, France

Part of the problem for the German forces involved in the Lorraine counter-offensive was the "Eastern" outlook of many of the units. They were unfamiliar with the US Army and its very different tactics. On the Eastern front, tank formations …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 3697     Date: 8/7/1944     Location: Mortain, France

"We must strike like lightning!" - Adolf Hitler to Field Marshall Von Kluge 'Unternehmen Luttich' began shortly before midnight on the evening of August 3rd. Under direct orders from Hitler, four armored divisions launched a counterattack westward…

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 3696     Date: 7/26/1944     Location: Marigny, France

Operation "Cobra" was predicated on the saturation bombing of German lines over a narrow front. After the bombing, an attack would be made by three infantry divisions, with two armored and one infantry divisions held in reserve of this breakout …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 3694     Date: 6/6/1944     Location: Pointe-du-Hoc, France

Planners felt that the German batteries on Pointe-du-Hoc would be one of the most daunting threats to Allied forces landing on Omaha in the morning of D-Day. Set atop 100 foot cliffs west of the beach, the guns' range were …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 3689     Date: 6/11/1944     Location: Carentan, France

Rommel realized the danger to the Axis defenses should Carentan fall, for it was the link between the two US beaches and also the key to an American drive west to cut the base of the Cotentin Peninsula. The defense …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 3687     Date: 12/18/1944     Location: Krinkekt, Belgium

The Ardennes offensive began in the pre-dawn hours of Saturday, 16th December 1944. The northernmost element of the German attack was an attempt by the 67th Corps in the Monschau forest to push through the left wing of the US …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 3686     Date: 12/30/1944     Location: Bastogne, Belgium

On December 30th German High Command's plan to capture Bastogne called for a push from the west simultaneously with another from the east. The object of these two forces was to pinch the corridor at Assenois south of the town. …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 3685     Date: 12/30/1944     Location: Bastogne, Belgium

On December 30th German High Command's plan to capture Bastogne called for a push from the west simultaneously with another from the east. The object of these two forces was to pinch the corridor at Assenois south of the town. …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 3684     Date: 12/22/1944     Location: Trois Ponts, Belgium

Ordered to move to the relief of Kampfgruppe 'Peiper', Max Hansen on December 21st started probing with his battlegroup between Trois-Ponts and Grand-Halleux. The 505th Parachute Regiment had established a defensive front to defend or blow the…

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 3680     Date: 7/11/1944     Location: la Croix-Rouge, France

For the past month, Hill 192, a dominating height east of the Vire River, has given the Germans a superb observation position on all the approaches to St-Lo, as well as the rear areas of V Corps as far as …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 3678     Date: 12/22/1944     Location: Saint-Vith, Belgium

As early as August 1944, Adolf Hitler began formulating plans for what would become the Ardennes offensive. While too ambitious for the available resources and terrain, the plan was deemed by the German High Command as having more chances of …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 3676     Date: 8/25/1944     Location: Montélimar, France

The Montélimar battle square, bounded on three sides by rivers, covered ground that alternated between flat open farmland and rugged hills and woods. Route N-7, the main north-south artery, runs along the Rhone River and was vital to the German …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 3672     Date: 6/6/1944     Location: Sainte-Mère-Église, France

Establishment of a defensive base at Sainte-Mère-Église was one of the key objectives of the US 82nd Airborne Division. In contrast with other regiments, the 505th Parachute Infantry, landing northwest of Sainte-Mère-Église, had one of the most…

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 3591     Date: 2/18/1944     Location: Eniwetok Atoll, Marshall Islands

Eniwetok Atoll lies 330 miles northwest of Kwajalein and is the most western island in the Marshalls. The Japanese occupied the 3 principal islands there: Engebi, Parry and Eniwetok. The quick capture of Kwajalein allowed the US command to advance …

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: 3590     Date: 2/2/1944     Location: Kwajalein island, Marshall Islands

The landing beaches were on the southwestern end of Kwajalein island. All Japanese strong points had been shelled and obliterated before landing, so by the end of day, on February 1, the Marines were well inland. On February 2nd and …

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: 3589     Date: 2/1/1944     Location: Roi-Namur, Marshall Islands

Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands - Eager to set up forward air bases capable of supporting operations across the mid-Pacific and into Japan, the U.S. desperately needed to take the Marianas Islands. But this archipelago of volcanic mountains was so…

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: 3588     Date: 2/1/1944     Location: Roi-Namur, Marshall Islands

The assault craft and control officers were still trying to sort things out for the landing on Namur when the signal was given to attack. Col. Hart, seeing the Roi assault was already under way, realized that his entire operation …

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: 3585     Date: 2/1/1944     Location: Roi-Namur, Marshall Islands

The assault on Roi-Namur started with the USS Tennessee shelling the blockhouse on eastern side of the islands, near the sand spit connecting Roi to Namur. Tanks of the 1st Armored Amphibian Tractor Battalion landed first on Roi near Wendy …

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: 3468     Date: 1/11/1942     Location: Mabatang, Phillipines

The first major battle of the "Fighting Retreat" occurred south of Calaguiman River. Supported by artillery, the 57th Infantry, set up a line of defense extending from Manila Bay through Mabatang across open ground. The Japanese 65th Brigade and 9th…

Memoir '44Online - No Air Rules

Scenario#: 3466     Date: 1/13/1943     Location: Matanikau River, Guadalcanal

At the start of the new year General Patch ordered the 2nd and 8th Marines to drive westward and clear the Japanese Resistance from the hills overlooking the coast near Point Cruz. On January 13th, Marines assaulted the Japanese positions …

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: 3465     Date: 9/12/1942     Location: Henderson Field, Guadalcanal

Bloody Ridge consisted of a series of grassy ridges south of Henderson Field where Col. "Red Mike" Edson had positioned his troops. The Japanese attack began with a bombardment, followed by a powerful thrust that pushed back the Marine companies …

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: 3464     Date: 8/20/1942     Location: Alligator Creek, Guadalcanal

During the night of August 20-21, Marine scouts on the east bank of Alligator Creek detected the movement of a large body of Japanese troops. Col. Kiyonao Ichiki ordered his infantry troops forward, using "human wave tactics" but the 2nd …

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: 1599     Date: 12/23/1941     Location: Wake Island, Pacific

A coral atoll lost in the vast expanse of the North Pacific, Wake Island was home to "PAAville", a small stop-over on Pan American Airways' U.S.-China route during the 1930s. In the military build-up to the war, the US Navy …

Memoir '44Pacific Theater

Scenario#: 1584     Date: 2/15/1943     Location: Kasserine Pass, Tunisia

After the Anglo-American landings in North Africa on November 8, 1942, the Americans remained optimistic about their ability to fight an opponent like Rommel and the Afrika Korps. Although in headlong retreat after the Battle of El Alamein, Rommel…

Memoir '44Online - No Air Rules

Scenario#: 1521     Date: 5/4/1945     Location: Tanabaru, Okinawa

The Japanese began their counter-offensive on the night of May 3rd, 1945. The 24th Division, supported by the Japanese 27th Tank Regiment, decided to push forward in six separate thrusts. Their main objective was to break through the US Army …

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: 1520     Date: 6/20/1945     Location: Medeera, Okinawa

By the 3rd month of the battle on Okinawa, the remnants of the Japanese army had withdrawn to the south end of the island. Although the front had narrowed for the assaulting Marine Divisions, there were still irreducible pockets of …

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: 1518     Date: 5/13/1945     Location: Sugar Loaf, Okinawa

The Japanese units defending the western flank of the Shuri line were in a strong defensive position. Entrenched in tunnels with interlocking fields of fire between Sugar Loaf, Half Moon and the surrounding hills, they were able to hold off …

Memoir '44Pacific Theater

Scenario#: 1517     Date: 9/15/1944     Location: Peleliu, Palau

At 05.30 the morning of September 15, 1944, naval support ships began a massive pre-landing bombardment of Peleliu, in the Palau islands. Armored amphibious tanks came ashore ahead of the infantry waves of the 1st, 5th and 7th Marines. But …

Memoir '44Pacific Theater

Scenario#: 1512     Date: 9/15/1944     Location: Peleliu, Palau

By the summer of 1944, victories in the Southwest and Central Pacific put American bombers within striking distance of the Japanese mainland. General MacArthur turned his attention to recapturing the Philippines. But first he had to capture the Palau…

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: 1508     Date: 11/25/1944     Location: Peleliu, Palau

After their losses in the Solomons, Gilberts, Marshalls and Marianas, the Imperial Army developed a new island defense strategy; abandoning their early beach-based perimeter defense tactics, their new strategy aimed only to disrupt the landings,…

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: 1488     Date: 7/25/1944     Location: Asan, Guam

Lt. General Takeshi's counterattack plan called for a night attack on July 25/26. The goal was to split the 3rd Marines and target ammunition and supply dumps. The frontline of the 3rd Marines was stretched thin in the area and …

Memoir '44Pacific Theater

Scenario#: 1487     Date: 7/21/1944     Location: Asan, Guam

On July 21st, the first wave to hit the northern landing beaches off the island of Guam in the Marianas, were amphibious tank units. Most of the Japanese infantry had pulled back from their beach defenses during the heavy naval …

Memoir '44Pacific Theater

Scenario#: 1486     Date: 7/27/1944     Location: Orote Peninsula, Guam

Ringed by reefs and steep cliffs, battered by heavy surf, Guam presents a formidable challenge for any attacker. On July 21 the Americans landed on both sides of the Orote peninsula on the western side of Guam, intending to cut …

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2